Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Official Metro Complaints: Worth it or a Waste of Time?

Yesterday, the Examiner ran a story citing Metro's own statistics about how the number of Metrorail complaints had dropped not five percent, not 10 percent, not 15 percent, but a whopping 18 percent!

Same for the highly regarded MetroAccess!

Hallelujah! Sorta reminds me of this Metro miracle.

Sadly, the one bummer in this otherwise sunny story is that Metrobus complaints rose a meager five percent. It's always the damned bus.

Snark aside, I'm left wondering about this. Did Metro really get that much better, or have people simply decided that complaining is futile? Have you ever seen a resolution to a complaint you filed, or did you simply receive an email saying Metro would look into it?

Reader Tom asks the same question. Seriously, what do you think?
I had an incident on the N2 bus around 5 p.m. on Thursday that I wanted to share.

I was getting on the bus, and as I stepped into the doorway, the driver closed the door, basically squashing my body.

In the process, my arm was bruised and possibly worse (it still hurts after almost 2 days).

The driver said nothing, no acknowledgement that something happened, never mind an apology.

To be clear, I did not attempt to board the bus as the doors were closing; I was in the doorway when the driver closed the door.

By the way he drove, it doesn't surprise me that he was in a rush to close the door.

As I was getting off the bus, I informed the driver that he closed the door on my body and that it had hurt my arm.

He said he couldn't see me, and I told him, in a respectful manner, that he should be more careful as the operator of the bus.

He then turned it around to blame it on me.

I told him that he needed to learn how to operate his bus, and took the bus number. He then shot back: "Yeah you want my name too!?"

I was incensed and in a rush, so I did not take his name but completed an on-line complaint via Metro. I said that my arm hurt and may be injured, and that I'd be following up with further inquiries in that regard as necessary or appropriate.

I am still very angry and was wondering if the online complaint form is an exercise in futility and if you had other ideas on whom to contact.

I suppose I could e-mail the entire DC Metro management, but any thoughts would be appreciated.

This experience of atrocious treatment by Metro bus drivers certainly is not isolated.
Other items:
Metro could see ridership hit (Examiner)

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Similar experience about a year ago on Metro train at Pentagon City. Doors popped open, I step through immediately (standing right next to them), doors slam shut trapping me by my shoulders with one foot in the air and one on the floor. Escaped by squirming and pulling until popped out and fell onto platform. Train pulls out, with fellow passengers staring out the now closed door wondering why they couldn't get off train. Complained to station manager, security, and phone complaint system, eventually sent email too. Pain and bruises for days. NO RESPONSE from Metro. Ever.

If you ignore people long enough, many of them (including me) get frustrated and stop wasting their own time complaining. You then can show that complants are down so it must be due to your brilliant management!
2 replies · active 698 weeks ago
Wow! You too? That happened to me in Crystal City a few years ago, standing right at the doors, exited promptly when they opened, then they immediately closed with no warning. The bystanders/witnesses were completely shocked! Since it was a yellow late in the evening (and I knew when it left Huntington) any reasonable log would say who was running the train .... but metro could not puzzle out who had it.
Same here, getting off a train at King Street. I was standing by the door when the train stopped, and immediately started walking out when the door opened. After the door had been open for perhaps the one second, it closed on me, and I was pinned between the doors. I stood there for a few seconds waiting to see if they were going to reopen, I just pushed them apart and extracted myself.
I complained about a rude bus driver a few months ago. I got a canned email from Metro saying they'd investigate. I never heard anything after, despite repeated attempts to follow up. They just went silent. I gave them the name of the driver and the bus number.
3 replies · active 699 weeks ago
BULL ----T
You are asking families to investigate family members. These people hire and protect people they call "family" and the union rehires "family".
They wont!
UnSuck Fan's avatar

UnSuck Fan · 699 weeks ago

I'm sure the reason why "the number of complaints dropped" is, because, if they can, more people are abandoning Metro and finding other ways to get to work as seen in today's Washington Examiner.
3 replies · active 583 weeks ago
DC Denizen's avatar

DC Denizen · 699 weeks ago

I had the same exact thought. Those with the most reason to complain are abandoning the system.
I took Metro for about two years. I had enough bad experiences and rote language B.S. emails from Metro when I did file complaints that I eventually just started driving to work. Traffic can be annoying at times, but my commutes to and from work are WAY less stressful since I stopped using Metro.
I once had a door on a train close on my head right after it opened .... no delay, the door opened then closed a half second later without warning. The people on the platform were as shocked as I was.

Of couse I tried filing a complaint on metro's site giving all the info they should need to ID the operator for any organization that keeps reasonable equiptment logs. I got the usual 'we are investigating' reply. When I got tired of waiting I contacted them back ... they were unable to determine who had been driving the train (really metro?) so had dropped the matter.

When there was the red line FUBAR this morning I briefly thought about what would happen if I complained. A moment later I realized nothing would come of it and I would have spent all that time filling out the complaint form for nothing.
The online comment form isn't easy to find and it's annoying to complete. Then after you're done, nothing changes. I could write to Metro and ask why the sign at Glenmont doesn't say 6 or 8 cars so we know where to stand but it's not like they're going to make a change.
What is a considered a "complaint"? Is it the "Metro Customer Comment Form" that is never responded to? And if so is it only the "Metro Customer Comment Form" entries that are marked complaint?

As in if you submit an accident report is it considered a complaint or something else?

I long ago stopped using the "Metro Customer Comment Form" since you rarely receive a response and when you do it is clear that Metro doesn’t care about your comments.

For example the overcrowding at Gallery Place, I filled out forms, mailed every local metro board member and such, and barely received any real commitment or acknowledgement that safety was an issue. The best comment received was once I finally emailed the metro police contact on the website… Now finally two or three years later they did take out some benches to try to improve the flow of people during the regular overcrowding at Gallery Place.
Metro Ryder's avatar

Metro Ryder · 699 weeks ago

The online comment form blows. I've even sent in good comments (2) and got no response.

I've called to complain before (cannot remember the number, sorry), but they only take calls during standard business hours. Kind of useless for transit before and after standard business hours. However, the person I talked to when I called was super nice and seemed to care. I have no idea if anything came of my complaint.

Metro needs to count Twitter and Facebook statuses as complaints. That's where people go to complain because it's easier than anything metro has.
Anyone have fun at Gallery Place/Chinatown last night? Sick customer at L'Enfant, they didnt make any announcement of it, I had to find out about it on freaking twitter. That freaking platform started overflowing. I went upstairs, took the red line to Metro Center and took the blue line to Arlington, F that crap.
2 replies · active 699 weeks ago
Oh, and of course, there was no coverage on Dr. Gridlock's blog. He wouldn't want to make metro look bad....
You were lucky that you could get off the platform. I was stuck down there for a half hour and wasn't able to move back to the escalator.
Red Line's avatar

Red Line · 699 weeks ago

I sent Metro a complaint several months ago about a station manager at Columbia Heights who became verbally aggressive after I asked him for help because my Smarttrip wouldn't work. I knocked on the window to get his attention and I guess he thought I was going to attack him? I didn't think he could hear me calling from outside the booth. The man would not give me his name when I told him his behavior was threatening and I intended to contact his supervisor.

I'm a petite woman; I'm not sure why a large man inside a booth would think I was about to attack him. Then I heard other riders' stories about interacting with Metro employees and realized this was par for the course. I received a stock e-mail (i.e. we'll look into it) from Metro and haven't thought it was worth my time to make another complaint since.

I'm concerned about serious issues though- like injuries for which Metro should be held accountable. Metro employees are frequently careless, putting riders in danger, and yet Metro isn't held accountable because it just doesn't answer the phone? And then touts fewer complaints as a sign that service is improving? Bullshit.
2 replies · active 699 weeks ago
Gotta start using cameraphones in these situations. Photographic evidence is very important in these situations.
I have to disagree that photographic evidence is important in these situations. In the REAL world, where employers hold people accountable when people are confronted with video evidence of their behavior, it is important. But this is not the REAL world. This is Metro, where video evidence receives the same careful, thoughtful consideration as any other information connected with a complaint: NONE.
I sent comments in twice 2 weeks ago and haven't heard anything, not even a confirmation email.
Maybe send an actual letter, certfied mail so they can't say they didn't get it and copy the NTSB? They seem to be the only thing Metro fears. I realize that's a pain but if the incident is serious enough, like being injured, it may be worth it.
1 reply · active 699 weeks ago
Another Anon's avatar

Another Anon · 699 weeks ago

Unfortunately, WMATA will then just refuse to accept delivery.
Tom, I work for a transit agency in another state. Numerous times I have had customers state the same incident that you did. The best way to get a result from this type of incident is to immediately take down the bus number, driver's badge number, time, location, and route number. Inform the driver that you were caught in the door - if he refused to do anything about it or blames it on you, then take it higher up. Drivers are supposed to report all incidents that occur on their buses. "I couldn't see you" is no excuse for closing a door on a customer. That's why they have interior mirrors in the front of the bus for the driver to see. Take the information you have and call customer service and ask for the phone number for the bus garage the route comes out of. Then call the garage and speak to a manager on duty and tell them about the incident. They are the first line responders and will see the driver right away and can investigate the incident. Also, contact Metro's claims department and start a report with them, especially if you have any physical injury. Those online forms have to go through too many people before they reach the right department and can take days or weeks sometimes. That's enough time for any evidence caught on bus video cameras to be taped over or for the driver to forget the incident. I hope this helps you.
I emailed the board of directors a while back and saw a swift response and action towards my complaint, which i think had something to do with how my smarttrip card had completely stopped working for no apparent reason. They called me a day later and gave me the money that was on my card but also a brand new smart trip. One of the better days for metro administration. Now, i'm not sure if the board of directors even takes emails. I think you have to go through the regular metro complaint line. This line sucks. I filed a complaint on a station manager that threatened to call the cops on me becuase i informed him of a woman puking on the turnstile to get in and out of the station. In this case, some lady from metro called me and basically just listened to waht i had to say and that she understood. She claimed the incident would be taken up with the station manager. I never received any more follow up and the station manager is still there at twinbrook. Honestly i think she just let me rant on the phone and that was the end of it. I don't think anything else happened after i talked to her. So yea, complaint lines are useless. It's just a way for them to listen to the complaint and then do absolutely nothing about it.
former employee's avatar

former employee · 699 weeks ago

Employees who make a complaints to safety goes unnotice. Repeted calls and nothing happens, but when you threaten to call OSHA and do, your ass will go down to Metro medical, drug test, and Psycho evaluation. When all comes back negative you are black balled. The psycho Dr. recommended that I do not go back to same dept. but Mgmt. ignored that recommendation. So if think complaints matter, you just matters worst. I decided that "hell no" my health was more important than putting up with anymore retalilation. I quit and never regretted it.
1 reply · active 699 weeks ago
Metro sends you to a psych who treats gays and lesbians to write a report to lie for them and the reports costs thousands of tax payers dollars.

Who all is kahootz with metro, dc govt, eeo, and or others?
anonymous's avatar

anonymous · 699 weeks ago

Remember how they were fixing all the hot cars? lol
This would be a great opportunity for some aspiring filmmaker to make a movie. Follow the stories of 5 or 6 people, each with a legitimate complaint, as they try to get something done (or even a reply) from Metro. No fair making up complaints just for the movie, and have them try several different methods to see how they differ. Wish I had the money, I would help produce it!
How many people don't file a complaint because they don't feel it will change anything or don’t want to deal with more rude people?
I sent a complaint to Metro two years ago after being cussed out by the station manager at Franconia-Springfield. As a commuter that uses that station twice a day, I have yet to see her. Whether or not they moved her to a different position doesn't concern me. My complain was addressed in a manner that I feel is satisfactory.
DMC in DC's avatar

DMC in DC · 699 weeks ago

I was almost side swiped (aka almost sent off the road into a ravine) by a Metro Bus. I emailed a complaint with all the bus information, date, time and what happened... and just got a form letter in return. What's the use of filing a complaint when nothing is done?
DMC in DC's avatar

DMC in DC · 699 weeks ago

Oh and then there's the time I called Metro police and the just rang and rang and rang... nobody ever answered, so I just hung up and gave up and hoped for the best.
Dr. Gridlock says all complaints are dealt with swiftly and effectively. He also swears he isn't a paid stool pigeon for Metro....
1 reply · active 699 weeks ago
Apparently Dr. Gridlock has never filed a complaint with Metro. Or he lives in a parallel universe where trains run smoothly and on time, and employees are courteous and professional; where buses are clean and efficient forms of public transporation; where reporters always tell the truth, and Metro officials never tell a lie. Must be nice...
Stan Dessel's avatar

Stan Dessel · 699 weeks ago

All of the complaints received online, through social media and via the telephone are handled personally and immediately by the GM, Mr. Richard Sarles.
wouldratherdrive's avatar

wouldratherdrive · 699 weeks ago

I think Metro should be bombarded daily with complaints - seriously file your complaint every day - form letter style.. Maybe it would make the numbers jump up. Send them to multiple folks in different departments. I think someone should post a list of email addresses, fax numbers and the like so it would be easier for folks to be able to let them know exactly how awful everything really is - whether they care or not.
wouldratherdrive's avatar

wouldratherdrive · 699 weeks ago

I also think that a news crew - should do something along the lines of A Week with Metro as expose - cameras all over (undercover or cell of course) showcasing the various train lines and their issues. Heck - make a week of it. The only way anything will get done is media exposing the mess in all it's ugliness. Get those nasty station managers, train and bus operators on camera, showcase all the broken escalators - bring portable thermometers on the trains and document the temps, video the doors slamming on people. Have the folks write email complaints and then wait and wait and wait.. then expose that as well.

Just because nothing has gotten done YET doesn't mean you give up and stop trying. Change the game plan and expose it for all to see on the major news networks. Hopefully that will get their attention
1 reply · active 699 weeks ago
Yeah unfortunately Dr. Gridlock and the bozo's at the post are in Metro's pocket...
I took the metro the other day with a visitor's left over paper farecard. I got yelled at by a station manager because it was not working and I was 'wasting my time' . I will not be reporting the incident. Not worth my time.
I skip the online form and just email my complaints directly to:


Not sure if they get through, but I don't get bouncebacks and I did get a response. The usual empty promises to investigate but it was a response.
Arrived at Shady Grove with wife and two kids and my wifes smart card wouldn't work; so we have to ask the station manager for help which always fills one with trepidation. The female manager in question certainly did not dissapoint; she was rude, surly, barked ar us, refused to listen. I don't know if they get training on this or if its just natural talent. We then got to stand in a puddle of urine on the elevator to the parking lot. When the next rate hike?
My boyfriend recently lost his car due to engine troubles and could not afford to fix it nor afford a new one. So he is relegated to using the DC Metro system to commute to work. His job requires that he be on time as he is a fitness instructor and does not have the leisure of making up his time at the end of the day when he comes in late. His ability to generate revenue is driven by his clients...and he must be present and on time to train his clients...otherwise he doesn't get paid....see where I'm going with this? That's right. Metro's incredibly horrible and unreliable system has cost him a considerable amount of money and clientel due to their consistantly failed service.
My boyfriend has spent over $700.00 just this year in cab fares to get him to his clients on time because Metro (though they truly regret the inconvenience...because they say so) is running late or has broken down for some reason or another. $700.00!!!!....in cab fares.....because he can't rely on Metro...yet they keep hiking the prices! It's ludicrous how poorly the system functions. My boyfriend sadly enough is working in the red at times because of Metro. He at present can't afford a car otherwise the Metro and their inadequacies would be a non-issue. Yet now, he is stuck in a hole with Metro's ever increasing fares and then the last minute resort to pay incredible fees for cabs because the metro line is down. How is a person in his situation to get ahead? Is he the only person stuck in such a rut due to Metro? I think Metro owes him. Have other individuals faced the potential of losing their jobs because Metro fails to get them to work on time? Is a person supposed to take in to account the horrible service and create a 3 hour buffer to commute a distance that by car should only take 25 minutes? It's ridiculous and Metro should be ashamed of the incompetency!! You owe people Metro.

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