This is a nice find from Mike:
Who brags about their escalators being 25 percent slower than normal escalators? Metro! That's who!In case you can't make out the sign, it says:
Most escalators--like the ones you ride at shopping malls--travel at about 120 feet per minute (fpm). A Metro escalator travels at 90 feet per minute. We just think it's good to slow down, enjoy the view and be safe.Whatever. Who comes up with this stuff, and how much do they get paid? I'll do it for half.
Assuming you find a working escalator, the slow speed definitely encourages a lot of people to walk. Apparently wear and tear increases if you walk a moving escalator.
Furthermore, I found this old report that actually included Metro, which "provides evaluations of special design features associated with escalators used in rail transit systems." I guess some of the findings could be outdated, but I doubt this one is.
Turns out slower escalators are dangerous.
The preferred design is a dual speed escalator. The 120 fpm speed should be used during the peak hours and 90 fpm during the off-peak hours. Even though the hourly capacity is not linearly related to speed, the increase in escalator capacity at the higher speed reduces problems of overcrowding at high volume stations. At low volume stations existing data indicates no real advantages to the higher speed. Escalators over 40 ft high (three level changes) should utilize the speed of 120 fpm to reduce extended travel time on escalators. Excessive travel times result in movement of passengers resulting in a hazardous operating environment.Nice job Metro.
Update from a Metro escalator expert:
The code for escalators allowed a max speed of 125 fpm with A17.1d -2000 and earlier. A17.1-2000 and later sets the max speed at 100 fpm. The min. speed can not be less than 10 fpm. The early units in Metro had two speeds 90 fpm and 120 fpm because they were driven by two speed ac motors. The newer units have a variable frequency drive and so can be set to any speed. I believe that Metro uses 90 fpm because the early units could be made to run at 90 fpm by disabling the high speed contacts and running only on the slow speed. I think this was done because they felt it was safer and easier for people to get on and off ( especially older folks and people who are a little afraid of escalators). The slower speed also reduces wear and tear on the units.Other items:
- Cash strapped Metro to spend over $250,000 of your money on mystery riders over one year and could option two more years for a total of $679,000 (Examiner)
- Track work on every line this weekend (WMATA)
- 7000-series cars delayed, just like the rest of the cars (WaPo)
- Board approves GSA development deal (WaPo)
Nicky on the O Line · 692 weeks ago
Epic fail, metro.
Mike · 692 weeks ago
Veteran Rider · 692 weeks ago
@VeggieTart · 692 weeks ago
And enjoy the ride? Are you kidding me? Looking at blank walls? If you want people to enjoy the ride, Metro, perhaps doing something about those walls would be a good idea--like when there was that Norwegian (??) light display at Dupont South a few years ago. Have people paint murals. Do something. But if I'm not about to travel at a snail's pace down a looong escalator like Rosslyn looking at blank walls.
John · 692 weeks ago
vvv · 692 weeks ago
Emile · 692 weeks ago
Matt G · 692 weeks ago
Justine · 692 weeks ago
Guest · 692 weeks ago
John · 692 weeks ago
Kat · 692 weeks ago
Andrew · 692 weeks ago
Veteran Rider · 692 weeks ago
caity · 692 weeks ago
Additionally, the motion sensor escalators in Berlin were amazing. I was there on a weekend when the U-bahn was fairly quiet but it still seemed like such a good idea and a great way to save power. I don't remember any escalators being too slow. London has HUGE escalators and I never saw them broken or too slow.
I just don't get why Metro isn't following what other systems are doing that works.
Schnitzelbank · 691 weeks ago
Anon · 692 weeks ago
That said, I applaud Metro for including a disabled perspective in the review. From reports Unsuck has compiled and those I've heard elsewhere, that seems like a customer group where there are many hidden problems, and it's probably a lot harder for existing Metro employees to ferret them out.
John · 692 weeks ago
unsuckdcmetro 92p · 692 weeks ago
former employee · 692 weeks ago
The Union will never go for disciplinary action due to a "secret shopper". Union lawyers are much smarter than Metro lawyers. I bet there would be suspension and firings but at the end Metro will lose arbitration and pay 'problem employee" back pay. And the "great employee" who has a greiveance for unfair labor practice would have to wait years before his/her case goes to arbitration.
John · 692 weeks ago
former employee · 692 weeks ago
@savemetro · 692 weeks ago
Mark · 692 weeks ago
DC Denizen · 692 weeks ago
And if someone puts in a PARP request for the raw data, I'd be willing to bet $10 that they'll come back with "That would take too long for our staff to compile."
DC Denizen · 692 weeks ago
Escalator Repairman · 692 weeks ago
Step it up Metro 30 fpm more would really go a long way
Huffy · 692 weeks ago
And as others have noted, if the problem is our litigation-happy society, then why are shopping-mall escalators so much faster? Sorry, WMATA, we're not buying.
Huffy · 692 weeks ago
Schnitzelbank · 691 weeks ago
If Metro management thinks mall escalators are fast, they should ride on the Budapest subway. I was leery, but little grannies hopped on and off with no problems.
Lisa · 692 weeks ago
Lisa · 692 weeks ago