Monday, December 12, 2011

Excuses, Excuses

Last week, as first reported by the Examiner, the American Public Transportation Association issued a ridership report saying that subway use around the country is actually INCREASING in all but three cities: Atlanta, L.A. and here.

Boston? Up. New York? Up. Philly? Up. Chicago? Up. Even Cleveland was up, way up.

Metro officials are full of excuses about why flagging ridership is not their fault.

On one hand, they blame the economy.

On the other hand, they're suing their insurer for $13 million because, as the Examiner reported, it hasn't paid for a "drastic drop in rail ridership and consequential loss of revenue" following the June 22, 2009 Red Line crash.

So which is it?

Fundamentally, I don't think it's either.

First of all, the economy in the DC area has been quite strong relative to the rest of the country. People are actually moving here because job prospects are better.

In my day job, I recently did a story about how a foreign business chose to open their first U.S. outlet here in the DC area because the economy is so much better than anywhere else in the country.

Hey Metro, it's not the economy, stupid.

And the Red Line crash?

I think it's doubtful that disaster alone would have caused riders to avoid Metro over a period of years had it been an isolated event. People don't stop flying because of an airline crash.

However, the crash didn't take place in a vacuum. It happened during a period of long-term, incredibly poor, unreliable and often unsafe service at ever increasing premium prices, with no accountability to the riders who pay for everything.

And it's not getting any better, just more expensive.

In that environment, people are going to eventually, and rightfully, look for other options.

I'm not optimistic Metro can turn things around while in such a stuporous state of denial, and after nearly three years of blogging about how badly Metro sucks, I don't know what it will take for them to finally get it.

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It's the uncertain, rising prices combined with the lowered of service. People know when they're being fleeced, and this is such a case. If the entire Metro system's solution to save money is to *reduce* service, you know they are broken to start with.

Oh, and about an occasional employee of the system who doesn't think they have a right to their job. You know, do actual work and stop being so surly all the damn time when customers inconvenience you.
A more fitting picture would be of a guy with his head up his ASS.

Always thought that economy excuse was BS, especially since DC has one of the strongest economies in the nation.
The more you know...'s avatar

The more you know... · 693 weeks ago

With the fare hikes and prices for parking it's actually cheaper to drive in and park in a monthly garage, plus you don't get the added "benefit" of rude employees, broken escalators, roaming child gangs and single-tracking.
2 replies · active 693 weeks ago
That is the exact reason I decided to drive to work. As much as I hate traffic, at least I don't have to deal with rude workers and the smell of urine every day.
Metro=Racket's avatar

Metro=Racket · 693 weeks ago

Or the fact that you cannot count on any metro line to actually be consistantly on time...
Why I'm seriously considering buying a car instead of relying on Metro? Plenty of reasons, like, for example, the 28 minutes waiting for a metro on Sunday morning, 10 am...
Sometimes I think Metro is just trying to reach the "Rock Bottom", that means having the less train possible to accommodate only the customers who can't afford a car...
Metro will never admit that they are "messed-up" They will continue blowing smoke up the asses to the public and our public officials. Office of inspector General does nothing to curtail Metro's practice. ( blind eyed and stupid)____Write, call your elected officials and tell them enough is enough. Metro and our elected offocials have let the public down. Until Congress intervenes and take the soverign immunity from Metro, there will be no accountability at all.
2 replies · active 693 weeks ago
I doubt the elected state officials will do anything. All they want to do is quibble about who pays for what. And Congress do something? Hardly likely since it does not involve cutting the 1% another tax break.
You are correct but I would add one variation:
Metro will never admit they are "messed-up" unless they going to the jurisdictions for more subsidy money in order to 'fix' things. When other peoples' money can solve things, they are always willing to admit there are problems. (Though the problems are never caused by Metro itself, always someone else. Even the post-crash fixes are caused by the NTSB, not Metro's many years of sub-par maintenance.
Worse & slower service, which is steadily declining every day, plus fees which are steadily increasing. Hmm. I wonder why less people are riding!?!? I'm completely baffled.
former employee's avatar

former employee · 693 weeks ago

If the public really knew of how stuff "works" at Metro, we would see a lot of people hitch hiking to work
I cut my weekday ridership in half by taking the metro into work and walking or riding a DC bikeshare bike home. The weekend metro schedule has become so unpredictable that I avoid riding metro all together over the weekend. It's not about the economy, it's about economics: increase prices but lower service and people stop riding.
DC Denizen's avatar

DC Denizen · 693 weeks ago

Thanks, Unsuck. It must be frustrating to provide evidence again and again that contradicts what WMATA claims is happening, but we appreciate your efforts. At least it helps us feel like we're not crazy. WMATA is gaslighting the public: "Service is down? You're just imagining things! We're great!" Thanks to the reporting on this blog, we know better.

On that note, can anyone point me to a website where I can find/create a reliable carpool?
1 reply · active 693 weeks ago
From this morning's commute:

0514 Stadium Armory train #408 offloaded due to door problems

0600 ROCC reports that trains are losing speed readings at C1-8+00. ATC supervisor advised

0610 Foggy Bottom, train #418 offloaded due to door problems

0805 Union Station, train #254 offloaded due to door problems

0847 Ballston train #907 offloaded due to door malfunction

0852 Farragut West train #926 offloaded due to door/brake malfunction
7 replies · active 693 weeks ago
Now, if only we (the riders) would stop trying to cram into the train when the doors are closing (rather than wait 5 minutes for the next train), think of how much smoother the system would run.
So, how much are you willing to bet that there will be a train in 5 minutes. Or to make it more fun, have it an outdoor station after rush hour in the winter .... will you wait for another train then (which may or may not come when the PIDS says it will)?
If it's rush hour, I'd bet some money that another train will be along within 5 minutes.

If it's not rush hour, chances are the train wouldn't be packed and I wouldn't jam the doors. So, that's sort of a moot point.
How much are you willing to bet, Sam?

Trains on the Green Line are often spaced at 10 minutes apart at rush hour.
There was a train stalled at Van Ness around 905, and another around 910 at Dupont...the operator on our train in the tunnel behind it said "they mave have to CUT THE DOOR open(!)" Apparently it was ultimately unnecessary, though had never heard of that practice before.
he said "cut the door out" not cut the door open. cut the door out means to lock it in the closed position
This morning on the Red line, Metro announced that there was a sick customer which caused three trains to be unloaded and single tracking around the train with the passenger on it.

Its like they're performing surgery with a chainsaw.
@Jason: Interestingly enough, it's Bikeshare that keeps my ridership up. If it weren't for the ability to bail onto a bike much of the time when things go awry in the core and Arlington, I'd drive every day. I'd estimate I use Bikeshare as a bailout at least once every two weeks. Including frrom one of the incidents @unsuck just listed.
1053. K05 East Falls Church unit 6069 requests slow speed restriction K2 436+35 - 448+35 for broken joint bar bolts at 442+35
3 replies · active 693 weeks ago
I'll see what I can do.
MetroRider's avatar

MetroRider · 693 weeks ago

Unsuck, how about a daily post wrapping up all of the day's breakdowns and malfunction errors? Let's shine some light on Metro's inability to do the most basic of tasks. I think we could get a lot of attention by summing up the ridiculous number of breakdowns and track problems.
Derp Herpleston's avatar

Derp Herpleston · 693 weeks ago

I refuse to use metro anymore. I will walk between Pentagon and Crystal City or take the DoD bus.
hrh king friday 13's avatar

hrh king friday 13 · 693 weeks ago

Eat sh*t and die, Metro.
I couldn't agree more. In fact, I sent the following message to WMATA last week:

"I've noticed that WMATA keeps blaming the economy on disappointing ridership numbers. You should know that I've taken to riding metro as little as possible, and it's not because of a bad economy.

Instead, I've stopped riding because your metrorail system is frustratingly unreliable, and because I've given up hope that it will improve in the foreseeable future. Delays; broken escalators; improper spacing between cars; hot cars; perpetual track maintenance; surly employees; little transparency; lack or accountability; insufficient communication with riders; I could go on. But I won't - because I know that it wouldn't do any good.

In short, my day is better without you, and I know many others who feel the same way. Perhaps you should consider this before playing the "economy card" in the future."
2 replies · active 693 weeks ago
metro=racket's avatar

metro=racket · 693 weeks ago

Damn!! Metro just got served!!
In Russia, Metro serves you!

(really! I understand Moscow has an excellent subway system)
Fun with numbers's avatar

Fun with numbers · 693 weeks ago

APTA's numbers do reflect the drop since July. But it is perilous to compare July to September. Travel and work schedules are different, tourism is way up in DC in the summer, baseball games, cherry blossoms, etc etc etc. Better is to compare September 2010 to September 2011 as apples-to-apples and is the preferred method. And not the year-to-date that the Examiner article did.

The year-to-year change shows a 2% increase in ridership on Metrorail, and a large 6% increase on Metrobus. Among large agencies, WMATA is 4th to only New York, Chicago, and Boston in terms of absolute ridership increase from Sept 2010 to Sept 2011.

In Virginia, VRE ridership increased 4%, Arlington transit increased 14%, Fairfax Connector increased 2%, and Woodbridge Omniride increased 4%. The Fairfax CUE dropped 2%.

Maryland is more complicated since the system is run by the state but we see commuter rail (MARC) and heavy rail (Balt subway) are up, while Baltimore light rail and Maryland bus are down. Don’t have numbers for Ride-On or Prince George’s.


But do keep up the "Eat sh*t" comments. Those are funny.
6 replies · active 693 weeks ago
slug life's avatar

slug life · 693 weeks ago

Hey Dr. Gridlick,

Even Metro says their numbers are down.
Fun with numbers's avatar

Fun with numbers · 693 weeks ago

Nope - their revised fy2012 forecast shows an overall increase. Fy2013 is a different story.
metro=racket's avatar

metro=racket · 693 weeks ago

What's the key word here ladies and gentlemen??? "forecast"... Of course WMATA is going to forecast a rise in ridership for FY2012, I am sure they probably did for FY2011 as well.. Is that you Stessel?? Or shall we start calling you "fun with numbers"???
I prefer to take my samples from alternating, odd numbered Wednesdays. When you do that, Metro is NUMBER ONE!
"This would mark the fourth year of stagnant or declining rail ridership. There is no good story yet about what's happening about the lingering aspects of the accident, [fare] elasticity and perceived unpredictability of the rail system during reconstruction. It doesn't bode well for us, and I would encourage staff to develop better data about what is happening with ridership." -- Metro Board vice chair Tom Downs
I should have incorporated this quote into this post. It's refreshing to hear someone associated with "the authority" speak frankly.

Thumbs up.
Dr Gridlock's suck up, ass kissing defense of this story from his lunchtime chat:

Metro Ridership and Economy
Metro continues to use the economy as an excuse for the loss of ridership over the years, but a recent report shows that public transit ridership is increasing in most cities throughout the country. Furthermore, the DC area has not been hit as hard as other regions. When will metro come to accept that a decrease in reliability, accountability, and safety could be the reason for the loss in riders?

December 12, 2011 9:11 AM

Robert Thomson :

Metro officials aren't really sure what accounts for the ridership trends on either rail or bus. They don't have surveys that go that deep, so when they offer theories, they're making educated guesses.
MizPattay's avatar

MizPattay · 693 weeks ago

I've taken to riding the bus exclusively, as Metrorail is just scary. Rude passengers, rude staff, broken escalators, elevators, malfunctioning trains, burning smells, etc.

I don't like being a prisoner of dysfunction.

At least with the bus, I can just get off. And the drivers and passengers are friendly!
1 reply · active 693 weeks ago
my comment on the Examiner article:

"I am only a few stops away from work but if I drove I would not hesitate to use a car over metro. Escalators constantly down. Station managers who never seem in charge of any problem (makes me wonder about the 'manager' in their title). Trains that rarely arrive on time (and paying rush hour fees even if there is a huge delay). Exhorbitant prices even when everything works. Stations that are perpetually in the dark (I need to remember to have anything I need while in metro in my hand as I will never find it in my bag without being able to see). Cleaning 'workers' that more are for show than to actually clean anything. Plants growing from the walls (nice when planned but a sign of deterioration if not) and everywhere else. A smell of urine. Trains that seem worse than pretty much any other system I have been on. Trains that constantly jerk around. On and on. All of this just to commute via Van Ness and Dupont Circle at rush hour. Further distances at non-rush are even worse." (cont)
(cont) "
An accident more than 2 years ago is not even on my radar screen as to how I feel about metro. Yes, it shows the messed up system and led to them stopping ATC, but if it were just that I would not stop using commuter rail.

I am guessing they also notice a sharp decline in the winter at outdoor stops. Last night I arrived around 9 at Grosvenor (I had no choice) while they were single tracking. When my train finally arrived more than 20 minutes later I practically dove for the heater in the train."
danstiller's avatar

danstiller · 693 weeks ago

Watch out for Metro's budget. You will see how many high paying jobs they are creating for their friends, so many unnecessary jobs. Of cpourse, most of them don't know anything about transit.

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