Thursday, December 1, 2011

Does Metro Really Randomly Test for Drugs and Alcohol?

A recent post on station managers testing positive for illegal drugs shook out some interesting commentary from Metro folks.

Drug and alcohol tests can be done randomly or can be triggered by, according to Metro, an incident "in which a person has died or is treated at a medical facility or where there has been property damage resulting in the towing of a vehicle or the removal of a transit vehicle from revenue service."

Fender benders or other slight mishaps would not seem to fall under this definition.

A while back, I asked Metro, via a Freedom of Information request (PARP in Metro-ese), for the number of employees who'd been enrolled in the Employee Assistance Program (EAP), a "confidential joint labor management program offering counseling and referral for employees who have substance abuse problems in addition to marital, emotional, family, or financial concerns which may cause poor attendance, unsatisfactory job performance, or create safety hazards for the employee, co-workers, or the public."

Metro declined.

Their reason for declining:
In order to respond to this request, we would have to review approximately 7,500 safety sensitive files and cross reference employee numbers with the random selection list.

But they did say the following:
344 safety sensitive employees [not station managers] were tested for alcohol from February 17, 2011 through August 17, 2011 and 836 safety sensitive employees were tested for drugs from February 17, 2011 – August 17, 2011.
What was interesting was what I heard about the so-called random drug testing from Metro employees.

One guy we talked to--a former bus driver (safety sensitive) now working in another capacity--said that he was well known as a teetotaler who was guaranteed to test clean. He said that when it came time for Metro to meet its quota for the number of people to be "randomly" tested, they'd always come around to him.

He said the testers would look at him closely in the eyes and smell his breath "just to make sure," and then ask him to give a sample.

The worker alleged that if Metro really randomly tested "safety sensitive" positions, they'd have to shut the system down because of all the positive test results.

Another worker, also an abstainer, confirmed that he was often asked to give samples while others were never seemed to have to.
If you're a part of the clique, the rules don't apply to you. I knew a lot of operators, drivers and others who were routinely seemed out of it, but they never were caught and punished. Drug testing is a joke to a lot of people.
They added that getting around drug testing was usually done by getting a heads up when the drug testing was coming or by making sure the sample they gave was never actually tested.

Another Metro worker said:
I have gone years without a random. Then all of a sudden, the guy just senior to me will get a call for his random. Then, the next day, I get the call. Then, I hear the guy junior to me got the call.

Not random in the least.

I am guessing they decide to test certain departments and then pick three or four guys in a row off of the roster for tests.
Yet another, now retired, worker in a highly technical field said a friend of theirs smoked pot in their free time, but never tested positive. This led them to the following conclusions:

a) They aren't really submitting any samples for testing.
b) They are only submitting a certain percentage of the samples -- either randomly or based on the employee's behavior/appearance.
c) Whether they are testing some or all samples, the 'tolerance' or threshold for THC may be set fairly high.

They added:
I would have no problem telling you if I thought that the people at Metro were a bunch of drug-addicted alcoholics, but to the best of my ability to tell, that's not the case. In the many years I worked at Metro, I don't think I ever saw one person obviously high or drunk.

I take that back -- early on, there were two guys, one an alcoholic, the other I'm not sure -- some hardcore drug problem. Both went through rehab and both got caught again and were fired. Contrary to popular belief, they never were able to get their jobs back. Some do, but many do not. It depends on who you know and if both management and the union officers like you.
If you want to read the official Metro line on drug testing and the surprising repercussions of testing positive, read this (PDF).

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This post is right on. NO WAY IN HELL those drug tests are random. Why not?

You should ask how many of those "randoms" came from operators and bus drivers. My guess is the majority of the "randoms" are from ATC, CMNT and other more skilled areas where drug abuse is less of a problem.
Soylent Green Line's avatar

Soylent Green Line · 694 weeks ago

I don't care if someone smokes pot in their free time. The only thing that bothers me is whether or not those in the safety-sensitive positions are drunk or stoned while on the job.
DC Denizen's avatar

DC Denizen · 694 weeks ago

Sounds like Metro needs to spend less on candy canes and non-event celebrations, and more on people to answer PARP requests. Not answering because it's inconvenient isn't an excuse.
Ever and Anon's avatar

Ever and Anon · 694 weeks ago

Of COURSE they test! How else do they get the stuff for their holiday parties?
1 reply · active 694 weeks ago
ex Metro- You are right!!!!!
They are not random and it is usually Harassment due to an employee reporting something Metro does not want exposed, like a safety issue.

Also Unsuck- the cup you show in the photo above; is not the size of cut Metro uses for random drug tests. The cup size Metro uses is the Largest cup size I have ever seen in all of my life.

I know of employees who cannot produce enough urine at one squat and they are suspended without pay for 6 months due to not producing enough urine.
a very important question is why are supervisors and above exempt from testing? they set policy, they have the power to take someone down on the "suspicion" of intoxication. i know in the past of a couple supervisors that employees reported as "intoxicated". one all of a sudden got a phone call then went home before any questioning was done.
it should be mandatory for anyone who has the power to make and enforce policies to have to be held to the same standard as employees!
3 replies · active 694 weeks ago
I hadn't even thought of that! So true!

Some sup'ts I knew were very often "out of it."
former employee's avatar

former employee · 694 weeks ago

Metro medical policy is a joke. I was on a prescription medication which I reported every month for about a year and then one day my Supervisor told me that medical called and said I could no longer take medication. I was first shocked it took a year but more so when medical disclosed the kind of medication I was taking to my supervisor. I reported of what I thought was a breach of my medical information and was given a written memo that Supervisor have a right to know your medcial and medication info. About 2 days after being informed not to take meds, I was sent for a "random". (I passed) How is random selected???
n2deep good point!

I know of supervisors who were drinking alcohol on the job twice and never taken down for a Breathalyzer test it was covered up by other managers WOW!
I also know of Safety Sensitive over site supervisors who were tested positive for drugs and they oversee other safety sensitive employees which I think is WRONG and a bad choice at the least.
in the OP its says some samples are never sent in. i do not believe this in the least. after every random you are given a copy of the FTA form that is submitted with your sample. i understand that these are numbered and tracked. i "missing" serialized FTA form would mean a whole lot of trouble.
2 replies · active 694 weeks ago
former employee's avatar

former employee · 694 weeks ago

what is the qualification of the exaimer??/ when I went for my random she was on the phone the whole time during signing of the custody of urine, not giving the full attention. While I was waiting in the waiting room drinking water to have enough for two samples, an employee came in for incident urine test which included a breath test. I heard him tell her to put down the damm phone down and do not rub your hands with hand sterilzer while giving him the breath test. She said has no bearing on your test. It is so that it would'nt, but an employee career rides on the examiner being professional and qualified. I feel she was just intimadating both of us. Power playing assholes.... An employee should have a right of thier choice for independent test. being done.
Diagree. Plenty of room for hankypanky.
Wow. Just wow!!

2. For a presence of alcohol in the body system which is at the
stipulated minimum levels (.02-.039), while on duty --
First Offense
! 10 day suspension from duty.
! Detailed briefing on the EAP and the importance of participation
and the certainty of discipline for future offenses.
! Sixty month random testing period.
Second Offense Within a Three Year Period
! Release from pay status with EAP option.
Third Offense Within Three Years From the Second Offense
! Termination.
5 replies · active 694 weeks ago
After Third Offense, contact Jackie Jeter, and she will accuse the people who randomly selected you of being racist, and will get you your job back, with back pay if any of your suspensions were unpaid....
former employee's avatar

former employee · 694 weeks ago

I bet the Union pays their lawyers more than Metro pays their lawyers...Some of the dumb shit that the Union wins makes me wonder why the Board of Directors has not hired an independent consultant??? OIG is just fine and cozy where they are at... I think they are worst than Mgmt.-- simple things as an employees pissing in tunnels they can handle other than that , they are worthless. I wonder if their parents will put in thier "Christmas letter" of how their kids are doing a great job a Metro... I bet not many.
The arbitrators are beyond corrupt. No doubt they are on the take...
The union atty gets paid big bucks and all the grievances that are dropped usually have merit and the j-union doesn't want to be botherd. If you are on drugs, run over and kill someone, want more money- she will handle your grievance.
If you were on drugs you are a 'good fit' to come back and work at metro as a supervisor or manager or employee.
You will get your job back if you are not someone who is against her and would not vote for her. It is all politics if she helps you or not and if you a certain race of female or likely to vote her back in.
How can a manager be positive for drugs and then get appointed as the point-man for the Dullles Rail?

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