From Susan:
On November 9, I took the H2 bus, terminating at Tenleytown. I am recovering from eye surgery and had a shield taped over one eye, which left me blind on that side with very poor depth perception.Other items:
Expecting the bus to turn around and go back down Wisconsin Avenue, I rode to the end and discovered that the driver was going to go back to the garage.
I explained that I'd hoped to ride the bus to the other side of Wisconsin, since I was nervous about crossing the busy street.
The driver - Ms. Arlene Glenn (or Glynn) very kindly walked me across Wisconsin Avenue.
She was very nice about it, and I truly appreciated her taking the time to help me.
Think you can sue Metro? Think again. (Examiner)
xxx · 694 weeks ago
On the other hand, what's up with people on twitter THANKING Metro for a smooth commute or a fixed escalator? THAT'S WHAT THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO DO!!
vvv · 694 weeks ago
dude · 694 weeks ago
Cyclone · 694 weeks ago
Don't you mean every comment thread on the internet?
Ever and Anon · 694 weeks ago
Ever and Anon · 694 weeks ago
hrh king friday 13 · 694 weeks ago
John · 694 weeks ago
inDCent · 694 weeks ago
Chek · 694 weeks ago
guest · 694 weeks ago
John · 694 weeks ago
Escalator Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
How embarassing is it that Metro had to have a press conference to celebrate the repair of escalators at Union Station and Foggy Bottom? Is it really necessary to celebrate metro doing what its supposed to do, at a snail's pace? On top of that, escalators at Foggy Bottom have already been reported as out of service.
Robert Thomson :
Riding Metro can be pretty depressing with so much stuff torn up for repairs and so many weekend disruptions.
I've said several times that the general manager and other top transit officials need to be out there highlighting when something goes right and we have some progress. GM Richard Sarles has done that on several occasions, such as when Metro added trains for the Cherry Blossom Festival crowds or added new buses to the fleet.
Let's take the Foggy Bottom example. Those are the first brand new escalators installed in 15 years. The Foggy Bottom entrance has long been a source of rider complaints because of the busted escalators.
I like the idea of a senior Metro official coming out and saying, We know this has been a problem, we did something about it, and thanks for your patience while we were doing it.
(And, of course, the leaders need to be out there when things go wrong, too.)
guest · 694 weeks ago
@VeggieTart · 694 weeks ago
ANONYMOUS · 694 weeks ago
dddddda · 694 weeks ago
RGG · 694 weeks ago
Good luck with that. This is a Metro hate site. Anyone saying otherwise is delusional due to the rare "positive" post.
John · 694 weeks ago
former employee · 694 weeks ago
@VeggieTart · 694 weeks ago
I think (hope) "dude" was being tongue-in-cheek when he said what he did.
Gregg · 693 weeks ago