Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Is Cleanliness Still a Metro Bragging Right?

Via @beckawall Ah, the glamour of riding @wmata ! @unsuckdcmetro pic.twitter.com/KTlaYHwB

Via @ericmann1278 @unsuckdcmetro Bush beer anyone? #wmata pic.twitter.com/UMiCaWGK

From Jill:
I'm just wondering if anyone else out there has noticed that Metro is becoming a pigsty.

There are a lot of things wrong with Metro, but one thing you used to be able to count on was that it was pretty clean.

Over the past year, I've watched Metro become more and more dirty. I have been in cars at all times of the day that are strewn with tons of garbage (mostly Examiner and Express), food, discarded liquor bottles and some things I don't even want to know about. I've seen a used condom twice in the past few weeks! Gross!

The other day at Farragut North, I saw either a very large mouse or a small rat scampering carefree down the track.

I do have to hand it to him though. He was moving faster than the train that was five minutes away, then eight, then 10...

But seriously, what's going on with all the filth?

What do people think? Are people more disgusting these days or has Metro slacked off on cleaning up?
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Metro fails to enforce the rules on eating and drinking. Just this morning there was a woman eating a breakfast bar on the Red Line at Silver Spring.

WMATA - start arresting 7th graders again. Please! Make an example of someone...maybe a morning commuter drinking coffee...or someone on the buses eating chicken wings. Do something!

And sue the Examiner and the Express publishers for the added expenses of cleaning the cars.
7 replies · active 692 weeks ago
oh no! a breakfast bar! arrest them now!!!!
OH my GOD. A commuter drinking COFFEE! The horror.....the horror.
MetroRider's avatar

MetroRider · 693 weeks ago

It'll be a horror when the train operator slams on the brakes and that commuter spills that coffee on my suit.
When, not if.
i dont think they can slam on brakes!
The newspapers on the train are used to cover vomit, food, sunflower seeds and other body fluids.

This is a safety hazard and someone can slip and fall and really hurt themselves.

Hire more workers in all 3 jurisdictions to pick up the paper then charge the costs to the newspaper companies.
Can I also say that they need more newspaper receptacles. There is one on either side off the redline at Metro Center and I assume there are some at the exit. I think more people would take their trash with them if they didn't have to go out of the way to discard it the way it is now.
Definitely a blatant disregard for cleanliness by the riders. The morning commute is almost never messy (in the trains, not the system). In the afternoon, you can always find someone drinking and/or eating and at least one half empty gatorade bottle rolling around being ignored by everyone who's foot it hits. People are just too lazy to take their trash with them when they get off the train. Metro only cleans up once a day, which isn't nearly enough to contain the damage done by its sloppy riders.
3 replies · active 693 weeks ago
Maybe they can use that excuse for the cars and busses but what about the stations? They are hardly a target that is moving.
I got a lot of thumbs down yesterday but I am going to say it again. Many of these issues can be resolved if we all start being better riders. While I do blame Metro for its constant escalator problems, rude employees, hot cars, bad maintenance, etc., if we all have the power to make some changes that Metro refuses to make. How many people on this site leave their newspapers behind or drink coffee in the morning?
I always recycle my newspaper. Every single day.
DC Denizen's avatar

DC Denizen · 693 weeks ago

Excuse me, is that your pile of sunflower seed shells?
"I have been in cars at all times of the day that are strewn with tons of garbage (mostly Examiner and Express)"

Isn't calling The Examiner garbage a bit redundant?
1 reply · active 693 weeks ago
After reading Stessel weaseling his way trying to spin the Metro Ridership numbers, I think its time we start a Fire Dan Stessel campaign. What started as a promising change in direction, Stessel quickly realized that dealing with critics is too stressful, and since he's Sarles' buddy, he can do whatever the hell he wants and not get fired. I mean, he has to know that David Lacosse destroyed the escalator department, swept safety issues under the rug, got people hurt at L'enfant Plaza, and only got demoted to the escalator parts department, which he proceeded to run into the ground.

Why would anyone be motivated to do their job with "accountability" like this?
6 replies · active 693 weeks ago
You do your job because you want to do your job.
ANONYMOUS's avatar

ANONYMOUS · 693 weeks ago

I disagree.... You do your job because it's you JOB and what you are paid for, you don't like it, quit... you don't DO it- GET FIRED
Start with Sarles. The garbage goes all the way to the top.
I was thinking along the lines of going up the ladder till we get to the top in terms of firings.
Here's the issue with Metro--if you start at Sarles, you have all the underlings who will still be there to corrupt the new GM. Sarles was promising until he got into the job and had to work the "Metro way". If you start with the underlings, then you have the people at the top who will just corrupt the new underlings when they get there.
Schnitzelbank's avatar

Schnitzelbank · 693 weeks ago

Fire everyone, replace them with Germans, or the Dutch, Malaysians, Italians (though I think they hired Germans) - hell, anyone with a train system that works.
We could just expect the cars to be cleaned throughout the day, in Japan they do quick sweeps repeatedly throughout the day without impacting service. They even change the ads in the time it takes the train to stop open doors and close again.
2 replies · active 693 weeks ago
The time it takes to turn a train around? At Metro, there should be ample time - since riding it past Grosvenor, where every other train terminates, you have to wait for the next train AND for the terminating train to turn around.

With 4 more stops on the line, does it make sense to hold up trains to let every other one turn around?

They might as well clean it, while we are waiting.
I wonder what the deal is here. I spend half my time in NYC and am amazed at how clean the subways are. (At least the trains -- the tracks are horrid.) But the trains are generally quite clean. Why is that? Are they cleaned more frequently? Are New Yorkers better about not littering on their trains?
1 reply · active 693 weeks ago
NYC does clean, I board at Woodlawn when I'm in NYC at the end of the 4 and 6. There always is a trashcan/mop unit chained up on the platform. Then once and a while it is unchained and someone is using it to mop the car floors, or they will sweep up the large items off of the floor - and that is on a weekend.
People are more disgusting and Metro doesn't always perform the mandatory walk throughs of the cars at night.
If you want the papers to be recycled, your best bet is to take them home and put them out with your own recycling collection. The newspaper bins at the stations say "recycle" on them, but every time I've watched Metro's cleaning staff empty them, the papers just get hauled away with the rest of the garbage, all dumped into one receptacle.
Amy - I asked about this, too -- although they may appear to "mix" newspapers with regular garbage, they are actually separated for recycling purposes. Of course it doesn't appear that way when you see it happen. (ugh)
Ugh indeed. Would not want to be the person who has to do that job. But this raises another question: if the papers get separated out later, why bother to have separate bins in the first place? For the sake of appearance? Off topic, I realize.
Ugh indeed. Would not want to be the person who has to do that job. But this raises another question: if the papers get separated out later, why bother to have separate bins in the first place? For the sake of appearance? Off topic, I realize.
I disagree. I don't think there are enough receptacles. When you get off a train in rush hour, you have to cut through the crowd to get to one. Then it has to be folded just right to stick it in. God forbid someone is behind you and it isn't folded right.

I think they need more receptacles and they need to have larger slots or just make them like trash cans.
Metro spent $200,000 on a study on what DC would be like if it didn't have a metro. Translation: they spent 200 K to pat themselves on the back. Remember this when they say they have to increase rider fares because they are broke! http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/citydesk...
1 reply · active 693 weeks ago

Washington Post makes NO MENTION of the $200,000 price tag!! Gridlock and his cronies do it AGAIN!!!!
I challenge any flak who calls metro 'clean' to eat off of the floor.

Someone had vomitted near the place I stand on the Van Ness platform. It stayed for months. Only going away through attrition, not through someone cleaning it. I pretty much laugh at their attempts to clean escalators. Healfhartedly holding a broom over the middle bit while riding down.
1 reply · active 693 weeks ago
Your vomit story shows that Metro does not have a rodent problem - if there were enough rats, they owuld have eaten teh vomit up over night at most. So maybe teh glass is half full?
Disillusioned's avatar

Disillusioned · 693 weeks ago

Maybe I'm naive for thinking this but Metro needs to enact some very simple policies and have the backbone to follow through with them. Employees must do their jobs, and do them well, or be fired. Hold management accountable for the action or inaction of their subordinates, meaning if they can't get people to do their jobs then they are replaced as well. Base the pay raises, for everyone in the organization, on a stringent examination of quality of work. If you're going to be harsh when it comes to failure you should be generous in rewarding people who go above and beyond. Also it is in a company's interest to keep quality experienced workers on staff. Finally, people caught eating on the trains or exhibiting disorderly conduct should be fined and this policy should be pursued aggressively. I'm not talking about something like a speeding ticket, maybe 30 to 50 dollars per infraction. Maybe if these things were enforced and followed through on things would get better. However, my guess is it would run into a "you must believe in slavery" comment.
I saw two mice at Dupont metro last week, just scurrying along the platform among the people standing there.
Also... it's not so much a matter of eating something on metro, but littering after eating. Eating something small, and being clean about it is not the problem. Drinking coffee... not the problem. Eating fries... not the problem. The problem is when pigs leave their food trash behind.
"Healfhartedly holding a broom over the middle bit while riding down."

Oh come now... you don't really expect union workers to put any muscle and elbow grease into anything, do you?
Metro cars are pretty clean when I go to work but on the trip home they are generally filthy. Not only newspapers, but empty plastic bottles and assorted food debris.
The responsibility for this belongs with the riders.
LOL empty tall boys and liquor bottles, that's true
i spent last friday in brooklyn and manhattan; took four subway trips encompassing at least 6 lines. the trains showed up after very short or no waits; the only trains that stopped in the tunnel did so for about 30 seconds, during rush hour; and both the cars and the platforms were surgically clean compared to WMATA. i mean, i really noticed how much cleaner the system up there is. (and the abundance of MTA personnel, who were actively helping riders. ! )
1 reply · active 693 weeks ago
The last few times I've been in NYC, I've also noticed how clean the cars looked. A far cry from not too long ago.


I've seen more mice in DC than I have in NYC/anywhere else. not one in London and you're also allowed to eat on those trains, or bring your dog. etc.

but I have only seen them down on the tracks. Im my opinion, not harmless at all.
GlenmontGirl's avatar

GlenmontGirl · 693 weeks ago

For some things there are no excuses. Used condoms? Really? Clearly those individuals have no regard for the fact that they might be spreading diseases to their fellow riders. But wouldn't they stop to think that if they're engaging in sex acts on Metro they might be the ones who end up CATCHING some kind of disease?

I can only speak for myself, but I can barely stand touching the poles with my bare hands. There's no way I would want the more private parts of my anatomy coming into direct contact with any part of a Metro train (or station, for that matter).
Have you noticed that when they “clean” between the escalators they put down a layer of grease? Is that a common cleaning method? It explains why the brass is always black with grime – but sometimes after cleaning it’s a shinny grime.

(ps why can i not log in with my wordpress account?)
One way for WMATA to raise money is to enforce the no eating/drinking rule and fine violators - that will nip this in the bud
2 replies · active 692 weeks ago
No it won't. Metro doesn't get ANY money from ANY fines. Any fines go to the local governments where the violations are enforced. These aren't "Metro Rules" as much as they are "local ordinances."

However, making an attempt to end the "newspaper madness" may actually be effective....if Metro's attorneys think they have a case.
But the local governments contribute to WMATA and these governments may contribute more to WMATA funding if there was an increase in revenue for them.
Sorry, but while Metro has some problems, cleanliness on buses and rail cars is not one of them. The blame for that rests squarely on YOU: the riders. Metro employees are not the ones puking and throwing trash all over the place.

Also, I've ridden the NYC subway dozens of times, and the platforms and cars are waaaay filthier and smellier than those of the DC Metro. Anyone who says otherwise is one of those famous "New York is so much better than everywhere else in the world" kind of people. So let's just get that straight while we're at it too.
1 reply · active 692 weeks ago
I agree 100%!! It isn't like the trash just _grew_ there. I sure wish Metro would come up with some way to reign in these paper hawkers. While I realize there could be a "free speach" issue there is also another issue: Metro doesn't allow commercial business on its property. So, while these papers are technically "free" they are supported solely by advertisements from commercial businesses. There's got to be way.....

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