Thursday, December 8, 2011

If Someone Acts this Way on Metro...

I've definitely seen some less-than-stellar parenting on Metro, and I've seen many tweets from people who've also seen it, which leads me to believe it's not that uncommon.

From Kate Woodsome:
It was a stressful day at work. Adults acting like children. I boarded the train and stood in the crowded aisle distracted by the office drama. Two of the seats near me were occupied by a young girl and her even younger brother. Another brother was standing up with their mom, who seemed tired from more than just the day.

A scowl punctuated her clenched jaw and furrowed brow, which moved only when she barked at her children. A bright orange smiley face sticker was on her cheek, the kind a kid might get from the doctor after a checkup. Her daughter wanted the sticker, and she started naming everyone she'd give it to. Among them was the lady in the striped dress. Me.

I shifted my stance to face the little girl and said, "You're going to give that sticker to me?"

"Yes!" she beamed.

"Nah. It looks good on your mom. It makes her cheek look happy."

The girl immediately lost interest in the sticker and focused instead on my outfit -- a long black and grey striped dress and bright green clogs. "I like your dress," she said. "And your shoes."

"Thanks. I like your skirt," I replied, pointing to her blue and green plaid skirt.

"It's my school uniform."

"You look official," I said.


"Yeah, official. You look like an official student."

She looked down at her skirt, smoothed it out, then tugged on her slouching socks.

"How's school going? Like it?" I wondered.

"We're learning Spanish," she said.

That apparently woke up her mom, whose eyes blazed as she snarled, "She don't know nothin'."

Her daughter furrowed her own brow. "I do," she said, hungry for approval. "Adiós. Vámanos. Excelente." "Adiós!" her brother chimed in.

"Wow. You know a lot," I said.

"Yeah, we can count," the girl said, and she and her brother supported each other as they stumbled from uno to diez. I learned that the girl was siete, seven; her brother cinco, five; and her other brother tres, three.

I was impressed and told them so. This excited them. And upset their mother. She yelled at them to shut up.

The three-year-old lurched toward me with big eyes, away from his mom. She yanked him back and raised her fist above his head, drawing her lips over her teeth. He cringed and the others just paused, watching.

I've seen this before. The Metro is everyone's and no one's home. Parents verbally abuse their kids there, threaten violence and, sometimes, actually commit it. Yet no one seems to notice. No one seems to care. But I do, and I'm always conflicted when I see an adult taking out their pain on an innocent.

"Your son's so cute," I told the mom, trying to break her from her trance, to make her aware that we were all there, watching.

"You can have him," she said, disgusted.

The sarcasm was lost on her daughter, who wrapped her arms around my legs and shouted, "No! I want her!"

Her brothers reached for me, too. "No! I do! I do!"

When a child hugs you, you have to hug back. But what do you do when that hug is an outright rejection of their own mother? When that hug could lead to a harsh beating once the train ride ends. I didn't want to provoke their mom any more, but I figured she was going to beat them whether I was kind to her kids or not. So I put my arms around the little girl stuck to my legs and smiled at her brothers. "You have each other. You have to love each other."

I used to be that little girl. The girl with the scared, desperate eyes, silently pleading with strangers to take me away. Nobody ever heard me, or if they did, they didn't respond. Because how do you help a child escape?

With care and warmth. You tell them they're cute and clever and funny. You tell them they're going to be okay, that life gets better. Even if you don't know that it will. Especially if you don't.

Anonymity can be as empowering as it is paralyzing. So shower them with love and then slip away. Because you're not going to be there when the hitting starts behind closed doors, so you might as well be there when you can. 
According to DC's Child and Family Services Agency, you can report child abuse or neglect 24 hours a day, seven days a week to 202-671-SAFE (7233). There is a wait, and an automated menu to start, so if it's an emergency, call 911. If it's not, you will eventually be asked for the name, address, age and gender of the child; who is caring for the child; and the nature and extent of the abuse or neglect. This gets more difficult if you witness abuse on the Metro. A CFSA hotline worker cautioned that it is up to the individual whether to intervene in an abusive situation, and to bear in mind that you do not know how the abuser will respond. "The consequences will be yours. They can be good or they can be bad," she said. The hotline worker suggested it is best to alert a transit police officer or station manager. Make sure to give a detailed description of the abuser, and remember the train and car number. For more information, visit:
Other items:Budget news just keeps getting better (Examiner)
Will commuter benefits for federal workers get chopped? (WaPo)

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Appauled.'s avatar

Appauled. · 693 weeks ago

Just because this woman is a bad parent by verbally abusing those kids, doesn't mean she actually hits them. And if some random person put their arms around one of my kids, I'd freak out. You don't know the mother. You don't know if she's seeking help. You don't know if she's really their mother or just a nanny or a kidnapper. You make these assumptions, publicly accuse a person of abuse, and put your hands on kids that are not your own. I'd say, you're the one with the problem.
11 replies · active 693 weeks ago
Appearances are everything. If the mother cared about her children approaching or talking to strangers, she should have reminded her children not to talk loudly - and about other people - on the Metro, before the OP was included. She would have reminded them about the dangers of talking to strangers. And if this person was a nanny, I would have definitely wanted to be made aware that the person I hire to look after my kids is not doing a good job of it!

The OP was reacting in a reasonable manner, especially considering the mother did not remind her child early about appropriate conversation, or lack of conversation on the Metro.
Exactly. I think this woman was out of line. I would not want some complete stranger, no matter how "nice" they were, approaching and talking to my children. Do people see kids and automatically think "Oh, I can talk to them/touch them/etc."? People need to keep to themselves and not butt into other people's businesses.
I can talk to whomever I wish in a public space. If the parent disapproves, they are more than welcome to ask me to stop. Children are not property.
There's a reason it's called PUBLIC transportation. If you want your children to lead a sheltered life devoid of human interaction, drive them everywhere.
A Parent's avatar

A Parent · 693 weeks ago

Appauled: you are a moron.

It does not take a genius to figure out when a kid is in need of emotional assistance. You can just tell. That's what makes us human. And by the way..."she raised her fist above his head, drawing her lips over her teeth" is a clear indication of a penchant for violence. It doesn't really matter who the person is - the kid is still getting abused.
apPAULed.'s avatar

apPAULed. · 693 weeks ago

Did she see the mother hitting the child? Did any of the children have marks on them? Did any of the children show signs of distress? Showing signs of frustration is not an indicator of abuse. Assuming that you know she was refraining because people were watching is a stretch. Clearly she's a bad parent or caregiver, but that doesn't mean she hits those children.
Hitting isn't the only abuse. These children are clearly abused, whether physically, emotionally, or psychologically.
As a former educator, I can tell you that one sign of abuse that we were told to watch for is children who try hard to bond with or crave physical contact (hugs, etc.) or verbal approval from adults they don't know or have just met. Not saying that's exactly what happened here (obviously I wasn't there), but it would have been enough to put my radar up.

I think her response to the children about having each other and loving each other was appropriate. What would you all have the OP do when a child throws her arms around her univited? Rudely brush the child off? Her response was gentle and made no accusations. She did it right, IMO.
I agree that one cannot make assumptions, and it is impossible to know the complete details of these peoples' lives in a few short minutes on the Metro. However, verbal and emotional abuse are just as serious as physical abuse.
Ever and Anon's avatar

Ever and Anon · 693 weeks ago

Does that mother need to even bother with a physical assault when her mental assault has already done so much damage? Appauled is a good name as your comment is, indeed, quite appauling to this reader.
If a parent is verbally and emotionally abusive to their children in full view of strangers, I wouldn't be at all surprised if they're physically abusive in the privacy of their home.
Good for you for being a bright spot in the day for those kids! The only thing that could have improved this event is if there were some way to remind the children to tell their teacher if they were being hit at home. However, given the child's school uniform, the time of day and the train, it might be possible to narrow down the list of schools that this child might belong to to follow up on the issue. Or ask DC schools what their stance is on reminding students that abuse is not okay, and they can talk to their teacher or another adult at the school.
Just saying's avatar

Just saying · 693 weeks ago

It's spelled appalled.
1 reply · active 693 weeks ago
apPAULed.'s avatar

apPAULed. · 693 weeks ago

My name is Paul. It was intentional. How about "apPAULed".
hrh king friday 13's avatar

hrh king friday 13 · 693 weeks ago

What's with all the over-description in this post? I came here to read about stupid parents on Metro not muddle through a Charles Dickens novel.
4 replies · active 693 weeks ago
Metro Ryder's avatar

Metro Ryder · 693 weeks ago

I felt like I was reading someone's creative writing assignment. I give a D+, too much flowery language.
Too much flowery language? How dare we be descriptive! Let's all write in short, declarative sentences. Yes, that's interesting to read. What is this, a science journal? (Hint: No)
Exactly. The language and characterizations are so dramatic and over the top it's difficult to imagine there was not some embellishment. The mother sounds more than a bit draconian/obnoxious, but the author seems to be adding some theatrics to the situation.

"So I put my arms around the little girl stuck to my legs and smiled at her brothers. "You have each other. You have to love each other."


Was that lifted from a motivational speech/romantic comedy? If true, the author got a little more involved than was entirely necessary. I don't know that it was a good idea to try and impart a life lesson to this high-strung, aggravated woman's kids in front of her. A bit tactless at best. Fanning the flames at worst.
Haha I thought the same thing. Based on the clothing description, I'm assuming the person that wrote this is of the obnoxious hipster variety.
@Appauled - I think you might want to read this post again. It comes across like you missed some details, such as "She yanked him back and raised her fist above his head, drawing her lips over her teeth. He cringed and the others just paused, watching." Even is she doesn't end up hitting her children, she communicates the threat effectively enough. Verbal abuse is still abuse.
2 replies · active 693 weeks ago
apPAULed.'s avatar

apPAULed. · 693 weeks ago

So, she pulled her child away from a stranger that was getting too close and in her business?
I don't see anything wrong with keeping your child away from strangers. However, from the post it seems like the OP was just chatting with the kids. I don't see anything wrong with having a nice conversation with people.
Mind your own business. Stop intererfering all the time you bleeding hearts. And yes, this was WAY too long of a post. Learn brevity- they teach it in English 101 at any Community College or your local learning annex.
5 replies · active 693 weeks ago
That is the problem with the world today. Nobody wants to help other people.

Oh, and not everything fits on a bumper sticker.
Ever and Anon's avatar

Ever and Anon · 693 weeks ago

MInd your own business except to read and comment upon a public blog post?
Paul Sucks's avatar

Paul Sucks · 693 weeks ago

........and people wonder why everyone hates east coasters.......
Minding your own business when the abuse of children is involved will almost certainly mean never being named head coach at Penn State...
Do they even have English 101 in your commumity college? "...WAY too long of a post"? FAIL. (In case you don't get it, the 'of' is unecessary and meaningless in this context.)
I love the mind your own business mentality. When you're the one getting mugged, raped or beaten up, I wonder how you'll feel then.

Doesn't sound to me like the OP was minding anyone's business anyway. She was talking to some kids.
6 replies · active 693 weeks ago
apPAULed.'s avatar

apPAULed. · 693 weeks ago

Kidnappers and child molesters 'talk to kids', 'become their friend', 'gain their trust'. Why didn't anyone help the child when this creepy lady was talking to her and putting her hands on her? Maybe the mother did a good thing by not lashing out at this stranger that was getting too close to her children. Maybe she took her children aside at home and gave them another lesson in not talking to strangers. I can assume that the OP was a baby stealing psycho that is upset that the mother pulled her child away. Maybe the balling of the fist and the bearing of the teeth was for the OP and not the child.
hrh king friday 13's avatar

hrh king friday 13 · 693 weeks ago

It was a stressful day at work. I boarded the train with my children. Standing in the crowded aisle next to me was a woman in her twenties. Her espresso-colored skinny jeans, the texture of hemp, distracted from the crusty mass of her unwashed hair. "Hippsters," I said quietly to myself.

Hiding behind her bright green lensless eyeglasses, she would have gone unnoticed in the bustling train car but for her constant placement of her hands hands around my kids, eyeing their clothing and whispering to them...
Paul: Are you this woman's husband? Or are you just a troll craving attention? If the mother in this story really is teaching her kids the dangers in talking to strangers (I swear I did not mean for that to rhyme), then she must have been doing a really, REALLY crap-tastic job at it. Unless by "gave them another lesson in not talking to strangers," you meant "beat the tar out of them for shits and giggles, or otherwise abused them in some other fashion." In which case, I would agree with that statement. Or, how about this possibility: You ARE the "mother" from OP's story, and the whole "Paul" business is just an elaborate crock of shit.

In other news, I don't give a rat's behind about the formatting of this story. Stop whining about it, everyone who has been. As long as the OP gets the point across, I'm okay with it.
Ah, so now the OP is a child molester or kidnapper. Brilliant. You, sir, are incredibly fucking dumb.
A Different Anon's avatar

A Different Anon · 693 weeks ago

At least she didn't shower with the kids.
You did a magnificent thing, original poster. You did good for those kids.
Between the language used in the article and the graphic used as the header this seems excessively dramatic for what it is, an example of bad parenting. There are many bad parents who would not be considered to be engaging in child abuse. Let's try and be a bit more objective in the future.
disgusted's avatar

disgusted · 693 weeks ago

Why are people jumping on the OP? She talked to some kids and noticed that their mom was an asshole to say the least.

The OP stated she was a victim of child abuse!! Obviously, seeing something like this is going to move them much more than those of us lucky enough to have been born to normal parents.

i'm all for piling onto Metro and asshole passengers, but this is a clear case of "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all."
Maybe I'm crazy, but I think we may be sort of missing the point of this post. It's not so much about this specific incident (which is obviously NOT a clear-cut case of child abuse, since people can't even agree on who was in the wrong) but about what to do IN GENERAL if you see parents being dicks on the metro.
Infinitely more common to see it going the other way, though -- parents letting their kids run wild while they do nothing. And those are the situations when I most want to say something. "Excuse me, ma'am, if your child kicks me in the head while swinging from the bars one more time, I am going to remove his leg and beat him with it."
Bad parents come in all forms.
Original Poster K – I enjoyed your contribution. And cheers for doing the most that you could have done in that time and place; that is simply brightening an unhappy kid’s day.
There are so many mothers independently raising children and this is a problem.

If you are a parent raising 3 or more children working jobs making $10.00 you have deep problems.

What I suggest the readers of this blog to do is adopt a single parent and help them in some way, volunteer.

So many times churches even turn their nose up to single parents

What you are observing is the ongoing struggle a single parent has with being a father-disciplinarian, mother- cook, nurse, transportation to all appointments, school, if she has time activities and church..
Reading this made me want to cry.

And reading the comments didn't do much to help.
"apauled" (clever) has some issues. what a dick
LoxyBrown's avatar

LoxyBrown · 693 weeks ago

So we didn't see any hitting.

"That's a cute kid."

"You can have him."

Says it all for me.
I've also been that kid except my mother wouldn't hit me in public - she would pinch me and my siblings. i think this was well written by someone w/ a heart. but i also understand where others are coming from in that we don't know for sure if the woman physically abuses her kids. i hope she doesn't - but she probably does. it's way more common than we know because society can't agree on whether parents should or shouldn't spank their the lines are blurred for people that have never been that abused child.
Many times in cases of child abuse (or what some may consider a red flag- as this case seems to be) the parent is in need of help as much of the children. The OP boarded in her own frame of mind, and may not be able to fathom what this family (of at least 3 children?) may go through day to day. It's great that the OP connected with the children, however that may have made the parent feel defensive, or she could have just been exhausted and had no patience left to deal with the children and a stranger (albeit a well meaning one). Another approach, for those wondering how to handle rough situations, is to connect with the caregiver. Something to the effect of "oh they're so cute, but I bet they can be a handful when they're all together at the end of the day after being in school all day". That could ease the defensiveness and show the adult that others recognize she has a challenging role. No one deserves abuse- and hopefully their teachers would have recognized/reported signs, as they are mandated reporters and as such, are not ALLOWED to turn a blind eye, and made the necessary calls.
russell.j.coller.jr's avatar

russell.j.coller.jr · 692 weeks ago

1) never engage a child in the presence of their tormenter.

2) WAKE UP: don't give ANY kids false hope of any kind.

3) the kids will leave her where she belongs, soon enough.

4) take the bus, you'll see broken adults beyond help & you'll feel better about scraping them off.

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