Starting Sunday, Metro fares are going up yet again.
A fare hike would certainly be more palatable if accompanied by a commensurate rise in Metro performance, but I just haven't seen that with past fare hikes.
Will the new fares change your Metro usage, or will you just grin and bear it?
Oh, and if you were hoping an increased federal transit benefit might take the edge off, you can forget about that.
Previous fare increases:
Feb. 28, 2010
August, 2010
At the current rate, you have to think another hike won't be far off.
Note: I'll be off next week. Happy 4th and keep your stories coming.
Other items:
Will federal oversight make a difference? (Examiner) Here's the legislation. Relevant language starts at page 313.
UnSuck Fan · 664 weeks ago
Anon · 663 weeks ago
Yes federal oversight would make a difference if the feds would mandate the hiring of competent workers from all 3 states. Mandate all races of workers in operations HR and Training and get rid of the racists.
The federal government needs to be kept accountable for the cleaning up of the hiring, promotion and training at metro.
Fair and unbiased promotions across the board for all races should me mandated.
Those who continually fail drug tests should be given the opportunity to work other jobs.
guest · 664 weeks ago
i must have done it wrong.
jkuchen · 664 weeks ago
Alex · 664 weeks ago
Of course, the base-level off-peak fare spiked up from $1.60 to $1.95, which I'm not particularly happy about.
slb · 664 weeks ago
Everly Broke-a-non · 664 weeks ago
Kid Charlemagne · 664 weeks ago
jkuchen · 664 weeks ago
@VeggieTart · 664 weeks ago
16 cents · 664 weeks ago
@VeggieTart · 664 weeks ago
John · 664 weeks ago
Then is this fare increase gonna be called Fare-?
Also, that "fare hike protest" was just a bunch of Jackie Jeter BS.
Enjoy your vacation, unsuck. Without you (or FixWmata for that matter) keeping a watch on Metro.... we have to rely on Dr. Gridlock....
Ellen · 664 weeks ago
BrianKal · 664 weeks ago
Should have and could have driven and:
Paid $0 for 2 hrs of parking .. no meters by Capitol on most streets.
Easily done it in half the time.
Actually had the air con on, not the heat.
Thanks for nothing WMATA.
BrianKal · 664 weeks ago
Sam · 664 weeks ago
If you take 66, you might get to the river in 20 minutes. If you're speeding excessively on 66, you MIGHT get to the light at Constitution and 17th in 20 minutes. There's no way you'd get to Chinatown in less than 20 minutes. And there is ABSOLUTELY no way you'd get to the Capitol to park in less than 20 minutes. Even if it was 1:00 am and every light was green, by time you park by the Capitol, you still have to walk to Gallery Place, which on its own takes over 20 minutes.
A 25-minute Metro ride from Ballston to Gallery Place is much, much faster than via car.
Mike · 664 weeks ago
"I can't understand what's going on with that," said D.C. Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton, a Democrat. "I'm not sure why we would want to encourage more driving. It's subsidizing driving."
It doesn't make sense that the maximum tax free benefit on parking would be $240 and the maximum tax free benefit on public transportation is $125. Also, this is not a benefit for just Federal workers. Any employer can take advantage of offering this tax free benefit to their employees.
Mike · 664 weeks ago
UnSuck Fan · 664 weeks ago
Commuter Connections http://www.mwcog.org/commuter2/
Rideshare Online http://www.rideshareonline.com/
I didn't have a chance to look at either site thoroughly so just be aware.
Guest · 664 weeks ago
Someone suggested VRE but I think driving to the Burke station would be counter-productive.
Stephanie · 664 weeks ago
Guest · 664 weeks ago
Maybe I'll give it a try this summer. It's a quick and easy drive to Vienna for me but VRE has free parking and it's not Metro.
Stephanie · 664 weeks ago
Only thing you have to be careful of is to make sure you validate your ticket for each ride (unless you love it and buy a monthly). It's a $181 ticket for fare evasion if you forget.
jkuchen · 664 weeks ago
Jack · 664 weeks ago
Same amount of time to drive as metro.
I can play my music loud and that makes me happy.
A happy me is a more productive employee.
If the parking = metro I would abandon the trains tomorrow. And absorb the gas costs as the price of happiness.
jkuchen · 664 weeks ago
JimS · 664 weeks ago
RGG · 664 weeks ago
One thing I notice all the time is how lots of people waste money when entering the system at the end of Rush Hour. I see people enter the faregates at between 9:25 or 9:29--a couple of minutes before the fares drop at 9:30--only to go down to the platform and catch the very same train they would have caught if they had waited the extra couple of minutes and entered--with the overhead signs indicating when the next train leaves, many people could save money if they pay attention and wait a couple of minutes before entering. Those trips add up, and why in the world would anyone want to give Metro any more money than he has to??!!
Everly Broke-a-non · 664 weeks ago
RGG · 664 weeks ago
Chris · 664 weeks ago
RGG · 664 weeks ago
Mike · 664 weeks ago
My commute actually costs exactly the same under the new fare structure - eliminating peak-of-the-peak perfectly offsets the increase in the base rate.
SammyDC · 664 weeks ago
Unsuck -- enjoy your time off (and away from the subway) next week!
@perkinsms · 664 weeks ago
unsuckdcmetro 92p · 664 weeks ago
@perkinsms · 664 weeks ago
yasminealq 0p · 664 weeks ago
Sam · 664 weeks ago
@Hell_on_wheelz · 664 weeks ago
OL Rider · 664 weeks ago
@Hell_on_wheelz · 664 weeks ago
jimlcunningham 80p · 664 weeks ago
We need a Train Passengers' Bill of Rights is what we need.
@Hell_on_wheelz · 664 weeks ago
We already have RAC (which was supposed to give riders direct representation and access to the Board).
guest · 664 weeks ago
Guest · 663 weeks ago
Metro spokesman said that a rescue train had been sent and would have been there, but with people on the tracks they had to turn off the power, which shut down the Green Line completely.
Metro's position is that people should have waited to be rescued. My question is, with no information that help was on the way and going by Metro's past record, passengers couldn't count on there being any help before they passed out from the heat.
If it's illegal to leave a DOG in a car, why is it all right for Metro to leave people in a stalled train with no AC for an indefinite period of time?
HellOnWheelz · 663 weeks ago
Tommyboy74 · 662 weeks ago
If I were the GM, this is what would happen:
1) Slash salaries and get rid of non-essential positions.
2) Eliminate the ATU. Poor old Jackie can shut up and cry me a river.
3) Implement customer service. If an employee treats a customer like crap, they're accountable and can be fired instead of hiding behind the union.
4) Award operation of all 5 lines to a company such as Bombardier, Alstom, Kawasaki, etc. That means all current employees would have to interview with them and if they don't make the grade, too bad.
5) Award maintenance of all railcars to those same such companies (Bombardier, Alstom, Kawasaki, etc). Same thing- if current employees don't make the grade, too bad.
6) Eliminate the in-house elevator/escalator crews and award it to a company such as Schindler, Kone, ThyssenKrupp, VTX, etc. As the others, if employees don't make the cut, they're gone.
7) Fire the board and replace the board with an election, run once a year. Maximum 4 year term limit. Also, it would be common people like ourselves instead of the political hacks that are on both sides of the aisle.
8) Make meetings available at convenient times to actually allow the public to come out and voice opinions.
Even better is with sourcing those operations out, if an employee does something stupid, they get fired. No grievance process, no crying like a baby to the union. It forces everyone to grow up and accept responsibility. Also in cities such as Toronto and London which have outsourced operations, delays have been reduced while service and reliability have improved. Plus, bad employees no longer have the union safety net. If they suck, they're gone. Simple as that.
Unfortunately, this is Metro. As long as Sarles, and the morons at the ATU are around, the system will be handcuffed. That means anything logical won't happen.