UPDATE: Metro put Mind Mixer in the time out corner.
It has been an interesting few days on Twitter.
First, Metro's new, highly-paid social media consultants, "Mind Mixer," came out with a pedantic, lecturing tone toward DC riders and proved the Omaha, Nebraska-based company has absolutely no idea about all the constructive criticism offered to Metro via this blog by actual Metro riders over nearly four years.
Mind Mixer, which touts "optimal engagement," has 784 followers on Twitter and a skin as thin and you know who.
They also say they offer "#realengagement," but won't say how much Metro is paying for their services and did not respond to an invitation to guest blog here.
This was a distillation of the reaction to Mind Mixer's social media self immolation:
Fascinating to watch d-list comms group @mind_mixer try to turn tweeps against @unsuckdcmetro, experience backlash. Astroturf amateurs.
— Alexander Luthor (@LuthorCEO) September 28, 2012
Then, Metro proved you don't need to ride Metro to be on the receiving end of their infamous 'tude. It was some of the least professional behavior I've ever seen by an organization on social media. For example:
@itsterryble Didn't realize playful sarcasm was a one way street. Nevertheless on-time performance is >90% so...
— @wmata (@wmata) September 29, 2012
@metrorage being angry doesn't fix stuff. It's commentary and quarterbacking. But be angry... cool. Sorry if this "tone" is being real.Here's a little free constructive advice for Metro (cc: Mind Mixer): Even if you feel frustrated by a customer on Twitter, take a deep breath, and type something to the effect of "we're sorry you haven't found Metro is meeting your needs. We're trying to do better and thank you for your patronage."
— @wmata (@wmata) September 29, 2012
@FixWMATA · 651 weeks ago
@FixWMATA · 651 weeks ago
guest · 651 weeks ago
@perkinsms · 651 weeks ago
Let's recall than 90% on-time allows trains to be up to 30 minutes apart later at night.
Let's recall that the way they measure on-time encourages Metro to express trains past stations and to hold full outbound trains to meet train spacing requirements rather than get people to their destination.
Let's recall that Metro recently had to reduce their on-time performance goal to meet the numbers.
Let's recall that Metro's trains break down much, much more frequently than other systems.
BrianKal · 651 weeks ago
Or if they are never dispatched that does not affect the numbers.
bmfc1 74p · 651 weeks ago
@perkinsms · 651 weeks ago
30 minutes apart when the schedule is to be 20 minutes apart.
Beleagured commuter · 651 weeks ago
@VeggieTart · 651 weeks ago
And I wish I could believe they had a 90-percent on-time record, but given all the delays and trains out of service I hear about, I have trouble believing it. Unless it's the new much lower standards they're talking about.
BrianKal · 651 weeks ago
@mhh2424 · 651 weeks ago
The Orange Line is going to be a disaster once the Silver Line is open. They do not have any slack in their system for when the frequent breakdowns occur. The slightest malfunction creates significant ripple effects.
Sorles · 651 weeks ago
Ryan · 651 weeks ago
NoNo · 651 weeks ago
@NoPants_McGee · 651 weeks ago
I think they've gotten better at informing people when there are going to be delays and communicating a bit better about what issues were, but I wonder if it's because the internet era demands more transparency.
At the same time, I think delays have increased in frequency (ie - trains out of service). When they first announced the shutting down of specific lines over the weekend instead of frequently single tracking, I applauded the idea. Now, as someone who lives in Silver Spring, I can never take metro into town on the weekend for this same reason.
MDScot · 651 weeks ago
guest · 651 weeks ago
a colleague who needed to be in the office at oh-dark thirty every thursday for a meeting and conference call with Hong Kong took to driving in, because the *first train of the day* was so often late passing through bethesda. yes, he lives a five minute walk from the bethesda subway station, and had to drive in to be at work by a particular time.
NW_DC_Rider · 651 weeks ago
There was a time, though, when the trains ran on time and encounters with employees were pleasant. Now it almost seems mythical. It would be interesting to know if there is an actual point of demarcation (a particular GM, a particular shift in management philosophy, etc.) that was the tipping point that caused the system meltdown.
DC Denizen · 651 weeks ago
SammyDC · 651 weeks ago
Matt · 651 weeks ago
Really?? This is like a twilight zone episode.
john · 651 weeks ago
And then resign your post as a shill/consultant so Metro can use that money to actually fix something that's broken!
Metro Ryder · 651 weeks ago
@MegE_N · 651 weeks ago
Dezlboy · 651 weeks ago
Metro is awful · 651 weeks ago
please don't ruin someone else's ability to enjoy laughter in the world.
thefunnyguy · 651 weeks ago
SME · 651 weeks ago
1) Write out your tweet to a customer
3)Rewrite it as the exact opposite of what you wrote
anon · 651 weeks ago
Eirene · 651 weeks ago
NoNo · 651 weeks ago
@NoPants_McGee · 651 weeks ago
megan · 651 weeks ago
hrh king friday 13 · 651 weeks ago
@VeggieTart · 651 weeks ago
hrh king friday 13 · 651 weeks ago
Sarles/Jeter 2012
hrh king friday 13 · 651 weeks ago
Sarles/Jeter 2012
Ryan · 651 weeks ago
Danny S · 651 weeks ago
geekgrrl · 651 weeks ago
Meanwhile, have you seen this petition? http://www.change.org/suggested?petition_id=75863...