When did Metro begin its long, sad slide into suck?
On a post a few days ago, a comment sub thread developed that hearkened back to the good ol' Metro of yore.
I lived in DC in the '90s, and while I didn't commute via Metro, I rode it a lot, and I don't remember it being so bad. I know for sure I never dreaded having to take Metro.
More importantly, it actually seemed to be a friendly, responsible part of the fabric of the DC area community instead of a Stalinist, secretive, inefficient and expensive excuse machine.
So, while I know DC is home to a lot of newcomers, it's time for some old timers (always a relative term in a city as transient as DC) to chime in about how they remember Metro in the past.
Share your memories and remind us that there is perhaps some hope and that Metro didn't always suck.
Other items:
Man sitting in street hit and killed by distracted Metrobus driver (Examiner)
More on those ads (Examiner)
On a post a few days ago, a comment sub thread developed that hearkened back to the good ol' Metro of yore.
I lived in DC in the '90s, and while I didn't commute via Metro, I rode it a lot, and I don't remember it being so bad. I know for sure I never dreaded having to take Metro.
More importantly, it actually seemed to be a friendly, responsible part of the fabric of the DC area community instead of a Stalinist, secretive, inefficient and expensive excuse machine.
So, while I know DC is home to a lot of newcomers, it's time for some old timers (always a relative term in a city as transient as DC) to chime in about how they remember Metro in the past.
Share your memories and remind us that there is perhaps some hope and that Metro didn't always suck.
Other items:
Man sitting in street hit and killed by distracted Metrobus driver (Examiner)
More on those ads (Examiner)
fixwmata 105p · 649 weeks ago
@undefined · 649 weeks ago
Another Nick · 649 weeks ago
"forget about anything south of National Airport"
Uh...where do you think Alexandria is, exactly?
John Nota · 649 weeks ago
Even after I relocated to Northern Virginia and went to college in the state and came back home, went to DC or used Metro for various purposes Metro wasn't bad. It seemed like after I graduated and started interning/working in DC in 2009, Metro couldn't handle crowded trains and had major backups and delays.
Let's not even talk about fares. I remember back in '98, Metro fares used to start under $2.25. I could be wrong, but yes, it was cheaper and better to ride Metro back in the day. Now? No more. I think Metro never really kept pace with the expansion of the DC area since 2000.
Neil Stevens · 649 weeks ago
It just can't do that well. It's not designed to. It cannot succeed, which is why the Blue line is NEVER AGAIN going to be useful for this purpose, short of massive construction and capital investment that nobody's ever going to pay for, and would take forever to complete anyway.
@undefined · 649 weeks ago
Chris · 649 weeks ago
MDScot · 649 weeks ago
@undefined · 649 weeks ago
Chris · 649 weeks ago
Chris · 649 weeks ago
Bitter Brew · 649 weeks ago
FWIW, Clarendon has added hundreds of pay-parking spaces over the last five years. Iota is just as driveable as ever -- it just costs more $$ to do so. I usually park in the Market Common lot for $6, because it's open 24/7 (on weekends, the lot under the PNC is only $4, but it closes before midnight during a lot of the great weekday shows at Iota).
Clarendon Nights · 649 weeks ago
The issue is more with Arlington County than Metro. Arlington has recently been very anti-car, and pushing alt transportation like bicycling, buses, Metro and (eek) streetcars. Arlington County wants less of its citizens to drive, but they don't realize they are alienating people coming from other areas like you in the process.
F'n JD · 649 weeks ago
That said, it has significantly declined in reliability since 1999-2000.
Ciderbarrel · 649 weeks ago
I have lived here my whole life and I can only comment to early Jan 2000, but between 1995 and then I used Metro as my daily work commute from Wheaton (and then Glenmont when it opened) to McPhearson (or Farragut North when I didn't feel like transferring) and a they never had the heavy delays due to track work back then. Nor were there constant delays, train problems, or elevator outages. Looking back, I do remember elevators going out frequently in the late 90s and it was a shock to most people as they had been so reliable. Now, I'm shocked IF the station elevator works.
I didn't really get back on a train until 05 or so and in those 5 years or so, I started to see the cracks in service.
Now if I have somewhere to be on the weekends, I plan an extra 45 mins for delays due to single tracking and elevators out of service.
As others have said, dual tracks and the spoke setup to move people only in and out of the city core are 2 big mistakes in the system. Look at NYC, London, and Tokyo at examples of robust subway systems
Ciderbarrel · 649 weeks ago
VeggieTart · 649 weeks ago
I could be wrong, but I think the reason Metro didn't build redundant tracks is that it had enough trouble getting funding to build the system as it is--which someone should have seen as a recipe for failure.
MLD · 649 weeks ago
Part of the problem is technological - the system envisioned a future version of public transportation that was difficult to deliver with 1970s/80s technology. High speed, high capacity elevators, better tunneling tech, and other things were not available.
The biggest problem though is that maintenance was underfunded/nonexistent for decades, and we are hitting a wall where a lot of things need to be fixed all at once, similar to the process the NYC subway went through in the 70s/80s. It's about the same time frame - 40 years from construction things started falling apart rapidly. There's a reason why the Green Line has far fewer problems than the other lines - it is much newer.
There are also huge problems with work culture and morale at WMATA as evidenced by many articles on this blog. This won't be fixed by just firing people at the top or the bottom and replacing them - people on this blog screamed "fire Catoe!" and he was, and things haven't really gotten better. There needs to be a concerted effort from the Board to find someone who really wants to shake things up, but they do not seem interested in doing so.
Ciderbarrel · 649 weeks ago
Jason · 649 weeks ago
Bryan · 649 weeks ago
Stephen Smith · 649 weeks ago
Aaron Z. · 649 weeks ago
@undefined · 649 weeks ago
The first is interlining. Two have two tracks for a line carrying two separate services is bad enough; two tracks for THREE services is insane. If all of the colors were separated and ran on their own two tracks, it would be far less of an issue (not the least of which would be because those other lines would be providing redundant capacity).
Second, though, is just the shitshow that is WMATA right now. If trains weren't subject to constant offloads, weekend repairs, etc. - i.e. if the system were in a state of good repair - then two tracks would be perfectly adequate. But this is sort of a catch-22 (kind of like the argument against stainless steel cars: don't pay more to make them safer in crashes, just DON'T CRASH).
abstractnonsense 6p · 649 weeks ago
Branching is actually very logical on a system that's used even for outer-urban service, let alone suburban service like in Washington. You're not going to get the same demand out of Dulles or New Carrollton or Bethesda as out of Union Station, Arlington, and the Capitol. This means that to avoid overcrowding the inner segment or running lots of empty trains to suburbia, you need to either short-turn some trains or branch. (None of this means it's a bad idea to build a fourth trunk line through DC, just that the idea of giving each color its own dedicated tracks is bad.)
Paul · 649 weeks ago
Kara · 649 weeks ago
I would place it in the late 90s or certainly by 2002 when they just stopped caring. They did some general idiocy on 9/11 but I think we can cut them a slack as that day was an anomaly.
Guest · 649 weeks ago
I actually used to *like* taking Metro. Now it's a chore.
I place Metro's slide on poor management and lots of promises made to its labor force that never could be kept in the long run.
I also blame the board for not having the guts to stop stretching metro to the breakign point. Politicians should not be in charge of a transit system.
woodstockdc · 649 weeks ago
Metro's slide into suck started in the late 1990s and has only gotten worse in the past 10 years. Lack of investment into infrastructure combined with inherent limitations in the system (really, WMATA, no express track?), mixed with management that has been indifferent at best to the plaints of its ridership mean that things will get worse before they get better.
@undefined · 649 weeks ago
Also, due to lack of funds, rail maintenance was deferred.
Knows Metro · 649 weeks ago
metro on the other hand....1000, 2000/3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, each with a different logistical need and specialized workers...and now 7000s.
the stupidity runs long and deep
@undefined · 649 weeks ago
Now, I would agree that those are way too broken up. If the 7000-series passes muster, WMATA should exercise every single option they've got on the order and bring us some future stability. But you just know that they won't.
Newbie · 649 weeks ago
Is it that you want all rail cars to come from one, and only one, manufacturer? Or is it that you'd rather have no series designation at all and have the entire fleet replaced at once?
I can't think of any large rail transit system (subway or commuter rail) that has a fleet conformity like Southwest has with the 737.
abstractnonsense 6p · 649 weeks ago
Fleet uniformity is actually a good goal to strive for, and if I were designing a rail system for scratch I'd make sure to have it to lower maintenance costs. An established system should strive for this as well, but it can take decades to retire older cars, since unlike with planes there's generally no secondary market for used subway cars as the specs are different for each city. California High-Speed Rail is thinking in such a direction, and at least one of the international HSR operators that peer-reviewed the business plan noted its advantages, while also criticizing many other aspects of the CAHSR plan.
Mike D. · 648 weeks ago
Alex · 649 weeks ago
KidIncredible · 649 weeks ago
I dream of having MARTA's half-cent sales tax for capital purposes, but that could never happen under an interstate arrangement like WMATA.
And yes, the dual track structure is limiting WMATA at the moment, but it worked well with lower ridership and there was no way to assume that population was going to boom so high in this area. BART does fine with a dual track simply because their ridership hasn't exploded like WMATA, so is BART screwed by their design? Not really. Not yet at least.
@undefined · 649 weeks ago
If trains ran a) good headways, b) without breaking down or offloading, and c) with limited overcrowding, the need for third and fourth tracks would be pretty small. And much of the overcrowding/inherent limitations of a two-track system can be solved just by building additional lines that service the core to alleviate the pressure on current key stations. We can live with a two-track system; it's what runs on it that needs fixing.
EdH · 649 weeks ago
In 2007 I moved to Australia for two years. When I came back to D.C., I noticed that it had declined significantly. Not sure I can point to specifics of it from the time, but I remember thinking that it was not as good as it used to be.
Guest · 649 weeks ago
Just this morning the operator of the Green Line at L'Enfant didn't allow all of the passengers to offload before speeding off to the next stop. Not only were those of us on the platform unable to get on, but the folks needing to get off the train at L'Enfant were taken away to the next stop against their will! WTF?
Mariterri · 649 weeks ago
I have learned to work with metro - I changed my hours at work to 10-6:30 pm so that I commute outside of the rush hour and that has worked for me just fine with the occasional annoyance. Not everyone has that luxury, unfortunately.
asdf · 649 weeks ago
guest · 649 weeks ago
and on another topic: the judge's order in the islam ad kerfuffle:
(i had to proactively *look* for the ad at glenmont; it's at the yard end of the platform on the glenmont side. wonder where the protestors' ad is going to end up? bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying 'Beware of the Leopard' perhaps?)
@undefined · 649 weeks ago
WMATA: A Bureaucracy Only a Vogon Could Love
Narwhal 741 · 649 weeks ago
abstractnonsense 6p · 649 weeks ago
dhdf · 649 weeks ago
achmafooma 1p · 649 weeks ago
Guest · 649 weeks ago
VeggieTart · 649 weeks ago
I know they discontinued bus transfers because of fraud; I wouldn't be surprised if some little miscreants found a way to game the system passing out Metro transfers.
pearygirl · 649 weeks ago
SammyDC · 649 weeks ago
Poor · 649 weeks ago
ambd · 649 weeks ago
ANONYMOUS · 649 weeks ago
Look at any city with successful mass transit and you'll see a small, dense core of subway which is fed by commuter rail for those who live a little further out.
In the US, with the poss. exception of NYC, pols have decided that it'd be cheaper just to combine the role of commuter rail with subways.
Metro is a great example of why that's a bad idea.
Silver Line? Are yo ukidding me?
John · 649 weeks ago
Moved down here in 2006, paid extra money to be near a metro and commuted to work. It wasn't too bad then.
In 2007, I started noticing more frequent offloadings.
In 2008, I started noticing the red line was always experiencing melt downs.
In 2009, we had the Red Line crash. I also started noticing That an absurd amount of escalators were broken
In 2010, we had an escalator accident. I believe Sarles took control this year.
In 2011, we got Dan Stessel. Notice that the AC is breaking down on many trains.
2012, we get rush+, PIDs not working, and even fare gates and ticket vending machines frequently breaking down.
Its getting comical at this point. What is next?
Neil Stevens · 649 weeks ago
Capacity is finite. You can only run so many trains on the Armory-Rosslyn tracks, and they're going to be headed in three directions from Rosslyn now: Wiehle, Vienna, and Franconia. WMATA has (admittedly reasonably) decided that because riders going to Pentagon and below have the Yellow line option, that they're going to sacrifice the Rosslyn-Pentagon stretch in order to make this work.
Frank · 649 weeks ago
Jason · 649 weeks ago
@undefined · 649 weeks ago
Still, I say worth it, but everyone's pinching their pennies these days.
VeggieTart · 649 weeks ago
@undefined · 649 weeks ago
Is six bus crashes a day normal for a mass transit system? (What exactly constitues a crash in this instance? I would assume they mean "incidents" as the concept of a crash to me implies an "accident" which if anyone here knows are two different things).
eed017 · 649 weeks ago
Dan Stessel · 649 weeks ago
You're welcome.
Mallory · 649 weeks ago
Arouet · 649 weeks ago
Dan Stessel · 649 weeks ago
You're welcome.
Patrick J · 649 weeks ago
ZZinDC · 649 weeks ago
Guest · 649 weeks ago
Ciderbarrel · 649 weeks ago
Sadly, this is common place now.
@undefined · 649 weeks ago
I personally think we should do this again. Stir up some outrage. It's about fucking time.
Deafinthecity · 649 weeks ago
Guest1989 · 649 weeks ago
I remember also people sneaking cigarettes in the back of buses in 1989. Those buses were so comfortable!
Guest1989 · 649 weeks ago
When I got here, bus fare was .75 I think.
Guest1989 · 649 weeks ago
Andrew · 649 weeks ago
But after the 00s began, I think what happened is the city and surrounding areas starting growing by leaps and bounds from the dot-com boom, the contracting and government jobs in a struggling economy. More and more people are moving here for jobs, quality of life etc. And Metro just can't keep up with the demand. That's when things started to break down from over use (probably long beofre Metro had predicted they would go bad). And it's been downhill ever since. That's my theory anyway.
Guest1989 · 649 weeks ago
SEA · 649 weeks ago