Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Doors Open on Moving Train

Via @monicaarpino Nothing like the breeze of open metro doors - while moving. Red line b/n Van Ness & Tenleytown. @unsuckdcmetro http://pic.twitter.com/Knkteaxu

This is really not safe.

From Anonymous:
My wife just called me and told me an employee of hers was somewhere on the Red Line within the last hour or so, and the doors opened mid-tunnel and stayed open until the next stop where the train was taken out of service. I don't have any more details than that.

UPDATE: Metro source confirms these accounts.

UPDATE 2: via Facebook:
I was on the Red line this morning when the train had just left the station and was gaining speed headed to Takoma. The right hand doors opened and we were kinda shocked to see that and then the train stopped. The doors stayed opened and then the left hand panel of the left side doors opened. The train started moving again with the doors opened and then they all closed. Bam! It was quite shocking. Thank God it was a train that had just started at Silver Spring and was not full. This is just totally NOT acceptable! Sent a comment into metro but I am SURE I will not hear back.

Update 3:

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A lot of people don't have another choice!

And grateful for what, exactly? Higher fares (the most expensive in the country) and worse, DANGEROUS service?

Enjoy having low expectations. It'll take you far in life--Just like Metro
Yes, how petty of people not to want to fall out of a moving train and possibly be electrocuted on their way to work.

And please do alert me to the "new trains, better service, and everything else" you speak of, because all this Blue line rider sees is paying higher fares for a reduction in service.
Ever Onward's avatar

Ever Onward · 671 weeks ago

uh.. actually it appears the money I am spending on Metro is not being used for new trains or better service. It's being used to pad pockets of lazy management, pay for ALL pension of employees, cover lawsuits, pay for shiney vests for illegal parking, cover repair costs for Metro bus drivers who do not drive safely, shall I go on?
plants abound's avatar

plants abound · 671 weeks ago

Why do you care so much about what random people you dont know say about WMATA on a blog site??? Get a life!! Do you work for metro by chance?
It's a blog. It serves a purpose for many. A lot of us enjoy unsuck. Sometimes it's just nice to have a place to vent, especially since the quality and quantity of WMATA service has greatly decreased in recent years. And do please share with all of us here just how you "see more into the system"!
"If i still want to get where im going fast"

In that case, you wouldn't use Metro.
Ever Onward's avatar

Ever Onward · 671 weeks ago

OVERNIGHT? You have got to be kidding. Let us be honest here... YEARS babe. It's been YEARS with no improvement and everything getting worse. Is your name Jackie Jeter per chance?
... The OP suggested that 300 cards be out of service.
Look one blog post below about headways. Exactly how do you think service will be when 1/3rd of the fleet of trains gets taken off?
The response about people bitching about safety and service and expecting to meet both at the same time is crazy.
If you retire the old train cars without new ones coming in you're talking about super over crowded trains to meet the need of the riding public.
If you keep the old train cars in service to meet the need of the riding public then you'll have incidents like this. Show me a 35 year old car that doesn't experience issues. It's out of life by over 10 years.
Metro had no money before 2009. The new rail cars got ordered as soon as they had money. You same people who were bitching about cost 10 years ago were to blame for this problem.
Is there corruption and scandals in metro? Sure. Focus on that, rat out all the bad apples and make it a place to be proud of.
1) We've been waiting. Keeps getting worse.

2) If they can't maintain them all at once, then the problem is with them, isn't it? I know this may seem rudimentary, but you should be able to maintain what you have.

3) Your opinions are foolish, misguided, illogical, and unhelpful. We are being charged progressively more for value that is regressing, has been regressing, and shall continue to regress until and unless people speak out - on here, at least - because that's all we can do. Expecting to arrive safely is not unreasonable, and these malfunctions hinder that possibility.
Vienna Bound's avatar

Vienna Bound · 671 weeks ago

Perhaps WMATA's leadership could change their priorities and where it applies its resources. Rather than fund an advertising campaign (Metro Forward) or paying for high salaried officials, hire additional elevator repairmen, esclator repairers, and invest in newer cars. When the system shows signs of improvement, I feel certain that riders will acknowlege the change and through word of mouth initiate a better advertisement campaign than what WMATA is putting forth now. Stop giving riders lip service and do something
Absurd that Metro has admitted that it is overburdened and overcrowded (they can't get people through fast enough at peak times and have reduced service on weekends so as to keep the trains busy)...and yet they still spend money on advertising, presumably to get more riders!?

Too much management, too many pensions.
Everly Anon's avatar

Everly Anon · 671 weeks ago

Think those red line riders that were killed or injured were thankful they got to ride such antiques? :/ I'll take worse over dead. As it is, it really cannot get worse except to shut down completely.
Don't forget, it's a public system and we pay your salary, jerk!
Congrats on what promises to be the most negatively scored comment on this entire blog!
Fuck you, sockpuppet. I'm so glad you enjoy the metro so much, but you should just take your thirty pieces of silver and cut the crap. I pay for the metro and I pay a lot. The least they can do is keep their trains working, but they don't,
Metro Ryder's avatar

Metro Ryder · 671 weeks ago

But they have the ac!
The real question is why are the passengers just standing there??????
3 replies · active 670 weeks ago
Because the call boxes probably don't work. Because otherwise they'd risk getting off a train not knowing when it will start moving. Because they figure Metro will kill them anyway, at least this way they have a chance to jump.
Instead of... ?

It only takes one person to press the call button. What makes you think that no one did? They are in a moving train, what do you expect them to do? Jump out screaming?
Oh good. There goes the whole "train doesn't move if the doors are open" theory.
BrianKal's avatar

BrianKal · 671 weeks ago

In a crowded train, people are leaning on the doors or they don't fit. Imagine if this train were full and someone fell out and possibly on to the third rail.
$1 million dollars says WMATA covers this up until my above scenario happens and this Danny will call it a "phenomenon"
1 reply · active 671 weeks ago
Stan Dessel's avatar

Stan Dessel · 671 weeks ago

First you people complain about hot cars and when we try to do something about it you complain more. You're welcome!
1 reply · active 671 weeks ago
MsLily Flowers's avatar

MsLily Flowers · 671 weeks ago

Stan can you offer a free day to ride Metro? I've poured all my saving into your fine establishment. Thanks
Wow. Looks like you've cracked the case wide open.
a picture speaks a thousand words.
Where's your grammar "at?"
so i guess you missed the part where WMATA itself tweeted that the doors weren't supposed to be open at that time
This gives new meaning to "Operation Cool Breeze!"
Hey @XDE40, do you work for WMATA? Just making the connection that the new buses are called XDE40's
4 replies · active 671 weeks ago
Ever Onward's avatar

Ever Onward · 671 weeks ago

I wouild agree with you xd but you are way off base. They are NOT doing their best to SERVE the public. (Service? Sounds like prostitution to me.. oh wait.. that does fit.)
Metro Ryder's avatar

Metro Ryder · 671 weeks ago

Except it is NOT doing it's best to service the public, it is doing the bare minimum to get paid.
You are a transit enthusiasts?

Are... are you the Borg?
Metro opens doors - while the train is still moving.
1 reply · active 671 weeks ago
Ever Onward's avatar

Ever Onward · 671 weeks ago

Now THAT is a tag line! :D
Did anyone else getting off at Farragut North station at about 9:30 am this morning notice the brawl that erupted with several business-dressed adults? I think it was a combination of severe lack of metro service, the slow wait for the train and the train lagging and sitting in between stations, overcrowded/packed cars, and passengers pushed to their limits and just ready to go off.
3 replies · active 671 weeks ago
I didn't see it but I must say that I cannot blame metro for the lack of self-control, courtesy, compusure, decency, and dignity that we can expect from "several business-dressed adults," or *any* adults for that matter.

These folks are too lazy to show up to board meetings but have enough energy to snipe at each other before breeakfast...blaming the metro for one's behavior (feelings and urges notwithstanding) is just beyond the pale.
I am not sure what caused several adults to physically go at it on a crowded platform, but I know I had to deal with an obnoxiously rude short woman shoving her newspaper into my face as I was sitting in an end seat. When I asked her to please not hold the newspaper so close near my face, she acted like it wasn't a big deal and refused to move it, even a little. So... I held my paper up in her face for the rest of the ride. It's things like this that make it hard to be civil in an environment like metro. Rude passengers, plus rude, abusive, dangerous metro service, is a huge explosion of anger just waiting to happen. Someone's going to get hurt bad one of these days. ____I can't believe I took metro today and thought it might actually be a peaceful and pleasant ride (I had not ridden it in about four weeks)! Back to driving tomorrow.
"So... I held my paper up in her face for the rest of the ride."

Classy. I'm sure that really helped diffuse the situation. Gold Star for you!
You know who has not reported on this? Dr. Gridlock!
3 replies · active 671 weeks ago
FWIW, I haven't seen anything on WTOP's web site yet either. In all fairness, I haven't listed to the audio stream since the incident. On the other end of the spectrum, Kytja is reporting well and citing Unsuck appropriately. Kudos to her!
Before I get bombarded with thumbs down: Adam Tuss has tweeted on the topic in the past 15 minutes. And the tweets read like one of their online reports. Still, an article on the site would be good.
KidCharlemagne's avatar

KidCharlemagne · 671 weeks ago

Note to self: DO NOT lean on the doors!!
KidCharlemagne's avatar

KidCharlemagne · 671 weeks ago

It's the mighty Hercules!!
As overstuffed as the trains have been lately due to the reduced service (my Blue train this morning was packed to the gills), one can't help but worry about having a door open and people literally being forced out while in motion just because they're packed in so tight.
The Anti-TB Guy's avatar

The Anti-TB Guy · 671 weeks ago

How long will it be before they start having us sign liability waivers before letting us on the trains?

"Metro: Ride at your own risk..."

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