Friday, May 18, 2012

Shuffling the Deck Chairs

Metro GM Richard "Catoe" Sarles wrote a memo about some changes in the "executive leadership team."

Nothing says "we're moving in the right direction" like shuffling (promoting) some Metro executives, none of whom really have a role in the fundamental, day to day operations of the failing system.

Here's how the memo sounded to me.
Over the last 18 months, we've been doing great. Everything is just fine. Really, it is. Trust me. A+ all around. Well done.

But there are some changes--all for the better, I assure you.

Our chief of staff, Shiva Pant, wants out, but I can't find anyone to replace him, so I'm begging him to stay on in a title I made up. We'll call it "Chief Policy Officer- Dulles Metrorail Extension." As such, he'll be paid very handsomely.

Since she's proven incompetent in her current role, I've promoted Barbara Richardson, formerly Assistant General Manager for Customer Service, Communications and Marketing, to take Pant's position as chief of staff. Because I was able to give Pant a dump truck full of money to stay on, Richardson, who was also fired from Amtrak, will continue to only perform her former responsibilities and come up with magnificent, impactful PR and spin schemes that continue to forge stronger relations with our customers. She'll do so at a higher salary and with a more impressive title. She is, after all, a former colleague of mine from Amtrak, and we stick together.

Since Barb's position will be vacant, it only makes sense to appoint her flunky and fellow failure, Lynn Bowersox, who helped me at NJ Transit and Amtrak, to her former position. Bowersox, formerly the Managing Director, Office of Public Relations, you may recall, said chief spokesman Dan Stessel's comment, "one person's harassment is another person's flirting" was "balanced and thoughtful." Brilliant. She's got that Metro spirit alright, and I look forward to her continued contributions in a higher-paid role.

In Bowersox's absence, Twitter guru, social media trailblazer and camera shy Dan Stessel, also from NJ Transit and Amtrak, will be more responsible for maintaining Metro's five-star, solid gold image with area commuters. Based on what I hear, everyone likes Danny. Solid job on all fronts.

Lastly, Nat Bottigheimer, my buddy, and our head planner had a good run, capped off by his involvement in a credit card scandal in which he “accepted responsibility for the pro­cure­ment card ir­reg­ular­ities in [his] area that were identi­fied” for his "employees in the planning de­part­ment at Metro have used agency cred­it cards to buy camcorders, gift cards, Kin­dle e-readers and even a set of designer earbuds." Sadly, Nat broke Metro's number one rule: Don't get caught. He won't be punished, but instead will be leaving to pursue other interests and spend more time with his family. We wish him well and happy shopping.

I am confident these changes will further the cause of Metro management lining their pockets with your fares and tax dollars. Please continue to pay more to fund the massive, new mismanagement I will preside over as it takes effect.

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Red Liner's avatar

Red Liner · 670 weeks ago

Sad thing is that's really what Sarles thinks. Ugh.

Wanna climb ladder at Metro? Suck at your job!
You should see if you can set up a meeting with Virginia Gov. McDonnell. He is looking for any excuse to piss off Metro, but he's the only one willing to do anything that could make a difference -- withhold $$$. (Of course, he would probably be trying to withhold money even if WMATA was perfect.)

Maybe there are some things you could tell him to demand from WMATA upon condition of the VA money.
In all seriousness, what would happen if Gov. McDonnell got the Legislature to invoke Section 83-b and withdrew from the Compact? Can anyone clarify what all is covered under Section 83-c (i.e. responsibilities that Virginia and its cities and counties and the NVTC would still have toward WMATC)?
That would be great! Also all the employees who are being kept out of positions since they are not in the Sarles "club" let them work and be promoted.
I would love to Sarles's reaction every time he reads a posting on Unsuck. (You know he reads it.)
Metro is a mafia, but with no horse's head in their bed.
2 replies · active 670 weeks ago
No horse's, yes, but definitely a lot of horse's-other-end's in the C-suite.
Announcement by a driver on the Red Line yesterday: "For your safety and protection, please stand away from the doors while the train is in motion."
1 reply · active 670 weeks ago
Trojan should consider a metro ad campaign.

Art: Metro train racing over the 14th st bridge with a few doors open.

Tagline: Metro can't keep people from spilling out all over. But we can. Use Trojan for real protection you can count on.
chikn good's avatar

chikn good · 670 weeks ago

metro smells like butt.
DC Denizen's avatar

DC Denizen · 670 weeks ago

Ok, people, remember the five d's of dodgeball: dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge. If we all pitch in, we can do it!
This would be funny if it wasn't so sad.
FedContractor's avatar

FedContractor · 670 weeks ago

Anybody thought to get Emily Miller from the Washington Times involved? The lady was able to practically strong-arm the DC council into changing the gun-laws for the district. I'd say she'd be more than qualified to dig her teeth into metro, and her reporting is fantastic.
1 reply · active 670 weeks ago
Unfortunately, it is mostly those on the political right/GOP who are likely to be your allies in a serious fight against WMATA. While many of those upset at Metro's incompetence are the daily riders who come from all sides of the political spectrum (probably most left of center), most of the elected office holding Democrats who could actually make a difference don't want to do anything to either WMATA or its union.

There are likely a variety of reasons for this, one being that these people simply don't want to acknowledge a government body that is pathetic and its awful union. (Often times saying anything bad about a union will lead to political ruin for Democrats.)

If you look at it from reverse, it's why you see the Examiner and the Times as the only news organizations doing anything. Sure McCulski, Connelly, etc. and some DC/Arlington/Montgomery board members will say something needs to be done the next time somebody dies, but they'll call for some investigation that leads nowhere. Would any of them ever take on Jackie Jeter?
From what I've read about metro it seems the problems will never actually be addressed.

Avg employee/train operator/station mgr/other unionized mgrs: morons who were hired because they knew someone, promoted because they either knew someone or promoted because they sucked at their jobs. Strong union that protects bad employees at all cost.

Upper mgmt: afraid to solve the problems with bad employees at the union level, instead they'll spend all their efforts in after-the-fact PR, waste money on studies then cherry pick stats that support their actions, ignore cost cutters like reducing waste or improving efficiency and always throw money at problems requiring fare increases.

I'm typically pro-union, but this one stinks. I should say the unionization doesn't stink, just those who participate in it do. In all my dealings with the wmata union employees maybe 1in 30 are moderately pleasant. I'm not a mean person, I smile and say hello, thank people, there's no good reason why we, the paying customer, should have to continue to be utterly disrespected and in some cases verbally abused by those whose salaries depend, in large part, upon our fares. None, whatsoever, and I'm tired of supporting the vast majority of their employees who are incompetent, unsafe, rude, ignorant, slow, can't or refuse to do their jobs, etc. Upper management sucks, granted, but I think they're handcuffed by the inability to speak plainly about the true problems with metro. The user experience is on the ground, those who take our fares, yell at us when their machines didn't work/ask them a simple question/have a complaint/need help, the ones who jerk the trains like they're trying to make us puke, the ones who use their vests to park for free, the ones who act like rude morons over the loudspeakers like were 5year old kids when the problem is their door sensors and not people crowding the doors, the ones who refuse to even try and speak clearly, the ones who punch McGruff, the ones who drive 15-20 mph over the speed limit because they want to get back to the station and chit chat, the ones who sexually verbally harass people, they are the who we see day in and day out. Upper mgmt could sit and spin in their chairs all day and we wouldn't much care if the lower level employees treated us with 1/2 the respect they're given. I'm so tired of getting treated like crap when all I give them is respect. I'm done, I have a few more weeks of passes left and I'm out, it will soon be cheaper to park in DC anyway come the July 1 fare hikes.

Sorry for the long post, I'm just entirely fed up with how metro employees act when I have to deal with them.
1 reply · active 670 weeks ago
Fed -up u have hit the nail on the head!

Nothing will change at Metro and the persons who report safety issues are retaliated against and they try to fire them. I know several female who are out a job and were on unemployment because they reported safety issues. One resigned and one is still being held out without a position and the Local 689-ATU Union officers sit there collect hundreds of thousands of dollars and do nothing.
The 690-ATU Union feeds on members they like and the ones they don't like do not get equal representation.
Okay, now they're just doing it on purpose to be funny. Right?
Anonymous's avatar

Anonymous · 670 weeks ago

"Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job!"
why don't you find out about all the retired WMATA employees now hired back by phil wallace 9 retirees double dipping now and counting and the 100k a month on p cards
2 replies · active 670 weeks ago
What's a p card?
NotSwordfish's avatar

NotSwordfish · 670 weeks ago

I'm guessing that "p card" is for "purchase card," either the agency's Citibank credit cards *or* cards llinked ot expense accounts.
hrh king friday 13's avatar

hrh king friday 13 · 670 weeks ago

Metro Open Doors (so you can fall out)

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