Thursday, May 24, 2012

Guest Blogger: Dan Stessel Recaps One Year at Metro

It was a year ago today that Metro chief spokesman, and social media trailblazer, Dan Stessel guest blogged here. In that post, he said "I believe Metro customers deserve clear information ... I am committed not only to doing whatever I can to keep our customers informed ... but also to listen and advocate on their behalf. Let the conversation begin."

I asked Stessel for a progress report on the new era of openness and to highlight the accomplishments of the communications team.

Here is his response:

Other items:
DDOT director may be named to Metro board (Examiner)
Rider reports doors opening on moving train (Examiner)

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Guy's a slimeball.
1 reply · active 669 weeks ago
Insider443's avatar

Insider443 · 669 weeks ago

Danny boy is Metro's finest suck for Unsuck to describe.
BrianKal's avatar

BrianKal · 669 weeks ago

Open person's openness is another person's information overload.
I know this is a joke, but seriously, the chief spokesman declines space on the most relevant media outlet about the organization he represents? I mean if that's not a total fail, I don't know what is!

The guy should be fired for this alone.
1 reply · active 669 weeks ago
You forgot--in this case, Metro doesn't consider Unsuck to be a media outlet.
Worst. Spokesman. Ever.
Hey Unsuck,
I think your website is malfunctioning. ;) ... there's a giant blank spot, since I know Danny Boy would have responded as he believes in openness.
3 replies · active 669 weeks ago
TomTom, you need to highlight the blank spot to see the still missing. Oh well, I tried.
UnSuck Fan's avatar

UnSuck Fan · 669 weeks ago

Lemon juice and an open flame from the track fires?
ObserverDC's avatar

ObserverDC · 669 weeks ago

No, stale urine from under the Bethesda platform escalator.
Stan Dessel's avatar

Stan Dessel · 669 weeks ago

This year I insulted Unsuck DC Metro for no reason, insulted the women of DC with a callous comment about sexual harassment for which I never apologized. I hired several underlings so now I never have to go out and face the media. I've locked down my twitter account, and I never tweet about Metro ever.

I'm sure there's more, but these are what I consider the highlights.

You're welcome!
1 reply · active 669 weeks ago
DC Denizen's avatar

DC Denizen · 669 weeks ago

Ha! Dan Stessel should be happy UnsuckDCMetro still considers him relevant after a year like that.

You're welcome, Dan!
One person's empty answer is another person's piece of art... this white sheet is not so different than a Rothko's painting...
Silly commenters! Dan’s just utilizing Metro’s new “Response +” public affairs service! Rather than write out a lengthy, thoughtful and honest response to a legitimate inquiry, Metro’s new “Response +” public affairs service offers a frank response without all those pesky words and such! Let me translate Dan’s “Response +” answer for you: “F**K off Metro customers!”
Vienna Bound's avatar

Vienna Bound · 669 weeks ago

It's unfortunate that Mr. Stessel doesn't take advantage of an opportunity to engage with a focused group of patrons. If handled appropriately, this could be a win-win opportunity for both sides to help make Metro a better transit system. It's not likely within his job portfolio to act in a liaison capacity to the community here, but if we could have an honest exchange of communication with a Metro official, I think Metro riders here would feel like our concerns are being heard and addressed.
WMATA's rules for riders: 1) Pay the fare, whatever it is. 2) Get on the train, whenever it arrives. 3) STFU, nothing you say means a damn to us.
1 reply · active 669 weeks ago

Soviet style attitude

"you want Metro?! You wait in Metro line. Maybe you get Metro! (bangs shoe angrily)!"
DC Denizen's avatar

DC Denizen · 669 weeks ago

Maybe he lost the WMATA-issued iPad that was supposed to keep him in constant contact with social media?
He sure has a way with words.
In all honesty and seriousness, how does Stessel staying as Metro Spokesman benefit anyone? He's a never ending punchline whose quotes regularly cause headaches for Metro. Metro can't be happy with his performance. He can't be happy with his position, he's locked his twitter account and refuses to engage with the riding public. Why on earth is he still in this position?
2 replies · active 669 weeks ago
Dr. Gridlock's avatar

Dr. Gridlock · 669 weeks ago

John, you have a major factual error in your question. Mr. Stessel is not employed by Metro. He's my boss over here at the Washington Post.
Well played, sir!
Daily Rider's avatar

Daily Rider · 669 weeks ago

Perhaps his policy is "better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt."
i just googled "dan stessel" and i'm pleased to see that there are a few unsuck hits right up there near the top. can someone SEO this situation and make sure stessel has a heck of a bad time getting his next job? that is, if he ever gets fired.
Oh, on another note: Anyone know people familiar with NJ Transit? What is their impression of Stessel? Was he just as bad there?
1 reply · active 669 weeks ago

Quotes from his New Jersey days.
UnSuck Fan's avatar

UnSuck Fan · 669 weeks ago

It would be great if we could tie in the sound effects of crickets chirping, or would it be too loud?
hrh king friday 13's avatar

hrh king friday 13 · 669 weeks ago

Now we know how long does it take for a promising, well-intentioned new hire to have his values and self-worth sucked dry by a corrupt, heartless, and criminally negligent organization. <1 year.

*bing bong* "Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.... doors closing..."
I noticed how in every picture, this tool has his hair perfectly done. It looks like he spends a lot of time on it. Very odd for a guy who probably should be too busy to do that and is older aged and therefore just looks stupid trying to rock hairstyles designed for people 20 years younger.

Stop doing your hair and do some work you Donkey
3 replies · active 669 weeks ago
He and John Edwards must go to the same hairdresser.
TobiasFunke's avatar

TobiasFunke · 669 weeks ago

He used to bar tend at Cobalt, if you catch my drift.
Yeah, I catch your drift - you're about as subtle as a heart attack. And about as useful. If you want to say he's gay, just say it. What's your point? What's that got to do with anything?
The saddest part is that I went back and re-read the post from a year ago when he came onboard. And the number of comments a year ago wishing him well, hoping he succeeds, defining what customers will view as success vs. failure, and so on are overwhelmingly positive and numerous. Yes, there are some comments in that thread saying things along the lines of "It doesn't matter, Metro sucks", but overall, the comments a year ago were welcoming and hopeful that Dan Stessel would do the right thing and change Metro for the better. And Stessel, through his OWN words and actions, disintegrated that welcomeness. It's sad really.
Insider443's avatar

Insider443 · 669 weeks ago

"One man's response is another man's cover up for mismanagement of a sad dysfunctional public system to aid the a social program and discrimininate against those who are not the "correct" race".
1 reply · active 669 weeks ago
Insider443's avatar

Insider443 · 669 weeks ago

The Anti-TB Guy's avatar

The Anti-TB Guy · 669 weeks ago

Dan grew up with a rather odd Mom. As she used to often say, "If you don't have anything nice to say about a transit system, don't say anything at all."

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