Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Any Other Victims of Violent Panhandlers?

Metro seems to be turning a blind eye to this problem. Back in April, a similar incident was reported.

From Erika:
I'm writing because I wanted to bring to your attention an awful event that occurred recently on the DC Metro involving my roommate. She is a graduate student at Catholic University and frequents the Red Line to get to and from campus. Last Thursday afternoon, while taking her routine trip to school, she was publicly attacked by a young man posing as a panhandler after she refused to give him money. I won't get into specifics, but suffice it to say that thankfully, my roommate was not badly hurt, but instead left with a headache and a small cut on her face after being struck twice. Following the assault, she said that her attacker sat across from her on the train, making threats (specifically, that "she was lucky that other people were around") until another patron escorted him from the car as the train approached the Fort Totten station.

My roommate has since notified the Metro authorities (at her home station of Silver Spring after no security was present at her destination station). She also notified a Montgomery County officer upon returning home, but has not received much support on the matter; instead, the officer said that he couldn't do anything about the situation because my roommate didn't need immediate medical attention. We realize that this may be because the event occurred beyond his jurisdiction. She did receive some information from a station manager in Silver Spring who said that this gang of aggressive panhandlers has been active for a year and a half. He mentioned that he has received reports of them spitting on and threatening patrons who do not give them "donations" (mostly targeting single travelers, regardless of gender/race). Despite these reports, the transit police have neglected to do anything about this. To our knowledge, the attack on my roommate is the first reported case of this group committing physical assault on a person refusing to provide money.

With little attempt made to do anything about deterring this sort of behavior, I think it's important to, at the very least, increase awareness among members of the greater DC community about this group's propensity to be violent. Specifically, Metro riders should be wary of African-American males in their early-20s who approach them carrying folders (presumably containing information about a charity that they support).

They wear street clothes and will often congregate near the Silver Spring station. One of these individuals approached my roommate by slamming his folder down on the book that she was reading at the time. I'm not sure that all members of the group are comparably aggressive.

I am taking serious issue with the lack of effort put forth by the authorities to put a stop to this. As mentioned earlier, several harassed people have come forward to the Silver Spring station manager, alone, and nothing has been done to alleviate these people's concerns evidenced by the panhandler gang's continued harassment of innocent travelers. That said, I would greatly appreciate any support that you are willing to provide to change this. Increasing awareness is an obvious first step.

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Ok...so who's going to be the first person to say that it's racist by pointing out that the group responsible for this is African American??
8 replies · active 427 weeks ago
Metrohater's avatar

Metrohater · 669 weeks ago

It is racist, as though enough people aren't afraid of young black men. Trayvon Martin, anybody?
This woman was physically assaulted and then threatened with further violence. When something like this happens and you report it, it's standard protocol for the investigator to ask the victim for a description of his or her attacker.

This woman did so, and is trying to be proactive and warn other people so they can avoid be victimized as well. She's giving as full a description about her attacker as she can and that includes race in this instance.

People like you who blame the victim and accuse someone who was physically assaulted as being racist simply for giving an accurate description of her attacker, DISGUST me.
Youngblackman's avatar

Youngblackman · 669 weeks ago

lol, I don't see any victim blaming but read into what I said however you want. Saying the attacker was a young black male is a lot different than saying to be wary of young black males. How many young black men do you see get on a train between silver spring and fort totten?
It's sad to see they are YOUNG BLACK teenagers who panhandle on the train. They are very rude & aggressive, before they even approach I give the look that I will f*ck one of them up. LMAO!!! It's a shame you can't have a safe ride home with out the harrassment of these panhandlers who are want donations for a FAKE charity. The want our hard earned monies to buy WEED & Jordans (Nike). Walk with some paper spray people teach this IDIOTS a lesson. I am glad the room mate was not hurt badly with Idiots like these you can not show fear.
You are an idiot.
Metrohater called her a racist for giving a description of her attacker. While he or she's not saying the OP as at fault for being attacked, they're still calling her a racist for giving a description of her attacker.

Also....she's not giving some blanket statement to be wary of young black males. She's saying very specifically to be wary of young black males who approach you on the Metro with folders asking for money.

There's a pretty big difference there....
PCness is good when called for but it can get ridiculous at times. Yesterday I misidentified someone at a store and wound up having to describe who I was looking for without saying the person was one of the few non-caucasians in there at the time.
What's racist about stating a fact?
2 replies · active 669 weeks ago
Dr. Gridlock's avatar

Dr. Gridlock · 669 weeks ago

Ask Al Sharpton or any the Washington Posts favorite white-hater Eugene Robinson.

I'm sure they'll explain to you how wrong it is to point out the race of the one committing said crime
Also, Courtland Milloy.
Uneasy Rider's avatar

Uneasy Rider · 669 weeks ago

Wait, I think I heard this one before. WMATA's laissez faire approach to security can only lead to one thing: more public outrage. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernhard_Goetz
Metro DC always on they phone or talking to the girls.
Concerned's avatar

Concerned · 669 weeks ago

From what I understand, things HAVE been done about this issue. MTPD plain clothes officers have locked these kids up numerous times. However, the court systems drop the ball and the perpetrators are right back on the street doing the same thing. The best thing you can do is get as accurate a description as possible (or a picture if possible) and pass it on to the Transit Police as soon as you are able.. If need be, step off the train at the next station to make the call. Waiting a long period of time to report makes it much harder to combat this type
2 replies · active 669 weeks ago
Go one better. Get yourself interviewed on camera by any of the local news channels. Bad publicity is the only thing that seems to stir Metro to action (however limited and ineffectual).
People should hit the emergency call button and report it to the train conductor, right?
I'm not clear how one aggressive panhandler becomes a gang.
3 replies · active 669 weeks ago
I believe it's a "flock"
The source seems to have been the Silver Spring station manager -- potentially, although not certainly, a reliable source.
Navin R. Johnson: These hoodlums are dangerous. I think we oughta get out of here before she sees us.

Marie: She?

Navin R. Johnson: What?

Marie: You said she.

Navin R. Johnson: No! No! I always call a gang "she". It's like when you call a boat "she", or a hurricane "she".

Marie: Or a girl?

Navin R. Johnson: A girl, you can call a girl she, that's just one of the many things you can call she.
INtheKNOW's avatar

INtheKNOW · 669 weeks ago

legalize handguns and we'd all be fine...
5 replies · active 668 weeks ago
Probably not. Lots of studies show citizens that carry/own handguns have them used against them. Guns are only as good as the training their owners have received. Firearms won't suddenly solve these problems...
JustTheFactsMaam's avatar

JustTheFactsMaam · 669 weeks ago

"Lots of studies show citizens that carry/own handguns have them used against them." If you can find any 3 news articles with this happening, post them. I've looked for such for years and haven't found anything. Cops have it happen, but not private citizens.
So it's true that criminals get guns away from well-trained police officers and use them against the cop, but it "doesn't happen" to the average joe CC/OCing? While not widespread, it's certainly likely that it's happened before. But, really, is an average citizen well-advised to pull a loaded weapon, much less use one, on a train occupied by innocent bystanders?

*FWIW, the biggest risk to gun owners, vis a vis the mentioned scenario, is the gun in their home the criminal gets before they do. Like when I came home and walked in on some burglars a few years back. Had I owned an unsecured weapon, it's entirely probable they would have found it, and possibly used it against me rather than hearing me unlock the door and running for the hills.
walter washington's avatar

walter washington · 668 weeks ago

You must have a very active imagination.
Me and my brother, apparently. When I called to tell him what happened with the burglary, the first words out of his mouth were "thank god you didn't have a gun in the house." My brother owns over 30 guns, including a couple of handguns (when you hunt dangerous prey, you carry both, so if your rifle doesn't kill them and they charge you, you can shoot them at close-range with the BIG handgun). Being raised in a gun-owning environment, I know to keep my guns and ammo, if I had any, locked up and secure (like my brother does), but many people don't. Beyond the risk to the owner of the gun, if they're stolen, the bodies on the gun are your fault. I don't oppose gun ownership, but far too many people are not as responsible as they need to be with their guns.
I was aggressively threatened by similar panhandlers (probably the same) several times on this same line, same location, right after Silver Spring and just before Fort Totten. It was maybe a year ago, involved two tall black men, and it was very obvious that one in particular was the leader and carried a lot of anger and rage with him. He moved through the car and shouted for money. I picked up on the aggressive manner right away and managed to get out my cell phone and dial for metro police just as he reach me and hung over me, inches away from my face, not moving. When the police answered, I told them that these men were aggressively harassing and intimidating people for money, and then the guy quickly backed away and sat down a few seats away. The police ask for a description and I gave it to them, but just before getting off at Fort Totten, the guy peeled off his shirt so he was wearing a tank top instead.
1 reply · active 669 weeks ago
. I highly doubted that the police would get him or do anything about the situation, but at least having them on the phone thwarted any physical attack upon me. Another time when I tried to call metro police though with a similar incident, same men, I called several times and each time it rang and rang and rang and nobody answered the phone. So metro police really isn't reliable nor much help at all. I am not surprise that this has escalated now to violence. I have seen this coming a few years ago... I have seen the aggression and violence building and metro does NOTHING.
These aren't panhandlers; these are scammers. I worked in an office near CUA for a few years and these young punks were always on the Metro, waving worn and tattered, dirty folders around, claiming they were collecting either for the Boy Scouts or for new band uniforms. I'm 6'5", 280, and they never gave me any trouble--in fact, they just mumbled and walked away when I asked what instrument they played or how many merit badges they'd earned.

Regardless, they're dangerous and bold and Metro needs to get off its bloated ass and do something about it.
Can we get more information about the stations and the time and date these panhandlers are "working" the trains?
1 reply · active 669 weeks ago
I live in Silver Spring, work down by the Navy Yard and I see them on the Green Line a lot. Usually in between Navy Yard and Ft. Totten. And usually during rush hour.
I don't know, but if he was still running I would vote for him over Obama!
Dear MoCo PD. They hang out in front of Giant in Blair Shops on Saturday and Sunday.
If these people are ON THE TRAIN threatening you, harming you, or intimidating you, then you need to use the emergency call button at the end of each car. That will talk to the train operator who can radio for the police to MEET THE TRAIN AT THE STATION.

Simply getting off the train and telling someone about it later does absolutely nothing to stop this. The police will never find them, and there is no longer a need for immediate assistance. Using the call button will create an immediate emergency response by police to intercept the train.
7 replies · active 669 weeks ago
Maybe in your world, Matt. But in the real world the call buttons do not work in a large number of cars, and when they do, the driver is more often than not uninterested in what is happening. It would be a rare occasion indeed if a driver were to (1) receive the call, (2) respond, (3) call the police, and (4) the police actually be there when the train pulls into the next station. Even rarer; the perp is actually apprehended before escaping up and out of the station.
That sounds great Matt, but posters on this thread will tell you that most of the time those emergency call buttons don't work.
Not to mention that if the aggressor sees you doing so you become target #1. Since you have low odds of getting results from the call button (not working, driver does nothing, etc) you are not helping the situation.
Suggestion: Change rail cars (away from the miscreants) before hitting the button, but be sure you give the operator the car number you were on. Or at least which part of the train (3rd car back, etc.).

BTW, this has been going on FOR YEARS!! It used to be the "Metropolitan Police Boys and Girls Club." All of the "official letterhead" had the same kid's name on it.
Well that's just great.
Metro Ryder's avatar

Metro Ryder · 669 weeks ago

If the call button works.
I've tried the call button several times to report hot cars but they only worked half the time. But I would feel more scared using the call button when they're in the same car as me.
I think I saw these kids once, but they left me alone. They were being more forward than the average panhandler but not aggressive, at least when I saw them.
This makes me scared to take Metro now. I live in Silver Spring and have seen these guys before. So far I've been lucky not to have a confrontation with them, but it seems unavoidable now.
1 reply · active 669 weeks ago
I live in Silver Spring and I haven't really seen too many panhandlers that seem aggressive. There are plenty of beggars around the Metro Stations, and there's the one dude who sits outside the station EVERY DAY, but he never gets angry if you ignore him and a lot of people that work at the NOAA seem to know him.
Where are the hundreds of Metro policemen? You just don't see them around the system. Federal government gave tons of money for Metro to hire the policemen. Instead, they stay inside their offices enjoy AC in such a hot summer day.
2 replies · active 669 weeks ago
Go to Pentagon City during afternoon rush. There are usually 3 or 4 of them in the corner by the recycle bins playing on their personal iPhones completely oblivious to passersby.
I'm a daily Red Line and Green Line rider (live in Silver Spring), I've encountered these kids a bunch of times, and usually if you say you don't have any cash, they'll go away.

This is surprising to me because 90% of the time I see them on the GL rather than the RL. Also they usually leave me alone and move on if I tell them I don't have any cash. It is a pain in the ass and I hate to see others giving them money for their "organization."

Remember, The Boys and Girls Club, YMCA, and Boy Scouts explicitly state that they DO NOT solicit donations outside of their organization (i.e. no begging on the street), so if you encounter a group of thugs claiming to be collecting donations on behalf of any of these orgs, they're lying.

Also this is definitely one of those situations where I think it would be great if MTPD/DCPD implemented some sort of an SMS messaging program. I'm sure there are reasons why this isn't possible, but in a situation where I saw someone being harassed on a train, I'd definitely feel safer quietly texting the police rather than drawing attention to myself by calling the police or attempting to contact the driver.
1 reply · active 668 weeks ago
+1,000,000 to a text police number. I have been in several situations that warranted police response on Metro in particular (fights, harassment - physical or sexual - property destruction, and the like), but no way was I going to let the perps see me calling the police. Apparently, Verizon is looking to provide 911 SMS service starting next year. Would be even better if it could do MMS, since one could then snap a photo and send it along. I'd like to see Metro early on the bandwagon for this one, but I'm not holding my breath.
wow this is sad... i often comment on pan handlers that hang out at New Carolton... There is this one lady in particular.. she may not be a pan handler perse, but she just sets up shop and sometimes is keeled over as if she is dead... I feel bad for her, but this is simply not the place to hang out... Same station has the little kids "selling" candy with their omnipresent thug observing the "count".

These are simple quality of life/ broken window issues..

There is this one guy who harasses ladies asking for money. When i see him its the same thing... Hopefully these guys do get arrested, but as the previous poster said, the courts let them go, especially if they are juveniles... the bain of our criminal justice system, especially if they cross county/city lines. Sigh

This has been going on damn near everyday that ive been riding metro (four years).
oh and to those who want to bring race in the dialog, I try to give young black kids the benefit of the doubt and not be judgmental. I surely do not paint all young black kids with the same brush, but there is a subset of black kids that look as if they are suspect. Case in point, i saw a guy on the train last week and thought, 'hmm, he looks like hes up to no good, wait no that was judgmental, shame on me", sure enough when we get to a certain station, he gets up fake yawns and snatches a gentleman's iPhone..

These kids live up to the sterotypes and profiles and unfortunately others can rightfully paint them as a suspect....

it sucks, but it is what it is...

And I am a Black Male who grew up in the city and am appalled, daily, by what i see on the train from both the young males and females... almost to the point that i want to drive soley so that i'm not exposed to this S**t!!!
I often pray that they dont burn these images of black teenage life onto folks psyches, but they are certainly making the case difficult to defend
they have arrested these kids before. but you can thank the Maryland criminal justice system for their lack or want to prosecute these savages. same for DC. why should they stop when there are no consequences to their actions?
i have watched them for years with all the scams. same scam year after year just younger kids used by teenagers to run the scam.
the biggest problem i see is they usually target younger white women or tourist types.usually playing on the white guilt theme. and notice most will wear a couple shirts at the same time. when trouble arise they scatter in all directions like cockroaches peeling off outer shirts then they blend in to the crowds, meet up a few stations away then start over again.
I had something similar happen to me (not as bad thankfully) in 2008. I have since moved out of the area. This has definitely been going on a long time.
A couple of posters have said this group of scammers have been arrested before. Could someone post a link to back this up...I'm just trying to understand how you would know that they were arrested?
I was bothered by an individual semi-matching that description outside (on the sidewalk coming up to the station) the Farragut North station nearly 2 years ago. Fortunately, the jerk just tried to spit on me and called me a b***h after I refused to acknowledge him instead of getting combative. It was still scary though and there's no way I'll ever walk around there by myself again. Watch out for anyone who comes up to you and says, "I have a question for you;" that's what he said and I didn't pay any attention to him. Ignore the low life and keep walking! The worst thing you can do is engage them in conversation and/or give them money.
1 reply · active 668 weeks ago
Reminds me of this post from April:
A while back Hollaback, now CASS, posted a story about this type of perp in Dupont, who was sexually harassing women who wouldn't "donate" to him. I emailed our police lieutenant to let him know that the perp either lived in or frequently hung out in my neighborhood (victim got a pic, and I recognized him immediately...I included the story/picture in my email). I don't think anything ever came of it, though.

I've seen a lot of scammers in DC. I can't believe so many people are so gullible that it's worth their time...
Yes. I live in Silver Spring and have noticed this group of scammers becoming increasingly more violent. They regularly get up into people's faces who are trying to mind their own business and threaten them, scream at them, sometimes even get violent with them. I've reported them to the police before when they were causing a huge ruckus on my train, and the police seemed to be well aware of the problem. They said they knew exactly who the offenders were and have arrested them several times, but that they were mostly minors, so nothing would happen to them. Even the ones over 18 would likely not get more than a slap on the wrist.

Really sorry that your roommate was attacked.

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