Metro seems to be turning a blind eye to this problem. Back in April, a similar incident was reported.
From Erika:
I'm writing because I wanted to bring to your attention an awful event that occurred recently on the DC Metro involving my roommate. She is a graduate student at Catholic University and frequents the Red Line to get to and from campus. Last Thursday afternoon, while taking her routine trip to school, she was publicly attacked by a young man posing as a panhandler after she refused to give him money. I won't get into specifics, but suffice it to say that thankfully, my roommate was not badly hurt, but instead left with a headache and a small cut on her face after being struck twice. Following the assault, she said that her attacker sat across from her on the train, making threats (specifically, that "she was lucky that other people were around") until another patron escorted him from the car as the train approached the Fort Totten station.Other items:
My roommate has since notified the Metro authorities (at her home station of Silver Spring after no security was present at her destination station). She also notified a Montgomery County officer upon returning home, but has not received much support on the matter; instead, the officer said that he couldn't do anything about the situation because my roommate didn't need immediate medical attention. We realize that this may be because the event occurred beyond his jurisdiction. She did receive some information from a station manager in Silver Spring who said that this gang of aggressive panhandlers has been active for a year and a half. He mentioned that he has received reports of them spitting on and threatening patrons who do not give them "donations" (mostly targeting single travelers, regardless of gender/race). Despite these reports, the transit police have neglected to do anything about this. To our knowledge, the attack on my roommate is the first reported case of this group committing physical assault on a person refusing to provide money.
With little attempt made to do anything about deterring this sort of behavior, I think it's important to, at the very least, increase awareness among members of the greater DC community about this group's propensity to be violent. Specifically, Metro riders should be wary of African-American males in their early-20s who approach them carrying folders (presumably containing information about a charity that they support).
They wear street clothes and will often congregate near the Silver Spring station. One of these individuals approached my roommate by slamming his folder down on the book that she was reading at the time. I'm not sure that all members of the group are comparably aggressive.
I am taking serious issue with the lack of effort put forth by the authorities to put a stop to this. As mentioned earlier, several harassed people have come forward to the Silver Spring station manager, alone, and nothing has been done to alleviate these people's concerns evidenced by the panhandler gang's continued harassment of innocent travelers. That said, I would greatly appreciate any support that you are willing to provide to change this. Increasing awareness is an obvious first step.
Cheaper SmarTrip cards? (Examiner)
DCRider · 669 weeks ago
Metrohater · 669 weeks ago
DCRider · 669 weeks ago
This woman did so, and is trying to be proactive and warn other people so they can avoid be victimized as well. She's giving as full a description about her attacker as she can and that includes race in this instance.
People like you who blame the victim and accuse someone who was physically assaulted as being racist simply for giving an accurate description of her attacker, DISGUST me.
Youngblackman · 669 weeks ago
MsLily · 669 weeks ago
Anon · 668 weeks ago
DCRider · 668 weeks ago
Also....she's not giving some blanket statement to be wary of young black males. She's saying very specifically to be wary of young black males who approach you on the Metro with folders asking for money.
There's a pretty big difference there....
Kara · 669 weeks ago
@VeggieTart · 669 weeks ago
name · 669 weeks ago
Dr. Gridlock · 669 weeks ago
I'm sure they'll explain to you how wrong it is to point out the race of the one committing said crime
Guest · 669 weeks ago
Uneasy Rider · 669 weeks ago
guest · 669 weeks ago
Concerned · 669 weeks ago
eed017 · 669 weeks ago
anon · 669 weeks ago
Tim · 669 weeks ago
Guest · 669 weeks ago
Arl Fan · 669 weeks ago
Guest · 669 weeks ago
Marie: She?
Navin R. Johnson: What?
Marie: You said she.
Navin R. Johnson: No! No! I always call a gang "she". It's like when you call a boat "she", or a hurricane "she".
Marie: Or a girl?
Navin R. Johnson: A girl, you can call a girl she, that's just one of the many things you can call she.
INtheKNOW · 669 weeks ago
Anon · 669 weeks ago
JustTheFactsMaam · 669 weeks ago
dddddda · 668 weeks ago
*FWIW, the biggest risk to gun owners, vis a vis the mentioned scenario, is the gun in their home the criminal gets before they do. Like when I came home and walked in on some burglars a few years back. Had I owned an unsecured weapon, it's entirely probable they would have found it, and possibly used it against me rather than hearing me unlock the door and running for the hills.
walter washington · 668 weeks ago
dddddda · 668 weeks ago
DMCinDC · 669 weeks ago
DMCinDC · 669 weeks ago
Mark · 669 weeks ago
Regardless, they're dangerous and bold and Metro needs to get off its bloated ass and do something about it.
Socket · 669 weeks ago
Sizzle · 669 weeks ago
@ConGrpThink · 669 weeks ago
Guest · 669 weeks ago
F'n JD · 669 weeks ago
Matt · 669 weeks ago
Simply getting off the train and telling someone about it later does absolutely nothing to stop this. The police will never find them, and there is no longer a need for immediate assistance. Using the call button will create an immediate emergency response by police to intercept the train.
g1956 · 669 weeks ago
Andrew · 669 weeks ago
Kara · 669 weeks ago
RGG · 669 weeks ago
BTW, this has been going on FOR YEARS!! It used to be the "Metropolitan Police Boys and Girls Club." All of the "official letterhead" had the same kid's name on it.
Matt · 669 weeks ago
Metro Ryder · 669 weeks ago
trev · 669 weeks ago
amanda · 669 weeks ago
trev · 669 weeks ago
Sizzle · 669 weeks ago
TPY · 669 weeks ago
@bina__ballerina · 669 weeks ago
Sam · 669 weeks ago
Sizzle · 669 weeks ago
This is surprising to me because 90% of the time I see them on the GL rather than the RL. Also they usually leave me alone and move on if I tell them I don't have any cash. It is a pain in the ass and I hate to see others giving them money for their "organization."
Remember, The Boys and Girls Club, YMCA, and Boy Scouts explicitly state that they DO NOT solicit donations outside of their organization (i.e. no begging on the street), so if you encounter a group of thugs claiming to be collecting donations on behalf of any of these orgs, they're lying.
Also this is definitely one of those situations where I think it would be great if MTPD/DCPD implemented some sort of an SMS messaging program. I'm sure there are reasons why this isn't possible, but in a situation where I saw someone being harassed on a train, I'd definitely feel safer quietly texting the police rather than drawing attention to myself by calling the police or attempting to contact the driver.
dddddda · 668 weeks ago
Joe · 669 weeks ago
These are simple quality of life/ broken window issues..
There is this one guy who harasses ladies asking for money. When i see him its the same thing... Hopefully these guys do get arrested, but as the previous poster said, the courts let them go, especially if they are juveniles... the bain of our criminal justice system, especially if they cross county/city lines. Sigh
This has been going on damn near everyday that ive been riding metro (four years).
Joe · 669 weeks ago
These kids live up to the sterotypes and profiles and unfortunately others can rightfully paint them as a suspect....
it sucks, but it is what it is...
And I am a Black Male who grew up in the city and am appalled, daily, by what i see on the train from both the young males and females... almost to the point that i want to drive soley so that i'm not exposed to this S**t!!!
I often pray that they dont burn these images of black teenage life onto folks psyches, but they are certainly making the case difficult to defend
n2deep · 669 weeks ago
i have watched them for years with all the scams. same scam year after year just younger kids used by teenagers to run the scam.
the biggest problem i see is they usually target younger white women or tourist types.usually playing on the white guilt theme. and notice most will wear a couple shirts at the same time. when trouble arise they scatter in all directions like cockroaches peeling off outer shirts then they blend in to the crowds, meet up a few stations away then start over again.
PKM · 669 weeks ago
Oyber · 669 weeks ago
Anon · 669 weeks ago
@jdhatchell · 668 weeks ago
Guest · 669 weeks ago
dddddda · 668 weeks ago
I've seen a lot of scammers in DC. I can't believe so many people are so gullible that it's worth their time...
Guest · 668 weeks ago
Really sorry that your roommate was attacked.
@kwboogieman · 668 weeks ago