Thursday, May 3, 2012

"We will use our pride as a shield against any attack they wage against us."

That Washington Times series of articles really got under Metro's skin. First Ol' Sarlesy comes out with this milquetoast "rebuttal," and now, I've gotten a copy of another "response."

This time, it's from Hercules Ballard, Managing Director, Office of Rail Transport.

As with Sarles' letter, it addresses none of the issues brought up by the Times.

It's quite a read. I encourage you to check out the whole thing (page one and page two), but here's the start:
Dear Co-workers:

First, I want to apologize for the article that was written in the Washington Times which aimed at showing us in a negative light. I am not surprised that an ignorant person made some inaccurate statements. Webster defines ignorance as "The condition of being uneducated, unaware, or uninformed." In other words, "he doesn't know us or what we do - so forget him." If he did know you, he would be singing a different tune. His depiction of you would be changed from inept to incredible, impressive, wondrous, stupendous, or amazing. Let us all learn from this and know we can never give others the power to define us or our self-worth. That power should remain inside each of you.

People use this type of tactic when there is nothing obviously wrong with you;their only weapon is to attack you with negative words to make you feel bad about yourself. Well, partner...
It only gets better. The inauguration "miracle" from more than three years ago? Yeah, they're still hyping that!

This article about behaviors that precede a scandal is also interesting and apropos.

Other items:
Dulles rail summit yields no deal (WaPo)
Metro brings back disruption reports (WMATA)
Alexandria seeks $1 million to study Potomac Yard stop (Examiner)
Metro says Caps paid for later service (WaPo)

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Hilariously sad.

This kind of esteem building does more harm than good. You see it's manifestation in lots of areas.

The emperor wears no clothes.
3 replies · active 672 weeks ago
Guest he never disputed any of the facts the Washingtimes newspaper printed concerning the bias and harassment/bullying of white women to the degree numerous white women filed suit in Federal courts.

Perhaps Unsuck could find out what these lawsuits caused the Federal Taxpayers, and the 3 jurisdictions.

It is high time an outside appointed investigation be mandated. I believe from the evidence and court records I read online, their is bias, waste of federal funds and something is wrong with Human Resources.
WOW! That letter really is worth looking at. Ballard infantilizes Metro workers with his over-the-top praise and fatherly pats on the back. How about refuting the facts of the article instead? It wasn't an opinion piece; it was a three-part investigation.
If u worked there you would hear that crap daily.
Just click on the link on that page that says "View Document" - no downloading required.
Nice tone.

That's a new "feature." The files are now available on ScribD.

You're welcome.
DC Denizen's avatar

DC Denizen · 672 weeks ago

Hi Dan! Remember: One person's "tone" is another person's investigative journalism.
Oh, is that you /Stan?/ ::wink:: good cover.
DC Denizen's avatar

DC Denizen · 672 weeks ago

I’m still on the fence on whether you’re trying to help or just love the attention.
You're new here, aren't you?
Ever n Anon's avatar

Ever n Anon · 672 weeks ago

I'll not even ask what you mean. It sounds as clear as a Metro press release.

As has been often said on this BLOG (not website), if you do not like it why are you visiting it? Thee are many other blogs out there that might interest you in a more pleasant manner.

I, for one, appreciate Unsuck's goals and the purpose of this blog.
No you don't just open it and send it in a link.
chikn good's avatar

chikn good · 672 weeks ago

...and in closing, Whitney Houston once said "Bobby, pass me that crack pipe".

Webster defines delusional as....
John Nobody's avatar

John Nobody · 672 weeks ago

I see Metro jerking off their employees, but I'm still looking for the information or facts that refute the Washington Times article.
1 reply · active 672 weeks ago
The Times had to use facts John to avoid liability issues.
Stan Dessel's avatar

Stan Dessel · 672 weeks ago

Dear riders,

Every one of you is a magnificent miracle child of God.

I love you.

My son *LOVES* Captain America. If he saw that the Captain had joined Metro's legion, he'd be crying nonstop.
"incredible, impressive, wondrous, stupendous, or amazing"... really?!? Tell me it's a fake, a joke... I can't believe it...
I'm very often speechless in front of metro incompetency... but apparently they don;t miss words to auto-congratulate themselves...
Ever n Anon's avatar

Ever n Anon · 672 weeks ago

Oh I am busting a gut over this one. oh Metro. oh my word!

Incredible, impressive, wondrous, stupendous, or amazing BULL hockey at best.

Why not add, "Yes, indeed, we can spin the crap faster than it can drop! We don't do it well, but who cares? We are Metro!"

And the BEST they can offer their own staff in kudos is the inauguration? Really? Nothing since? Now who's lookin' ignorant, Metro? Yes, that be you,
1 reply · active 672 weeks ago
Metro tries not to focus on what it was cleaning up only 5 short months after the inauguration: the Fort Totten tragedy.
That was the best laugh that I have had in awhile!
1 reply · active 672 weeks ago
Hercules was groomed by his friends at Metro. You should meet him.
This should have been avoided at any length.
All these factual stories of bias are TRUE!
Answer to Hercules letter:
FACT 1: You're not incredible, you're doing your job! There is nothing incredible about that... All of us are doing our jobs, and we don't claim we are "incredible"...
FACT 2: Snowstorm impacting the metro?! Are you kidding me? Your operating trains at that time were IN TUNNEL, Trains above ground were stopped! WTF?! How do you think snow can enter your tunnel?!?
FACT 3: You use the earthquake to glorify yourself? Really?
FACT 4: Let's talk about that this weekend, with your shitty track maintenance and the Nat's and Cap's games at the same time... With only one red line train every 24 minutes to leave downtown, it's gonna be a mess!
FACT 5: Congrats! You did a good job once in your life! Now it's time to do the same any other day of the year...

You say: "we should not focus on other people's failures but celebrate their success", I understand "We don't give a s##t about our metro problems/failures, let's just praise how awesome we think we are"...
Hercules: You're an idiot and a liar!
3 replies · active 672 weeks ago
I was gonna say, didn't all the above ground stations close? If you lived in south arlington or alexandria, you had no way to get into the city. Huge lie by "Hercules"
Daily Rider's avatar

Daily Rider · 672 weeks ago

I actually support unions, except when they practice violence. I am the product of an ATU household in another large city. However, there should be a dedication to excellence, or at least competence, that WMATA management and the union seem to lack.

I contend that competence knows no racial, ethnic, gender, or kinship bounds. All that is needed is the determination and discipline to put good people in the jobs, and to do the job right.

Is this any way to run a railroad!?I actually support unions, except when they practice violence. I am the product of an ATU household in another large city. However, there should be a dedication to excellence, or at least competence, that WMATA management and the union seem to lack.

I contend that competence knows no racial, ethnic, gender, or kinship bounds. All that is needed is the determination and discipline to put good people in the jobs, and to do the job right.

Is what e have now any way to run a railroad!?
ObserverDC's avatar

ObserverDC · 672 weeks ago

Your fact 5 reminds me of the old football quote about endzone celebrations: stop crowing and act like you've been there before.
J. Jeter's avatar

J. Jeter · 672 weeks ago

This! Letter! Is Absolutely! On the money!
DC Denizen's avatar

DC Denizen · 672 weeks ago

I think the Washington Times should start a prompt investigation of Hercules Ballard.
1 reply · active 672 weeks ago
He was appointed with other blacks by Fadi Bassilli who was removed from Metro.
I believe F Bassilli was Iranian or Egyptian.
Rita Davis he appointed after she had a fatality driving a metro bus and now she is head of Rail after an appointment for Line Manager.
It gets better.
Two words... Malignant Narcissism. Sarles should go look them up, but I am happy to assist ...
4 replies · active 672 weeks ago
Ah wells, I wrote Sarles instead of Ballard (cannot delete this)... but applies to both anyways. :)
According to Wikipedia, malignant narcissism has been referred to as "the quintessence of evil" and the sign of a "sadistic psychopath." A bit strong, perhaps?
Ever n Anon's avatar

Ever n Anon · 672 weeks ago

Good point. Metro's not that smart. :D
Not a strong descriptor at all. Do more research into it other than the quick Wiki link. Narcissists are grandiose, liars, and build a facade of how wonderful and great they are. Sounds exactly like this letter.
Two words.. Malignant Narcissism. Hercules Ballard should go look it up, but I'm happy to assist..
3 replies · active 672 weeks ago
Landbound_Mammal's avatar

Landbound_Mammal · 672 weeks ago

The Anti-TB Guy's avatar

The Anti-TB Guy · 672 weeks ago

Maybe just growing up with the name "Hercules" went to Mr. Ballard's head? The original Hercules did a lot of incredible, impressive, wondrous, stupendous and amazing things, including finally getting those Augean stables cleaned out...

BTW, as long as the boss thinks you're doing an incredible, impressive, wondrous, stupendous and amazing job, who cares what the customers think?
Daily Rider's avatar

Daily Rider · 672 weeks ago

Some more facts

6 Track workers killed on the Red line due to failure to follow procedures
7 Track worker killed on the Yellow line due to failure to follow procedures
8 Nine Customers/Passengers killed on the Red line, if I understand the NTSB report correctly due to failure to install and test signal equipment correctly, and disregard of fault indicators for that equipment.
9 Blue and Yellow lines stopped for the evening because electrical equipment catches fire
10 Radio coverage nonexistent in parts of the system.
11 Brake parts (friction rings) fall off cars in revenue service (not that falling off in non-revenue service is ok).
12 Operator on duty stops bus, punches out McGruff, and is fired but reinstated.
13 Operator fails to complete run and puts Passenger/Customer off short of destination.
14 Theft of revenue detected only through complaint of convenience store operator.

I could go on, but this should be plenty to document a dysfunctional system.
Because you're good enough, smart enough, and gosh darnit, people like you!
What a toxic environment Metro is. What's with the us and them BS?

We pay you, you provide a service. You don't have to be over the top nice, just competent.

Sadly, many Metro employees are downright mean and do nothing.
1 reply · active 672 weeks ago
Amen on the "downright mean". This is out of hate for whites and Jeter and her huband do nothing to help these woman and probably want them gone Re-read the article she does not want more whites hired.
knows metro's avatar

knows metro · 672 weeks ago

Hey Herc!

Your employees' self worth should be defined by their performance.

Using that metric, I don't see a lot of value, only high cost do nothings who know there are no consequences for their actions/inactions.
Need my car keys..'s avatar

Need my car keys.. · 672 weeks ago

"If he did know you, he would be singing a different tune. His depiction of you would be changed from inept to incredible, impressive, wondrous, stupendous, or amazing."


This can't be real, can it?
former employee's avatar

former employee · 672 weeks ago

The Washington Times printed the truth. I think Mr. Sarles knows it is the truth but he has to say something. The Civil Rights and HR don't give a shit and has'nt for years. If the situation was reversed, the mega media would a field day for weeks and Sarles would be fired and in hiding. No, instead he blames the sourses. He should go "uncover boss" for a week.. just a week but I doubt he would make it

Metro's action speak the truth. So Sarles can take that "no documents or out dated data"' and stick it. Tell someone else who has not been through the living hell that I went through while employee there.
1 reply · active 672 weeks ago
Former employee- you are correct. I heard from a white female that DC EEOC did not want to file a class action for white female years back even though there were only 8 or so. I miss the white female supervisor on the Red Line she was the only white female I have ever seen on all of metro rail

You don't see any white females operating trains anymore.
hrh king friday 13's avatar

hrh king friday 13 · 672 weeks ago

Funny that he went with Merriam-Webster because when you look up "ignorant" in the Oxford dictionary there's a picture of Hercules Ballard.
Incredible, stupendous, wondrous, impressive, amazing?
I miss the days when children were thrilled to receive a gold star.
Thomas Frank once rightly wrote of The Washington Times, "There is even a daily newspaper...published strictly for the [conservative] movement’s benefit, a propaganda sheet whose distortions are so obvious and so alien that it puts one in mind of those official party organs one encounters when traveling in authoritarian countries." It speaks volumes that Unsuck always cites it so credulously.
5 replies · active 671 weeks ago
Actually, I think the Washington Times is a POS, but that doesn't mean every article they publish is without merit.

In this case, about something I know quite a bit about myself, I think they're pretty spot on.

Some of the racial stuff could have been toned down though.
'Think about this'

Tell that "....toned down" to those reports you hear in the news daily and Judges find for the mistreatment unless you are not those entitled.

Affirmative action and fairness goes hand in hand. One day you may find it hard to get an employer to hire or promote you because of your race. You may get the ax. At that time you will feel it personally and have a different view of how race plays an important role with certain employers. As a tax payer I feel citizens who are out of work in VA should have equivalent recruiting and appointments relative to the jurisdictions who pay to ride and who pay taxes to fund the 60% of Metro Rail.
Didn't he leftly write that?
I should add that the Washington Post is rapidly approaching POSdom.
Print on Washington Times printing the truth sometimes hurts!
I wonder how much was wasted to cost to copy and distribute. Two-sided copies?
Metro administrators do themselves more harm than good with these self congratulatory missives. FWIW...I ride Metro Bus and most the operators are polite and friendly. But, the drek put out my management overshadows the good.
Anonymous's avatar

Anonymous · 672 weeks ago

This letter is a must-read. While it's surreal and funny, it's also just as frightening as any of the derailments or operational problems we read about here.

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