From Rob, who says he has an M.S. in safety management and "16-plus years of experience in addressing safety and health issues, dealing with a wide variety of public safety issues on a daily basis."
This was addressed to Metro customer service.
I wanted to alert you to a troubling situation on the Red Line [yesterday] morning, where my personal safety as Metrorail rider was compromised. An overcrowded Metro train experienced mechanical difficulties and was offloaded at Dupont Circle, quite possibly the smallest platform in the system.Other items:
Here is the troubling part. The escalator at the top was still operational with hundreds more passengers being forced by the moving escalator onto the already overcrowded platform.
I (and several dozen other passengers) almost were pushed off and onto tracks after the train experiencing mechanical difficulties left the station. I believe this is a very serious safety situation that Metro needs to address immediately.
I expressed my concerns, in a pretty vehement manner (as I was understandably upset when my own personal safety is threatened), to a Metrorail employee who told me he would have me arrested! (He stated I touched him, and I never did.).
I suggested that the train should have been offloaded at a larger platform, and he told me that Metro “did not know” that the train was experiencing mechanical difficulties. Say what!?!
As a 16-plus year Metrorail rider, I could tell several stations prior that the train was having mechanical problems (It was starting/stopping “herky-jerky” style.).
This situation was totally avoidable and very troubling—especially in light that the three-year anniversary of Metrorail’s worst passenger accident was just last week.
Barry ends opposition to street cars (Examiner)
Anony · 665 weeks ago
That's no excuse for WMATA's ineptness, but you need to be prepared for anything on WMATA.
JRo · 665 weeks ago
OL Rider · 665 weeks ago
I think the solution is simple though -- raise fares.
hrh king friday 13 · 665 weeks ago
UnionSteve · 665 weeks ago
Let's have everyone who works in a service job/blue collar job make minimum wage, and not be able to negotiate for better benefits! That will make things better for everyone!
And you know what? Who needs paid vacation or sick time? Let's get rid of that too!
Point: this problem (endangering lives) is due to poor station design and bad decisions by WMATA management. Dangerous situations like this would happen if there was no union. Union bashing isn't going to get you anywhere (well, it has gotten the country stagnant wages, less job security, shitty benefits, and more profits and income to the wealthy, but I'm assuming you don't want to get there).
And no, I'm not in the WMATA union.
ncc · 665 weeks ago
Green Line Rider · 665 weeks ago
John · 665 weeks ago
RGG · 665 weeks ago
ObserverDC · 665 weeks ago
knows metro · 665 weeks ago
This just seems really, really wrong and against the spirit of what a union is supposed to be about.
Matt G · 665 weeks ago
jkuchen · 665 weeks ago
n2deep · 665 weeks ago
And remember METRO hires these undesirables not the union. Metro wants diversity and that is what you get. so by not hiring for competency and hire for quotas you get what you get. and when metro fires someone they do not get their job back by a powerful or corrupt union like some here seem to think. they get their job back because metro does not follow proper procedures when firing someone. we call it building a case. documenting all previous transgressions then when they screw up royally you drop the hammer. metro is too lazy to do that.
typical situation. someone does something really stupid and wrong. does metro take that person aside and explain their errors and lay out future punishments if it continues? NO. metro has a group meeting with EVERYONE in that dept. and tells everyone that the next time they fuck up they will get this or that... the problem here is the original culprit might not even be in that meeting. or the original culprit might be there and doesn't have a clue it is he they are talking about.
this results in three outcomes.
1) everyone else gets pissed off that metro doesn't have the balls to confront the culprit.
2) morale takes another hit because everyone knows that if they have a real issue that requires the help of management they will not get it.
3) and lastly the troublemaker lives to fuck up some more in the future with impunity.
so stop blaming the union for this one,(as much as i hate the union it is not for these reasons.)
former employee · 665 weeks ago
former employee · 665 weeks ago
Where is the union? Where is the OIG.. clearly this is coming out of an budget.
These duck quacks and acts like corruption
former employee · 665 weeks ago
unsuckdcmetro 92p · 665 weeks ago
unsuckdcmetro 92p · 665 weeks ago
hrh king friday 13 · 665 weeks ago
People like you who have this attitude that "all unions are good" is what's enabled groups like ATU 689 to run amok. That naivete has killed people and, god forbid, may kill you one day.
PSAN · 665 weeks ago
whatbob -122p · 665 weeks ago
And the escalators are probably running because they're testing the equipment.
bll · 665 weeks ago
whatbob -122p · 665 weeks ago
Any tourist that doesn't understand what a barrier in front of the escalators mean deserves whatever confusion they get.
bll · 665 weeks ago
Stan Dessel · 665 weeks ago
You're welcome!
Guest · 665 weeks ago
John · 665 weeks ago
guest · 665 weeks ago
Kid Charlemagne · 665 weeks ago
YTK · 665 weeks ago
Stan Dessell · 665 weeks ago
Matt G · 665 weeks ago
AnonE · 665 weeks ago
anon · 665 weeks ago
anon · 665 weeks ago
jkuchen · 665 weeks ago
BrianKal · 665 weeks ago
That's well documented on here
anon · 665 weeks ago
montagthezine 51p · 665 weeks ago
BrianKal · 665 weeks ago
@VeggieTart · 665 weeks ago
Guest · 665 weeks ago
anon · 665 weeks ago
jimlcunningham 80p · 665 weeks ago
I get the heebeejeebies just thinking of what could happen.
Metro, if you're reading this, remember that if someone DOES fall in front of a train, you can't act like you didn't know it could happen. Lots of people have been very worried about this for a long time. You should be able to SEE that this is a safety problem that needs solved.
n2deep · 665 weeks ago
the metro road mechanics have standing orders not to off load at dupont circle unless absolutely necessary. it had to have been "absolutely necessary" for it to be done.
so sir if you some inside info backing your statement then please fill us all in on it. i personally know why it was offloaded there. and i am very curious to hear your expertise!!
anon · 665 weeks ago
Anonerly · 665 weeks ago
n2deep · 665 weeks ago
and as for giving details on the offload. lets just say a safety by-pass circuit was initiated thus rendering the train usafe to operate with passengers. but i guess mister safety guy will have another unfounded reason.
Everly Anon · 665 weeks ago
n2deep · 665 weeks ago
anon · 665 weeks ago
n2deep · 665 weeks ago
clear enough for you?
Metro Ryder · 665 weeks ago
I'm not a engineer or tech person so none of what you wrote meant anything to me.
Matt G · 665 weeks ago
Will · 664 weeks ago
n2deep · 664 weeks ago
Metro Ryder · 664 weeks ago
Also, thanks for the bonus snark. I never would have believed you worked for metro without it. Now there is no doubt in my mind that you do work for metro.
n2deep · 664 weeks ago
jimlcunningham 80p · 664 weeks ago
Brian · 665 weeks ago
Amber · 665 weeks ago
anon · 665 weeks ago
This can't hurt. I'm not saying it'll yield positive change, but it's better than nothing.
Mike · 665 weeks ago
iolaire · 665 weeks ago
Here are my emails and the responses (FYI I'm not a Ms. - I'm male):
iolaire · 665 weeks ago
The over crowding at Red Line Gallery Place Chinatown is extremely dangerous. This morning the Bethesda bound side of the tracks was 100% full for over 5 trains (until I left going a different direction). There was one police officer trying to help.
You need to have a huge crowd control operation at Gallery Place to prevent overcrowding before you begin to kill your passages. (Similar to the show of force presence you had after the June accident.)
The situation is completely
iolaire · 665 weeks ago
I've sent the following letter to any Metro contacts I can find on the wmata.com site and the operator union. I hope that you help to seek a solution to this station issue before there are DEATHS due to
this overcrowding.
This problem has been building and is not solved by "walking to the font of the station." Gallery Place is becoming so over crowded that the 12 or so ft platform is completely full from one end to the next.
The following is my comment sent into many Metro comment forms this morning:
The over crowding at Red Line Gallery Place Chinatown is extremely dangerous. This morning the Bethesda bound side of the tracks was 100% full for over 5 trains (until I left going a different direction). There was one police officer trying to help.
You need to have a huge crowd control operation at Gallery Place to prevent overcrowding before you begin to kill your passages. (Similar to the show of force presence you had after the June accident.)
The situation is completely irresponsible - left as is you will have DEATHS due to your (Metro's) handing (ignoring) of this situation.
iolaire · 665 weeks ago
Ms. McFadden –
My name is Captain Ronald Pavlik and I am the District 1 Commander for the Metro Transit Police Department. I appreciate your recent inquiry into the crowded platform at the Gallery Place station. I also want to thank you for bringing this issue to our attention.
The day in question we experienced several minor issues that created a ripple affect along the red line. Two separate incidents occurred on the red line, one on each side of Gallery Place.
If you continue to see overcrowding conditions I ask that you report them directly to any WMATA employee or contact me directly.
Thank you for your time.
Captain Ronald Pavlik
Metro Transit Police Department - District 1
Office: 202.722.8090
24 HR Emergency: 202.962.2121
iolaire · 665 weeks ago
Ms. McFadden,
Thank you for your e-mail and for making me aware of your concern.
I am forwarding your e-mail for review and response.
Joan Clark, Staff Assistant
Supervisor Jeffrey C. McKay
6121 Franconia Road
Alexandria, VA 22310
(703) 971-6262
Sign Up for Supervisor McKay's e-newsletter: www.fairfaxcounty.gov/lee
iolaire · 665 weeks ago
February 25, 2010
Dear Iolaire:
Thank you for your letter regarding your concern about platform crowding at the Gallery Place-Chinatown Metro Station. Even though you mention that you have forwarded your concerns to other contacts on the WMATA Website, a copy of your letter is being forwarded to the WMATA Board staff since the situation you describe may exist at other stations as well. We are also requesting a copy of any WMATA response that may have been sent to you.
Your comments are appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to write.
Catherine M. Hudgins
iolaire · 665 weeks ago
Dear Iolaire McFadden:
Thank you for your February 17, 2010 email to the Washington Metropolitan Area
Transit Authority (Metro) and to the office of Metro Board member Jeff McKay
regarding overcrowding on the platform at the Gallery Place-Chinatown Metrorail
station. I have been asked to reply.
Safety is Metro¿s number one priority, and we continuously monitor the Metro
environment to ensure the safest possible travel experience for our customers.
We require all trains entering the stations to move all the way to the far end
of the platform before stopping, and train operators continue to make
announcements reminding customers to spread out on the platform and use all
available train doors, hoping to decrease the congestion in the middle.
iolaire · 665 weeks ago
We are aware of the crowded conditions at Gallery Place-Chinatown and are
looking at ways of mitigating the situation. Your suggestion has been forwarded
to Metro¿s safety staff for consideration. In the interim, we will post Metro
staff on the platforms to monitor the crowd flow and address any safety
concerns. These staff members will be required to:
iolaire · 665 weeks ago
¿ block escalators to minimize traffic flow until the platforms are cleared;
¿ contact the Operations Control Center (OCC) to request deployment of an
additional, or "gap," train to the crowded station and to ask for help from the
Metro Transit Police Department; and
¿ make announcements to inform customers of the situation on the platforms and
request that they wait.
In the longer term, we hope to find a more permanent way to address this issue.
Thank you for bringing these circumstances to our attention. Please let us know
if you have additional concerns, and we appreciate your patronage of Metrorail.
Paul Bumbry
Rail Transportation Customer Service Manager
JohnQ · 664 weeks ago
jimlcunningham 80p · 664 weeks ago
n2deep · 664 weeks ago
EJC · 663 weeks ago