Tuesday, June 26, 2012

How Long until Someone Falls off a Crowded Platform?


From Rob, who says he has an M.S. in safety management and "16-plus years of experience in addressing safety and health issues, dealing with a wide variety of public safety issues on a daily basis."

This was addressed to Metro customer service.
I wanted to alert you to a troubling situation on the Red Line [yesterday] morning, where my personal safety as Metrorail rider was compromised. An overcrowded Metro train experienced mechanical difficulties and was offloaded at Dupont Circle, quite possibly the smallest platform in the system.

Here is the troubling part. The escalator at the top was still operational with hundreds more passengers being forced by the moving escalator onto the already overcrowded platform.

I (and several dozen other passengers) almost were pushed off and onto tracks after the train experiencing mechanical difficulties left the station. I believe this is a very serious safety situation that Metro needs to address immediately.

I expressed my concerns, in a pretty vehement manner (as I was understandably upset when my own personal safety is threatened), to a Metrorail employee who told me he would have me arrested! (He stated I touched him, and I never did.).

I suggested that the train should have been offloaded at a larger platform, and he told me that Metro “did not know” that the train was experiencing mechanical difficulties. Say what!?!

As a 16-plus year Metrorail rider, I could tell several stations prior that the train was having mechanical problems (It was starting/stopping “herky-jerky” style.).

This situation was totally avoidable and very troubling—especially in light that the three-year anniversary of Metrorail’s worst passenger accident was just last week.
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Barry ends opposition to street cars (Examiner)

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The one thing in WMATA's favor here is that the escalators usually aren't working. But if they are and you're in this type of situation, hit the emergency stop button on the escalator.

That's no excuse for WMATA's ineptness, but you need to be prepared for anything on WMATA.
1 reply · active 665 weeks ago
Hate to say it, but how do we know those emergency buttons work?
OL Rider's avatar

OL Rider · 665 weeks ago

WMATA problems compound all the time. Pathetic management and a corrupt union lead to lack of oversight in train repair. Trains break down. Crowds get big. Trains get packed. Doors on the remaining trains get broken (and customers are blamed), leading to even more problems.

I think the solution is simple though -- raise fares.
hrh king friday 13's avatar

hrh king friday 13 · 665 weeks ago

Good thing we have unions! I vote union to protect their collective rights to endanger my life.
16 replies · active 665 weeks ago
UnionSteve's avatar

UnionSteve · 665 weeks ago

Right, we don't want anyway to have good benefits or decent pay!

Let's have everyone who works in a service job/blue collar job make minimum wage, and not be able to negotiate for better benefits! That will make things better for everyone!

And you know what? Who needs paid vacation or sick time? Let's get rid of that too!

Point: this problem (endangering lives) is due to poor station design and bad decisions by WMATA management. Dangerous situations like this would happen if there was no union. Union bashing isn't going to get you anywhere (well, it has gotten the country stagnant wages, less job security, shitty benefits, and more profits and income to the wealthy, but I'm assuming you don't want to get there).

And no, I'm not in the WMATA union.
you may have mistyped your username. i'm pretty sure you meant to type UnionJackie.
Green Line Rider's avatar

Green Line Rider · 665 weeks ago

I'm very pro-union, but there is a serious problem with the union that represents WMATA employees. It is too strong and has become incredibly corrupt. I have no problem with WMATA employees having a union, but there needs to be some reform that happens before I'll completely excuse them from the problems WMATA possesses.
People don't have a problem with that. The part people have a problem with is that Metro's Union offers so much job security it is LITERALLY damn near impossible to get fired. Thats a huge problem. No accountability whatsoever!
They actually get fired quite a bit. One problem, though, is that so many end up getting their jobs back through the grievance process. So, does that reflect more badly on the union (for doing what it's paid to do) or a management system that doesn't have the competence to make a good case against an inept employee--enough of a case for them to _remain_ fired?
ObserverDC's avatar

ObserverDC · 665 weeks ago

The answer to your question is yes. Both have equal blame.
knows metro's avatar

knows metro · 665 weeks ago

And don't forget that when you start work at Metro (in most jobs) you are FORCED to join the union. You can't not be in the union. An employee several years back tried to sue to get out of the union because he lived in VA. He lost his case and had to continue to pay dues.

This just seems really, really wrong and against the spirit of what a union is supposed to be about.
Could McDonnell use Virginia's right-to-work status to strong-arm WMATA into change? He could easily use this to withhold funding or even dissolve the compact. "You want our sovereign immunity? Then act like you're in Virginia" is something I could see him doing.
it will never work. this employee they speak of filed numerous lawsuits and lost every one. metro is not an entity that Va, Md , or DC has jurisdiction over. this same law also exempts them from OSHA etc.

And remember METRO hires these undesirables not the union. Metro wants diversity and that is what you get. so by not hiring for competency and hire for quotas you get what you get. and when metro fires someone they do not get their job back by a powerful or corrupt union like some here seem to think. they get their job back because metro does not follow proper procedures when firing someone. we call it building a case. documenting all previous transgressions then when they screw up royally you drop the hammer. metro is too lazy to do that.
typical situation. someone does something really stupid and wrong. does metro take that person aside and explain their errors and lay out future punishments if it continues? NO. metro has a group meeting with EVERYONE in that dept. and tells everyone that the next time they fuck up they will get this or that... the problem here is the original culprit might not even be in that meeting. or the original culprit might be there and doesn't have a clue it is he they are talking about.
this results in three outcomes.
1) everyone else gets pissed off that metro doesn't have the balls to confront the culprit.
2) morale takes another hit because everyone knows that if they have a real issue that requires the help of management they will not get it.
3) and lastly the troublemaker lives to fuck up some more in the future with impunity.

so stop blaming the union for this one,(as much as i hate the union it is not for these reasons.)

former employee's avatar

former employee · 665 weeks ago

Our ancestors fought hard for unions based on the fundementals of human dignity, safety, fair labor and fair wages. 689 does not have any of these values. Coal miners were not fired because they had to many lates or AWOLS, or they cussed out customers or thier bosses. Unions back then would not represent or defend any member who did not following the rules.. sure hell would not have the members vote for griveance to go to arbitration. ____I know a grievance for unfair labor practice took 3 years because of other members who got "fired" for disciplinary issues griveance had to be heard first. Union members and stewards are voted in these postion based on popularity.. not compentency.. not wisdom and sure hell not diversity.
former employee's avatar

former employee · 665 weeks ago

689 union is aware of CMNT mechanics doing clerial duties.. even though there is a clerical/clerk division. Why is these jobs not posted .. because an 689 supervisor said " I need someone to push paper for 20 years" Metro mgmt. can't see the forest because of the union. You have selective CMNT pushing paper for years soaking up the OT which is suppose to be for manintenance.. OT comes around they are entilted to OT to push paper.

Where is the union? Where is the OIG.. clearly this is coming out of an budget.

These duck quacks and acts like corruption
former employee's avatar

former employee · 665 weeks ago

689 is a disgrace to other unions. What union allows supervisors to be union members?
You're right, but I think it's after 30 days.
I stand corrected. It's 90 days, then you're automatically in the union.
hrh king friday 13's avatar

hrh king friday 13 · 665 weeks ago

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Naturally that means I'm against maternity leave too, right? Get real. I'm not against retirement pay or vacation time. Unlike you, I want Metro workers to live long enough to collect it!

People like you who have this attitude that "all unions are good" is what's enabled groups like ATU 689 to run amok. That naivete has killed people and, god forbid, may kill you one day.
The least they could have done is offload the train at a less crowded station...you know...one with functioning entrances! What about Woodley Park? Relatively low traffic (compared to Dupont). Oh well. The closure of the 19th Street exit at Dupont has created such a cluster both inside and outside of the station. Backed up escalators inside, and too many pedestrians outside with no clear traffic flow makes me a really disgruntled rider. Side note...why are some of the escalators on the 'closed' side of the station still running? Hmmmmmmm?
4 replies · active 665 weeks ago
If they had done that, this safety expert would have thrown a fit because they went through and didn't stop at Dupont Circle, either because people were missing their stop or because it was potentially threatening his safety because they should have offloaded ASAP if there was a problem.

And the escalators are probably running because they're testing the equipment.
They've been 'testing' that equipment for many, many months now. At this point they're just playing a cruel joke on those tourists who see the working escalators and think they can still get out of the 19th street side.
Yes, they have been testing that equipment for many months now. Have you not seen the big signs saying they're working on them until February or whenever? That's kind of the whole point.

Any tourist that doesn't understand what a barrier in front of the escalators mean deserves whatever confusion they get.
I have seen the big signs, but that has nothing to do with the escalators from the platforms to the mezzanine THAT ARE RUNNING 24/7. You mean to tell me they're 'testing' those all day, everyday?
Stan Dessel's avatar

Stan Dessel · 665 weeks ago

It's a micro community!

You're welcome!
The escalator was working?!?!? Wow!
Great, soon we're gonna start having people falling off the edge of the platform "phenomenons"
The crowded platforms are a glaring admission that Metro's safety talk is pure lip service.
Kid Charlemagne's avatar

Kid Charlemagne · 665 weeks ago

Don't worry, Dr. Gridlock is on the case!!
The Metro Morons in Charge have Hominy Grits for brains. Safety? WHAT do they know about SAFETY??
Stan Dessell's avatar

Stan Dessell · 665 weeks ago

I will ask my boss Dan Stessel for comment and will get back to you as soon as possible
1 reply · active 665 weeks ago
I'm confused. Are you different than the above commenter "Stan Dessel" or are you just a misspelling impostor impostor?
The OP was written by a person with an MS in safety management? I, I, I, I.
1 reply · active 665 weeks ago
You, you, you, you. It's all about you.
Until there is a process by which Metro can be held legally liable for the safety of its passengers, there is no reason for them to change anything. They can't be sued. Deaths don't spur them to make the system safe. They don't care, and it's because nothing can be done to them.
1 reply · active 665 weeks ago
They can be sued by the Federal Government. Wait until they kill a Fed who is on the clock or on TDY.
And just like everything on WMATA, they will not do anything until someone g-d forbid dies .... and when they do something it will be like putting lip stick on a pig.

That's well documented on here
3 replies · active 665 weeks ago
You may not be aware of this, but people have died and WMATA didn't do anything.
their own employees were victims of company negligence and STILL nothing happened!! not a goddamn thing ever happens except, of course, that fares go up.
exactly why I said like putting lipstick on pig ... they've just given up
All of this was taken care of Saturday night with the big-budget Hollywood blockbuster "security drill" at Navy Station. The system is safe. We have dogs. Cops now wear their body armor outside of their uniforms (just like the boys in Afghanistan!). We can occasionally search your bags. The system is safe. Move on.
1 reply · active 665 weeks ago
They can occasionally search your bag illegally, yep.
This tells me that Metro doesn't take the Unsuck blog seriously enough. Unsuck covers this issue a LOT. He's obviously very concerned about this issue - as he should be. This isn't JUST a serious issue but, perhaps, THE MOST serious issue Metro faces right now.

I get the heebeejeebies just thinking of what could happen.

Metro, if you're reading this, remember that if someone DOES fall in front of a train, you can't act like you didn't know it could happen. Lots of people have been very worried about this for a long time. You should be able to SEE that this is a safety problem that needs solved.
to the OP. what qualifies you to say they could have offloaded at another station? do you know something we don't? the train was herky jerky? not a reason to offload.
the metro road mechanics have standing orders not to off load at dupont circle unless absolutely necessary. it had to have been "absolutely necessary" for it to be done.
so sir if you some inside info backing your statement then please fill us all in on it. i personally know why it was offloaded there. and i am very curious to hear your expertise!!
14 replies · active 664 weeks ago
Do tell why it was offloaded.
If you personally now, why not say the details here?
i am still waiting mister know it all to respond about his knowledge. i love the notion that because he has ridden trains for 16 years he knows when there are problems. and not just know there are problems but knows where a train has to be offloaded. i have been flying on airplanes for over 40 years and i still do not know when an airplane is have mechanical issues. even more so when a plane needs to be landed.

and as for giving details on the offload. lets just say a safety by-pass circuit was initiated thus rendering the train usafe to operate with passengers. but i guess mister safety guy will have another unfounded reason.
Everly Anon's avatar

Everly Anon · 665 weeks ago

Is this what they mean by all talk, no action? "I personally know.." ahmm.. yeah. I'm sure you do. How Metro indeed. :D
i said in my above post why the train was off loaded.
Was your post deleted? I see no explanation.
a safety bypass circuit had to be initiated for the train to move. once this circuit is activated it cannot carry passengers. there was an ATC fault that would not clear.
clear enough for you?
Metro Ryder's avatar

Metro Ryder · 665 weeks ago

Not clear at all. Less technical jargon and more explanation please. Why is this safety bypass circuit so dangerous to passengers? Is it time sensitive?

I'm not a engineer or tech person so none of what you wrote meant anything to me.
Not to mention the trains aren't running on ATC...
Correct me if I'm wrong but trains aren't being operated by ATC. ...but ATC is still in place as a safety mechanism. eg. Central control can still track trains. etc.
first off matt g. trains do not run on ATC. they run in ATO. big difference!! ATC is the entire system and ATP being a vital subsystem of ATC. which prevents trains from entering the same blocks as other trains. there are very strict rules about running without ATP protection and ATC system breakers de-activated. train would not move due to a failure in the ATC system. the only way to move the train was to by-pass ATC safety circuitry. so the offload and no riders. i cannot make it any more simpler than that unless you want me to make thomas the tank engine references for you, which still might be over your head.
Metro Ryder's avatar

Metro Ryder · 664 weeks ago

Ok, I understand better now. Thank you for the explanation.

Also, thanks for the bonus snark. I never would have believed you worked for metro without it. Now there is no doubt in my mind that you do work for metro.
your welcome. only returning the snarkiness i get every day!!
Sounds like another mindless blanket policy designed to remove them from liability from some farfetched accident that would never happen... while CREATING a very real possibility of an accident as a result. Bravo.
Metro is terrible. I dread coming to DC and having to ride it. The cars smell, the people working for Metro are rude, safety sucks, and no one seems to care at Metro. It is the worst subway system. Have any of you DC/MD/VA people considered a boycott?
1 reply · active 665 weeks ago
I don't think you'll ever get a serious boycott that does anything. Many people who can already take alternate transit (slug lines, carpooling, driving, etc). I know a handful of people who are planning to start driving at least occasionly, because with the upcoming fare hike, the cost of a downtown garage is the same (not sure if they've factored in gas + wear and tear on the car). I also know at least a handful of people who would go crazy sitting in their car, but they get on in Vienna, get a seat, and read the whole way - so they don't care how long it takes.

This can't hurt. I'm not saying it'll yield positive change, but it's better than nothing.
I came into work late today for a special project that required me to be at work from 11 to 8. I got on the Orange line at Vienna and headed toward DC at around 9:30. The train got packed really quick over the next few stops and we were offloaded at Virginia Square because there were too many people on the train. I was the last one off my car because I know that last one off is the first one back on. While standing on the platform waiting for the next train it was so packed that half of my feet were literally hanging off the edge of the platform. There was no where else to even stand. I was very worried when the next train pulled up that somebody might accidentally bump me onto the track. Luckily, that didn't happen, but it was still a little scary how close I was to the train as it pulled up.
I personally email all the Metro board via public email addresses stating that someone will be killed at Gallery Place due to overcrowding on February 17 2010. Obviously little was done to maintain safety – i.e. the “isolated” indent at Roslyn this year etc., you can read the responses. The overcrowding is by choice, and I agree that people will continue to be killed due to Metro’s systemic carelessness. All that we can do is hope/pray that there is never a fire or other disaster on an overcrowded Metro Platform.

Here are my emails and the responses (FYI I'm not a Ms. - I'm male):
--------------------- Iolaire McFadden first email---------------------
The over crowding at Red Line Gallery Place Chinatown is extremely dangerous. This morning the Bethesda bound side of the tracks was 100% full for over 5 trains (until I left going a different direction). There was one police officer trying to help.

You need to have a huge crowd control operation at Gallery Place to prevent overcrowding before you begin to kill your passages. (Similar to the show of force presence you had after the June accident.)

The situation is completely
Dear Supervisor Hudgins (Metro Board of Director Member),

I've sent the following letter to any Metro contacts I can find on the wmata.com site and the operator union. I hope that you help to seek a solution to this station issue before there are DEATHS due to
this overcrowding.

This problem has been building and is not solved by "walking to the font of the station." Gallery Place is becoming so over crowded that the 12 or so ft platform is completely full from one end to the next.

The following is my comment sent into many Metro comment forms this morning:
The over crowding at Red Line Gallery Place Chinatown is extremely dangerous. This morning the Bethesda bound side of the tracks was 100% full for over 5 trains (until I left going a different direction). There was one police officer trying to help.

You need to have a huge crowd control operation at Gallery Place to prevent overcrowding before you begin to kill your passages. (Similar to the show of force presence you had after the June accident.)

The situation is completely irresponsible - left as is you will have DEATHS due to your (Metro's) handing (ignoring) of this situation.
--------------------- Captain Ronald Pavlik ---------------------
Ms. McFadden –
My name is Captain Ronald Pavlik and I am the District 1 Commander for the Metro Transit Police Department. I appreciate your recent inquiry into the crowded platform at the Gallery Place station. I also want to thank you for bringing this issue to our attention.

The day in question we experienced several minor issues that created a ripple affect along the red line. Two separate incidents occurred on the red line, one on each side of Gallery Place.

If you continue to see overcrowding conditions I ask that you report them directly to any WMATA employee or contact me directly.

Thank you for your time.
Captain Ronald Pavlik
Metro Transit Police Department - District 1
Office: 202.722.8090
24 HR Emergency: 202.962.2121
--------------------- Joan Clark, Staff Assistant Supervisor Jeffrey C. McKay ---------------------
Ms. McFadden,

Thank you for your e-mail and for making me aware of your concern.
I am forwarding your e-mail for review and response.

Joan Clark, Staff Assistant
Supervisor Jeffrey C. McKay
6121 Franconia Road
Alexandria, VA 22310
(703) 971-6262
Sign Up for Supervisor McKay's e-newsletter: www.fairfaxcounty.gov/lee
--------------------- Catherine M. Hudgins ---------------------
February 25, 2010
Dear Iolaire:
Thank you for your letter regarding your concern about platform crowding at the Gallery Place-Chinatown Metro Station. Even though you mention that you have forwarded your concerns to other contacts on the WMATA Website, a copy of your letter is being forwarded to the WMATA Board staff since the situation you describe may exist at other stations as well. We are also requesting a copy of any WMATA response that may have been sent to you.
Your comments are appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to write.
Catherine M. Hudgins
--------------------- Paul Bumbry Rail Transportation Customer Service Manager part 1---------------------

Dear Iolaire McFadden:

Thank you for your February 17, 2010 email to the Washington Metropolitan Area
Transit Authority (Metro) and to the office of Metro Board member Jeff McKay
regarding overcrowding on the platform at the Gallery Place-Chinatown Metrorail
station. I have been asked to reply.

Safety is Metro¿s number one priority, and we continuously monitor the Metro
environment to ensure the safest possible travel experience for our customers.
We require all trains entering the stations to move all the way to the far end
of the platform before stopping, and train operators continue to make
announcements reminding customers to spread out on the platform and use all
available train doors, hoping to decrease the congestion in the middle.
--------------------- Paul Bumbry Rail Transportation Customer Service Manager part 2---------------------

We are aware of the crowded conditions at Gallery Place-Chinatown and are
looking at ways of mitigating the situation. Your suggestion has been forwarded
to Metro¿s safety staff for consideration. In the interim, we will post Metro
staff on the platforms to monitor the crowd flow and address any safety
concerns. These staff members will be required to:
--------------------- Paul Bumbry Rail Transportation Customer Service Manager part 3---------------------

¿ block escalators to minimize traffic flow until the platforms are cleared;
¿ contact the Operations Control Center (OCC) to request deployment of an
additional, or "gap," train to the crowded station and to ask for help from the
Metro Transit Police Department; and
¿ make announcements to inform customers of the situation on the platforms and
request that they wait.

In the longer term, we hope to find a more permanent way to address this issue.

Thank you for bringing these circumstances to our attention. Please let us know
if you have additional concerns, and we appreciate your patronage of Metrorail.

Paul Bumbry
Rail Transportation Customer Service Manager
It will take the injury or death of the son/daughter of a member of congress via metro accident until the federal government steps in. Sounds harsh to say, but until the kid of someone "important" dies at Metro's hands, this is what we're stuck with. There won't be oversight until that happens.
2 replies · active 664 weeks ago
Meanwhile Republicans in Kentucky and Arizona are trying to ban abortions in DC while we've got real problems.
yeah and democrats are supplying guns to mexican gangs as well when we have real issues here. oh wait obama won't release any records saying they did not do this. my bad
This problem cannot be emphasized enough! I was pushed into a moving train as it was leaving the platform!

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