Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Rush+: No Problem! We're Metro!

Via Jeff on Facebook: Because nothing helps a car load full of confused tourists like a newly installed metro map that is missing the blue, orange, and yellow line colors! Someone not only approved this to go out, another Metro employee installed it!

In a huge bureaucracy like Metro, no telling how many departments and people this map had to pass through before being placed in a car.

That a map so obviously missing crucial elements made it through all of that is scary and makes you wonder about safety critical stuff, too.

Many of my sources have sent me photos of slipshod work permeating car maintenance, ATC and other critical areas of Metro. Unfortunately, I can't publish them without implicating them, but there's no doubt Metro has a bad case of half-assery (and here).

Oh, and you just gotta love Metro's response, too. Reminds me of the "phenomenon" of Orange Crush.

That's it. The sign just jumped up off the printer, wandered out of the door and "made its way," not onto a Metro car, but onto the Internet. Couldn't be helped. Just happened.

Sneaky map. Maybe it was just bucking for for some paid time off for misbehaving.

Other items:
Safety theater bag searches net no arrests (WTOP)

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The poor tourists don't stand a chance.
maybe the printer was parked illegally in a handicapped spot and didn't have the time to print the last three layers
Hmmmm. A map that jumped up off the printer, wandered out of the door and "made its way" to the Internet? Clearly this particular map belongs to Dora -- and WMATA is obviously being administered by a six-year old cartoon character.

Finally . . . it all makes sense.
Stan Dessel's avatar

Stan Dessel · 667 weeks ago

We saved a lot of money on ink.

You're welcome!
hrh king friday 13's avatar

hrh king friday 13 · 667 weeks ago

Please God, Lord, Baby Jesus, let that be photshopped. This is scary.
I thought Metro's response was fine. Just think back--2 weeks ago, @wmata would not have tweeted it at all or would have been really snarky.

Probably should have offered a prize to the first person to find it.
2 replies · active 667 weeks ago
And this is a shoulder shrug. Both unacceptable.

Agree with you that a prize would have been a nice touch.
Metro Ryder's avatar

Metro Ryder · 667 weeks ago

I agree, I don't think the response was bad. They wanted the car # so it could be fixed. There is only so much one can say 140 characters or less.
Vienna Bound's avatar

Vienna Bound · 667 weeks ago

Wait for the survey to be issued in a couple of weeks to measure the value of the map in helping you to navigate the new Rush Plus system.
1 reply · active 667 weeks ago
Yes, we are waiting for the highest bidder now.
I think this may be my favorite non-fatal, non injurious Metro flub yet!

Well done guys. Seriously. Hats off.
guesty-guest-guest's avatar

guesty-guest-guest · 667 weeks ago

aren't these the fancy-schmancy silk screened ones? how the hell could one get out the door that way? is it wmata's own print shop, or are they contracted out?

re: bag searches

Taborn says he believes the public "welcomes" the inspections as another layer of protection.

dude needs to lay off the LSD. seriously.

i walked into judiciary square one day last week and they were doing bag searches; continued walking around the base of the escalators, rode back up, and got on at gallery.
4 replies · active 667 weeks ago
Can they make you submit to a search? Seems unreasonable to me.
guesty-guest-guest's avatar

guesty-guest-guest · 667 weeks ago

you either get searched, or they don't let you into the station. i suspect you'd get arrested for disorderly conduct at the very least if you refused the search and tried to blow through the tables and go through the faregates.
So couldn't you just say, OK, I'll leave, and then go around to the other entrance?
guesty-guest-guest's avatar

guesty-guest-guest · 667 weeks ago

yep. :-)

or walk two blocks to another station. (which i found easier to do.)
Ever n Anon's avatar

Ever n Anon · 667 weeks ago

I just got one of those slick flyers about Rush+. First time they offered it at the stations I ride. Naturally, the first thing I looked for... details on price increase. Image my surprise (not) to find nothing at all about fees in this oh so slick waste of time and money flyer. I'll look at it again now to see if colors are missing. :D
Dan Stessss's avatar

Dan Stessss · 667 weeks ago

At least all the words are sp3lled correctly ... from what you can see that is
Get Out & Stay Out's avatar

Get Out & Stay Out · 667 weeks ago

It should be obvious what the purpose of this map is:

To keep tourists the F out of Virginia and open up my morning commute from Crystal City! Swweeeeet!
jenster8dc's avatar

jenster8dc · 667 weeks ago

"Mistakes were made."
Off topic, I realize the numbers are listed on the outside of the cars, but has anyone ever wondered why they're not also listed INSIDE? I used the comment submission form to ask, never received a reply. It just seems stupid to not have the numbers posted near the doorways inside as well as outside the cars.
2 replies · active 667 weeks ago
The car numbers are on the inside of the end doors of every car. You should probably look around more.
Thanks for that info and advice. Contrary to your judgement I do in fact look around, only, I apparently just did not see the numbers on the doors which are likely blocked from view due to my only riding during rush hour times. Again, thanks, and maybe you should try being nicer.
Horrors! Metro made a routine mistake that harms no one, and Unsuck extrapolates it to mean that there just MUST be safety lapses going on!

One map out of thousands has a freaking printing error, and that means we shouldn't ride Metro because there are so many safety things just lurking about.

How about a little perspective, eh?
10 replies · active 666 weeks ago
Glad you're fine with this record:

Metro knew about brake problems (related) and did nothing.Metro knew about a malfunctioning track circuit and did nothing.Metro knew about the problems with mixed track circuit equipment and did nothing. Metro knew about escalator brake problems and did nothing.Metro knew about rampant fare theft and did nothing.Metro knew about <a href="http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=3&cts=1331269000235&ved=0CDQQFjAC&url=http%3A%2F%2 Fwww.ntsb.gov%2Fdoclib%2Freports%2F2010%2FRAR1002.pdf&amp;ei=Oo1ZT-zoGKTa0QHqm93kDw&amp;usg=AFQjCNE4KaUvcnYkAFZAgYeWrocsf2HOtg" target="_blank">telescoping cars and did nothing.Metro knew about radio problems (here and here) and did nothing.Metro knew about emergency intercom problems and did nothing.Metro knew about the danger brewing at Rosslyn and did nothing.
Metro knew about how union rules impede its escalator reliability and did nothing. Metro knew about employees cheating on basic skills competency tests and did nothing. Metro knew about the ineffectiveness of random bag searches and did nothing. Metro knew about the insulting remarks by its spokesman and did nothing. Metro can't even spell its name.
I'm not defending their safety record, I'm taking issue with your conflating safety issues with what is, essentially, a typo.

EdHisaMoron's avatar

EdHisaMoron · 666 weeks ago

It's more than "just a typo"- it's a major defect. This major defect made its way out to a railcar and an employee took out 16 screws, put the defective map up, and put all 16 screws back in.

So what happens to the 'major defects' that are invisible to the rider?
EdHisaMoron's avatar

EdHisaMoron · 667 weeks ago

"routine mistake?" Are you stupid?
Thanks for the personal attack, troll! (And I'm so glad the site administrators tolerate this! What a wonderful way to create community! God forbid someone have a different view! Because if they do, they MUST be stupid!)
EdHisaMoron's avatar

EdHisaMoron · 666 weeks ago

Here's my perspective:

9 bucks a day to ride a POS system, often delayed or worse.

Enjoy the low bar life.
"Routine mistake"?

Okay, forget EVERYTHING you know about metro's track record with mistakes. This would NEVER have gotten out of a print shop that has any sort of quality control. Or even one that just cares about what it is producing. Not only does it have to be handled multiple times (at least once for each of the color layers) there should be some sort of a QA process before delivery.
I agree, Kara. I'm not excusing a mistake; quality is important, and this would bug the crap out of me if it went out on my watch.

Everyone else, this is how you constructively disagree without being an asshat.
EdHisaMoron's avatar

EdHisaMoron · 666 weeks ago

Who let the troll in?
UnSuck Fan's avatar

UnSuck Fan · 667 weeks ago

Hey, I bet if we gather up enough of those Rush + stickers, we can use them to fill in the missing lines. Don’t forget to "double them up" at certain locations so we’ll know which ones are the transfer stations. ;-)
A dingo at the Orange, Blue and Yellow lines.
It's not a misprinted map - it's a connect the dots for kids to do while they're riding!
horseydeucey's avatar

horseydeucey · 667 weeks ago

A video of doors suddenly opening on a train in motion has made its way to the internet. Help us identify why this may be a problem, then help us find out where in the system this occurred, and finally, help us fix the problem by closing the doors manually... with your own two hands (preferably without dying... we don't need any more bad press).
Well I guess you get what Metro hires. A lot of people who do not care. I have been dealing with these types for well over 30 years here. It is getting worse and no improvement in sight. Why? Because Metro, not the union, hires these ass clowns. Metro makes it a habit of not hiring those best qualified, but they hire for quota. Illiterate, under educated, minimal English speaking and lazy. I have personally seen it as a growing epidemic here. Everyone screams for equality in hiring...well you got it. Do you come from a third world country? Barely speak and comprehend English? Only seen electricity in the past 10 years? Well welcome aboard!! You are just what Metro is looking for!!!

I am so glad I am about to retire. I will be watching Metro sink from afar!
VeteranRider's avatar

VeteranRider · 667 weeks ago

Poor Metro - so misunderstood!
This map is NOT a mistake - it's part of the new "Rush Minus" program that they are about to roll out. If no one is happy with Metro service, then fine - they'll just cut a few lines and then you'll miss it!
1 reply · active 667 weeks ago
UnSuck Fan's avatar

UnSuck Fan · 667 weeks ago

No, wait! They didn’t cut those lines. They collapsed from lack of safety oversight!
Daily Rider's avatar

Daily Rider · 667 weeks ago

If this map were not in addition to so many other problems, it would just be one of those mistakes that happen once in a while. However, in light of the existing record, good grief!!
I had to help about 4 groups of tourists today as they tried to understand these new maps. This happened before the new maps and is only worse now...folks think the yellow line goes to Springfield already all the time. They don't understand what Rush Plus is and the only way you would know from the map is if you searched for the key at the top corner...not something that folks are going to look for right away.
Thatchitcray's avatar

Thatchitcray · 666 weeks ago

Is it me or did they start limited the blue line trains a few weeks ago. It seems that they are few and far between these days. I assumed it was just Metro managing our expectations. That we are already frustrated when Rush + starts and don't attribute it to that.
RobertG222's avatar

RobertG222 · 663 weeks ago

Looks like a collectors item to me.

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