Monday, June 18, 2012

Sound Off on Rush+

So the big day is finally here.

After all the hype and $400,000 spent in marketing ("reinventing rush hour," "rush+ing your world") how did Metro do?

Other items:
Metro worker dies from work-related injury (Examiner)
Riders get creative with SmarTrip registration (Examiner)

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Ever n Anon's avatar

Ever n Anon · 666 weeks ago

Ask me this evening when I end up on the wrong train home. :D

They thought about more trains to move platform bodies faster but what about the now bigger crowds trying to get through faregates and up escalators (which still do not work)? Does this mean all they did was move the waiting crowd from the platforms to upstairs? Is that what they meant by "re-invent?"

And how does it get me moving faster? More trains, yes, but now 50% pass me by as they won't take me to my intended destination. So... 50% doesn't help me, aren't I back where I started pre-invention?
Blue line from Pentagon to Foggy Bottom. Waited about 7 minutes for a blue line to come into station. One yellow offloaded as I got there and a 2nd yellow came in before. Sounds like Orange line riders are getting the most benefit according to twitter. My commute is an hour composed of walking, bus, train. Now I may have to wait 12 minutes for a blue line at Pentagon. That's about the same amount of time it takes to go from Pentagon to Foggy Bottom. Their suggestion is to take yellow in to DC and transfer. So instead of 3 stops it's 6 with a transfer and I'm assuming more money. Traded crowded orange lines every 3 minutes to crowded blue every 6-6-12.
6 replies · active 666 weeks ago
Judging by Twitter and even Dr. Gridlock's comments, I think the consensus is that they got an F today. I think the main problem will be that Metro is not reliable enough in releasing blue line trains from Franconia on time. Therefore, you are going to get huge headways on many blue line trains --- 12 minute wait, then a 3 minute wait, then a 15 minute wait, etc. Rush Plus is good in theory, but WMATA is so unreliable, you don't know if it will be for the better or for the worse.

I still think as a consolation to blue line riders that blue line riders getting off at Farragut West/Rosslyn/Foggy Bottom should have been excluded from the July 1 fare hike.
2 replies · active 666 weeks ago
Not well. My blue line commute from Braddock Road to Rosslyn was distinctly more crowded than it's ever been. To take away the Orange Crush, Metro has created a Blue Crush. My commute was never bad, but if this continues, I might start driving to work just to escape this mess.
2 replies · active 666 weeks ago
Yellow line from Columbia Heights to Crystal City-----I thought I was finally going to get a transfer free ride, but in all their hype WMATA never mentioned that most yellow line trains would still start/stop at Mt Vernon Station. Instead they said ''yellow line riders can now enjoy transfer-free travel to stations north of Mt Vernon Sq'. I call that misleading advertising, not to mention that the new maps don't tell people that they'll need to transfer at Mt Vernon.
1 reply · active 666 weeks ago
Randomly I got to the pentagon right as a blue line train was arriving at maybe 7:30/7:40, there were tons of empty seats and the ride was normal.

We did stop in the tunnel at Rosslyn which seems bad - considering they are making some wait 12-30 minutes for their train the least they could do is time things so there is no wait, but that’s probably beyond a "world class transportation system."
1 reply · active 666 weeks ago
I was planning to take the new 10E bus from Crystal City from Rosslyn. According to the next bus arrival page, they were skipping THREE of the buses this morning.

I took the train instead, and even with "only" 9 minutes between trains, it was the most crowded it's been this year. I barely got off the train at Rosslyn.
Frequent red liner's avatar

Frequent red liner · 666 weeks ago

I take the green line from branch avenue side to red line, so rush plus wouldn't affect me so much, or so I thought. At gallery place today, the platform was more crowded than usual, even though there were no delays. That made me remember that red line riders are now coming from 2 yellow lines in va, 2 from Greenbelt, and one from
Branch avenue. In the 5 minutes between red line trains, 5 train loads of red liners got off at gallery place. Rush plus will fail when an inevitable red line delay occurs, and 5 different directions of trains continually unload red liners at gallery place. Wait, does that also include the yellow lines that will only stop at fort totten? Can't wait.
They have overcompensated and now caused the exact same problem on the Blue line that they had on the Orange line. And now they want us to pay for for substantially worse service! It's the WMATA way. I'm trying to find a way to avoid WMATA at all costs now. I agree that people getting of at Farragut West/Rosslyn/Foggy Bottom should be exempt from the fare hike.
John Antonelli's avatar

John Antonelli · 666 weeks ago

Just repost the tweets. They are classic

For Blue Line Riders its Suck + or Your Fucked + and rememebr it will get worse when they need more capacity for the Silver Line. It will mean even less and possible no blue line trains to the city center.
I've never understood the "Orange Crush." Heading downtown, I get on in Rosslyn -- time and time again over the years I've seen a downtown-bound Blue Line train held in the tunnel to allow an Orange Line train go first (and sometimes the Blue was held for several minutes). Metro has always seemed adverse to having two Blue Line trains in a row. Maybe they created their own crush. Can't wait to see what happens with Rush+ and then with the Silver Line.
Metro Ryder's avatar

Metro Ryder · 666 weeks ago

My morning commute was easy. I used to take red/green to yellow, now I can take yellow all the way. Rush+ wins for me.

I hope my afternoon commute is as smooth as my morning commute.
I know the blue line has it much worse, but my Orange line commute this AM (west falls - mcpherson square) was no better than usual. I arrived as I usually do at the platform around 8:20. The platform was packed, which usually only happens if there are delays. I got on the second train that came (sometimes I do this anyway) because it was less crowded. This was a new rush+ train to Largo. The operator was pretty clear on announcing this, and the PID's and train info display got this right.

However, the headways between trains were about the same (3-4 mins), platforms were packed, the train was packed, and we still had to park before Rosslyn in the tunnel for 2 mins. Same old, same old, in other words.
1 reply · active 666 weeks ago
I took the Orange line from Vienna to Eastern Market this morning and did not notice a difference. I'm a little nervous about getting home tonight. I noticed on Twitter that OL trains were terminating at WFC so I hope I don't have to get off at WFC and wait for the next train to take me the rest of the way to Vienna. That will probably cause me to miss my bus if that happens.
4 replies · active 666 weeks ago
The platform at pentagon was more crowded than I've seen it in the morning, same goes for the BL train. I was in the very first car, which tends to be lighter in general, but not thanks to rush+. I'm wondering how much more crowded the BL train will be this evening. Will give it about a week and then I may consider driving in to work instead.
Orange Line didn't do so well either, at Ieast for me. I got on at East Falls Church at ~ 8:30. The platform was unusually full & so was the train.
1 reply · active 666 weeks ago
Blue on the Blue's avatar

Blue on the Blue · 666 weeks ago

What I saw this morning at the Pgon was train after train on the Yellow line, all of them headed to Huntington, before a single Blue line to Springfield. Either they're not marking the Rush+ Yellow trains correctly, or those trains don't exist.
Why are blue-line commuters complaining? There is but a small fraction of riders comparred to Orange Line commuters from Vienna. With that being said, coming from Ballston my train came 8 mins after I arrived at the station (8am) and was more crowded than I have seen it in a long time. We stopped and sat at courthouse and Farragut west for 4-5mins each and I got to work (Chinatown) 15-20 mins later than I normally do (before Rush+). I give an F, not particular because of service, but because of wasted Marketing $$!
2 replies · active 666 weeks ago
Juan De Carlo's avatar

Juan De Carlo · 666 weeks ago

Ball-rockingly bad - who the hell thought this was a good idea.
1 reply · active 666 weeks ago
Rosslyn was packed and trying to get on even an Orange line train was difficult. Hated it even worse than normal.
8:20 a.m. Orange line train at Rosslyn had seats available. Haven't seen those in a while.
I agree with the comments above, yet another resounding failure for metro. Why the jam packed platform and huge crowd Pentagon city this morning? I didn't realize their brilliant new idea was robbing Peter to pay Paul. So now my already crowded blue line train will be even more crowded and run less frequently. Great job metro, you bring idiocy and incompetence to soaring new heights.
1 reply · active 666 weeks ago
Dick Sarles's avatar

Dick Sarles · 666 weeks ago

I ride the Orange from Ballston to Metro Center. Headways were 5, 10, and 17 minutes at 8:45 when I arrived at Ballston. We waited outside of Rosslyn for about 5 minutes and had a slow trip the rest of the way due to the blue line train in front of us. Rush + = no difference = typically terrible.
My bus was 30 minutes late, driver claimed it was the new schedule. That, of course, put me into a more expensive rush hour commute, so I got to pay more money for crappier service. Yep, sounds like a Metro business plan to me!
Added about 10 minutes to my trip. Fewer trains at Ballston headed toward Rosslyn during the 7:30-8 timeframe. The WFC-Stadium trains appear to have been eliminated which means riders in Arlington get no respite. Wait at Rosslyn for blue line to King St didn't seem out of the ordinary at 7 minutes but the platform was much more crowded than usual.
Metro was lousy as usual. Arrived at Braddock for Blue Train at 0741 as usual. My train was arriving just as I walked into the station but decided not to attempt to race up the stairs in the rain because the arrival board on the lower level said another blue train would come at 0746. Once I ascended the stairs the arrival board on the platform said 9 minutes. The train arrived at 0753. 12 minutes. The multiple yellow line trains that came in the interim were half full and 1/3 full. Plenty of seats all around.

So boarded the blue line train at 0753. Packed train. I mean absolutely packed - Tokyo style. Of course we had a minimum of a five minute hold in the tunnel as we approached Rosslyn. So all told Metro added nearly 20 minutes to my commute this morning and forced me on to a train that was jammed - all for the same money i paid last week. Nice job Metro.
This morning was fine on the OR line from Vienna at about 7:45/8:00 but I'm not giving any credit to Metro yet as traffic in general was light this morning and the train still filled up by Ballston. I did notice that cars were 2 min intervals at Ballston on the monitor.

We will see how the afternoon rush goes.

$400,000 on marketing?! And I still don't really understand the plan!
Arrived at EFC at about 7:15-7:20. An OL train had just departed and it was an 8-minute wait for the next one, followed by a 6-minute wait for the subsequent one. Most crowded train I've been on in months; not sure why there was so much time between them. Doors remained open at Court House for 5 minutes for an announced schedule adjustment at around 7:35...funny watching people rush down the stairs to discover that there was NO room in any of the cars. I thought the OL was supposed to benefit from this???
asdfasdf's avatar

asdfasdf · 666 weeks ago

Am I the only one who thinks Rush Plus must have been conceived by someone who never rides Metro?

I mean come on. What a joke.
1 reply · active 666 weeks ago
I enter the Vienna station each morning around 7 AM. As I got down to the platform, a nearly empty train was leaving the station. Six minutes later the next one left, already SRO. By the time we got to Foggy Bottom, the train was more packed than it usually is and it took at least 5-6 minutes longer to get there. This is better how? Really can't wait for the return trip tonight.
Rode my bike in from Vienna this morning because I knew that Metro was starting it's Rush+ service. Judging from the comments, I am glad that I did.
J. Nelson Leith's avatar

J. Nelson Leith · 666 weeks ago

The only real long-term solution to the Silver-Orange traffic problem is going to be to surrender the Blue Line to the Silver line from Rosslyn cityward. Rosslyn station would have to be rebuilt to extend the platform so that the terminal Blue could be accessed at a point before it joins the Orange line.

Of course, that wouldn't help untangle the in-city problems. The only real long-term solution (other than loosening building height restrictions for residential structures so that people who work in the District can more easily live in the District) is to add more lines, specifically hublines routing people around the cluster of downtown transfer points. We just need to line up Dulles-like investment to get it done.
No problems for me this morning. I take the Green line - College Park to Fort Totten to Union Station.

I keep thinking that the "plus" means the fares are going to go up. Probably because they are.
1 reply · active 666 weeks ago
Is rush+ supposed to be a modification to the ideal schedule, or a modification based on actual performance?
Seems like the former, in which case it may have been wise to perfect the normal schedule (or at least become consistent) before relying on a modification that hinges on successful logistics.
Is this a schedule issue at all, or marketing? Obviously the latter, along with drumming up attention, rush plus also gives them an excuse to skew the "on time" measure.
Out if touch with riders, dancing for whoever pays.
Tom O'Donnell's avatar

Tom O'Donnell · 666 weeks ago

I take the Yellow Line from Braddock Road to Archives. There were plenty of trains for me for take ... seems like they were on the board for arrival every 2-3 minutes. BUT that of course led to crawling and stop/start/stop/start all the way until the 14th Street Bridge. So there very well be more trains but it added 13 minutes to my commute.

Strangely, the Yellow Line train I got on was VERY crowded (around 7:15). I think it's because the trains were so backed up, most people were hopping on the same train further down the line.

So no. I am not impressed nor surprised with Rush +.
Orange Line inbound from Vienna ~7:45 was crowded (apparently b/c of an earlier problem) -- SRO from Dunn Loring the rest of the way. My train was of the "Orange Line to Largo" variety -- the operator announced this before and after every stop, adding that the next Orange Line train x minutes behind would run to New Carrolton, and that unless you were going beyond Stadium/Armory, you could ignore the whole thing.

Not surprised there were problems elsewhere, especially in the Blue/Yellow zone this morning. But expectations should be tempered for the first day -- does anyone really think that even a really well-managed, well-operated WMATA system could pull this off the first time through without a hiccup. And isn't this why they decided to start the Rush+ service before the Silver Line opens -- to try to figure things out? Let's give it a week or so and see what happens.
1 reply · active 666 weeks ago
Long Commute's avatar

Long Commute · 666 weeks ago

I take yellow from Pentagon City and transfer to red at Gallery Place. I thought rush+ wouldn't affect me since I usually get to PC at 6:19. Not sure if it was just a fluke today, but there were two yellows in a row going to Mt Vernon Square before the next blue was scheduled to arrive after 6:30.

Works for me since I always seem to miss the 6:37 red to Shady Grove when the usually yellow left as I arrived.

Now to see how the afternoon commute will be since I usually get back to Gallery Place around 5. Always hated how it seemed it was always green trains.
I live in Crystal City and work in Rosslyn.

Thanks to Rush+, I now have half as many trains that will take me to work. I barely missed my usual train this morning and had to wait 12 minutes for the next one (instead of the usual 6). The extra 6 minute wait is a big inconvenience, but it would still take much more time to travel via yellow line to L'Enfant, transfer to blue and ride all the way back out to Rosslyn.

Also, even though one of the reasons they switched every other blue line train to yellow was to reduce congestion through Rosslyn, we still had to wait in the tunnel while two orange line trains passed in front of us.

Overall, I'd give it an F. I may try the 10E bus but I know metro's buses can be as unreliable as their trains.
2 replies · active 666 weeks ago
I take the blue line from the Pentagon to McPherson. The platform was crowded, and when the blue train showed up, only a few people were able to cram on and others were left on the platform to wait another 10-12 minutes for the next blue train. Not sure how the commute home will be. Metro charging us the same as the other lines for less service during rush hour isn't right. Thinking of starting a carpool to split parking cost..
1 reply · active 666 weeks ago
Stan Dessel's avatar

Stan Dessel · 666 weeks ago

Despite huge gaps on the Blue, Yellow, Orange and Green lines, RUSH+ was a resounding success.

You're welcome!
Rush+ probably looked like a pretty good idea to the drunk WMATA managers who sketched it out on a bar napkin.
2 replies · active 666 weeks ago
This might be the first time in Metro's history that people are happy/thankful to be Red Line riders.
2 replies · active 666 weeks ago
While I understand that Metro's got a whole series of problems, this is basically what you get when the system doesn't have enough money.

It can't increase capacity (i/e, 8-car trains on the Blue line, let alone a new Potomac tunnel), because it doesn't have enough trains (let alone ones that won't kill you in an accident), because it doesn't have enough money. So Metro just spread them around the system and hoped that would help.
2 replies · active 666 weeks ago
Frequent red liner's avatar

Frequent red liner · 666 weeks ago

I'm just dreading the day that a train operator forgets that they are driving a train that has been crushed plus, thus causing a big mishap.
Orange line rider here--had to wait 2x as long for a train this AM and the train was actually more full than normal. Rush+--so far---EPIC FAIL.
The overlying issue is that more people move to DC area everyday for work, but the infrastructure has not kept up with the influx of new residents and employees. Of course Rush + is a failure, because it uses it's existing infrastructure to try and accommodate more people than they're capable of.
A train was pulling out as I walked into my station. Luckily, the next one showed up in 2 minutes, as scheduled. No prospect of a seat, or personal space, but I got where I needed to go nice and quickly.

Got to my office, checked twitter and, as a former blue line rider (Crystal City to Foggy Bottom), thanked every deity I could think of that I was transferred to New York and missed this lovely affair. Stay strong blue line :(
2 replies · active 666 weeks ago
Can't make this stuff up. Get on blue train at Foggy at 1805-supposedly post rush plus but train is packed. After 5 minutes of delays enroute to Arlington Cemetary they off load the train due to a train malfunction. What's the problem? Doors won't close due to overcrowding. That's a Metro made malfunction if ever there was.
1 reply · active 666 weeks ago
Wouldn't one "solution" be to have all the rush-hour blue line trains turn into 8-car trains? Redistribute some of the 8-car orange line trains to blue for now. And in the meantime, try to build up your car fleet so that you can run all 8-car orange once the silver line comes in.
I liked the Rush + once I was actually on the train this morning.

I get to the Courthouse station between 9 and 9:15 every day and go to Farragut West. There was still the usual 6 minute wait for a train, and the train was just as crowded as it usually is. But once I was actually on the train, there wasn't the usual stopping and starting inside the tunnel like there usually is. So the actual ride time was shorter and less jerky.

I was more curious about how Rush + would do in the evening rush. I go home between 6 and 6:30 and hate seeing Blue Line trains (often back to back) with a ton of empty seats, and then Orange Line trains that are unboardable sardine cans. I used to take Blue to Rosslyn so at least part of my commute wouldn't be miserable. But I got to the Metro tonight just as an 8-car Orange was pulling in, so didn't get to tell if the blue-orange mix problem had been resolved.
BLUE LINE RIDER. Was Ok this Am except for 8 minute wait. Tonight was a DISASTER. Took 630 PM train from Foggy Bottom to Pentagon City. So crowded doors could not close, people pushing and pulling, worse than a Nats game train. I pay for this?? Blue Line riders, let's flood the metro lines with complaints so that they will restore service to those of us with no choice. It is a safety issue for all of us and a liability for Metro! I cannot keep doing what I did today. 30 extra minutes and so much overcrowding that folks were freaking out. WE HAVE TO BE VERY VERY VOCAL TOGETHER!
Horrible. Almost 20 minutes at Farragut West to catch a blue train home. I got there at my regular time. My previous wait was always between 5-7 minutes. I was late getting back to my home station and had to take a cab home because I missed my apartment shuttle. First day grade: F.
This morning, there were, oddly enough, fewer trains on the Orange Line towards New Carrolton than I'd ever seen. The three trains were arriving in One minute, Six Minutes, and Fourteen minutes, when I got there - usually it's somewhere around One minute, Four Minutes, and Nine minutes, tops.

Yay Rush+!
westwind32's avatar

westwind32 · 666 weeks ago

Day 2. Rush + is a huge failure. East bound Orange line trains are packed by the time they reach East Falls Church. The trip home the night before was on another packed-to-the-gills train. It was never this bad before you "reinvented rush hour".
Yeah Metro, you failed again.
1 reply · active 666 weeks ago
annoyed rider's avatar

annoyed rider · 666 weeks ago

I only visit this blog when I have a major problem with Metro, so please bear with me if this has already been addressed before.
Do people who post their complaints here also lodge their complaints directly with the Metro? Or, does unsuckdcmetro send a daily digest to the Metro? I posted something here earlier and it was great to get off my chest, but I also sent a similarly worded complaint to Metro. I'm sure it's already listed on this blog somewhere, but here is the complaint/comment form for metro.
If Rush+ really was the result of listening to its riders, then hopefully Metro will continue to listen to us.
2 replies · active 665 weeks ago
Victor Champion's avatar

Victor Champion · 666 weeks ago

Here's a list of email addresses for Metro directors, executives, attorneys, and members of the Tri-State Oversight Committee. Let's jam their email boxes as full as the trains.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I take the blue line from Springfield to mcPherson Square and now I have half as many trains twice as far apart to deal with. That's a service cut. Im furious when I consider all the broken escalators and fare increases. I'm thinking about buying a motorcycle to take HOV instead. This is a joke. Now I'm on a train packed to the gills back to Springfield! No room fo breathe! I've always gotten a seat going home. No longer. Thanks metro you SUCK!!

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