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Do you really want to take Metro this weekend? (WMATA)
Emergency exit problems remain (Examiner)
Arlington, Alexandria compromise on transit corridor (WaPo)
Metro thieves sentenced (WJLA)
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Comments by IntenseDebate
Ever n Anon · 666 weeks ago
anon · 666 weeks ago
@rix0rz · 666 weeks ago
Anon · 666 weeks ago
@rix0rz · 666 weeks ago
@VeggieTart · 666 weeks ago
@ChrisHowdy · 666 weeks ago
Guest · 666 weeks ago
Arl Fan · 666 weeks ago
unsuckdcmetro 92p · 666 weeks ago
Arnaud · 666 weeks ago
anon · 666 weeks ago
One take · 666 weeks ago
Stan Dessel · 666 weeks ago
You're welcome!
DC Denizen · 666 weeks ago
The Anti-TB Guy · 666 weeks ago
I wonder how well it obeys the command to "heel"...
Trollopian · 666 weeks ago
More seriously, does anyone notice contradictory WMATA policies on animals? I think the signs in cars say flat out "no animals, except service animals." But the website (http://www.wmata.com/getting_around/safety_security/safetyfaq.cfm) states that "[I]t is also against the law to smoke, eat [hah], drink [yeah, sure], transport dangerous/flammable materials, spit, use audio/video devices without earphones or transport animals with the exception of service animals and animals transported in a box or basket so as not to endanger or offend other passengers." I know I've seen nicely-behaved cats in carriers riding to and from Friendship Animal Hospital, near Tenleytown.
RGG · 666 weeks ago
Many say "no food." That's incorrect, as you can carry all the food/drink that you want. Legally, it can be an open container or cup. Actually consuming the food/drink is what's unlawful. And because of a judge's ruling many years ago, those laws are normally enforced on the "paid" side of the faregates. Unless you're a complete moron, you won't get cited until you process your farecard and enter the system (though being an ass can get you an exception to this policy). Another "vague" one? Audio/video devices without earphones. The actual law adds "that limit sound to the individual user." How many times have we all heard the knucklehead with the volume so high we all get to "enjoy" what he/she is listening to, headphones or not? The modern "open design" of these earbuds doesn't help. Those people could legally be sited for a violation, too.
See??!! Clear as mud!!!
dddddda · 666 weeks ago
dddddda · 666 weeks ago
RGG · 666 weeks ago
dddddda · 666 weeks ago
As to the leashed-not-crated-outside-of-rush-hour policy, that was the policy in Boston, and I never had any issues with it (I did not have a dog at the time, but my roommate did, and we took her friendly, well-behaved dog on the T all the time). However, for safety purposes (not everyone's dog is well-socialized and/or well-behaved, and the people whose dogs aren't well-trained and social are typically the most clueless that their dogs are a danger/nuisance), I don't mind the carrier rule. I just have a soft carrier that I carry to the Metro/bus stop and put him in right before entering, and vice versa when leaving the bus/train station. Most dogs up to 40 pounds or so (my pup is about 20 lbs) will fit in SOME soft carrier that is widely available on the internet or at pet stores (some even have wheels, like rolling luggage, or fold up, so they're even easier to tote around), so I don't see it as a major imposition on the owner. You CHOSE to get a pet, you should make sure you can properly care for it and transport it before making that decision. It's my understanding that the "other pets in a secure carrier/container" (i.e., not service pets) is relatively new, and I do think it's one of the more enlightened and well-communicated Metro policies (to both their employees as noted above and the public...it took me only a minute to find the answer to this in their FAQ while considering getting a dog). Sure, where I NEED to get my pet around (i.e., to the vet), not owning a car, I can easily use Zipcar or a taxi (which also require crating, BTW), but it's nice that I can just toss him in his crate and take him to softball games, parties, etc. without totally altering my plans and/or incurring significant extra transportation expenses. He gets more time hanging out with me/friends/other dogs and getting fresh air, stimulation, attention, and exercise, and I don't feel obligated to limit my social schedule because it's just irresponsible to leave a dog alone/with only brief dog-walking visits for many hours every. single. day.
dddddda · 666 weeks ago
somebodyelse · 666 weeks ago
lmnop · 666 weeks ago