Riders aren't the only ones who don't like Rush+. Metro sources tell me a lot of front line employees aren't big fans either.
The reason? One employee said in an email "I think Metro really screwed up counting how many people ride the Blue Line." Another said that has led to Blue Line riders "piling up" from Metro Center to Rosslyn. This has led to offloads because of overcrowding. This reduces already reduced capacity and cascades problems onto the Orange Line.
They called Rush+ a "clusterf*ck."
Yet another said, "I don't know why Metro promised such a big deal when they were just robbing Peter to pay Paul. They set everyone up to be disappointed."
Have you found any tips to avoid Rush+? Share them in the comments.
Here's Metro's tip:

Via @KittiesSleeping: @wmata @unsuckdcmetro this is a joke right? Do you people even ride the metro? tried this, doesn't work. pic.twitter.com/iRozGmRR
Other items:
Metrobus stabbing (WaPo)
NTSB head opines on Metro (WMAL)
Guest · 665 weeks ago
jahmekajersey · 664 weeks ago
ccc · 665 weeks ago
fixwmata 105p · 665 weeks ago
This change wasn't about "reinventing rush hour" to make life "better" for ANYONE. It was about opening slots for Silver Line trains to operate. It was sold to you wrong. For that WMATA should apologize.
The map is another thing. They could have done this in a MUCH simpler way by not fucking up the map with all these dashed color lines. There were better alternatives out there and they were ignored.
The only thing that MAY change to make things better is the addition of more 8-car trains instead of 6-car trains, but with a car shortage coming up I wouldn't count on it.
@jurbanchuk · 665 weeks ago
Feel Wood · 665 weeks ago
jkuchen · 665 weeks ago
But I'd posit that part of the crowd at WFC comes from the buses that serve Reston, Herndon, and Loudoun County. The good news is that the platform may not be as filled, but the bad news is that the Silver Line trains may be full by the time they get to WFC.
dddddda · 665 weeks ago
@Hell_on_wheelz · 665 weeks ago
The following scenarios are all possibilities:
You want 8 car trains?
We'll have to keep 1K series cars.
You want replacements while hot cars are out of service?
We'll have to keep 1k series cars.
You want the ability to run gap trains when there is an issue on the (choose a color) line?
We'll have to keep the 1k series cars.
ObserverDC · 665 weeks ago
Matt G · 665 weeks ago
The Anti-TB Guy · 665 weeks ago
George Orwell would be proud. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newspeak
MLD · 665 weeks ago
If you are going King Street (or anywhere shared blue-yellow between king street/pentagon) to Rosslyn, the difference in travel time is 14 minutes. This is the biggest difference you would experience if you chose to take the yellow line if it came first. Any other stations on the orange/blue (foggy bottom, farragut, mcpherson, etc) the travel time difference is less. So decide which you prefer more: a one-seat shorter ride in a packed train, or your trip taking longer with a transfer but probably less crowded. If you're going east of McPherson, the trip is shorter if you take the Yellow line. This is the tradeoff the people at WMATA expect people to make after a while. But you can't declare it a "disaster" after 5 days of trial.
Kara · 665 weeks ago
Kara · 665 weeks ago
Blue · 664 weeks ago
I don't like the extra moving, but I also appreciate not having to wait after Rosslyn to get through that damn tunnel.
Still shitty, but not that much longer, if at all.
Mike · 665 weeks ago
MLD · 665 weeks ago
Bottom line: they are not changing it back. The Silver Line will require this type of service pattern to work. Metro should add more 8 car trains to the Blue Line but I don't know if they will. Eventually people with brains will just decide to change their commute and free up space for people who need it (people going to Rosslyn/Foggy Bottom) and people who demand a one-seat ride.
woe is metro · 665 weeks ago
OL Rider · 665 weeks ago
dddddda · 665 weeks ago
Ever Annoyed @ Metro · 665 weeks ago
@jurbanchuk · 665 weeks ago
F'n JD · 665 weeks ago
bullsumner · 665 weeks ago
Why the hell can't a change in Metro service ever actually be for the better? Is it that difficult of a concept for Sarles and his fellow idiots to grasp? 10 years ago when I first starting riding Metro, I can't remember it being so utterly and completely useless as it increasingly is becoming now. Weekends? Forget it, After 10 pm on Fridays? Nope. And now rush hours.
Wesindc · 665 weeks ago
Anon · 665 weeks ago
Kara · 665 weeks ago
Anon · 665 weeks ago
Glenn · 665 weeks ago
Nick · 665 weeks ago
OL Rider · 665 weeks ago
myk · 665 weeks ago
@VeggieTart · 665 weeks ago
OL Rider--isn't WFC a good turnaround spot? I know that there are times when Metro turns trains around at one of those stops because of construction or some such or heavy ridership.
jkuchen · 665 weeks ago
And whenever special operations are required due to construction, they put speed restrictions and such on the area. Turning around during a standard rush hour only works if you have three tracks in the station (i.e. WFC, National Airport) or a three-track arrangement in close proximity to a station.
Mike · 665 weeks ago
Stan Dessel · 665 weeks ago
You're welcome!
jmf · 665 weeks ago
Perfect, really, because we all know how much I love those extra five minutes at the office. I'd gladly trade an extra ten minutes at home for it!
Errrrh, wait ...
jjp · 663 weeks ago
Myk · 665 weeks ago
@WMATARage · 665 weeks ago
Anon · 665 weeks ago
@FixWMATA · 665 weeks ago
A lot of people are upset that the quick ride from Pentagon to Rosslyn isn't as quick anymore (and that they'll have to pay more for it). I get that. The problem is by the time the Silver Line starts everyone will have "lost" a little.
jkuchen · 665 weeks ago
Jahmeka · 664 weeks ago
Anon · 663 weeks ago
montagthezine 51p · 665 weeks ago
Mikke · 665 weeks ago
Anon · 665 weeks ago
Jahmeka · 664 weeks ago
Donald · 665 weeks ago
DUH · 665 weeks ago
Metro does not, and many people rightfully fear a 12 minute or more wait if they take the Yellow to L'Enfant.
With a crappy Metro, you take the train that's there. That's the safest bet. Sad.
unsuckdcmetro 92p · 665 weeks ago
I'd like to see how something like Rush+ would have worked in Japan, Germany, etc.
@jurbanchuk · 665 weeks ago
The above posts capture it correctly: No matter what the PID or Metro says, veteran riders know that it's safer to take the train that's there than to rely on the system operating properly. I know that there is a 60% or higher chance that if I change over to Yellow from Blue there will be a service disruption on Yellow worse than standing in a packed Blue line. It is sad, but that's the system we have. What's the answer? Raise fares of course!
The Anti-TB Guy · 665 weeks ago
Donald Rumsfeld once said, "As you know, you go to war with the army you have, not the army you might want or wish to have at a later time."
When you ride Metro, just remember Rumsfeld and the war...
Matt · 665 weeks ago
Define "normal".
Guest · 665 weeks ago
Anon · 665 weeks ago
jahmekajersey · 664 weeks ago
1) How does it make sense to limit the number of blue lines when Pentagon City and Pentagon are some of the biggest entrees onto metro in Northern Virginia?
2) I understand the need to decongest the Rosslyn tunnel. However, this does not change the number of people who need to get to Rosslyn (or Foggy Bottom or Farragut West). It's the same number of people now stuffed on to fewer trains. For these three big stops, it does not make sense to go to L'Enfant and transfer to blue or orange.
3) Why are they even building a new line? How about making what you have operational first and then consider expanding.
4) There are alternatives to get to Dulles - take the bus. Granted, these buses fill quickly due to luggage but why not add more buses instead of once an hour? And if you don't want these people to go through Rosslyn, put the bus transfer somewhere else.
5) Three half-empty yellow trains for every overcrowded, standing room only blue line train?
6) 12 minutes between any same color train during rush hour is incomprehensible.
7) I specifically chose not to live on a red line because it's always breaking down and would make the commute that much longer. So glad I intentionally chose to live on a blue line instead....
8) I can hardly wait to pay even more for even less service.