Monday, June 11, 2012

"None of your G*d D*mn Business"

From Frank:
Dear Mr. Sarles,

On Saturday, June 9th, a WMATA employee illegally parked a WMATA vehicle (number 18020) in a handicap space located in Arlington County at the Virginia Square Metro Station (see attached photos). To be specific, this handicap spot is located on the northern part of North Monroe Street near Fairfax Drive. As the driver of the vehicle got out of his car, I simply asked the gentleman if there was a reason he had parked in a handicap spot. He did not reply. As he was heading toward the elevator, I mentioned that I have a brother who is handicapped and frequently is unable to find handicap parking because people think, "I'll be two minutes" is acceptable. I asked him if he was going to move his car; he stated, "its none of your G-- D--- business".

Aside from his behavior and use of language, I take this very seriously. As stated, my brother is a paraplegic as well as an aunt who is a quadriplegic. For them, it is nearly impossible to find handicap parking because people "run in and run out" leaving their vehicle unattended. A quick two minute stop can mean the difference in them parking or having to look elsewhere.

I highly doubt in the WMATA's operating manual(s) does it allow vehicles to park in handicap spots.

I know as a tax paying citizen in Arlington County, if I were to park in this spot, I would get a ticket.

This is unacceptable to me. In this certain situation, I am not looking for an apology letter from anyone. I believe it to be reasonable for this individual to pay the maximum fine according to the sign. I am also requesting a response as to further disciplinary action(s) that will take place. His behavior and conduct also needs to be addressed.

Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.

Other items:
Metro spending $25K to show recruiting video at local theaters (Examiner)
Metro wedding! (PoP)
What happened to DVD vendors in stations? (Examiner)

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Bu they are tweeting better ;)
5 replies · active 667 weeks ago
They ARE tweeting better. It's important to understand that WMATA's communications (social media) are a different beast from problems like the one in this article and track work, offloads, etc.

We want problems fixed - Twitter communications was one of those problems - now it appears to be fixed. Lets lay off the guy as long as they keep this up.

Now that we have a 2-way conversation there's more opportunity to get the OTHER issues addressed.
unemployed's avatar

unemployed · 667 weeks ago

Do you have any openings where you work? hahahha
UnSuck Fan's avatar

UnSuck Fan · 667 weeks ago

Yeah, but for how long? There was supposed to be a shiny "new" Twitter account. Whatever happened to that?
I think you're being sarcastic, so I'll support you.

How long til Metro's twitter apologies ring as true as their "regret the inconvenience" announcements during a service fail?
I hope that Frank's first action after the conversation was to call the police. Get enough tickets on the vehicle, and hopefully they'll boot it and/or tow it.
Arlington County Police non-emergency #: (703)558-2222
Pretty sure ARL does not have a 311 service, rather DC only
Bob Stevens's avatar

Bob Stevens · 667 weeks ago

I have no doubt that ACPD would ticket this vehicle.
hrh king friday 13's avatar

hrh king friday 13 · 667 weeks ago

Hope so. It would give VA a mini revenue stream for silver line construction. ;)
That's it. I'm going to buy a tow truck and start towing WMATA vehicles parked illegally.
1 reply · active 667 weeks ago
you'll have a field day at glenmont station
BrianKal's avatar

BrianKal · 667 weeks ago

Call Arlington PD non-emergency line ... or Advanced Towing and have them ticket/tow it.
Don't worry guys, the racoons needed to be fed .. and the driver left his emergency vest on the dash
Call the police and have them towed.
1 reply · active 667 weeks ago
UnSuck Fan's avatar

UnSuck Fan · 667 weeks ago

Potatoes? Bananas? Sugar? Maybe faster than a tow truck.
instead of getting mad, i'm going to get proactive. anyone know a good car paint shop? and do we have any sources in metro who can provide the stencils for that metro logo on the side of the cars? i see a new white ford SUV in my future.
5 replies · active 667 weeks ago
Should not be too hard to make one ... it is just an M in a rounded square with the word metro under it. Remember: anyone looking at it probably will not inspect it closely (well, MAYBE if they are in the wmata, but I doubt it).
One take 's avatar

One take · 667 weeks ago

You'll also need to take into consideration that on some WMATA vehicles – Metro Staff misspelled ‘M’.
Stan Dessel's avatar

Stan Dessel · 667 weeks ago

and Matro
Art Vandalay's avatar

Art Vandalay · 667 weeks ago

ncc, don't forget to purchase the safety vest to lay on the dashboard.
One take 's avatar

One take · 667 weeks ago

Unfortunately, there are not many options that you can pursue. By sending the photo (with the Identification #) to Metro; all you’ll succeed in accomplishing is getting this WMATA employee a well deserved raise and better benefits (the latter the result of his eloquent response to your concern).
1 reply · active 667 weeks ago
J. WhatWhat Jeter's avatar

J. WhatWhat Jeter · 667 weeks ago

clearly you believe in slavery
Good job taking the photo, sadly nothing will happen to the jerk but it sure gives us something to talk about. I am sorry about your brother and aunt, I am grateful I can park far away and walk to where I want to go.

Remember karma is a bitch, maybe he will need handicapped parking one day. It is really sad that people like this man feel entitled to whatever they want.
Stan Dessel's avatar

Stan Dessel · 667 weeks ago

"Sorry" guys. I had to duck in quickly to tweet about a breakdown.

You're welcome.
1 reply · active 667 weeks ago
You're going to have a hard time topping this one, Stan. Made me nearly snarf my water.
Maybe the driver was handicapped?
3 replies · active 667 weeks ago
Yes he is, its called Lazy Ass.
There's nothing in the post saying the driver had no handicapped tag or pass. Maybe he did.
interesting question. i would assume wmata-owned and -placarded vehicles aren't eligible for handicapped plates; they're fleet vehicles, yes? i would also assume that the original poster would have noticed a handicapped hang tag in the vehicle before he confronted the driver.
Is this an email to Sarles, copied to Unsuck, or is it an open letter to Sarles? Does Unsuck have a procedure to fact check the occasioanl submission of this kind?
2 replies · active 667 weeks ago
horseydeucey's avatar

horseydeucey · 667 weeks ago

Yes, but few are more obvious than wearing a Metro uniform.
You should see all the "handicapped" people parking in the handicapped spaces at Shady Grove. I understand some issues aren't easily seen, but a bunch of the regulars are obviously young and able bodied. I take a look at placards as I walk by, the trick is they'll laminate them and put them down in the window where the tinting hides the registration dates/state info.
2 replies · active 667 weeks ago
DC Denizen's avatar

DC Denizen · 667 weeks ago

I see this too at Huntington. I realize that not all disabilities are visible to the observer. But when I see a guy park in a handicapped spot and sprint for his train, I have to call BS.
I saw a woman that looked pissed because someone parked in her "handicapped"r" spot, she parked down the street and ran fast after the person wearing high heels. The person may have been one of the " I will park for just 5 minutes" but this woman was running in high heels and I have no disability and cant run like that in heels. The woman in the heels had the tags to park in "her" space but I question her right to park there.
knows metro's avatar

knows metro · 667 weeks ago

A Metro vehicle of this kind will never be occupied by a disabled person. Period.

The driver is just an entitled Metro employee who thinks the rules don't apply.
Yeah I saw a car parked in a handicapped spot the other day at metro with a serious bike rack on the back of it. Makes me wonder that if you can bike around, why do need a handicapped parking pass?
2 replies · active 667 weeks ago
Arthritis, a prosthetic limb... there are plenty of conditions which make it difficult to walk, but biking is actually good exercise because it doesn't stress the joints.

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