Basically, a large group of kids began shouting insults at each other. The words turned to shoves and the shoves morphed into a full-blown fight.
Here's what Metro had recorded about the incident:
Bethesda: An altercation ensued between several individuals resulting in unauthorized persons entering the right of way on track #2. Train 103 is currently holding on track #2, power is de-energized on both tracks. MTPD are on scene.
Riz writes:
This one guy got knocked down in front of me and turtled up (face down covering his body and head with his hands). The guy who knocked him down proceeded to knee him in the skull. Then, another two douches ran up and soccer kicked and stomped him in the head. It sounded like a watermelon getting hit by a sledghammer.
Anyway, the guy who got kicked in the skull rolled over and started twitching. His eyes were rolled into the back of his head. He started convulsing a bit, and finally, about four or five minutes later, someone came to help him. He tried to stand up, but couldn't because of his injuries--possibly a concussion.
The fighting continued among others.
The kid with the concussion tried to stand up and promptly fell into the tracks right as the train was coming. (The readout said it was 1 minute away.)
People started screaming. Most of the fights paused, but some douches kept fighting. The guy fell right in front of me. People were screaming at him to get back on the platform, but every time he got up, he fell over. He was too hurt to figure it out.
Someone jumped down on the tracks to pull him out
Two other bystanders and I started running toward the oncoming train on the platform. The tunnel where the train was coming from is curved, so I knew it could have been really bad. The driver could easily miss what was going on and not be able to stop in time.
I started screaming and jumping up and down yelling at him to stop trying to create a huge profile by bouncing around. The other guy with me did the same. I didn't want to get too close to the tunnel entrance because I didn't think the operator would see me in time, so I tried to stay closer to the kid on the tracks. The guy in front of me moved up a bit.
At first, the driver kept going and, for a split second, I didn't think he saw us. Then, I saw the driver get this horrified look on his face and jerk his brake lever and the train began to stop.
It stopped about 2 feet from where the injured guy and those trying to help him were.
The driver was freaking out, and I leaned in his window to tell him what happened.
The others finally pulled the hurt guy out of the tracks.
Then all hell broke loose as another three fights erupted.
Meanwhile, not a single cop had shown up yet. Not even one. Elapsed time: about 30 minutes. Finally, a Metro worker sprinted up the escalators to get the police.
Fights were still going on, and it was getting worse. Finally, I saw a cop about 45 minutes after this all started.
The train was still paused halfway on the tracks, halfway in the tunnel. Its power had been shut down, and all the passengers in the train were stuck.
The cops were yelling and telling people to sit down. Shirts were ripped, and people were walking around bleeding and yelling. Girls were trash talking like it was a night at the Jersey Shore.
Finally, about an hour into it, the track inspection was done, the train powered up and started slowly inching toward the end of the platform.
And for the perspective from the train, here's this from an anonymous reader:
I left Metro Center1:30 a.m., after a midnight movie headed toward Shady Grove on the Red Line. Upon approaching Bethesda station, a barely audible announcement was followed by the power being turned off on our train.Other items:
Apparently, there was a teen scuffle in the station and, for"safety reasons," the decision was made to cut the power and detain us.
It took several Metro police approx 45 minutes to secure the station, and for us to be let out of the dark, stuffy train.
The Bethesda police station is across Wisconsin Ave., but they did not respond.
I believe they would have handled the situation more efficiently.
SmarTrip changes arrive--sorta (WMATA)
Car derails at yard (WaPo)
Joshua Davis · 766 weeks ago
Will in DC · 766 weeks ago
Anon · 766 weeks ago
I have also known many suburban mid-level income and higher income youths who are the nastiest things ever birthed on this planet.
ANY youth can be loud and scary.
Will rascism never die on this planet?
Maria · 766 weeks ago
Anon · 766 weeks ago
Not a savage · 766 weeks ago
@poptdc · 766 weeks ago
John · 766 weeks ago
passionedfury 41p · 766 weeks ago
Wrong folks were fighting.
Will in DC · 766 weeks ago
NotAFlyOnTheWall · 766 weeks ago
anonymous · 766 weeks ago
riz · 766 weeks ago
I just wanted the story told. I do remember the train coming very fast but I'm sure someone came to do dudes help very fast. I was talking to you and your gf before it started on the bench if you are the same people im thinking of. apologies for the innaccuracies if there are any.
I do know that you if you jumped in the pit are the rea hero of this story.
However, you guys don't know what started it? you tried to break it up and got involved?
NotAFlyOnTheWall · 766 weeks ago
riz · 766 weeks ago
oktoughguys 0 points1 point2 points 48 minutes ago[-]
i was in the fight..facts are off it was me and 2 others and 4 girls v atleast 8 to 12 guys..who started it by sucker punching one of us so it dropped to 2 on 8 right off break..all three of us are fine other then 8 stitches and a a broken pinkie there one guy took it the worst but if the tough 8 guys wanna match up ne day 8 on 8 then were game trust me..damascus fucks stay in ur stupid f--ing town
@kara_h · 766 weeks ago
Anon · 766 weeks ago
KUDOS to those who helped save someone from being hit by a train.
KUDOS to those who tried to stop violence that had no benefits to anyone.
You want a fight? Join the army and go fight! Then you'd find our hearts are with you every punch of the way.
noname · 766 weeks ago
Anon · 766 weeks ago
You sound so proud of your punches thrown. If you could not call mommy, why not call cops? I can only assume you either enjoyed the adrenline rush of the fight or really don't want cops to notice you. Why do I assume this? By your inability to have a debating conversation without vulgarity and attack-language. You sound quite defensive.
EdTheRed · 766 weeks ago
Nobody · 766 weeks ago
EdTheRed · 766 weeks ago
Anonymous · 766 weeks ago
EdTheRed · 766 weeks ago
Jason · 766 weeks ago
Question: it sounds like no non-metro employees on the platform called 911? Everyone has cell coverage in that station now, I think. Many phones should be able to surf to another band (to Verizion) for emergency calls if they can't find their own carrier under ground. Even if I were going to think a fight was casual ("ah, kids") I think I would have woken up and called as soon as I saw someone convulsing.
Anon · 766 weeks ago
This is so sad. It is frightening. And it po's me off bigtime with the lack of police/professional help for so long! I am a little,aging person. I have no medical training except for basic first aid. I have no training in fighting. I'd be a sheep in a wolf's den just being there (although I attest by God I would try to help like the folks above did, risks notwithstanding!).
However, Jason. I can also attest from personal experience that 9 out of 10 people will stand like dumb cows and stare. Few want to help these days. Even fewer actually do something about it. A sad commentary on our society.
Foo · 766 weeks ago
It's in the middle of the fight in that second picture, but there's an intercom button that connects to the station manager on that far pylon as well.
John · 766 weeks ago
insidethebeltway · 766 weeks ago
Way. to. be metro.
Uck · 766 weeks ago
Annie · 766 weeks ago
noname · 766 weeks ago
Riz · 766 weeks ago
Ever and Anon · 766 weeks ago
I have no ideas about the thug poster though.
Riz · 766 weeks ago
Hope that clears it up.
NotAFlyOnTheWall · 766 weeks ago
I did take quite a long video of the police talking to us and others as I wanted to be sure they were accountable for their actions or lack thereof. I also have on video the police officer explaining to us about criss-cross assault and how we'd all have to go to jail or we'd all have to basically drop the charges and go home. Strangely, I can find nothing on this "criss-cross assault" term. Anyone with a legal background that can verify this kind of a situation? I would also like to know why on earth they can't pull the security footage for the platform to see what unfolded. They should have done it on the spot to put to rest false claims.
@unsuckdcmetro · 766 weeks ago
driving is safer · 766 weeks ago
Remember, an MTP is still a Metro employee...
Anon · 766 weeks ago
Alex · 766 weeks ago
Matthew · 766 weeks ago
dwfma · 766 weeks ago
Nobody · 766 weeks ago
@unsuckdcmetro · 766 weeks ago
Alex · 766 weeks ago
confucious · 763 weeks ago
Anonymous · 763 weeks ago