@Lisatella Today on #wmata I got my boob grabbed and watched tourists get stuck in the doors. #peakofthecrap
Open thread: Today on Metro I ...
Other items:
Letter from Sean Connaughton to NVTC regarding Va. seats on WMATA Board (PDF)
Drunk Metro employee canned ... for now. (ARLnow.com)
Aging pier footings on Dulles extension pass muster (WaPo)
Congressman introduces MARC riders' bill of rights
Metro bus detours this weekend (WMATA)
Open thread: Today on Metro I ...
Other items:
Letter from Sean Connaughton to NVTC regarding Va. seats on WMATA Board (PDF)
Drunk Metro employee canned ... for now. (ARLnow.com)
Aging pier footings on Dulles extension pass muster (WaPo)
Congressman introduces MARC riders' bill of rights
Metro bus detours this weekend (WMATA)
He'll be back on the job in no time. He's in the UNION, dammit.
a guy who couldn't decide whether he wanted to eat his hand or pick his nose.
Today on Metro I... sweated at Ballston and froze at Metro Center. (not that I mind the freezing)
Today on Metro I got on the wrong line, because I forgot about the early morning Yellow Line extensions at Ft. Totten. I guess I can't blame Metro for that one.
Today on Metro, I sat in the window seat next to the handicapped/elderly seating. Expectedly, a large woman took the aisle seat. A few stops later, a very attractive girl took the handicapped seat in front of me. She was reading Catch Me If You Can. I wanted to strike up a conversation, but I've never been able to say anything to strangers on the Metro. Thank you cute girl for making my ride next to Hungry Hungry Hippo a little less crappy!
P.S. I tried not to stare, really.
Today on Metro... every escalator out of service at Foggy Bottom and a train stuck at Farragut West that made me late for work. Huzzah fare increases!
I read a blog about the Metro and laughed as I sat stopped in a tunnel on the Orange Line.
Today on metro wasn't so bad, but I've only had the easy part of my commute. The trip home is usually the suck fest. I am not holding out hope that this afternoon won't suck.
I enjoyed what will probably be the last comfortable commute of the year.
Today on Metro I saw the same cute girl I see 2-3 times a week. We make the same trip every time we're both on. I really want to strike up a converstion with her since we have that in common, but I don't want to look like a creep. Maybe I'll just wish her a good morning the next time I see her.
I watched a group of 15 tourists from Texas, ignore their children, encourage a 3 year old to sing Katy Perry's 'California Girls' and eat/drink during their entire time on the Metro.
Hey you guys who want to talk to cute girls on metro, saying "Hi" or asking how they like the book they are reading is not creepy. Following them home, making lewd comments, or unnecessarily touching them is creepy.
Just say "Hi". If she freaks out, you don't want to date her anyway.
Today on Metro I accidentally dropped my mango pit. It matched the 70's decor so well I decided to leave it.
Today, I didn't take metro. I was very happy.
1:07 +1
Today on (Unsuck )Metro I had my illusions shattered: When I first looked at these photos I thought, "Oh, somebody is strewing some rose petals throughout the Metro" only to learn that it was garbage and human waste. Sigh.
@1:09 Looking forward to my getting to walk home tonight rather than taking metro.
Today on Metro I ...
wonder if I should really go shopping.
@11:04 AM I was with you up until you made this:
"If she freaks out, you don't want to date her anyway."
Male Privilege must be wonderful.
@2:40, I'm a chick. I was just thinking if a guy I said "Hi" to freaked out, I don't want to date him. I flipped that around to apply to a guy saying "hi" to a girl, that is all.
I had to pee so bad, but big bad Metro wouldn't let me off.
@2:40: Its not a matter of "male privilege" or any other kind of privilege. You don't really want to date someone who is not interested in you, no matter how attractive he or she might look. So even if someone does not actually "freak out" when you say "hi," but just seems uninterested in you, then you don't really want to date him or her. What would be creepy would be if someone doesn't accept someone's lack of interest, and concludes that "they're just playing hard to get." That is where creepiness comes into play.
Today on metro I saw a woman let two of her three children use the poles as a jungle gym while third kid screamed. No effort to discipline them.
Why is it I only see young Black women eating on the Metro? Is it ignorance, an I-don't-give-a-shit attitude; I'm entitled? It's really annoying, especially when everyone else is trying to abide by the rules, so as not to attract vermin. I think the WMATA should have undercover riders to ticket assholes who eat, play loud music, write graffiti, or act out on the metro.
Today I cursed Metro because, not only were there delays in both directions on the Red Line on the way home, but also because it was one of the hottest days of the summer and the car I was on had NO air conditioning! Keep it up Metro and I will continue to bring my water bottle onboard and drink it! I'm tired of following your rules about not eating and drinking while you don't have the decency to turn on the air conditioning. Call it even!
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