Monday, July 19, 2010

Why are Operators so Terse?

Riders often comment positively when they have a communicative operator. Riders seem to particularly like operators who inject a little humor into their announcements.

Anything that makes Metro slightly more tolerable, right?

But ... while these operators often make riding Metro a little more pleasant, a source familiar with Metrorail operations says some driver announcements may actually be dangerous because when the operator is on the PA, they are cut off from Rail Operations Control Center (ROCC) and could potentially miss vital information about track or train malfunctions.

We reached out to Matt Bassett, the chair of the Tri-state Oversight Committee (TOC) to find out more, and here's what he said in an email:
In our discussions with WMATA, they have indicated that speaking over the public address system limits the operator's ability to monitor their radio link with the Rail Operations Control Center, and that while having a cheerful and talkative operator may improve the riding experience, their first priority is ensuring consistent and timely communication with the ROCC. Therefore, they ask their operators to limit their PA use to essential communications only.

ROCC is the 'air traffic control' of the Metrorail system. The control center could put out a warning about a potential hazard, the presence of workers in the track area, a change in the operating environment or even an order to offload the trains at any time. Therefore, a train operator needs to be linked up with Central regardless of whether they're moving their train or have it stopped.
We asked Metro about this, and here's what they said:
We want the Operator to inform customers of any delays (We Stop, We Tell) and to be cheerful sounding. We also want the announcements to be concise. All Metro train operators are required to carry a portable radio which is not affected by the PA system. Also, the console radio installed in the rail cars takes precedence over the PA system.
Bassett added that the TOC "is not aware of specific instances of discipline [for loquacious operators], but we do know that WMATA's supervisors evaluate train operators on a number of performance metrics, one of which is the quality of their passenger communications."

Only on Metro.

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Seat Hogs (WaPo)

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Ever and Anon's avatar

Ever and Anon · 766 weeks ago

TOC vs. Metro. Sounds like Ali vs Holmes. Get your Unsuck tickets here folks!

I for one deeply appreciate those operators who add in a funny comment now and then. Thus, go Metro - Now never again will I send a compliment/kudos email to Metro so that I do not risk causing job trouble for one of those rare train operators that I appreciate. I also wonder. Are the portable radios non-Verizon? If so, they won't work much in the system.

Did you know "irony" and "metro" have the same number of letters?
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
I had an awesome train operator last month. I got her name so I could send a kudos, but after I thought about it, I was afraid it would just get her in trouble, so I didn't send it. I did thank her in person.
Please continue to send commendations. I'm an insider, and operators do get praised, not punished for this type of behavior. In regard to the radio/PA: two separate systems. The radio is similar to police radios, (not verizon). When the operator presses the PA to talk to customers, the PA mutes the radio, so that customers don't hear what the Control Center is saying. Threfore, the operator can't either. Usually, announcements are made more than once, but sometimes the operator may miss something.
I have to disagree strongly - I HATE when the operators prattle on endlessly about remembering your belongings, having a frigging "blessed day," what time it is, blah blah blah.

There is one operator on the Orange and Blue in the weekday evening rush hour who does something so that his announcements are absolutely DEAFENING in the cars. When you're stuck in the middle trying to hold on for dear life and the speaker is right over your head, the last thing in the world you want is some jackass going on about Mtero frigging safety tips.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Ever and Anon's avatar

Ever and Anon · 766 weeks ago

I believe we are speaking of different things. My comment related to a one-liner humerous moment, not prattling on with safety tips.

I have been on that deafening orange line train. I always find it ironic that it appears to be the only train I actually ever hear the words clearly spoken, yet those words are painful to hear. Go figure.
GrapesOfRough's avatar

GrapesOfRough · 766 weeks ago

There are two regular Green Line operators who constantly yell at the riders. It's kind of funny, and kind of annoying at first. The one guy thinks he's some kind of crusader sent by god to keep people from standing too close to the platform edge when the train's moving. Amusing.

The other guy just yells: "people why the hell you only using 1 door [usually at L'Enfant or Gallery Place]?! This train has 18 doors, use all of them or the doors won't shut and y'all will have to get off!"
Like I said, kind of amusing, but after awhile it gets old and he sounds more douchey than funny.
Had a great operator this morning, rumbling Barry White voice, who actually thanked those of use who move off the train to get out of the way and let others get out. That was nice.
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Is this on the Yellow Line? There used to be a driver with a Smooth Jazz radio voice who would comment about the wonderful weather or would thank people for boarding promptly. I loved him for the little extra effort he made to ensure people had a nice commute.
That's interesting, Heather, because I think I know the driver you are talking about with the Smooth Jazz radio voice. And you know what? I found him to be annoying and too talky LOL. I likened it to those airline pilots that feel the need to talk and talk and talk on a plane ("if you look to your left, you'll see the Grand Canyon," ..."if you look to your right, there's the Bank of America tower")...I'm like puh-leeze, tell me if there's an emergency, announce the next station, shut up, and just drive the damn train. LOL!!! He did have a Smooth Jazz voice, and apparently knew it and loved his own voice. I just don't think all that talking is necessary.
wah wah wah's avatar

wah wah wah · 766 weeks ago

This is interesting. I didn't think it was possible that a huge majority of them were that sullen ALL the time.
You know, the biggest issue with seat hogs that WaPo didn't mention was that in some cases, one person takes up two seats because that person is so fat it's impossible for them not to take up both seats. I witness this a lot.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
I'm glad you are so thin and virtuous that you would never take up two seats, or expect more for just being you. Kudos to You! <rolls eyes>

Troll on somewhere else.
If indeed making the announcements keeps the operator from receiving messages from Central, then for the love of god STOP MAKING THEM. Automate the damn process. The stops don't change. The side on which the doors open doesn't change, either, except for terminal stations. It's insane to have these incoherent announcements that, apparently, also could be unsafe.
On the yellow line in the evenings I have this amazing driver who is hilarious and makes everyone look around laughing and sharing a DC smile with one another. Please let him keep talking! It's the only thing that makes riding metro twice a day bearable. :) Heather-- it might be the same one. :)

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