Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Putting Bag Searches Behind Us

Dec. 21, 2010 bag checks at Braddock Rd. via @deafinthecity.

From CS:
The debate over Metro’s warrantless, suspicionless bag searches – reviled by many as a retreat from constitutional protection against unreasonable searches, but called necessary in a new world of international terrorism by others – continues to roll along. Last week, a Metro board committee took up the issue, as other reports indicated a disappointingly tepid response to the controversy by the Metro board’s new chair.

Unsuck DC Metro readers appear to overwhelmingly disagree with back checks, as the results of a recent poll suggest:
What do you think of Metro's plans to institute random bag checks?
-Unfortunate, but we live in a dangerous world 23%
-Annoying safety theater 76%
Votes 3580
Count me firmly in the majority. As others have said more cogently, the searches – ostensibly aimed at detecting explosives – are an assault on civil liberties that set the stage for even more invidious things to come. Throughout our history, police and security forces have long trampled civil liberties, in large part because police come from a command-and-control mindset, where the first instinct is to crack down or use force. (A generalization, yes, but in my experience, typically true.) And, of course, with the fear-mongering induced by politicians today, questioning security has the same pariah status as appearing soft on communism during the Cold War.

That said, I’d like to humbly suggest a solution that could satisfy both camps, and which I don’t think has been part of the public debate yet.

The solution starts with the understanding that the purpose of these bag checks for explosives isn’t to find explosives. This is absurd, but true. Even the cops and bag search proponents admit it. Metro police recently told the Metro Riders’ Advisory Council, for example, that they do not expect to actually find explosives during their searches. Likewise, when New York City went to court to successfully defend its bag search program – a case which WMATA relies upon heavily to justify its program – witnesses said it makes no difference that a would-be terrorist could decline a search and leave the system untouched, presumably with bomb in hand (or trench coat, as the case may be).

What, then, are searches for explosives meant to accomplish, if not find explosives?

The key, according to police and others, is that they represent a break in routine; they introduce unpredictability and uncertainty. In the New York federal court case, for instance, experts’ testimony established that “terrorists ‘place a premium’ on success. Accordingly, they seek out targets that are predictable and vulnerable – traits they ascertain through surveillance and a careful assessment of existing security measures.” Bag searching, which can be held anywhere on any given day, “deters a terrorist attack because it introduces the variable of an unplanned checkpoint inspection and thus ‘throws uncertainty into every aspect of terrorist operations – from planning to implementation.’ ”

So there it is – the key isn’t to look for bombs per se, but rather to generate the uncertainty and unpredictability that thwart the terrorists.

And therein lies the solution.

Why couldn’t Metro use some other uncertainty-creating activity, rather than faux bomb searching, to introduce that uncertainty, and which also happens not to raise concerns about busting civil liberties? Instead of pulling passengers over and violating their rights against unreasonable searches by looking for explosives they don’t really expect to find, how about, say, beefing up platform patrols? Becoming highly visible in a way that’s not done now? Using additional dog patrols? Officers actually riding in subway cars enough that riders see them more than once or twice a year? (That really WOULD be unusual.) Descending into the bowels of Metro Center often enough to observe what really goes on there? And so on.

And that leads to the real beauty of such a plan – in addition to creating that unpredictability, the stepped-up activity can at the same time address other pressing needs, too. Pretty much any rider will tell you that Metro police need to be more visible and effective, whether in dealing with the hooligans at Gallery Place/Chinatown, the rowdy kids that flood the system when school lets out, or the thieves who steal iPods and iPads.

The point is: There’s plenty of high visibility, routine-disrupting activities Metro could undertake to satisfy the twin goals of 1) thwarting terrorists without stomping on civil liberties, while 2) also furthering workaday security and safety.

Given the way cops think, I doubt they’ll ever suggest something like this themselves. And Metro’s new czar/chief executive, Richard Sarles, is probably too vested in supporting the current program to back away from it now.

That leaves the Metro board. With recent changes in membership, there’s some hope for life in what has been a distressingly moribund group. But taking on the security apparatus will require guts. And unfortunately, few would accuse the board of having much fortitude in recent times. Here’s hoping a majority of the board will find spines and implement a truly reasonable solution.

SHORT TAKE: As long as we’re talking about Metro bag searches, it’s important to clear up a misconception. Metro police and others have said the program is patterned after the New York City search program, the constitutionality of which a federal appeals court has upheld.

But in important ways, the Metro program is not like the NYC operation. In approving the New York program, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals laid out several factors indicating why the program there was acceptable. Among them:
  • That police exercise no discretion in selecting whom to search, but rather employ a formula. The Metro program, however, plainly does involve discretion. Even though it uses a formula – every sixth person, every 14th, etc. – passengers often arrive simultaneously at Metro’s wide station entrances and concourses (which are very much unlike the New York system). In such instances, Metro police told the Riders’ Advisory Council, when applying their formula, they will make a judgment about who “breaks the plane” of the station first. (There’s a bad football joke here somewhere.) Likewise, police said they won’t search purses, and will only search bags judged capable of holding explosives. But when does a purse become a bag? A backpack? For that matter, what is the minimum size of a bag for holding a bomb? Such things are left to officers’ discretion.
  • That a typical search lasts only a matter of seconds. In the case relied upon by the appeals court, which involved road checkpoints, the time in which police had contact with motorists “lasted only a few seconds.” Yet with Metro, according to the agency’s own videos, the length of contact is considerably longer, running up to a minute.
Other items:
WMATA subsidy use called illegal (WaPo)
Audit of Dulles rail requested (WaPo)
DC nightlife establishment fighting early closing (Examiner)
GOP kills Dem. amendment to restore WMATA funding (TBD)

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Sweet Bobby's avatar

Sweet Bobby · 736 weeks ago

Aren't the unpredictability of train arrivals and functioning escalators enough?
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Ha! I'd sure hate to rely on Metro to have to execute an elaborate, well timed scheme.
Formula doesn't matter. Here the Second Circuit, got it wrong. It has nothing to do with discretion.

It is a warrantless search unsupported by probable cause. The only thing that would redeem the warrantless search is to call public transit, semi-public space (in itself a reductio ad absurdum) similar to an airport, where such searches have been upheld as being constitutional.

Subways are not airplanes. Neither are buses. Public transit is a necessity of urban living. The public inherently relies on it to get people to and from work, doctors, bars and IS inherently public space.

We are to be secure in our papers and effects in public. The founders were clear on this.

Anyone who is searched should politely refuse, attempt to enter the station and take the trespass arrest and use it to sue the F'n $hit out of Metro and the Board members in their individual capacities for intentionally infringing on civil and constitutional rights. The Board has been warned and they are willfully ignoring the Constitution.

I don't know what oath of office they have sworn in their elected capacities, but my oaths, for federal service and to become a lawyer, required I uphold the Constitution.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Ever and Anon's avatar

Ever and Anon · 736 weeks ago

Nice idea F'n JD but I have no money for a lawyer to pursue lawsuits and really need to get to work so I don't lose my job and, thus, my home, my dinner, my pets, medical care..... don't got no money for the initial bail eidder.. :)
While I also disagree with the bag checks, (and the bs airport screenings), your suggested solution still misses the point you are trying to make. What is the goal of a terrorist? To destroy things and kill large amounts of people. Do you really think someone whos only goal is to kill people (including himself) really cares what the occupation of the soon to be deceased is? Visable police presence is not a break in routine, unless that officer is going to interact with each and every passenger by checking what they are doing or into every bag, which is what you are trying to avoid in the first place. In your own words, the terrorist only needs to "break the plane" to detonate the bomb and be considered successfull.
If a homicide bomber wanted to blow up a train he or she could easily use a vest, hidden under clothes. That makes a bag search useless.
VeggieTart's avatar

VeggieTart · 736 weeks ago

Maybe it's cheaper and easier to do the band-aid bag searches than to have police patrols. After all, having patrols, with or without service dogs, would require that the transit cops actually get out into the system and interact with people.
These bag searches really do not do anything. They truly are the very definition of security theater. They are done too infrequently (not that I want them to be done more frequently) and in too few locations to really make an impact or even deter a terrorist bent on causing mass confusion and destruction. I believe that it would be a better use of Metro's money to have more transit police doing rounds in stations with high crime and/or traffic; Gallery Place, Metro Center and L'Enfant come to mind.
Corresponding Toads's avatar

Corresponding Toads · 736 weeks ago

I'm a man and I wear a purse and I enjoy getting my bag checked. Keep up the great work, Metro!!!
Sweet Bobby's avatar

Sweet Bobby · 736 weeks ago

Also, not to be a Debbie Downer here, but they just proved in Moscow's one airport that exploding devices can kill a lot of people by being deployed near a checkpoint, instead of past it.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
That should have been obvious, but not to our security thespians. Dense crowds of people are targets. Security lines are dense crowds...
Ever and Anon's avatar

Ever and Anon · 736 weeks ago

They are wanting to create interruption in routine to keep bad guys off balance, eh? How about the people who miss their train and are late for work, getting in trouble with the boss for no other reason than their bag "came up suspicious" on a chemical check when said chemicals could be anything at all used to keep your house and family healthy? The logic of it still eludes this rider.

Unsuck, I do like your approach and think it the best idea so far. Shame Metro cannot comprehend it. Can you re-post it using little words? ;-D
I've been seeing more and more Transit Police lately (Metro Center and Pentagon specifically) but all they do is just stand around in groups of 3 of 5. Seriously. Three of them were standing on the bumpy edge at Pentagon the other night, one checking his Blackberry. One of them had the security dog and the other was just trying to look intimidating. It was just dumb. They didn't walk the platform. They stood there. Metro Center yesterday morning, five in a group leaning on the railing on the Glenmont side, talking to each other. Yeah, I see them, but maybe they should be a little more mobile and actually go into the station a bit further? At least at Pentagon they were on the platform.
Billythekid's avatar

Billythekid · 736 weeks ago

In the Paris Metro they have the National Guard with rifles patroling the metro. But no random bag checks. I want to say that DC metro system is the worst in the world, but honestly that can't be true?! I wonder if there is a metro worse than DC. Does anyone know?
Billythekid's avatar

Billythekid · 736 weeks ago

I spoke to soon. According to this writer, Paris is the worst metro system. Who knew?
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Well, it is in France after all.
This writer doesn't know anything, based on my experience. Reject the thought.
Reading the Paris description I'm not so sure what element of the Paris description isn't true about the dc subway system. Didn't we even cover a little while ago metro employees peeing where ever (hence a urine smell) because metro doesn't give them proper breaks.
I don't buy metro's explanation for a second. This isn't an experiment on terrorists, it is an experiment on us to see how much we are willing to take and to see how many of our liberties they can get away with taking away. It is the same reason despite our nation being bankrupt and a pending inflationary depression that the federal government is encouraging the states to get people hooked on welfare, even if they are complete and total cheats. They want people dependent on the government, because then they can control them along with their big bank friends. It is about making us all government dependent debt slaves.

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