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According to a flyer being circulated among Metro employees, there will be a vote tomorrow and Wednesday to remove Jackie Jeter from her position as president of ATU Local 689 and call for another election.
The flyer lists many allegations, including that Jeter upgraded the union hall offices without the consent of members, that she has worked with WMATA against the interests of membership and did not communicate with members about developments in the ongoing court battle over pay increases, which is still working its way through the arbitration process. Another allegation is that Jeter worked outside union rules on a variety of personnel matters.
The last reference to Linda Lattimore is vague, but Lattimore was on the election committee of ATU 689 when Jeter was re-elected in 2009. A former Metro employee alleges Lattimore was arrested for credit card theft and subsequently fired. A search of Maryland court records does show two cases in which a Linda J. Lattimore is the defendant against the Transit Workers Federal Credit Union. One, which is still active, appears to be a judgment against Lattimore for nearly $28,000. The former employee said Lattimore filed a greivance in her firing, but that it was later sent to arbitration. If the flyer is to be believed, Jeter must have done some arm twisting to get votes changed.
According to the Metro employee who shared this document with Unsuck, the flyer was widely distributed despite the efforts of several Metro supervisors to intimidate workers from passing it around. In at least one case, it was smuggled into the blue Metro "mail" bags, that are used to distribute official forms to workers in the field.
The employee, who said they don't regularly attend union meetings because of their disillusionment with how it operates, plans to drive from Virginia to the union hall in Forestville, Md., to vote Jeter out.
"She's working both sides," they said. "A lot of people think that."
The flyer is another sign that membership is increasingly unhappy with Jeter. Earlier this month, it was revealed that a frustrated union member said an Arizona-like shooting "could happen/was going to happen at the union hall!"
According to a source familiar with the union bylaws, charges can be brought against an officer if 10 members sign a petition to do so. For the charges to move forward, three fourths of the members at a regular union meeting have to vote in favor of them. If this happens the executive board of the union or a trial board selected by the executive board conducts a trial and then decides if the officer is guilty or not. If found guilty, an appropriate punishment is meted out. this can be anything from a letter of censure to removal from office. It is then brought back before the membership for a final vote which requires only a simple majority.
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Sizzle · 734 weeks ago
guest · 734 weeks ago
She has enslaved members by using intimidation, loud talking, name calling and only helping members who will vote for her issues and re-elect her.
The last presidential election had challenges about the vote and voting machines/tallys and was never resolved, just ignored. (I believe it was fixed.)Guess who ran Ms Jeter's last election- Some one who had been fired for theft on company property.
** Don't vote in another mistake after Jeter is removed.
downtoearthbro · 734 weeks ago
Worst train system · 672 weeks ago
Guest · 734 weeks ago
· 734 weeks ago
Let's hope Jeter is OUT.
Anon · 734 weeks ago
That means one family has 2 VOTES!
John · 734 weeks ago
Ever and Anon · 734 weeks ago
Mike · 734 weeks ago
But then you knew that before you asked ;-)
anon · 734 weeks ago
he new UNION president will ensure CUSTOMER SERVICE with a smile! I will be happy to serve you !
F'n JD · 734 weeks ago
guest · 734 weeks ago
JWC · 734 weeks ago
hrh king friday 13 · 734 weeks ago
ANON · 734 weeks ago
Can anyone explain, ala the red line implosion friday night, why it is that you can't swipe into and out of the same station without your card being charged? There had to be 3000 people in Metro center waiting for the station manager to "allow" people to exit through the metal gate...
Sam · 734 weeks ago
I would imagine it is due to people commuting from A->B and B->A during a normal work day. If you tailgate out of B and then back into B, you wouldn't pay anything, even though you swiped at A. It might also be there to prevent people from entering a station, panhandling all day, and then leaving at the same station without paying.
I think it is right that they charge maximum fare for entering/exiting the same station. But they should be more lenient when there is a "situation" of some sort. When my train broke down between stations two years ago, I was stuck on it for 3+ hours. They required me to pay. However, when I called the SmarTrip office, they just refunded that trip. My suggestion would be to just go ahead and pay when these things happen and just call to have it fixed. The station managers can't really do much in terms of processing a refund or anything.
VeggieTart · 734 weeks ago
Last I checked, they charged minimum standing fare, not max. But I could be wrong.
devaldragon 59p · 734 weeks ago
HurricaneDC 76p · 734 weeks ago
If Jeter's replacement will be better and will work with WMATA to form a more perfect transit system, then kick her out. If it's just gonna be "meet the new boss, same as the old boss" then whatever.
Corresponding Toads · 734 weeks ago
"Obviously, you believe in slavery."
Taken out of context, she sounds really pissed off. But if you read the whole letter, you'll see that slavery is just a word people throw around these days. It doesn't really have to apply to a situation, but if you can bring up slavery, you've made your point and you've won the argument - AUTOMATICALLY.
Hey guys, ever notice how on Mondays, your brain is melted to the bottom of your skull? pretty cool stuff
Ever and Anon · 734 weeks ago
dan · 734 weeks ago
Until then, I'm not getting my hopes up. Jeter's obviously a megalomaniac, but has she offended enough people to be removed from her perch?
Ever and Anon · 734 weeks ago
Dupont Metro escalator once again grinds to halt, throwing passengers
February 28, 2011 - 09:58 AM
An escalator at the Dupont Circle Metro stop broke down abruptly this morning around 9:20 a.m., tossing riders forward... http://www.tbd.com/blogs/tbd-on-foot/2011/02/dupo...
Guest · 734 weeks ago
f · 734 weeks ago
John · 734 weeks ago
And where did you get that figure?
Anon · 734 weeks ago
guest · 734 weeks ago
That is off the backs of workers. They do not even represent all Union Members. Just people like them.
Over_the_River 77p · 734 weeks ago
S ave
L owdown
A and
V icious
E nemies of Metro
R ight now, not
Y esterday
abc · 734 weeks ago
This has to be my favorite pick of her: I'm wondering what drug she took, too look that strung out.
anon · 734 weeks ago
dues to high members · 734 weeks ago
anon · 734 weeks ago
metroman · 734 weeks ago
bet · 734 weeks ago
anon · 734 weeks ago
"Union Boss Jeter Ousted" wow!
AFL-CIO retracks the award!
K.W. · 734 weeks ago
Worst ever · 734 weeks ago
K.W. · 734 weeks ago
Worthless Jeter · 734 weeks ago
What a joke.
Chris · 734 weeks ago
"Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO Honors Local Union Leaders
Transit union head Jackie Jeter receives top award leading Metro workers during tough times
WASHINGTON, DC – The Metropolitan Washington Council AFL-CIO, representing nearly 200 union locals and community, religious, student and political organizations, will pay tribute to the labor movement and local labor leaders at its annual Evening With Labor Awards Dinner on March 12th starting at 6:30 p.m., at the Omni Shoreham Hotel, 2500 Calvert Street NW, Washington, DC.
Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) Local 689 President Jackie Jeter will receive the JC Turner Outstanding Trade Unionist of the Year Award. Beginning as a part-time bus operator, Jeter has worked in virtually every division of Metro. She was elected president of ATU Local 689 in December 2007 and re-elected for a second three-year term in December 2009. With nearly 11,000 members, ATU Local 689 represents the majority of Metro workers and is the third largest ATU affiliate in the country. Jeter has led the union during a run of challenging years for the aging system, including the June 2009 fatal Red Line crash, the instability in leadership with the resignation of General Manager John Cato in April 2010, and a soaring increase in ridership of Metro, the second busiest transit system in the U.S.
“In addition to giving transit workers higher visibility and an articulate advocacy voice during very tough times, Jackie has been a strong supporter of the political, legislative and community services activities of the Central Labor Council,” says Metro Council President Joslyn N. Williams."
Mister Fed Up · 734 weeks ago
K.W · 734 weeks ago
guest · 734 weeks ago
John · 734 weeks ago
K.W. · 734 weeks ago
ANON · 734 weeks ago
K.W. · 734 weeks ago
John · 734 weeks ago
K.W. · 734 weeks ago
Mr McFeeley · 734 weeks ago
Actually, the more I think of it.... yeah, I DO want you to lose part of your salary. That's pretty ridiculous that you would make more than, say, a police officer or a teacher, both of which require actual college degrees where someone like you would have learned how to use basic English grammar. I guess being a metro worker doesn't require one to know the difference between your and you're, or that's and that are.
You know, I'm not anti union, not even for metro. What I am anti is anti-lazy slobs who do nothing all day but wait for the clock to strike 5, and can't even do that with a half decent attitude. And believe me, I doubt a single poster here would want to work for metro, most of us make much more in salary than you will ever see, and those who don't could never deal with all the BS of working with lazy, ignorant people like you.
dues to high members · 734 weeks ago
K.W · 734 weeks ago
TMRhodes · 734 weeks ago
metroman · 734 weeks ago
TMRhodes · 734 weeks ago
As always, you are entitled to your opinion and that's why you have a vote "metroman". Take the time to educate YOURSELF.
lksfjsldkj · 734 weeks ago
downtoearthbro · 734 weeks ago
Peter Eater Jeter · 734 weeks ago
??? · 734 weeks ago
FedUP Metro Employee · 734 weeks ago
While those allegations against Jeter were probably with merit, the union members who spoke out against her Monday night were embarrassingly ill prepared. You don’t bring a puppy to a dog fight and expect to walk away a victor; and like the pitt bull that Jackie is, she basically sunk her teeth into the necks of what little credibility that these union members presented, and did so effortlessly.
If you’re going to bring serious enough allegations against someone with the hopes of a monumental outcome such as an impeachment, know your facts, research your facts, provide proof of your facts THEN present your facts. Jeter basically sent these members walking away with their tails between their legs. I honestly felt sorry for these guys because they didn’t appear to know how to fight and that’s part of the problem with too many Union members/Metro employees…IGNORANCE!! There’s an old saying that goes something like, “The best way to hide information from a black person is to put it in a book”! A good portion of these employees lack the knowledge, education, sophistication and determination to challenge the systems the way it needs to be challenged. They need to understand that Jeter is not their peer but a politician. The atmosphere of the union hall seemed to be more of neighborhood community rec center hang out spot than a place of business; and adding to the backdrop was a couple of female members who were about to get into a fight after loudly exchanging obscenities between one another.
It’s a two way street. The success of the Union’s and Metro’s corruption thrives off the ignorance of the employees. Too many employees are more interested in fat overtime checks, spinning rims, and keeping up with the Jones’ than they are about having personal and professional integrity ,getting more familiar with their employee rights , understanding the legal jargon of the union agreement and the transit union’s constitution and general laws.
The caliber of many of the folks that Metro hires, and I apologize in advance to those to whom this doesn’t apply, are usually the “rejects” of society…the “ghetto fabulous”, ex-cons, the undereducated and people who just aren’t “good enough” at what they do to work in any other place of prestige. I mean, where else in the DC area could these folks have the potential of earning a decent living despite their short comings in life?...AT METRO!!!! Where else could a bus cleaner or mechanic earning a little above minimum wage with no more than a High School education have the potential of getting promoted to a superintendent position with a nearly $100,000 per year salary? AT METRO!!! Even our medical services branch, why would these doctors waste their medical degrees working in a dump like Metro if they possess the means to do better ? I did a search of one of their doctors and found a doctor with the same exact name (hint) who has a settled medical malpractice case hanging over his head. If this is the same person this would explain why he’s working in a windowless hole in the ground, pushing papers and conducting DOT physicals instead of practicing medicine. In my opinion these are the type of folks that Metro wants working for them; people who have no integrity and no means to do better professionally, these people can be bought, used and manipulated by Metro to carry out their corruption and wrongdoing. This is a gross example of unaccountability. It is entrenched throughout Metro’s culture.
I cannot stand the idea of being associated with Metro. I count my blessings that I have the means to leave this place when the time comes, and that time is very soon! I can’t blame the public for hating Metro and throwing stones at the employees. A good portion of the employees deserve to have stones thrown at them by the public but unfortunately many of the non-deserving employees are the ones who ends up catching them.
If Jeter or any Metro officials is reading this comment you've both received enough emails from me to know who I am. I will continue to speak out against Metro and the Union and I will continue to bombard you with emails despite the fact that you ignore most of them. As I write this comment I am sitting at home waiting to see what excuse Metro will use to fire me. And if and when they do, I will post the outcome on UNSUCKDCMETRO for the public to see!
downtoearthbro · 734 weeks ago
Jeter's a fool · 734 weeks ago
I feel sorry for you, your attitude and intellect appear to be the minority within the metro employee base. It must be hard for you to have to deal with all the garbage BS you deal with day in and day out, not to mention having to work under so many who are so less qualified or able minded as yourself. Judging from what you wrote I would suggest you consider seeking a new career or position outside metro, maybe look at Marc or VRE if you wish to stay transit.
Local DC workers are just not very good overall. I know recruitment specialists for major corps., administrators in charge of staffing, etc., and they all have relayed the same issues of lack of motivation, bad attitude, nepotism, etc. when dealing with Washingtonians. I have a relative who was with DC police for ten years before getting a job with a Virginia dept. He said every call was ignored by the majority of cops until the top 10 percenters would take the call, then all the cops who ignored the call would come in on backup. They did/do this to avoid having to be first on the scene in charge of paperwork, etc. He said it's a huge problem that resulted when Barry decided to hire a ton of locals who had no experience, many of which had drug ties. The 10 percenters are the derogatory the lazy like to call the motivated and competent cops who actually do their job, and apparently, they're about 10% of the force. This is DC.
Whatever · 733 weeks ago
FedUp Metro Employee · 734 weeks ago
I've been very outspoken towards Metro, Mrs.Jeter, The Department of Justice and other government officials about what I feel to be an abuse of authority by Metro and Local 689.
I wonder why Metro hasn't allowed me to return to work yet!
tired of the whining · 733 weeks ago
Money talks · 733 weeks ago