Thursday, February 17, 2011

Who's Driving this Train?

From today's Kojo Nnamdi show

Metro named Richard Sarles its a new, permanent leader last month.

He's got a long background in transit management and is paid handsomely for his experience and expertise. One would think his opinion would be sought out and trusted. After all, he's ostensibly not only the general manager, but also the CEO.

Well, now is the time to be a leader, Mr. Sarles.

A hot topic in the DC media echo chamber is the notion that Metro might start closing at midnight on weekends as opposed to 3 a.m., a practice started in 1999 at the urging of the Board.

The midnight closing idea was floated weakly by your assistant, Dave Kubicek, at a recent Board meeting.

It has been a divisive issue to say the least, and since then, there's been an eerie silence from you.

On one side, you have people claiming DC nightlife would be harmed, that it would put drunk drivers on area roads, that Metro would be irreparably damaged and that DC would lose its reputation as a "world class" city. Some even think more politicians should be more directly involved in Metro's operations than they already are!

On the other side, at a high management level, your assistant GM, Kubicek, said Metro could use the extra maintenance time. At the working level, a retired track worker said Metro should just give up the late-night hours completely because it's not built to handle it. (Unsuck DC Metro has confirmed this person's views are not uncommon among those who do track maintenance.)

A Washington Post story found most late-night users were drunks.

All of this leaves most people who know nothing about how to run a railroad, like Unsuck, confused.

Is staying open late a safety concern?

Is it something that can be dramatically better managed with increased efficiency and improved planning of track maintenance?

Does Metro make money or lose money on late-night service?

Is late-night service a budget issue?

Who knows?

You do.

You've been around for a while now. Metro has been running until the wee hours on the weekends for over a decade.

Can that schedule be maintained or not?

What's the answer?

People want to know. Indecision only further damages Metro's reputation.

Don't wait for the Board to lead. The politicians that make up the Board aren't inclined to reduce service to constituents without good reason. It's on you to make a tough call.

The Board showed it can be swayed by your opinion, no matter what riders think--see bag searches.

If Metro really needs the extra, late-night weekend hours to ensure better maintenance and safety, speak up. If not, allay fears some have that continuing late night service will reduce safety and increase commuting chaos.

Decide something.


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Metro should add an evening/late night surcharge - much the same as they do during the day for commuting hours. A midnight to 3 am Peak of the Peak charge would still be considerably less than a taxi rider for the users of the system, and would likely make the morning commuting charges more tolerable for those of us who do not use Metro in the middle of the night.
3 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Not enough. Rush hour fares are still money-losing in the end.
ST8ofPaniC's avatar

ST8ofPaniC · 736 weeks ago

But only because they aren't efficient enough to make it worth it.
Here here! It's about Time Metro led on something instead of the Board. Most if not all of them know nothing about running a train.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
VeggieTart's avatar

VeggieTart · 736 weeks ago

Especially when you consider that SOME Metro board members don't even USE Metro. New rule: If you are responsible for the decisions of a transit system, you should have to use that transit system.
Metro is in this position exactly because there has been no leadership for over a decade. Tough calls have been kicked down the road again and again. Metro has been on cruise control for the most part, and it's time for a grown up to step up.
If he eliminates late night hours, my off duty hours will be devoted to seeing him ousted.
I'd like to see them keep late weekend service, but i'd rather not have an f'ed up commute almost every day.
Ever and Anon's avatar

Ever and Anon · 736 weeks ago

Wish you were driving it, Unsuck. Congrats on your latest news hit. WTOP this time...
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Unsuck knows a few who would find great pleasure and can "drive it"! Educated change leaders.
1. Fire incompetent workers who shirk duties. (1 Strike your out)
2. Structure job evaluations for all.(Some employees are never evaluated.)
3. Hire a diverse set of managers and retire those now in place.
4. Locate internal educated, experienced employees and promote them in their career field.
4. Wage cuts of 2% across the board to balance the current budget deficit.
5. Applaud good customer service.
hrh king friday 13's avatar

hrh king friday 13 · 736 weeks ago

I hate to be "that guy" but let's remember that just a few years ago 9 people died and dozens more were injured in a horrible train colliision that was largely caused by track issues. I want a WORLD CLASS CITY where that doesn't happen to anyone ever again. I'm willing to take a cab to puke-filled Adams Morgan on Saturday nights for a year or two if losing late-night service will truly fix these shit trains.
3 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
hrh king friday 13's avatar

hrh king friday 13 · 736 weeks ago

One of the primary causes of the 2009 accident was a faulty track circuit. And in your own words, they didn't delegate anyone to fix it. The operational problems and maintenance problems are very much interconnected.

WAPO: The accident investigation found “layers of safety deficiencies” that “reveal a systemic breakdown of safety management at all levels,” Hersman said. Metro employees received about 8,000 false alarms each week warning of track-circuit glitches, the NTSB found in its investigation. The volume of alarms warning of circuits incorrectly detecting the presence of trains or failing to detect their locations was so high that they were ignored, said NTSB member Mark Rosekind.

I think we also have to factor in the pick system. It's reported that under the pick system all the skilled and senior maintenance people select the day shifts. I doubt going single track at 12am is going to do much for us. Besides, on occasion they single track during the day (sometimes during rush hour—yay!) and we're still stuck with crappy service.
as a metro employee i can tell you not all senior people pick day shift. and for some positions in metro the difference in a day shift that is manned by mostly senior positions and other shifts is minimal. in my department day shift guys average 30 years experience while evening shift averages 26 years. the debate on the pick system is highly misguided.
Yea, this blog is the best. I basically read everything each day. Much appreciated. I totally agree with this post also. This is one of the best. He gets paid to make these difficult decisions. Now lets see some action. Sure there are funding issues with metro, however that shouldn't stop the ability to lead.
Charge $10 for service between 1 am and 3 am - cheaper than a cab and the extra money can be used to clean up puke and urine. However, how exactly are these drunks getting home from the metro stations? Bus? Just driving a shorter distance? Walking?
4 replies · active 736 weeks ago
VA commuter's avatar

VA commuter · 736 weeks ago

I don't think that would work. Part of the appeal of taking a cab is that it is more convenient so it increases your willingness to pay for it. Increasing the price of the metro by that much would be, in my opinion, not enough of a price differential to justify taking it instead of taking a cab.

If you told me I could take a train for $10 to get home in 45 minutes vs. a cab for $15 and I'd be home in 15 minutes, I'd probably end up choosing the cab, especially if I was sharing it with someone and we could split the cost.
If nobody is willing to pay the true cost, it just proves the Drunk Express service isn't really needed.
Respectfully, I disagree. It depends wholly on where you live; I cannot, for the life of me, ever get a cab home from DC to PG County, in MD, where I live - regardless of the fact that it may only be a fifteen minute drive. So for me, it's not an issue of convenience - metro is the only way for me to get home. I think increasing the cost makes sense.

BTW, I find it bizarre that if I'm in Adams Morgan, I can convince a cab driver to take me to Arlington but not to Hyattsville....really? What's that about? Frustrating as heck but after five years of trying, I've given up.
I dont care's avatar

I dont care · 736 weeks ago

thats because there has been alot of punks from hyattsville that take off without paying,,,,dont blame metro,,,, blame your neighbors....
Why do we have to choose between the stations closing early and having safe, working rails? It is probably obvious how Metro got in such a suck situation, but they seem to just be making it worse. What's next, having to choose between service on weekends and a safe, working system? Having to choose between a dangerous metro or none at all?
Transformation change Leaders make decisions. They are problems solvers and those being led develop trust though their communication, strategies, and the caliber of persons their entrust who are also educated, qualified, ethical and "the best fit".
Regarding pols being in charge. They are the ones pushing the system out to the burbs when a) it's already overstressed and b) should be a tool in creating high density areas. once the orange comes above ground in efc, metro stops being a development center...think what chantilly would be like.

pols running a subway is about as preposterous as it gets.
If it were more like London where the buses ran all night and relatively frequently, that might be viable. If you really don't want to spend more than an hour traveling home, then you can take a cab (frankly, metro runs so infrequently after midnight on weekends, it's pretty much the same issue).
Here's something I would love for you or Metro to clarify.

In the Washington Post reporting of the potential for Metro to close 3 hours earlier on weekends - Metro continuously says that closing early will allow an extra "45 days" of repair time on the tracks. I have seen this figure quoted over and over again and from everything I have seen it is complete bull.

3 hours earlier per weekend day x 2 weekend days x 52 weeks = 312 hours / 24 = 13 days.

13 days is a far cry from 45 days.

3 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Work days.
More is More's avatar

More is More · 736 weeks ago

WTC is correct.

It's work days. Closing at midnight and opening at 7am on the weekends equals a 7 hour workday.

312 hours/7 hours per work day = 44.57 work days
MetroRyder's avatar

MetroRyder · 736 weeks ago

Thanks for that clarification, I was confused too.
Is it a budget issue or a safey/maintenance issue. Metro is vague. C'mon guys. Level with us.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
...hurry and "get it done". That is Metro's motto internally.
GlenmontGirl's avatar

GlenmontGirl · 736 weeks ago


Mr. Sarles: I don't mind that you tend to stay in the background and focus on the nuts and bolts of fixing the system from the inside. Frankly, that's what Metro has needed for a long time, rather than transit managers who try to direct all the attention to themselves.

But sometimes you have to stand up, go public and tell the ridership why you're making the decisions you are. Please do it in this instance.

I said it before and I will say it again: Work with us (the riding public), and we will work with and support you. I can't think of too many riders who don't want to see Metro get better.

Can we make it happen?
"I would hope no one even riding metro is drunk."

LOL hahahahahah
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Anonymous's avatar

Anonymous · 736 weeks ago

How unrealistic can a person be.... You may not want people riding drunk but reality is they do. He needs a wake up call on that one.
What's the point? Metro maintenance workers can't work between 8 and 5 Monday thru Friday, they sure as hell aren't going to work between 12am and 3am on Friday and Saturday!

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