Monday, April 2, 2012

Rider Alleges Terrifying Incident


From Anonymous:

On Thursday at 12:30 p.m., I was riding the Red Line in the direction of Shady Grove. At Union Station, a group of six teenagers got onto my car with notebooks they were using to scam people. The kids use fraudulent Boys and Girls Club donation information to steal money.

They started their rounds – working their way from the back of the car to the front of the car, where I was sitting with my headphones on and staring out the window.

The first boy approached me and started his spiel, to which I said “No, thanks,” and he left without incident. A second boy approached me, began his spiel, and once again left without incident.

The third boy who approached me didn’t speak to me at first. He stood leaning against my seat, mumbling under his breath. I heard, over my music, “You need to wipe that stupid f***ing smirk off your face.”

Since I had not been doing anything to antagonize these kids and was minding my own business listening to music, I thought maybe I misheard him and took my headphones off. “Excuse me?” I asked. He repeated, angrily, “I don’t like that stupid f***ing smirk you have on your face.”

I replied that I didn’t know what he was talking about, as I was not bothering him or his friends and was simply listening to music and staring at the window. He told me “shut the f*** up you stupid f***ing white b**** if you know what’s good for you.”

I have been harassed by teenagers on Metro before, and as a rule, do not allow people to get away with treating me that way for no reason. I told him he was being rude and asked him to leave me alone.

He began threatening me, telling me how he could kill me, swearing at me, using racial slurs toward me, and telling me nobody gave a s*** about me. As soon as he threatened my life, I told him he needed to leave or I would call the police. He got angrier.

He then pulled out a lighter and started sparking it in my face.

I told him to get the lighter out of my face and leave immediately or I would call the police right then.

He laughed and got his buddies involved.

One of the teenagers apparently was shaken by what was unfolding and tried to get his buddies to leave, but they continued assaulting me. The other five surrounded me, yelling threats and racial insults in my face.

The one with the lighter kept sparking it about an inch from my eyes to threaten me. When we got close to the next stop, he shoved the lit lighter into me and tried to light my hair and clothing on fire.

When we pulled into Judiciary Square, they blocked the doors on the car, holding them open even though the doors had closed on the other cars. This enabled them to threaten me from a position where they could run back in the car to assault me if I tried to call the police or to be able to run away with the doors locking closed behind them.

With it being lunch time in DC and also cherry blossom season, the train was quite crowded. Nobody did anything to help me.

Several grown men diverted their eyes and ignored the incident altogether. I asked if anybody saw what just happened and could get off to be a witness with me, and nobody even answered me. I thought to myself, I know some of you men on this train have to have daughters, sisters, wives that you wouldn’t want this to happen to.

I got off at the next stop (Gallery Place/Chinatown), went to the station manager, and reported the incident.

Having encountered incompetent station managers in the past, I was very thankful that this particular manager was extremely helpful. He called the transit police and even offered me a chair while I waited for them to come, all the while saying how sorry he was this happened to me and how much trouble these kids were causing.

The police were also very nice and helped as much as they could, which I learned was not very much, though no fault of their own.

They told me that even if they caught these kids, there would be no repercussions for them. They said that very rarely does anybody actually intervene to help victims when they’re witnessing violence on Metro, possibly due to bystander effect or fear of retaliation.

They said they had arrested one particular teen nine separate times for burglary, auto theft, assault, and fraud and he was still walking free because of the way DC law is written for minors.

They told me how these kids target DC and Maryland rather than Virginia because Virginia laws are stricter and often land them in jail – not to mention that Virginia citizens can carry concealed weapons to defend themselves.

They also told me how horribly understaffed the transit police were and how they needed more police to adequately patrol the Metro. The most disturbing revelation was that these teens were getting their hands on guns more easily now due to a change in DC gun laws and that there was nothing stopping them from bringing them onto the Metro.

It was pointed out to me pretty bluntly that even if they were caught and arrested, these kids would then be given my information (right to face accuser) and then most likely be set free 20 minutes later with a grudge and my name and address. Even if they were convicted, they'd probably get nothing worse than probation and be sent back home.

It was gently suggested to me that it would be safer/smarter to not file so that these kids never get my info. And as a statistician, I understand that not filing an official report means that their crime goes uncounted once again, and anyone who actually has the power to change things can point at the stats and say everything is dandy. It's a lose-lose-lose.

I feel lucky to have gotten away without being physically hurt or robbed. The police were openly surprised that they hadn’t robbed or punched me.

I am struggling to understand how this can happen to me on a train full of people at 12:30 p.m. on a Thursday in a relatively decent part of the city. That’s not to say that violence at other times/locations is acceptable, but this is, in my opinion, a new and disturbing level of brazenness on the part of these thugs.

Be careful the next week or two – the cops warned that it would be particularly bad while these kids are on spring break.
Other items:
MTPD: Not DC's finest (Washington Times)
Gag order on employees at odds with law (Washington Times)
What does "accessible" really mean? FixWMATA finds out.

Comments (191)

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DC Denizen's avatar

DC Denizen · 677 weeks ago

How awful, I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Glad you're safe.

If you're assaulted like that on Metro, and the person is arrested and you go to court, the complainant is listed as the arresting officer, not you (at least this is how it works in Virginia, maybe someone could share an experience in DC or MD to see if it's consistent?). In my case, a plea bargain was struck and I never had to testify- my assailant didn't know my name and certainly not my address. Also, I was taken into the court room after him, and led out before him, so he wasn't even able to see my face.

Please file. The more information the police have, the better they're able to distinguish patterns and use their resources to everyone's best advantage. They have a special page set up to capture harrassment- and what happened to you was definitely harassment since they were calling you a bitch and using racial slurs- and I'd encourage you to fill out this form, even if you've already reported it via their phone line. Here's the page:
4 replies · active 677 weeks ago
Spring break? I doubt these thugs are in school much to begin with...
You have to be an adult to legally buy guns anywhere in the US and 21 to buy a handgun. So your fear of armed teens has to due with DC's lax enforcement of criminal offenses, not loose gun laws.
4 replies · active 676 weeks ago
CF Leahy's avatar

CF Leahy · 677 weeks ago

This sounds really scary...both the kids' behavior and the utter lack of response from other riders. I am sorry this happened to you.
"Several grown men diverted their eyes and ignored the incident altogether."

You are in error referring to them as men. On behalf of my gender, I apologize. I wish I could have been there.
7 replies · active 675 weeks ago
Get Transit to pull the camera footage and suggest cameras need to be installed for surveillance in every rail car. Were there any others who might have taken a photo of these people who could come forward? Sit with other riders or move to another train car and take pictures or call the police in the jurisdiction also and make a report.

I am extremely concerned that any woman would have to be subjected to this kind of abuse while riding public transportation.
4 replies · active 677 weeks ago
How scary. A year of so ago, a group of teens started berating me on the metro, screaming at me and swearing after I asked to sit in the empty seat being blocked my one of the teens. I moved the to the end of the car, but they continued screaming at me. This was an orange line train during the evening commute, and no one did anything. I got off the car as soon as I could, but I will never forget how angry, sad, and scared I felt that out of a train full of people, no one said anything while a group of people threatened me.
First off, I am so sorry this happened to you. Being a woman who often rides Metro, this really disturbs me. This is my nightmare situation.
Hey Anonymous... when will you figure out there is no decent area in the sewer called Washington, DC!!! From corrupt politicians to this kind of slime that oozes out of the gutters, DC is only getting worse, IMAO. The spillover from DC is what is ruining parts of Northern Virginia. I feel bad for you and the small percentage of good, decent residents of the District, who see this kind of thing on a daily basis. Shame on the corrupt, apathetic DC government and may God help us all.
Metro Ryder's avatar

Metro Ryder · 677 weeks ago

I'm sorry this happened to you.

I hope you did file the report. The police aren't going to get more money or manpower if they don't have reports to show that it's needed.
Send a copy of your OP description above to [], the officer who's investigated pervs, etc. See if you can attend a Neighborhood Watch meeting in your own neighborhood, and also see if DCPD/MPD may be looking for other scammer groups. As a further note, Union Station/Judiciary Square are not really considered relatively decent areas of the city, night or day, as rough kids hang out in between and metro station areas night or day. Avoid using earbuds/MP3s while riding, as criminals take advantage of the fact that you are distracted and can't respond quickly, and you make a good target for theft as well and less likely to defend yourself. You did the right thing in reporting, great work.
So, I'm not really sure how this reflects badly on Metro per se. Violence can happen anywhere and it appears that the Metro personnel (both station manager and police) dealt with it professionally. That the laws and the age of the offender might make the penalty minor isn't really Metro's fault.

Of course, what does reflect badly on Metro is that I was totally expecting the part where the station manager told you to go away and never come back. So, from the soft bigotry of low expectations comes Metro's real problem.
1 reply · active 677 weeks ago
As a female who travels alone on the red line every day, this story really really bothers me. I'm so sorry this happened to this person and it makes me really ill to think that not one person even said something to these kids, let alone got up and at least sat next to her or tried to help her get out of the car. I honestly don't know what I would do if caught in a similar situation but I do know that I'd be terrified (and I consider myself fairly tough).

Shame on all those people who looked the other way. Hopefully one day human decency will make itself apparent on metro. I won't be holding my breath though...
I ALWAYS get off at the next stop if large numbers of teenagers get on my car.
1 reply · active 677 weeks ago
I dread walking around the system in uniform and come upon a situation like the one described above. I have no training at all in dealing with a situation like the OP other than to call 202-962-2121. Not only that, if I followed the courage of my convictions and stepped in to defend that lady I know the Metro would never, in a million years, have my back.
Please keep in mind that having a Metro uniform does not give us any authority to touch, talk, yell or anything to those "kids"
Asking you not to file a complaint is simply lowering the repporting numbers and incidents. Please file a complaint.
I've seen this going on before and yes, lunchtime on the red line, union station to Gallery Place, is the kids' beat. They were picking on a lady there last fall at lunch time and did the exact same block-the-doors routine at Judiciary Square.
I thought we lived in a gender neutral world. Why isn't she shaming women for not helping her instead of just men?
3 replies · active 677 weeks ago
Mace in the face. Sorry, but if I was being threatened in that manner and nobody protected me, I would use it regardless of the spary getting inside the car and the car being taken out of service as a result. Mace in the face might just make that kid think twice about doing what he did again.
5 replies · active 676 weeks ago
Write your politicians and lobby for Concealed Carry in DC. A simple .38 revolver in your purse could have cured this situation in a flash and that's why we are granted that right in the 2nd amendment - this way you don't have to count on bystanders to help you out, you can take the situation into your own hands.
11 replies · active 676 weeks ago
Disillusioned's avatar

Disillusioned · 677 weeks ago

Sadly these children don't know anything but to take what they can from whoever they can, be it another person's possessions or dignity. You have to be able and willing to stand your ground and do some real damage before they'll back down or avoid you. Too few people are willing to step in and help another person these days, so as sorry as I am to read about this I can't say I'm surprised. Please be safe everyone, and be aware of your surroundings at all times.
This is really terrible and awful. So sorry to hear about this.

"Several grown men diverted their eyes and ignored the incident altogether. I asked if anybody saw what just happened and could get off to be a witness with me, and nobody even answered me."

But I disagree with this portion here. It's not the job of men to be bodyguards for women---even if they are in trouble or physical danger. When women were released from their traditional roles of being sex objects and baby factories then men were liberated from their traditional roles of being protectors and providers. You can't have it both ways, even if you are in physical danger.

Feminism liberated women from accountability to men---but it also liberated men from responsibility to women. It's really not fair to expect men to continue to act as disposable bodyguards on behalf of women in light of everything that's happened over the last 50 years---even if you are in physical danger. Men weren't put on this earth for the benefit of women.

If you want protection, get a gun. God didn't make men and women equal, but Smith & Wesson sure as hell did.
34 replies · active 675 weeks ago
GreenLineGirl's avatar

GreenLineGirl · 677 weeks ago

That is terrible! As a woman who takes metro alone every day (and the green line, at that), this is so disturbing. The most disturbing part is that no one stepped in to help you. I understand their fear, but I would have though there would have been at least ONE hero out of the group.
psychologist's avatar

psychologist · 677 weeks ago

dragnet - you sound as warped as the kids who harrassed her.
6 replies · active 677 weeks ago
I think I encountered these kids about six months ago. When nobody would give them money, they held their middle fingers up walking around the whole train car, spinning around giving the whole car the finger.

"not to mention that Virginia citizens can carry concealed weapons to defend themselves"
This is very telling.
Fed Up Rider's avatar

Fed Up Rider · 677 weeks ago

Unfortunately, I'm not even remotely surprised by the other riders and their failure to intervene. I'm a big guy (6'5" 225), but I'd hesitate to intervene because: (1) you never know if these kids are armed; and (2) if I did intervene (and wound up defnding myself), I'm 100% certain that I'd be facing a lawsuit from one of these feral youths. They'd be crying on tv or in the paper about how they were just trying to collect money for some BS sports league when "some big guy" cracked them in the jaw. And I'm even more certain that Metro would issue a statement calling me a "vigilante" while urging Metro riders to let the police handle it.
3 replies · active 677 weeks ago
Cowards abound's avatar

Cowards abound · 677 weeks ago

dragnet - Don't worry there is always plenty of space for pussies in our society... Namely you. Not all of us can be decent human beings and stop thinking about ourselves for two minutes. I really feel sorry for the females in your family with your mentality. Hopefully none of them encounter the same kind of issue as the woman above. If they do; you better hope some of those "white knights" are around for their sake.
5 replies · active 677 weeks ago
Based upon the above summary of the incident, it seems to be that your assailants are guilty of the following crimes:

Assault with a dangerous weapon - up to 10 years imprisonment
Disorderly Conduct - up to $500 fine and 90 days in prison
Arson - 1 to 10 years in prison
Fraud in the first degree - up to 10 years in prison, plus a fine

Per DC Code §§ 22-4001 to 22-4004, these were bias-related crimes. Therefore, all penalties are increased by up to 1.5x.

If tried as adults, they could receive 30 years prison time each just for the Assault and Arson charges.

I would definitely follow up with the police and do whatever you can to keep these dangerous thugs off the streets!
1 reply · active 677 weeks ago
It's absurd that this has devolved into a fight about feminism and gender roles. The writer is just illustrating her point by pointing out that not even grown men, who were most likely stronger than these teens when she may not have been, would help her.

She never said she expected them to jump in and die for her. She never said that she expects men to follow her around as bodyguards and take bullets aimed at her. She never says she doesn't hold the women responsible too - in fact, she shames all riders a few times.

The fact that people - men AND women - stood by and did absolutely nothing, is disheartening. If you didn't want to physically intervene, you could have pressed the emergency button, called the police, or gotten off to be a witness with her after the kids had left and there was no threat posed to you anymore. A young woman was randomly targeted and rendered completely defenseless against these thugs while a car full of people pretended like it wasn't happening. I understand wanting to protect yourself, but have we completely abandoned decency and humanity?
8 replies · active 667 weeks ago
Orly Taitz's avatar

Orly Taitz · 677 weeks ago

Look, we need a little vigilante justice, folks. In this particular situation, the victim was outnumbered, but I really wouldn't mind if some of the bystanders chose to bash a few heads in.
1 reply · active 677 weeks ago
humanity's avatar

humanity · 677 weeks ago

To all of you acting like it's absurd to expect people to help others in situations like these, all I can say is that when it's you or your loved one who's targeted, I hope there are people more decent than you around.
1 reply · active 677 weeks ago
I stand with Orly!'s avatar

I stand with Orly! · 677 weeks ago

Can we get a legal opinion here regarding the possibility of a bystander defending someone in this situation?
That's terrible. What a bunch of useless wastes of space. People like that are a drag on our society and economy.
Truth is freedom's avatar

Truth is freedom · 677 weeks ago

Why did you engage this person? The two of you were not interacting until you started an exchange by challenging him.

Something motivated you to confront a gang of people you knew to be of poor character (and angry, too). Then, when they behaved as you should have expected, you were predictably unable to handle the consequences.

That's a lot of confidence. The thing about confidence, at least in the world that men inhabit, is that you have to be prepared and able to back it up. If you can't manage the expected consequences of acting confident, you have to curb yourself.

The men on the train saw that you were not being harmed, and they knew that if they intervened there was a real chance that they could be beaten or killed. So they refrained from taking action. Thankfully, such rationality is common among men.

The memory of backing down (or not standing up) in the face of an unreasonable risk at some point in life is universal for men. It's painfully shameful because it's inconsistent with masculine nature, but it's prevalence is understandable. Prudence assures survival of the species.

Your willingness to instigate consequences you knew in advance you could not manage, however, is the opposite. It's unnatural. Nature selected people like you out of the gene pool tens of thousands of year ago. They were killed by bears whom they challenged for going all over the woods.

So something is going on with you; and with women who see your point. Modern culture has taught you something unnatural.

If I were you, I would ask myself why. What gives me the irrational confidence to antagonize a hostile stranger on the metro when I have the obvious and (for a woman) shame-free option to simply keep my mouth shut?
4 replies · active 676 weeks ago
Why would you threaten to call the police, not once, but several times? I'm so sorry this happened to you, but I wish you had just called the police immediately. No need to waste time and energy threatening them.
1 reply · active 677 weeks ago
Original Poster's avatar

Original Poster · 677 weeks ago

I wrote this story and want to clarify a few things I've seen repeatedly coming up in the comments here.

I am not shaming only the men on the train. I do not expect men to serve as my personal bodyguards. I am equally frustrated with all the women who ignored me. The reason I singled out grown men in reference to the attack itself is because of the six people closest to me, four were big men, one was a frail elderly lady, and one was a very young girl who looked terrified. Do I expect the men to endanger their lives to help me? No. Do I expect them to be white knights? No. Do I expect them to have more courage than an elderly woman and a young girl? Yes. They could have walked to the other end of the train and pressed the far-away emergency button. They could have called the police. And yes, they probably could have restrained the kid with the lighter if they wanted to, but I do not fault them for choosing not to do that, as I understand their concern. What I wholeheartedly fault them for, though, is refusing to even acknowledge me when I asked for help AFTER the thugs had left.

I did call the police, but I wasn't able to do it while they were holding a flame in my face. In the time it would take me to fumble through my purse, find my phone, and dial the police, they could have done serious harm to me. Also, the cops said they would have just stolen my phone if I had tried to use it during the incident itself.

To dragnet - While I agree that men aren't obligated to physically endanger themselves for me and did not intend to imply that they are, I don't appreciate your comments devolving to calling me a bitch and implying that somehow I didn't deserve to be helped in any way. You can make the point that it might not be safe for people to intervene without personally attacking me. How would you feel if you were me? Try to keep some humanity in your evaluation because remember, I am a human, and so are you. Unless you are a sociopath, I think that you also would be unsettled by experiencing or even witnessing what happened to me.

To the moron Truth is freedom, I can't even begin to tell you how stupid your comment is. I was riding the train in the middle of the day. How does that justify what these kids did to me? How did I instigate this when they were the ones that approached me? They targeted me before I said a word. They would have done the same thing regardless of what I said to them. In fact, the cops told me that standing up to them in the way I did - simply asking them to leave in a calm way - probably prevented me from being robbed or beaten up. Had I sat there and cowered, they would have seen me as weaker and an easier target and probably punched and robbed me. Given your obvious idiocy, I'd say that you are the one who should have been killed off by natural selection.

I really have no political opinion on gun laws - my only purpose in bringing this up was to relay information the police told me and to express concern at these thugs getting their hands on guns.

Thank you to everyone who has expressed support and written kind words. I am looking into whether I can file an official police report without my personal information on it in DC. Thanks to the tip from the rider from VA about using the officer as the complainant. I recently bought a home and am the only person with my name in the country, so a quick google search is all it would take for these kids to see real estate tax records pop up with my address. I know they probably are too lazy to follow through, but as a young single woman who lives alone in their hunting ground, it's not a risk I'm willing to take.

Be safe everyone.
15 replies · active 676 weeks ago
I think the Metro system needs something like the Air Marshalls on US airlines: Undercover cops riding the trains. I know there are hundreds of cars but Air Marshalls are only on about 5% of flights. It works because you never know where they are.

An undercover cop could bust so much bad and/or illegal behavior in a day's work riding one of these trains that the buzz and headlines alone would be enough to deter bad behavior.
1 reply · active 677 weeks ago
This is why Maryland and DC need to pass stand your ground laws and concealed carry laws. Theres nothing these thugs fear more then armed citizens. Lets take back our city from these "gangstas".
Women vote in large numbers for the Democratic Party, which ensures that these thugs are numerous on the streets, and that pussifies our legal system in general. I'd only help a DC, or LA, or NYC woman (read: likely liberal Democrat) if I was sure she wasn't a lefty, an assurance that of course I'd never get in the real world.

Women, develop a repuation for respecting the kind of guys who want to help you out, and then maybe we will. Until, then, enjoy the decliine.

Good guys have learned a lesson: being honorable doesn't pay. Thank the Left for that.
A woman who's sporting the likes of a pro-NRA button or Tom Tancredo t-shirt can expect me to intervene on her behalf to the best of my ability. A woman sporting an "Obama 2012" shirt can expect me to be, at most, indifferent to her suffering, as I believe she's received what she votes for.
2 replies · active 677 weeks ago
Original Poster's avatar

Original Poster · 677 weeks ago

To all the offended men: I want to make it super clear that I did not ever say that you're expected to put yourself in danger of being stabbed, shot, or otherwise harmed to save me. I understand how you could feel that way given societal pressures, etc, but it's not part of *my* story at all. What I wanted them to do: call the police, press the emergency button, or acknowledge me after the kids left. I don't think those things equate to asking for white knights or men sacrificing themselves for me. Acknowledging me after the fact is hardly equivalent to being stabbed or shot to save me.

As I said, had it been all women who shied away, I would have recalled the events with the same emotion, replacing the word "men" with "women" in my story. I used the word "men" instead of "adults" because I wrote the story less than 24 hours after it happened and remembered vividly looking up and seeing MEN, not mixed gender adults, actively watching my situation and then looking away when I met their eyes. It's simply a fact of who was there. I switch back to showing frustration at everyone when it's a mixture of men and women ignoring me. I referenced men having daughters/sisters/wives because that's a human element. Like I said, had it been my father, I would have said the same thing about people having fathers they wouldn't want this to happen to.

This has nothing to do with gender. The only intention I had writing my story, believe it or not, was to make other riders aware of a potential danger and discuss how we, as riders, can deal with violence on metro, not to somehow shame the entire male gender or debate feminism and gender roles.
Thanks so much for writing this article as I will be more aware of these groups. I do the Glenmont<->Union Station commute daily and I have seen these groups frequently. Thankfully I have never seen them get violent . . . yet. I am so sorry that incident happened to you. As a rule, I never make any eye contact with them and say no thanks so they just move onto another person. Generally, I have felt safe since I am mostly commuting at rush hours but I think I will need to evaluate whether or not I will start to carry some mace or something similar. I don't know if getting off the train is actually the best idea since they could easily push you onto the tracks and usually there is no metro folks on the platform to help. Unfortunately, it seems that when they target someone there doesn't seem to be much you can do.

Too bad the folks making comments turned this into a gender issue rather than focusing on the fact that you were raising awareness about the dangers of riding metro these days. I thank you very much for sharing and I will be passing this along to my fellow metro riders.
Note: This is NOT a blame-the-victim post. However, this incident consisted of verbal threats, including one in which she was warned to keep quiet. She ignored this warning because she "as a rule do not allow people to get away with treating me that way for no reason.". "Treating her that way" meaning telling her to shut up. Once she decided to enforce her "rule" of not allowing people to treat her that way, the situation escalated into the nightmare described. If we are to learn from this experience, one of the takeaways absolutely has to be to maybe not worry so much about a criminally speaking disrespectfully toward you.
4 replies · active 677 weeks ago
Yet another opinion's avatar

Yet another opinion · 677 weeks ago

I'm a larger-than-average male (6', 160+) with an advanced belt in jiu-jitsu, but I also would probably have not intervened until violence occurred. I'm pretty sure that I'd have no chance against the six of them even if they weren't armed, and am not going to at best take a beating and at worst get killed to defend the honor of a woman I don't know. I'd almost equate this to a hostage situation, where you do what your captors want as long as possible. To me, menacing a woman would not have crossed a line I'd be willing to die for. The severity of the attempts to light her on fire would probably be a wildcard, though.
That said, a few points:
- I would have certainly served as a witness for her, and would have gladly escorted her to the station manager
- I may have pushed an emergency button, but, again, don't know enough about the situation. If I could have done it unnoticed, sure. But I don't know that the risk (further antagonizing them) would be worth the reward (train operator blaring through the call box asking if there was an emergency)
- The victim's not to blame, but could have handled this situation better, and may want to revisit her rule about not letting people "treat her that way". If you're not willing to turn the other cheek when people speak to you in a way you don't like, you need to be prepared to deal with the consequences.
To all of you making comments like "I don't blame the victim, BUT/HOWEVER [insert reason you actually do blame the victim for part/all of what happened to her]", you're the reason people don't always report crimes. It's like being victimized twice.

Who's to say this would have unfolded any better had she not said anything? You don't know what these kids were after or what their motivation was in approaching her the way they did. Sure, it may have ended peacefully if she had turned the other cheek, but it also may have escalated even further. Nobody knows why these kids act the way they do in different scenarios.
1 reply · active 677 weeks ago
ShadesofGray's avatar

ShadesofGray · 677 weeks ago

Come on, seriously? Nobody is suggesting OP shouldn't report the crime, just that telling a group of teenagers who were displaying an affinity to break the law that they were being "rude," when you lack any capacity to defend yourself is just plain stupid. I don't see why this needs to get fit into a clean narrative. The kids were almost entirely at fault. OP was slightly at fault for escalating the situation (I don't care what the Metro person said; evidently, if the kid tried to light her on fire, her display of backbone didn't prevent anything). In the future, OP should not do something so foolish, especially if she wants to chide other Metro riders about their failure to help her (how many people even know about the emergency button?). This notion is not mutually exclusive with the obvious fact that the kids broke the law and were wrong, and should face consequences.
1 reply · active 677 weeks ago
actually, there is no gray area in blame assignment. I'll clarify it for you.

breakdown of blame:

thug kids: 100%
victim: 0%
humanity's avatar

humanity · 677 weeks ago

let's stop playing "blame the victim" here people. nobody knows how, or even IF, things would have happened differently had she acted differently. like the cops said, the kids may have decided she was weak and would make a good target for even worse crimes. not to say that what happened isn't bad, but it really could have been a lot worse. there were 5 kids with anger management issues and fists surrounding her, and regardless of how you judge her actions, the fact is that they resulted in those kids deciding not to take their fists to her face and instead run off the train. 5 angry boys could have done a lot more damage to her than one lighter.

also, she didn't "mouth off" to a group of thugs. she asked ONE kid who was harassing her to please stop, BEFORE he got his friends involved. that's really not stupid or foolish if you consider that 2 of them had already approached her and left without giving her any problems. it also doesn't shift any blame onto her for what happened next. she says nothing about responding to them once it's become a group of them.
just sayin's avatar

just sayin · 677 weeks ago

Was the kid wearing a hoody? Perhaps Trayvon Martin's family should send those kids a message thanking them for helping perpetuate certain unfair prejudices people develop.
Look at how Hollywood, the media, the DoJ, Obama, et. al. twisted the truth about George Zimmerman, a Hispanic Democrat. He is in fear of his life, as is his family and anyone named Zimmerman in Sanford, Florida. I would like to say I would have helped you, but I am a white male and registered Republican. My family and I would already be dead by now because I would have fought dirty against these thugs, something you have to do when it's five against one.
Someone needs to get the website to be shut down for good. Unfortunately I'm pretty sure this site is popular, and it condones random fighting and violence. Kids are growing up seeing all the wrong things being rewarded, and it is incredibly sad. That being said, I would have intervened and I really don't understand how people don't.
Someone needs to get the website to be shut down for good. Unfortunately I'm pretty sure this site is popular

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