Metro Transit Police Department sources, including officers, tell Unsuck DC Metro that Metro cops often avoid certain stations because the poor quality of radio reception makes it difficult or impossible to call for backup in event something bad were to happen.
The sources said the situation puts riders, Metro employees and transit cops at risk but has been ignored by Metro management.
One officer said the radios have poor reception "throughout most of the system, even in the open."
"In many stations like L'Enfant, Metro Center, Anacostia--all the main and bad stations--the radios sometimes don't work at all! I am comfortable saying 80 percent of the area we cover has terrible radio service!"
Another officer confirmed the problem, adding that the reception varied like cell phones sometimes do. It could work fine one place for one moment and then suddenly lose coverage, they said.
"We've brought this to Metro's attention, but they have yet to do anything," the officer said in an email. "With these radios, I'm reluctant to get into a situation where I can't communicate with my fellow officers to ask for backup."
The source said this was a common practice among many officers and a source or tremendous frustration in the department.
A source intimately familiar with the Metro Transit Police Department's operations said the following in an email:
The radio system is so dangerous, and MTPD's top people know it, and most of them would admit privately that it worries them. But politics is reality, and Metro cannot admit officially that it spent a lot of money on this radio system, and it does not work. I'm not trying to be over-dramatic, but this could get someone killed. Maybe an officer, maybe another employee or a patron.Other items:
Metro falls short of lowered goals (Examiner)
Metrobus to the rescue? (WTOP)
F'n JD · 715 weeks ago
David · 715 weeks ago
Teresa · 715 weeks ago
David · 715 weeks ago
Mike · 715 weeks ago
n2deep · 715 weeks ago
David · 715 weeks ago
n2deep · 715 weeks ago
n2deep · 715 weeks ago
David · 715 weeks ago
n2deep · 715 weeks ago
Anonymouse · 715 weeks ago
This, friends, is also why the government disarming you in the name of "safety" is a terrible idea. It's already unsafe; now you just can't do anything about it. Tazers, pepper spray, concealed handgun - the criminals have them anyways, but you don't. And now we know the cops aren't inclined to get involved to help you out!
guest · 715 weeks ago
I think it's unreasonable to expect ONE Metro cop--they patrol alone ya know--to gleefully walk into, for example, a gang situation when they can't call for back up.
I call that smart, not cowardly.
Bill · 715 weeks ago
RGG · 715 weeks ago
Anonymouse · 715 weeks ago
MoRoNs · 715 weeks ago
Soylent Green Line · 715 weeks ago
Furthermore, what does this have to do with the government disarming anyone? Do you fancy yourself some Old West shooter, capable of a quick draw against nefarious bandits that have already gotten the drop on you in a station?
The police here are airing a legitimate concern, one that impedes their ability to perform their job. You should take that into account rather than calling people cowards for not wanting to do something you probably wouldn't want to do yourself, or beating your chest and whining about the so-called Nanny State.
Anonymouse · 715 weeks ago
Anon · 715 weeks ago
Having no radio communications is like sending a police officer out with a gun that has no rounds. No police officer is refusing to do his/her job and they are CERTAINLY not cowardly- they're using their brains. When hired, I am sure they didn't agree to fulfill their duties without being properly prepared to do so. Weapons, communications, protective attire, etc- it is all REQUIRED to perform their function as a police officer, not a luxury.
Please pull your head out of your ass.
RGG · 715 weeks ago
"Do their jobs?" Wouldn't a radio system that works correctly enable them to do just that? It sure would make it much easier to check for warrants on the bad guys, wouldn't it? And to give look-outs to other officers for the thug-ette that just snatched your iPhone from your hands. The radio is a tool, just as a handgun or baton is. And it needs to work, just like the other tools do. It's essential to the job.
Daf · 715 weeks ago
Think about it · 715 weeks ago
Kat · 715 weeks ago
John · 715 weeks ago
Do they ever test shit before they put things into the system? Is it a surprise everything breaks down?!?!?!?
David · 715 weeks ago
Teresa · 715 weeks ago
David · 715 weeks ago
n2deep · 715 weeks ago
i do not "allege" anything. i am speaking from experience. everyday i deal with unacceptable and poor radio communications.
david, tell me why a lot of the conversations on the radio are along these lines:
OCC-" sir central cannot copy please try your hand set"
train 120-" cen..... we hav........ a ..................copy?"
OCC-' train 120 try your handset or change location or go to the nearest ETS box if this is an emergency"
go to an ETS box if this an emergency??? try your handset?? how about fixing the radios and stop pretending there is nothing wrong!
and sir if the system works like you claim why was the radios on the 6000's not used? because they were designed to able to work with the "new radio system".
why were road mechanics issued cell phones on top of analog and digital handheld motorolas? because they know the system has a lot of holes in it.
David · 715 weeks ago
The places you describe as problem areas, have they always been that way or is it a rapid overall decline or both. Just as far as CRCS
John · 715 weeks ago
Teresa · 715 weeks ago
fdfsfsd · 715 weeks ago
This is just one more example of how metro's management fails. Metro promotes from within with little if any regard for ability and merit, and we're all left dealing with their incompetent asses.
David · 715 weeks ago
NotAllOfWMATASucks · 715 weeks ago
exmetro · 715 weeks ago
For all of you calling MTPD cowards, I say to hell with you. There are very few officers covering a big area filled with miscreants.
Good luck out there.
Teresa · 715 weeks ago
research far enough, the radio contract was probably given to someone's
For reasons like this (and many more), Chief Taborn gets a vote of "no confidence" from the police union -- but the board considers the radio issue a petty grievance against Taborn personally.
Nevermind getting the board to agree to setting up direct emergency
line to Metro Transit. Calling 911 wastes an incredible amount of time if the dispatcher in DC, MD, or MD *decides* to pass the call on to Transit Police!
Meanwhile transit cops are called on for customer services as the station
managers goof off. When a cop gets to act on the sundry aspects of his job such as ticketing, arrests, confiscating forged passes, et cetera, the officer is actually counseled for demonstrating a lack of customer service.
David · 715 weeks ago
RGG · 715 weeks ago
Vin · 715 weeks ago
RGG · 715 weeks ago
RGG · 715 weeks ago
Anon · 715 weeks ago
@_KidIncredible · 715 weeks ago
No bucks, no Buck Rogers 25th Century Electronic Walkie Talkies.
dfsdaf · 715 weeks ago
How are we supposed to have a safety culture without being able to communicate?
It's the basic, first step.
David · 715 weeks ago
youdontknow · 715 weeks ago
Soylent Green Line · 715 weeks ago
youdon'tknow · 715 weeks ago
guest · 715 weeks ago
Tell Da Truffff · 715 weeks ago
guest · 715 weeks ago
Again. Seriously? COURT HOUSE?
D-U-M-B as are you.
spooky · 715 weeks ago
metroretired · 715 weeks ago
Tell Da Truffff · 715 weeks ago
RGG · 715 weeks ago
Or, MTPD picks random stations from time-to-time to saturate with officers from their SOD team. High Visibility "Details." Maybe it was simply Courthouse's turn for this.
Tell Da Trufff · 715 weeks ago
David · 715 weeks ago
One take · 715 weeks ago
What is it going to take for Metro to wake up and fix its mistakes? - and equip its officers in the best way possible so that they can in turn protect the public?
David · 715 weeks ago
RGG · 715 weeks ago
Teresa · 715 weeks ago
Let's start with not enough relay antennas, or many broken antennas (such as the ones found at GA Ave-Petworth), or antennas covered in brake dust.
Officers have complained about radio signals not being carried -- not the handsets per se as the handsets are charged daily and kept in good repair because they are a lifeline *when they work.* A handset can keep transmitting but if there's no way to get the signal to dispatch, how is that the officer's fault or responsibility?
In each of these stations officers have to take a suspect topside to radio Dispatch: Brookland, Clarendon, Dupont, Gallery Place, Wheaton, L'Enfant, Forest Glen, Friendship Heights -- just to name a FEW. As soon as the train pulls into several of these stations (and many more unnamed), commo is cut off throughout the platform, escalators, and sometimes, even on the mezzanine.
David · 715 weeks ago
Teresa · 715 weeks ago
Teresa · 715 weeks ago
Teresa · 715 weeks ago
"Were the radios UHF or VHF ?"
"were the antennas close to the body or on a shoulder mic ?"
"Were they on Talkaround or standard ?"
"I assume it is the new trunked system but what if it is the older system still in use?"
I will have to double-check that for you.
David · 715 weeks ago
I have seen the shoulder mics with antennas incorrectly installed many times. If that is a problem the signal stops there as far as any distance, It will still travel a short distance. Batterys should be tested,low battery, low power. Combine that with atmospheric changes, other components in the tunnels, different sites up and down . Why don't you push for centralized failure reporting of problems to show in black and white to the general manager, the board of directors, and ant safety commission who will accept it. Show that you take responsibility for your personal equipment and demand METRO be responsible to your organized failure complaints.
Teresa · 715 weeks ago
Regarding "becom[ing] vocal," I ask, "To whom?" Officers cannot trust their immediate chains of command, employee relations, or their union. This issue was a great part of Taborn's "vote of no confidence."
Do you really think officers haven't tried everything you have mentioned and most likely more and not suffered some sort of retribution -- "snitches" are not only are stigmatized, but are given rotten detail assignments. They're considered non-team players and are summarily blackballed, even by the "union" which is supposed to prevent this.
ANON · 715 weeks ago
I am starting to feel sorry for Metro workers. No wonder they're always in bad moods.
David · 715 weeks ago
n2deep · 715 weeks ago
i see it as a very simple thing. metro talks safety but doesn't really want to get down and dirty to fix the real issues, the tough ones. they find it easier to hide in rail yards and highway overpasses and use speed guns to see how fast trains are operating. they like to ride the trains in hawaiian shirts and straw hats acting like tourists and monitor what the operators are saying in their train communications and then pounce into the cab and start writing them up. these are easy and harmless things management likes to tackle because it doesn't take any management skills or technical abilities. i have seen all these things happen and at first i laugh but then i get pissed off that this is what management thinks are the real issues.
Metro Ryder · 715 weeks ago
Nony · 715 weeks ago
Roma · 715 weeks ago
concerned citizen · 714 weeks ago