Thursday, July 21, 2011

Minnesota Ave. Melee (NSFW)

The video was posted on July 17, but appears to have been made earlier due to the coats and lack of leaves on the trees. The OP says it was at Minnesota Ave.

Via T.
I go through this Minnesota Ave. every day. Every day it's something new. Every day there's a reason for normal people to avoid this station.

My friend showed me this on Youtube. This happens all the time.

Where are the police?
Maybe this is one of the stations transit police are hesitant to patrol because of their poor quality radios.

Other items:
Metro keeps information about sexual assault suspect secret (Examiner)
Dulles Metro station will be above ground (WaPo)
Metro from the perspective of someone in a wheelchair (A Vulnerable Geometry)

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Holy crap. Thank god those adults stepped in to try to break it up.
Everly Anon's avatar

Everly Anon · 714 weeks ago

Brave adults at that. What frightens me is these morons will soon have the right to vote. And buy liquor. And guns.
9 replies · active 671 weeks ago
And you know precisely who they'll vote for.
What's DC's policy on convicted felons voting? I have a feeling these two are much more likely to see the inside of a jail cell than a voting booth....
Mayor Gray!
Who would that be, Corrupt Politician #1 or Corrupt Politician #2?
RedLineROFL's avatar

RedLineROFL · 714 weeks ago

You seriously think that age prevents them from buying guns and liquor?!
Everly Anon's avatar

Everly Anon · 714 weeks ago

No. Not really. Perhaps I am just in denial. :D
Let me guess: you're not racist because you have "black friends?"
lol! love that reply sir!
If this isn't patrolled because of poor quality radios, then I want my tax dollars back... an above ground station is the CHEAPEST station to cover with a 5/5 signal, and there would be no excuse...
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
GDopplerXT's avatar

GDopplerXT · 714 weeks ago

All of your tax dollars or just the portion that you think should be spent on higher quality radios?
anonymouse's avatar

anonymouse · 714 weeks ago

That's NSFW? I could probably show that to my office at the next meeting, if it weren't for the unfortunate racial undertone of showing black-on-black violence.
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
How does showing something that actually happened demonstrating the lack of security on/in/around Metro have anything to do with racial undertones?
Apparently you believe in slavery.
Jokester's avatar

Jokester · 714 weeks ago

That's the fundamental problem with public transportation . . . anyone can use it. :-)
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Yep, gimme I-66 over people beating the shit out of each other and mugging hardworking taxpayers any day of the week.
It works the same with democracy.

Pro: In a democracy, anyone and everyone can have their opinion heard.

Con: In a democracy, anyone and everyone can have their opinion heard.
I have been seeing the adults intervene in situations more often lately, and it makes me wonder if there is some sort of movement developing. There was a young man who wouldn't give up three handicapped seats on my bus the other day, and a adult came up from the back of the bus and threatened to clock him if he didn't move.
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
"it makes me wonder if there is some sort of movement developing."

that's called getting old.
More rider accountability among users would be great. A grass roots effort is in order.
Maybe they could make up for their poor-quality radios with high quality assault rifles?
MY cousin who is staying with me from North Carolina was assaulted 2 month ago @ Minnisota Ave. 3 dudes robbed him in the elevator & hit him with a lead pipe and tried to steal his bicycle. Station Manager didn't see anything why, she was upstairs on the platform talking to a friend.
The police only want to patrol areas where there isn't any crime.
Srsly. Minn Ave is bad! Cops need to be there 24/7.
4 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Metro used to have an officer there at all times. DC used to pay extra for it in their stipend to fund Metro. But, DC decided it didn't want to pay for it anymore. That was several years ago. During school hours there are officers posted at Minnesota Avenue in the afternoon. But not round the clock like it used to be.

Besides, this episode could just as easily happened at Deanwood, Congress Heights,'s just the "luck of the draw" on a particular day. They can't be everywhere at the same time.
For the first many years Minnesota Avenue and that section of the Orange Line were in existence, Metro Police had an officer there, on a detail, from opening to closing. DC paid extra for this *service* in the payment it makes to fund its portion of Metro each year. Several years ago, DC decided it didn't want to pay for this anymore. In reality, this event could have just as likely occurred at Deanwood, Congress Heights, or Anacostia. It just happened to be Minnesota Avenue's "turn."

Sorry if this "re-posts." My original post didn't seem to be going through.
MadAsHeck's avatar

MadAsHeck · 714 weeks ago

Sarles makes about $300,000 per year. Stessel must make around $100,000. Get rid of the two of them, you have enough money to hire 6-8 police officers. That's nearly enough to plice Minnesota, Deanwood, Congress Heights, and Anacostia full time.
Maybe 2 or 3 new officers. Training/equipment is expensive. And pay and bennies aren't cheap, either.

Most of these "problem" stations involve the presence of "bus bays." They just attract riff-raff, plain and simple.
Better solution: shut down the Metro stations in Prince George's County until riders that use them learn how to act like adults. If it's not Minnesota Avenue, it's Capitol Heights. If it's not Capitol Heights, it's Suitland. Stop the blue/orange at Stadium-Armory and shut down green altogether. When the community decides that it is ready to rejoin civilized society, it can have Metro access again.
19 replies · active 702 weeks ago
WillWriteForBeer's avatar

WillWriteForBeer · 714 weeks ago

So those who aren't the problem get to be punished for the poor behavior of a few? Or do you intend to drive those folks to work/school/whatever and back?'s WAY more than just a few...
Yes. Just like when you were in grade school and they took away everyone's recess because one or two kids decided to scuffle in the playground. Since PGC isn't capable of maintaining their own community, they shouldn't get to play in the playground with everyone else. Any PGC residents that sit idly by and do nothing about it are just as much at fault.
But what about everyone else? The wildlings are the minority. Most riders are law-abiding, tax-paying, hard-working citizens.
Everly Anon's avatar

Everly Anon · 714 weeks ago

Going to provide ME with rides to and from work? Or would you prefer my family starve because I cannot get to work? You sound like the red line is the only one that should be running. I've done the red line. It is just as bad. You would penalize the community at large who does follow the law and behave with civility for the ones that are out of control. With that type of logic, we should be shutting down all transportation through the U.S. And who, exactly, gets to decide when "they" are "ready" to rejoin? Who is the "they" being judged? The unruly or the me's who are on the sideline being screwed by this type of thinking?
Chill dude...sarcasm....
Everly Anon's avatar

Everly Anon · 714 weeks ago

oh? oh! uh... nevermind. :D (No wonder my soapbox felt shaky... thought I'd gained weight or something.)
Just like in middle school when recess time was taken away because one student did something stupid. Or why your employer removes the refrigerator from the common area because one person didn't do their part in taking care of it.

Yes, the entire community should be penalized if they aren't capable of maintaining a civil engagement in society. Anyone who lives in PGC and does not get involved in making it better is at fault, not just the ones to actually carry out the misdeeds. It's YOUR community too and if the community fails, you've failed just as much as the teens to do these things.
I never said it wasn't...? The county is not well run, regardless of if it is Greenbelt or Largo. The same acts are occurring throughout PGC. These things are happening up at that end of PGC too.
More is More's avatar

More is More · 714 weeks ago

Your agrument is that all should be punished for the few, right? Well, last time I checked L'Enfant Plaza and Gallery Place-Chinatown have had their fair share of disorderly behavior as well. So should we shut down the Yellow, Red, Blue and Orange lines as well... oh wait, that would be all of them. So basically, nobody gets to use the Metro system until everybody steps up and controls these rowdy teenagers?

It's easy to call for such radical solutions when they don't effect you!
Those transfer stations are critical to the operations of the system. Suitland is not.
Look, dude. Stop. Just stop. Shutting down everything in Prince Georges County will force those who rely on public transportation onto the Red Line. Naturally, this will mean the hoodlums as well. And like I said earlier, Montgomery County is no stranger to crime, either.Then this problem will arise again. And using your logic, the Red Line will also be shut down, effectively isolating everyone in Maryland from Metro.

Bravo. Bra-fucking-vo.

Besides, stations like New Carrollton and Greenbelt are also critical to the operations of the system, because a lot of people use them.

Also, if it does happen, Metro will lose a dangerous amount of money, meaning that service will be significantly neutered, and fares will go through not just the roof, but the freaking atmosphere as well. All because of you.

Honestly, at this point, I'd say you're worse than the hoodlums.
By that logic all Americans should be punished for the war crimes of George Bush. He was OUR president and even if we didn't get involved we still live in America.

By that logic this blog should be deemed racist because of few in the community here are racist and everyone here has failed for not getting involved and stopping bigoted racial undertones.
racist or realist? don't hide behind your facade of superiority. facts are facts
"Facade of superiority?" And please what are these "Facts" you speak of?

The fact that you hold the people of PG to a higher standard than you hold to yourself and the community around you?

Yes, that is a fact.
I love it...this guy pulls out the race card any time someone has an issue with anything involving African Americans...
There are two things wrong with your first statement.
1) Recess only exists in elementary school; the only way you wouldn't know this is if you were not educated... which actually wouldn't be a bad guess.
2)The equivalent of taking away recess would actually be offloading a train or a bus because people couldn't control themselves; because both the bus/train and recess are minor parts of their respective environment. Shutting down Metro in such a large portion of the area because of a brawl between a group of people at one station that lasted for only a few minutes would be closer to closing down the entire school for at least a week because a few kids in one class were acting out of turn. If this problem happened in Northern Virginia where you live, you would probably say, "It's not my problem, it's Metro's. They need to up security at their stations." This not only makes you a racist teabagger, but a hypocrite as well. Go fuck yourself.

Also, Prince George's county is already a dead horse when it comes to public transit (75% of Metrobuses only having 60-minute headways, no weekend service whatsoever on TheBus). Please stop beating on it with your bullshit "recess" theory. Besides, Metro would sooner die than cut service to such a huge portion of the area for an indefinite period of time.

"The entire community should be penalized if they aren't capable of maintaining a civil engagement in society"? NO THEY FUCKING SHOULDN'T. That would be like if, in a town home community, there was one homeowner who didn't take proper care of their house, so what does the homeowner's association do? EVICT EVERYBODY IN THE ENTIRE NEIGHBORHOOD BECAUSE OF ONE PERSON. If 5% of a community is acting out of control, the other 95% who had abso-fucking-lutely nothing to do with it should not be punished as well. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if you're just a troll from somewhere on 4chan, posting comments like this in the hopes that it would stir some people's shit. If you're not, I have one thing to say to you: YOU'RE WRONG. YOUR OPINIONS ARE WRONG, YOUR VIEWS ON LIFE ARE WRONG, EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU IS WRONG. To quote Harry Wormwood: "I'm big, you're small. I'm smart, you're dumb. I'm right, you're wrong, and there's nothing you can do about it." This is not whining, this is the honest truth. Deal with it. No, I am not a troll. Please stop thumbing-down my comments. Everybody who thumbed-up Sam is wrong, too. Everybody who thumbed-up Sam should also go to Hell where they deserve to stay forever.

In short, shut up, your opinions are wrong; go back to your cushy government job, you right-wing, overpaid, pompous, Northern Virginia yuppie.
But crime is down on metro by 30 percent!! (According to Metro LOL)
@ Sam I live in Cheverly,MD. We have a lot of middle & high income families living in my town, white, black & hispanic so for you to say this you must live in Rockville or Silverspring where ther is no crime at all huh!
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Actually, I'm more inclined to believe he's from Arlington or Alexandria; Montgomery County isn't exactly immune to crime, either. Remember that "Jersey Shore comes to Bethesda" thing from a few months back? Hoodlums can live anywhere.
No, I don't. But thanks for playing.
Look at the scale of this problem. People gather to watch the fight. People video tape the fight, post it to You Tube and people flock to it.

I can't help but think that publicity is why people do this sort of thing.
2 replies · active 714 weeks ago
Everly Anonerly's avatar

Everly Anonerly · 714 weeks ago

That is a serious point, Deval D Dragon. I noticed the other "youth-likes" coming towards the camera all excited about the entire thing. Depressing isn't it?
Not to long ago when I was in grade school I remember doing the same thing. Running from one end of the school to the other just because I heard a whisper of a fight.

I think we all did it as children, the only difference we didn't have cameras to record our idiocy and suffer for it later.
alkebulan's avatar

alkebulan · 714 weeks ago

Why was this old video even posted. Other than being beside the metro, what does it really have to do with Metro? Was this posted to just feed the race baiters?
6 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
When I post a video or picture, I don't look at the color of the skin. I look at the behaviour. If it sucks, they go on the blog because that behaviour needs to be unsucked.
alkebulan's avatar

alkebulan · 714 weeks ago

I understand you Unsuck, I just did not see the point of digging in the crates for old videos of a fight outside of metro. I guess when stories get slow you will just dig up old ones.
Seriously...put it back in the deck. This video was posted because it demonstrates the clear lack of a police/security presence that is endemic when it comes to the entire Metro system.

Everyone who uses Metro is justified in being bothered by that lack of security regardless of their race AND the race of those committing assault at a Metro station.
Folks should really start beetching about that. There are about 20-24 cops in a system of over 100 miles and 86 stations. HOW can that possibly be enough?

And the few that are, are tied up with this type of nonsense.
I hear those tunnels between stations are a hotbed of crime. We definitely need more police there.
Well, the trains run through the tunnels, too. I've seen many posts here that want (unrealistically) an officer on every train. That isn't going to happen, of course, but there certainly aren't enough _in_ the system now. Special events (circus, baseball games, juvenile details, arrests, admin duties, etc.),mean even less are actually out there.
Fred Smith's avatar

Fred Smith · 714 weeks ago

You people crying about cops. If a Cop tried to break up that fight and body slammed one of those girls on the ground you will be all crying about how the cop "did to much" and excessive force and blah blah... And if it were white cops the race card is thrown out.. Lets be realistic if cops were there people would be crying how the cops beat up two little girls going through growing pains and saying there just misunderstood....
4 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Yep. Can't have it both ways. If there was a major police presence there, and it went to poop, rest assured that all of the cop haters would be out in full force.
It's not a zero sum game. I don't want to see a cop bodyslam one of those kids, I want to see them use the appropriate amount of force to break the fight up and protect the law abiding citizens who rely on the Metro to get to work. If a cop is using reasonable discretion, any bitching and moaning about it should be ignored.

I'd rather see cops do the job our tax dollars pay them to do and deal with whatever racist bullshit people throw at the situation after the fact, than have to continually worry about a fight breaking out to me every time I'm at Gallery Place.
Fred Smith's avatar

Fred Smith · 714 weeks ago

and body slamming in that situations looks reasonable to me... I got you right there... you want the cops to put kiddie gloves on a dangerous situations and when the cops do slam those girls and obviously they would be resisting you would be here still crying police brutality. you can't have it both ways... either you want cops to patrol in reasonable and firm way or you want them to run and hide cause there scared how the youtube camera is going to get them fired for trying to do the right thing..
I obviously don't want it both ways and if you'd have actually read what I posted you would understand that. I want them to use the appropriate amount of force to enforce the law and would NEVER protest the police if they're doing their job as they see fit.
The hooting and cheering of the crowd is truly sad. Where will these two girls be in 5, 10 years? Why do incidents of violence like these bring out such joy from so many people? This looks like a community gathering and event as much as it looks like a fight. Again, really really sad.
GotMyGoodPantsOn's avatar

GotMyGoodPantsOn · 714 weeks ago

Who fights in white pants?
you know who I hate?

People that put their finger over the camera lens.
William in DC's avatar

William in DC · 713 weeks ago

1. I bet you the fight was over a guy. 99% of girl fights are about a guy.

2. I went to Walt Whitman High school in Bethesda. Guess what--there are occasionally FIGHTS there. Sometimes there'd even be Whitman vs. BCC fights.

3. Some of you people are incredibly hateful. You like to think of yourselves as civilized, but on some of these threads--egged on by the authors of this blog--you see sentiment like "subhuman". Just strong subconcious hate boils out. I'm genuinely alarmed by some of the comments I see. Really.

4. I do not tolerate punks, and actual scum, but being a teenager or being "loud" does not make one a lower human being than I am.
The real problem here is the sideways camera...

Please, people, let's use portrait mode when filming in widescreen.
Let me guess: You were near the doors and had it snatched right out of your hands.....
Who cares? This person is a Sabres fan...

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