It's Monday and once again, drinking bottled water is illegal in the Metro system.
On Friday, at 5:17 p.m., Metro issued a press release (deleted by Metro. Who knows why. Screengrab) announcing that due to the extreme heat, it would relax the ban on drinking bottled water through Sunday. The email announcing the press release arrived at 6:20 p.m.
Reactions to Metro's move were varied.

There were many who seemed surprised Metro even had a policy banning the drinking bottled water and said they'd been drinking it all along.
It's not exactly cool today; nor will it be tomorrow--or for the rest of the week, for that matter.
According to Metro, Friday's move was not the first step in the relaxation of the policy, adding that Metro Police issued more than 6,600 citations for violating the no eating and drinking policy last year.
Metro's tweets did keep the door open for the possibility of allowing water again, but only under extreme conditions.
@Hell_on_wheelz · 713 weeks ago
Conditional eligibility for Metro Access began implementation this month. Medically fragile people need to pay attention to staying hydrated under normal conditions. How Metro is going to deal with approx. 10,000 such people joining the daily commute over the next 2-6 months remains to be seen. In order for this mad plan to work - concessions to the "SOP" will need to be made.
Letting everyone have water is a good start.
Kate · 713 weeks ago
@katmoo14 · 713 weeks ago
Guest · 663 weeks ago
Kara · 713 weeks ago
governmentbasement 70p · 713 weeks ago
Personally, I'm afraid of the trash that will come with the water bottles, reusable bottles I believe are acceptable. If not they should be,
WTF · 713 weeks ago
anonymouse · 713 weeks ago
nyc > dc · 713 weeks ago
I have a steel water bottle that I keep attached to my backpack. The worst that can happen is I spill some. Apparently drinking from it makes me a criminal...wow.
UnSuck Fan · 713 weeks ago
Name · 663 weeks ago
Mike · 713 weeks ago
I no longer ride Metro, but if I did I would still take water with me.
If someone told me to stop, I would tell them to go to Hades.
RGG · 713 weeks ago
Mike · 713 weeks ago
WTF · 713 weeks ago
RGG · 713 weeks ago
Anonymous · 713 weeks ago
broadsofthebeltway 0p · 713 weeks ago
RGG · 713 weeks ago
Orange line rider · 713 weeks ago
@FixWMATA · 713 weeks ago
Orange line rider · 713 weeks ago
ANON · 713 weeks ago
MadAsHeck · 713 weeks ago
If you say "watch the news moron," then you are saying that he should watch the moron who is on the news. For example, if I were suggesting someone watch Bill O'Reilly, I might say "watch the news moron."
Guest · 713 weeks ago
Anon-K · 713 weeks ago
Guest · 713 weeks ago
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a bottled water drinker...
EJT · 713 weeks ago
Although, I've never had any Metro staff or police harass me for drinking out of my water bottle in the station or on the train. As I understand it, the rationale behind the food and drink ban is to keep the trains and station clean and minimize vermin. Water wouldn't attract vermin or make a mess, so that reasoning doesn't apply. They should lift the ban.
WTF · 713 weeks ago
How dirty are you?
Red Line Slow · 713 weeks ago
Katie · 713 weeks ago
LoTechNo · 713 weeks ago
Guest · 713 weeks ago
caitlyn · 713 weeks ago
Guest · 713 weeks ago
RGG · 713 weeks ago
Anonymous · 713 weeks ago
Metro can just tell their police force to not cite those drinking water.
RGG · 713 weeks ago
Metro police don't write many people up for it anymore anyways---the side of public opinion just didn't go their way when an occasional miscreant had the cuffs slapped on--but what does an officer do when the water drinker is sitting next to the Slurpee drinker? If the law isn't changed to allow for certain beverages than that leaves officers in a bad situation. You can't "pick and choose." Change the law, Metro!!
WTF · 713 weeks ago
RGG · 713 weeks ago
Good for Metro, and the public, if they WANT to do this, but the idiots in Metro's legal counsel office need to get the LAW changed!!
guest · 713 weeks ago
RGG · 713 weeks ago
dcn8v · 713 weeks ago
RGG · 713 weeks ago
Kat · 713 weeks ago
pete · 713 weeks ago
RGG · 713 weeks ago
Kolohe · 713 weeks ago
They ain't so good at intelligent design either.
@Hell_on_wheelz · 713 weeks ago
@VeggieTart · 713 weeks ago
Red Line Slow · 713 weeks ago
n2deep · 713 weeks ago
pete · 713 weeks ago
Wouldratherdrive · 713 weeks ago
Guest · 713 weeks ago
Where do you draw the line? Water is allowed in plastic bottles, or reusable bottles, but not in cups? What about a cup with a lid and straw? Or a sippy cup? And what if I prefer sparkling water? Is my San Pellegrino taboo? What about my Smartwater? Or Propel Fitness Water? If I make unflavored popsicles or sno-cones, can I eat those on the train?
Allowing water is good in theory, but will create more problems than it solves.
VeggieTart · 713 weeks ago
Guest · 713 weeks ago
ANON · 713 weeks ago
governmentbasement 70p · 713 weeks ago
@unsuckdcmetro It's actually not a policy. It's law. ^DS
RGG · 713 weeks ago
Guest · 713 weeks ago
Mr. Carlin · 713 weeks ago
caitlyn · 713 weeks ago
can't wait to get a decent bike and be done with dc metro for the majority of the year.
HurricaneDC 76p · 713 weeks ago
SmartRider · 713 weeks ago
What, are we really expecting the station manager to get out of his little cubical, go all the way down to the platform, and tell a water drinking person to stop or throw out the bottle? Nonsense. Put things in perspective.
If I was ever confronted, I would just respond by saying I wouldn't have to drink water often if the metro cars ran more efficiently and not like twenty minutes apart, so I can get to my destination and drink water there (can also reference their hot cars, too, to drive the point home).
I will not be susceptible to dehydration, especially after running in the heat, to abide by some idiotic metro rule.
RGG · 713 weeks ago
Lot's of posters on this blog have have made similar comments as yours: "I'm drinking it, no matter what." That's fine, as long as you're willing to accept the consequences: The risk of a criminal citation by police, which, if convicted after a court appearance, can get you a fine of up to about $100 and, since these are "criminal" offenses---an arrest/criminal record (no, I'm NOT joking!). All because you couldn't drink it _before_you came into the station? Or ask the station manager if you can step outside the faregates and take a drink? Is it worth it? I've tried to make this point earlier: This is NOT merely a "Metro Rule." It is a CRIMINAL OFFENSE. For Metro to basically say to everyone, "Go ahead, people. It's 'Break the Law Day'' is, in my opinion, irresponsible. I don't even know where Metro thinks it has the authority to tell its riders that they can break an Arlington County, Alexandria City, Montgomery County, etc., law! So, if the road leading into a Metro station has a 20 mph speed limit sign posted, can Metro tell everyone, "Go Ahead, let's make it 35 today? It's hot and we, at Metro, don't want you to have to sit in your cars for too long."
Metro police hardly ever write people up for this stuff, but the response of "I wouldn't have to drink water often if the metro cars ran more efficiently and not like twenty minutes apart, so I can get to my destination and drink water there (can also reference their hot cars, too, to drive the point home). " to an officer likely won't go over too well. You'd be better off to just say, "Sorry, I forgot" and leave it at that.
Caitlyn · 713 weeks ago
yeah most people would say they didn't know. it doesn't say specifically no water, and in almost everywhere else in the world that doesn't allow food or drinks like museums(somewhere that actually deserves a no food or drink rule), theaters, etc , allow bottled water regardless.
my same argument goes for food. Some people have low blood sugar issues and there should be no ban on food, just fines for littering. you don't have a choice once you're in there and find out the train's not coming for 20 minutes except to waste your money and pay a second time.
anyway, just my two cents. I've ridden many public transportation systems and never seen a problem related to food or drink consumption.
WTF · 713 weeks ago
RGG · 713 weeks ago
A criminal offense and an arrest record should make a pretty good point, I'd think!!
Caitlyn ..... What I'm saying is that IF you REALLY NEED that drink of water there are consequences to bear. As it is NOW, you would be committing a CRIMINAL OFFENSE by drinking water in the system. If Metro wants to change that, then they need to petition the local jurisdictions to CHANGE THE LAW! If someone is 'choking," then that can be his/her defense in court. It doesn't make you "not guilty" of the crime, though.
Pill popping, health risk, sports, etc., don't matter. You're BREAKING THE LAW! How can the police, as it is now, tell one person drinking coffee they are in violation while the person sitting next to them is guzzling a half gallon of Poland Spring water? And if you get a citation? Well, I've spelled out the facts above.
I've seen people approach the station managers many times and ask if they could step out to take a drink with a pill. I've seen them ask if they could step out and take a drink while waiting for a train. It wasn't a problem. He/she let them step out through the Emergency Gate and come back in.
This stuff was enacted when Metro was "new" in an effort to keep it from turning into a messy rat trap. With ridership as high as it is now, it certainly has that potential. Especially with "The Express" and "The Examiner" all over the place.
anon · 713 weeks ago
Caitlyn · 713 weeks ago
RGG · 713 weeks ago
And when a future employer asks you, after a background check, the circumstances of your "arrest" for "Drinking in a Metro Station" make sure you tell him, "I don't care if I'm breaking the law," because that's exactly what's going to happen to you if you receive a citation. It has the same effect as an actual "physical" arrest on your record.
Hopefully the officer will go easy on you and write you up a "warning" instead....but it all depends on the ol' 'tude....!!
Caitlyn · 712 weeks ago
someg · 712 weeks ago
NO water for you! OR you will have a CRIMINAL RECORD!!!
Man, and I thought that it was bad enough that all Metro stations look like scenes out of A Clockwork Orange and the thing was 75% broken.
Now , do we need a Water Ban Stasi and associated snitches?. Is this East Germany?
Caitlyn · 712 weeks ago
and that is quite the perfect description of Metro.
Dean Of DC · 710 weeks ago