Yesterday, Metro put out a de rigueur press release about GM Sarles' 6-month "state of Metro" presentation to the Metro board. It's exactly what you'd expect. Fine. Make of it what you will.
What's weird and disturbing is how many local, commercial media outlets basically regurgitated Metro's party line without much, if any, questioning or input from anyone else besides Metro principals.
Take a look:
Washington Post
Fox 5
Yeah, it's good that there's going to be a virtual tunnel, and it's welcome that you will be able to add money to your SmarTrip card online, but those are basically fringe issues, and if Metro had ANY common sense, both would have been done years ago.
Better late than never? Yes.
But really, are we supposed to have a champagne toast because Metro is dragging its feet in gathering the low hanging fruit?
The whole system is a rickety, second-tier railway and an international embarrassment.
There's still no accountability or transparency. Who's been fired for 6/22? Who's been fired for the L'Enfant escalator incident?
Your money--fares and taxes--is wasted daily. Things go wrong with the cars and the tracks more than on any other transit system I've ever been on, delays are way too common, the escalators don't work, there are too many confrontational employees, too many bus drivers drive dangerously, the crumbling platforms are often dangerously overcrowded, people are passing out from the heat because the AC doesn't work even though Metro says they're "on it," and there's no indication whatsoever about when Metro will return to automatic train control.
One could go on and on.
But back to the topic at hand.
Even worse journalistic laziness and obsequiousness can be found in this piece from the Washington Post about an alleged "more than 30 percent" drop in crime on Metro. (This was also mentioned in the Fox piece.)
More than 30 percent!
Two Metro cops we talked to called the drop in crime "BS" and "cooking the books," respectively.
One laughingly said, "Thirty percent? Is that what they're saying? You believe that sh*t?"
But let's assume, for the sake of argument, that those cops are just bad apples and just want to slam Metro no matter what.
A quick Googling of Compstat (Metro calls it Metrostat), a police department "organizational management tool" cited by Metro (and repeated by the Post and Fox) as the reason for the drop in crime, shows there's actually a rather vigorous debate about the effectiveness of Compstat in fighting crime. Even the Wikipedia page talks about the debate.
You'd think the "reporters" at the Post or Fox would have Googled or made a call or two, especially when Metro's reported drop in crime sounds miraculous.
It reminds me of a favorite Simpsons exchange:
Bart: Well Dad, here's my report card. I think you'll be pleasantlyMetro is a regional leader in suck, but local "journalism" isn't far behind.
Homer: [incredulously] A-plus?!? You don't think much of me, do you boy?
Bart: [almost proudly] No sir!
Homer: You know a D turns into a B so easily. You just got greedy.
Other items:
Weekend delays (WMATA)
Metro Center fail (A Vulnerable Geometry)
Operator shows common sense (26minus5)
guest · 713 weeks ago
anonymous · 713 weeks ago
@whfsdude · 713 weeks ago
Taylor · 713 weeks ago
RGG · 713 weeks ago
Guest · 713 weeks ago
Metro spends billions of dollars defending their mistakes, floundering mgmt officials yearly. What a waste of tax dollars thay could be used for repair the AC Train Units.
Nothing will change and you might as well just drive. When Metro sees a decrease in revenue daily then the bloated salaries of "the chosen" may drop off severly and the BOD's might need to re-think the budget again!
cop · 713 weeks ago
wesindc · 713 weeks ago
HurricaneDC 76p · 713 weeks ago
Soylent Green Line · 713 weeks ago
Metro will continue to skate by for as long as it can doing the minimum amount of work necessary to avoid drawing the wrath of anyone in a position to do anything. And despite the so-called openness people like Stessel have promised, nothing has changed. Stessel had the nerve to post to this blog and then immediately turn his back on it because he didn’t like what was being said. In fact, since the fare hikes have been enacted, anyone that rides Metro on a regular basis can tell you that things have actually seemed to get worse.
People like Stessel need to realize that if you want to put your finger on the pulse of what people really think about WMATA, they should start listening to us and stop pouring money into laughably one-sided surveys and studies.
We are the riding public, and we are not amused, WMATA.
Red Line Rider · 713 weeks ago
(we'd have to do it before the hockey season starts, otherwise we'd be mistaken for the usual crazies that roam that neighborhood on game nights.)
@Hell_on_wheelz · 713 weeks ago
Dealing with WMATA is a bit like living in a Monty Python skit run by D&D rules - you have to be very careful of what/how things are said.
WMATA hates bad publicity. News people love sound bites and emotionally provocative images. A couple hundred angry wheelies/blind people/disabled and thrie caretakers proved both are true.
Soylent Green Line · 713 weeks ago
bet · 713 weeks ago
There will never be the proper oversite!
JUST COVER UP THEIR WASTE, MISTAKES AND BLUNDERS by their managers, friends and family members.
guess · 713 weeks ago
Katy G · 713 weeks ago
Katy G · 713 weeks ago
The news made it seem like Metro was doing a fantastic job and there really was nothing to see. They do fool so many people.
Sam · 713 weeks ago
unsuckdcmetro 92p · 713 weeks ago
This is what I read: http://www.policefoundation.org/pdf/compstatinpra...
Sam · 713 weeks ago
Your quote was akin to saying "The economy is so bad that even the poor people are having trouble making money." Of course they are -- that's the expected outcome.
N. Leith · 713 weeks ago
GWU Student · 713 weeks ago
Sam · 713 weeks ago
Nature, the group that conducted the study, sent truncated versions of Brittanica articles to editors, as well as articles that weren't even from Brittanica. Of course they'll have omissions in them if you send the first paragraph of a 2 page entry.
"And if you don't think that reporters at WaPo, Fox, etc. (reporters that I've met) use Wikipedia to get a basic idea of a subject before starting their story research, you're kidding yourself."
I never said anything about using it as a starting point to point you toward reputable sources. Have any other strawmen lying around that you'd like to bring up?
Betty · 713 weeks ago
GDopplerXT · 713 weeks ago
unsuckdcmetro 92p · 713 weeks ago
GDopplerXT · 713 weeks ago
unsuckdcmetro 92p · 713 weeks ago
GDopplerXT · 713 weeks ago
Guest · 713 weeks ago
John · 713 weeks ago
Its lazy reporting, how hard is that for you to understand?
GDopplerXT · 713 weeks ago
Kara · 713 weeks ago
GDopplerXT · 713 weeks ago
N. Leith · 713 weeks ago
If you asked me how to get to Joe's Bar and Grill and I answered "Bill said to go up Main Street and turn left at Elm" without qualifying my answer with "but Bill owns his own restaurant out that way, too" the implication is that Bill (despite reasonable suspicions to the contrary) is a completely trustworthy source of info about how to get to Joe's.
Reading comprehension requires a little bit of thinking. Just a little.
John · 713 weeks ago
Thats lazy reporting.
anon-K · 713 weeks ago
If the metro fufilled my expectations of a resonably safe, comfortable, and timely transportation system, I wouldn't be complaining! I'm pissed that mainstream media doesn't report on the failures. It's only once in a blue moon, and the people that have the power to get rid of the suckiness, either don't care or purposefully turn a blind eye because, frankly, the time horizon to fix metro in any meaningful way is longer than 99% of politicians careers.
GDopplerXT · 713 weeks ago
I ride Metrobus and rail as my primary means of transportation so I know the problems well and I sure do get frustrated sometimes, but the extreme attitudes as represented on this blog just don't resonate with my overall experience.
John · 713 weeks ago
But you're right, this type of nonsense is acceptable.
GDopplerXT · 713 weeks ago
N. Leith · 713 weeks ago
DGobbleXT · 713 weeks ago
GDopplerXT · 713 weeks ago
anon · 713 weeks ago
Ever and Anon · 713 weeks ago
Unfortunately, Metro has so few things to compliment they get lost in the shuffle. Metro does not have an agenda except a self-serving one. They are failing.
GDopplerXT · 713 weeks ago
But seriously, yes, this blog does sometimes highlight good things. But its basic premise is that there are way more bad things than good - we can argue over whether that is true or not, but you can't say that there isn't a specific agenda or pre-existing bias.
horseydeucey · 713 weeks ago
Is Metro improving? By my regular observance the answer is no-- on all fronts.
So, you're argument (as I understand it) is that constantly pointing out (or harping, or griping, or bitching, or moaning, or complaining, or nagging about, or whining, or grumbling, etc.) that Metro is failing on the delivery of its self-written mission is not constructive toward unsucking Metro? If... make that, big IF... that's correct-- no shit.
What is a 'good thing?' Is it trains running on time on a regular basis? Is it a concerted and effective effort to assure ridership that the bus system is safe and reliable? Is it not putting riders' health and safety in jeopardy by running trains with multiple cars featuring broken AC's? Is it a week's worth of trips to multiple stations without an incident of at least one escalator-turned-stairs? Is it enabling and sustaining a crime- and violent-free system? If so, I'm missing the good things on Metro.
P.S. "The extreme attitudes as represented on this blog" should be recognized as a natural reaction to a mass transit system in turmoil. It's perpetually under-budget, and as such has effectively held its ridership for ransom until they pay up to cover their short. Yet at the same time, nothing (I realize I just used an absolute... but I stick by it) is improving. You don't have to agree with the "extreme attitudes" here, but you should, at least, understand the place they come from... whether you agree with them or not. And the specific agenda is in the title "unsuckdcmetro." Find (let me save you time... START) a "metroisthebestestorganizationever" blog if you want rainbows and unicorns. Just don't hold your breath watching the hit counter soar.
unsuckdcmetro 92p · 713 weeks ago
John · 713 weeks ago
2) Regarding firings due to the escalator incident and the fort totten crash, I'm thoroughly convinced that it actually is impossible to get fired from metro. There was an article the other day about how one of the people involved in the Metro prostitution ring was back working at metro. I'm convinced that if a metro employee murdered someone on the job, and was sentenced to 20 years in jail, they'd get a job with metro the day they got out, WITH BACK PAY!
3) Cooking the books is unfortunately, not just a metro police problem. Its pretty widespread in police departments when they are getting hammered by the locals due to increases in crime. I'm surprised metro didn't employ this tactic earlier, to be honest.
4) GREAT Simpsons reference!
Guest · 713 weeks ago
@katmoo14 · 713 weeks ago
One more thing, how is it going down when they're POSTING ADS that theft on Metro is on the rise? I'm pretty sure that, plus reports of beatings, show that crime is up. If it's gone down, wtf did the system used to be like???
GWU Student · 713 weeks ago
GWU Student · 713 weeks ago
Ever and Anon · 713 weeks ago
Guesty LaRue · 713 weeks ago
Does Metro still suck? Yes. But it has unsucked a little, and some of the ideas for further unsucking are very good. Let's give credit where credit is due. Except for the "virtual tunnel" - that's a stupid idea and isn't going to be any faster than just riding the extra stops to Metro Center. Hopefully they are not spending a lot of money on that.
MadAsHeck · 713 weeks ago
- Longer waits for trains
- More crowded trains (due to above)
- More escalator outages
- More obnoxious kids in stations and trains
- More trackwork on weekends
- Higher prices
PrayItWasSatire · 713 weeks ago
Meredith · 713 weeks ago
I wonder how long Stessel is going to stay in his job if he keeps treating the media like this... oh wait, no one at Metro gets fired for being bad at their jobs.
Guest · 713 weeks ago
Spot lights on in the daytime/ i have reported all the spotlights in the outdoor station lit and the station manager ignores me. They are left on daily around 9 am in an outdoor station. Are they not regulated to use less electricity if not needed in the daytime?
N. Leith · 713 weeks ago
If you convince the advertisers they are wasting their promotional dollars: no more ads, no more Express, less litter, and less conflict of interest for the Post.