Yesterday, @RCarBar tweeted:
Car just invaded by teens supposedly from the boys & girls club asking for $...anyone know if these guys are legit?The general consensus was that this was as bogus as a Metro excuse.
Thanks to @gtcaz for sending the following from the Boys and Girls Club of Greater Washington website:
BGCGW is not affiliated with any on-foot individuals or street vendors that sell goods for the purpose of raising money for our clubs or related programs. These merchants are often found soliciting in front of high foot-traffic establishments, such as major grocery stores, drug store chains, metro stations and home improvement retail outlets among others.Apparently, the BGCGW scam is not the only scam going on in Metro, and there may even be an animal cracker scam afoot. (More info please, if you've seen this one.)
And here's another potential scam from Jared:
You know those guys that come up to you with a folder and some papers asking you to donate to their football team? Three of them were working Green Line trains the other night on the way to the Nats game.Other items:
One guy sat down next to a tourist, cornering the tourist in the bench seat asking for money while his two buddies accosted other passengers. I'd call it a soft-arm robbery.
Anyone else seen this tactic?
The "fundraiser" was a black male, 18-22, with a trimmed goatee. He didn't look like he was in high school, and he was likely too young to be a coach.
None of the individuals were wearing any team or high school related t-shirts.
Bus driver impersonator back in action (Examiner)
Texting idiot (Fox5)
scammed · 715 weeks ago
@Rizzz · 715 weeks ago
@katmoo14 · 715 weeks ago
And what’s up with the kids selling animal crackers? I can’t walk the 1 block from the metro to my office without a young child asking me for money.
Katy G · 715 weeks ago
Ever and Anon · 714 weeks ago
Anon · 714 weeks ago
Jennifer · 714 weeks ago
Kat · 715 weeks ago
Katy G · 715 weeks ago
Exactly · 715 weeks ago
MadAsHeck · 715 weeks ago
Why don't the Metro police do anything about this?
I only see Metro police standing outside the faregates, chatting with their buddies.
They need a presence in the rail cars.
RGG · 715 weeks ago
They do. Just because you don't see it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. But it has to be reported. The original "tweeter" doesn't even mention that she did just that.
"They need a presence in the rail cars."
Yep---and in the stations too. How many are there to go around? Not too many. Since it's impossible to cover _all_ of the trains, MTPD normally has officers "detailed" to the transfer stations so they can intercept problem trains when they pass through. There are probably 20 -22 officers on "foot patrol" throughout the entire 106 mile system. Throw in a couple of special events, details at certain stations due to the problematic kids (note that this is only a problem with the DC school kids. In the other jurisdictions the kids generally know how to act), baseball games, hockey games, circuses, an arrest or two, etc., and the resources can become quite limited. Metro is aver 100 miles of track. Would a 100 square mile city have 20-25 officers working at one time? Doubtful.
There are simply not enough officers. I've seen some suggestions that there be "an officer on every train." Ha! Ha! You ever take a peek at the monitor screen in a station kiosk and see how many trains are on the line at once? Especially during "rush hour?" Answer: LOTS! Metro isn't going to pay for that. And the public would go "nut-so" over the fare increase that would be required to cover it.
MadAsHeck · 714 weeks ago
All of us riders can easily point out the trouble spots and the safe spots. And I frequently see police standing around socializing at the safe spots, and never at the trouble spots. Nice work if ya can get it.
RGG · 714 weeks ago
That being said.... those stations are so large that if there was a cop there you may not even notice. West Falls is small, and it's likely the police would stick out like a sore thumb.
RGG · 715 weeks ago
ALL of them were named "Johnny Shepard!!!!"
Regardless, as Katy posted, Metro doesn't allow solicitation in the system--legit organizations or not--so best to report it so the miscreants can be tossed out (they HATE IT when the police confiscate their "paperwork!").
I used to see them at Pentagon City from time to time. Like what's a DC based organization doing in VIRGINIA anyways?
@katmoo14 · 714 weeks ago
Mike · 715 weeks ago
hrh king friday 13 · 715 weeks ago
Guest · 714 weeks ago
Soylent Green Line · 714 weeks ago
Guest · 715 weeks ago
DMC · 714 weeks ago
On Red Line from SS to DC one morning, a guy started leaving over people as asking them for money... he was a big guy and would leane over you in a very close and intimidating way. It made me uncomfortable and worry something bad might happen and it appears that many other passangers felt the same way, so I called the metro police and when the man heard me giving a description of him, he started to peel off layers of his clothing and then got off the train at the next stop.
A few days later the same thing happened, with the exact same guy (so apparently it was his new routine), but when I tried to call the metro police to report it again, noboy answered the phone. I called back two more times and the phone was never answered.
Guest · 714 weeks ago
HurricaneDC 76p · 713 weeks ago
jesus tap-dancing christ
Megan · 714 weeks ago
The fact that older people are using kids for these scams adds to the extreme sketchiness.
n2deep · 714 weeks ago
anon · 714 weeks ago
DCWorker · 714 weeks ago
James · 714 weeks ago
davidford0401 -39p · 714 weeks ago
ConGrpThink 77p · 714 weeks ago
davidford0401 -39p · 714 weeks ago
Comments like that take the focus away from the dangers and ills of metro and just allow white riders to vent their frustration of Negros.
disrespectful, and distasteful comments like that are liken to the behavior that some on here come and rant against.
WhatNext,Coloreds? · 714 weeks ago
davidford0401 -39p · 714 weeks ago
James · 714 weeks ago
davidford0401 -39p · 713 weeks ago
If you have a problem with one of the phrases I use to describe my race with, you really have a problem with the way my people used to be seen through white and or caucasian eyes. With that said Negro is not the comparsion of Caucasian, I dont use Negro to be formal or PC. i do it to identify a class of people that doesnt always like to be called black.
James · 712 weeks ago
(see what I did there?)
Grammar Nazi · 714 weeks ago
James · 714 weeks ago
davidford0401 -39p · 714 weeks ago
Just as long as we are not pretending that Negroes are the only ones running scams on metro. That whole 'its all their fault' line is stale. Pretending that whites do no evil. I've seen whites run scams that involve a piece of paper they have you read with a picture as they ask for money. I've also seen the one described above.
So in that way my experience is different and a bit more expansive than yours.
James · 714 weeks ago
davidford0401 -39p · 713 weeks ago
I've been on metro a year less than you, and I am not offended, and I never called you racist. I also have never seen a afro american kid etc or caucasian kid stealing anything.
James · 712 weeks ago
And if you've been on the Metro for two years and you haven't seen kids stealing anything, you're either lying about how long you've ridden the metro, or you close your eyes while you're riding.
Christina · 714 weeks ago
Lisa · 714 weeks ago
HurricaneDC 76p · 713 weeks ago
Of course, expecting government around here to do anything other than burn through money is like expecting to find mountains in Kansas.