From Kenneth:
I'm a long time Metro rider. I take the Yellow and Red lines from Alexandria (Braddock Road) to Silver Spring each day.Other items:
It is terrible to ride nowadays.
I don't see how anyone can tell me Metro is improving.
However, one of my dealings with this transit agency, which took place on the evening of June 23, really takes the cake.
I was jogging at around 8:10 in Alexandria, when I came across a youth who was carrying a handgun in the waist of his pants.
He was headed in the direction of the Braddock Road station on a footpath adjacent to Buchanan St., so I thought it would be best to report this to the King Street Metro station manager, since that was the closest place I could report such a thing.
I sprinted to the station, and was met with complete ambivalence and laziness.
When I told the manager that a youth with a gun was headed in the direction of the Braddock Road station, he said muttered a bored "yeah."
He then said that he'd "take care of it."
He remained stationary in his chair.
I told him I could describe the youth, but he said nothing.
He then motioned for me to leave the station, saying again that he would "take care of it."
Whenever I have dealt with law enforcement officials, they want to know details.
Hell, when I've reported suspicious behavior to other station managers, they've asked questions. This station manager did nothing. He actually reclined in his chair during the conversation!
I ended up running over to a Hilton hotel nearby the King Street Metro, where the desk clerk called the Alexandria police department. An officer arrived within about three minutes and took my information.
Such ambivalence about a youth with a gun, walking in the direction of another station (in a residential neighborhood) is heinous.
I reported this as a complaint to Metro the next day. I genuinely doubt I will get any response.
"Fired" (Examiner)
union man · 714 weeks ago
Kat · 714 weeks ago
I do appreciate your willingness to follow through on this, however.
anonymouse · 714 weeks ago
dcn8v · 714 weeks ago
Kat · 714 weeks ago
F'n JD · 714 weeks ago
VACOP · 714 weeks ago
And yes, it is legal to carry an firearm on METRO in VA either openly, or with a valid CCP
CPB · 713 weeks ago
dcn8v · 714 weeks ago
David · 713 weeks ago
DevilsAdvocate · 714 weeks ago
I actually don't see how this is a Metro problem. Just because the guy was walking in a metro station's general vicinity doesn't mean he was going there. Yeah, the station manager sounds lazy but I'm not sure policing gun-toting youths on the street are part of his job. And if they did move heaven and earth every time something like this happened than they'd be less attentive to problems actually occurring in the stations. Sounds like going straight to the Alexandria cops in the first place would have been the simplest solution.
The More You Know... · 714 weeks ago
Guest · 714 weeks ago
Kevin · 714 weeks ago
guest · 714 weeks ago
Guest · 714 weeks ago
RGG · 714 weeks ago
Dave · 714 weeks ago
David · 713 weeks ago
dsfsdf · 714 weeks ago
Metro personnel should have called the police immediately. Someone thought the situation was potentially dangerous enough, and there should have been some follow through by a "public servant."
Metro sucks
Guest · 714 weeks ago
No, the person who saw the guy with the gun should have called the police immediately.
David · 713 weeks ago
anonymouse · 714 weeks ago
VACOP · 714 weeks ago
dsfsdf · 714 weeks ago
Metro personnel should have called the police immediately. Someone thought the situation was potentially dangerous enough, and there should have been some follow through by a "public servant."
Metro sucks
GDopplerXT · 714 weeks ago
It's one thing to criticize Metro for not doing things that it is supposed to be doing. It is an unfair stretch to say it sucks because it is not doing things that have nothing to do with it. Please stay focused; if Metro sucks so much then you should have plenty of ammo without resorting to flimsy tales like this one.
jim · 714 weeks ago
Eh, non? · 714 weeks ago
David · 713 weeks ago
Guest · 714 weeks ago
Guest · 714 weeks ago
VACop · 714 weeks ago
ex-Alexandria PO · 714 weeks ago
Ted · 714 weeks ago
It's frightening to think that we indeed place our lives in the hands of lazy, incompetent people like this each day when riding Metro.
If you ever come across a situation such as this in the future, simply call the local police. I cringe at the thought of how Metro will handle another major crisis.
Guest · 714 weeks ago
Guest · 714 weeks ago
I don't get it.
crucible · 714 weeks ago
Open carry is legal however without a permit, though its pretty much guaranteed to get some attention. Generally, if police are called, they will stop and question the person carrying, and once determined that they are simply citizens who mean no harm, will allow them to go about their business. (I'm not an open carry guy for these and other reasons, and I guarantee you'll never know when I do conceal carry.) By in large, most police departments within the Commonwealth are aware of the legality.
crucible · 714 weeks ago
In my opinion, generally good guys have and use holsters (open carry and concealed) and those that are questionable or bad, usually don't. Yes, certain firearms can be put into one's waistband and held there in a pinch, but this is generally is an ad-hoc and temporary method at best, and one that I'd say is dangerous (to the user) to say nothing of the instability of it all (bend over to tie your shoe and whoops!)
Where it is advantageous is to someone who...wants quick access and also may want to get rid of it quickly without the tell tale evidence of an empty holster. The latter isn't something that are average conscientious CCW'er will have as a goal. There are exceptions to every rule of course.
crucible · 714 weeks ago
But common sense should rule the day: if you see a man (or woman) with a holstered pistol in the furniture store shopping with his wife and children and he looks, behaves and otherwise seems like a good guy, then a duck is a duck. That person knows what to expect in open carrying, and despite the potential harassment, chooses to do so anyway to protect themselves and thier loved ones.
But, if you see some 18 year old (min 21 in VA btw), tough-guy wannbe, gang-banging dressed dude show off a a pistol tucked in his waistband, then a duck might very well be a duck there too.
IMO, etc.
dcn8v · 714 weeks ago
crucible · 714 weeks ago
The idea is called "reciprocity", and if another state reconizes Virginia's, then Virginia has reciprocity with them and recognizes thier permits as well (there are a good deal of states that do this). This is based on any number of factors to include common training requirements, successful criminal background checks, etc.
What doesn't change is the laws appicable to that state-they might be different but they still ahve to be obeyed. For example in North Carolina, I can carry, but I have to inform law enforcement officers that I am doing so if stopped, while I don't in Virginia (as they already know when they pull your license plate because it's). Among others.
VACop · 714 weeks ago
And one may carry openly in VA at 18, Crucible. 21 is for a CCP
eed017 · 714 weeks ago
So, when Metro says, "If you see something, say something", we should just belt up, is that it?
Anon · 714 weeks ago
Guest · 714 weeks ago
Now, what constitutes 'outwardly visible' is a matter of some debate and can vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Generally if a gun is in a waistband or an inside-the-pants holster it is considered concealed, which requires a permit
dcn8v · 714 weeks ago
With respect to the holster, I believe that inside the waistband holsters are allowed because it shows enough of the gun to show the weapon for what it really is, pursuant to the VA code found here: http://leg1.state.va.us/cgi-bin/legp504.exe?000+c...
But you have to be awfully careful that your shirt doesn't come partly untucked and cover any part of the gun- then that would be considered concealed carrying, and you'd need a permit for that. Most people who open-carry do not opt for the inside-waistband holster because it's too easy for part of the weapon to become concealed by a bunching of shirt fabric.
VACop · 714 weeks ago
MOST people 18 or over can carry a handgun openly provided they are not prohibited by law (there are several provisions- I won't bother to name them here)
Guns must be carried in a holster, and that includes an inside the waistband holster (it's not considered concealed as long as the shirt is tucked in).
In VA, a police officer cannot detain someone just because they are carrying a firearm as it is legal. They can't even question the individual about it if it appears to be carried in accordance to VA Law. An officer can attempt to speak with the citizen in a consensual encounter and he/she can provide further information if they like, but it is not required by law and they remain "free to go". Unless some other criminal act is observed, the citizen can continue on their way.
Hope that helps.
Michael · 713 weeks ago
So yes, you are to assume it is legal because it is.
Justin · 714 weeks ago
help · 714 weeks ago
This anecdote shows just how hampered Metro is by some of its workers.
thebeltwayoutsider 35p · 714 weeks ago
Metro letter answering "Can I carry a gun"? question: http://vaguninfo.com/images/METROLetter.jpg
VACop · 714 weeks ago
VeggieTart · 714 weeks ago
The person carrying the gun could be an adult who looks young. I won't post my utterly mean thought about someone who carries a gun in a waistband holster.
thebeltwayoutsider 35p · 714 weeks ago
What's not known in this story is the age of the "youth" the OP saw walking with the gun. Also not known is the behavior and dress of the youth. Was the youth dressed professionally and using a proper IWB holster? Was the youth dressed in "colors" and using only his belt to hold the firearm? etc etc.
If I saw a "gangsta" youth carrying in an unsafe way I'd get the police involved in a heartbeat. But if it's a responsible looking person carrying with a proper holster I'd ignore it. This IS Virginia and some folks do open carry in the summer (myself included) due to heat issues. This also could have been someone attempting to make a political statement. It all boils down to how is the person dressed and how are they acting. That is what in my mind determines whether I get law enforcement involved.
Elizabeth · 714 weeks ago
Anon. · 714 weeks ago