Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Crazy PIDs these Days!

@jdb820 This picture (at Columbia Heights) is beyond the impossible! #wmata @unsuckdcmetro

Oh Metro. Your PIDs were once a bragging right and separated you from some other mass transit systems, but alas, like the rest of you, they've fallen into a state of disrepair that they're now a joke.

Just yesterday, all PIDs were off by several minutes, and last week, on the Blue and Orange lines at least, the signs were displaying the wrong train as arriving, leading many in the wrong direction.

Got a funny PIDs pic to share? You can in the comments if the pic is hosted somewhere like Twitpic or Flickr. Just use the HTML image tag to link DIRECTLY to the photo, not the page where the photo is hosted. Email works, too.

If you took this, let me know. Will credit.

From Deandra

From @cjrock

From tempsperdu. Van Dorn PIDs

via @umichgrad07

@TehRubenDC Thank you, #wmata. Apparnetly the orange line is never again getting trains.

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Said it would come in 9 minutes... AKA now
Anonymous's avatar

Anonymous · 757 weeks ago

Monday they died randomly right in the middle of rush hour. The only thing they would display was those stupid elevator outages. Tuesday they were all off by at least a few minutes. They were also displaying the wrong destination. My eventual train to Shady Grove was listed as a "NO PASSENGER" train.

Can metro do anything right?
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
They appear to be VERY good at charging me every penny they can for a sub-par product. Yea, Metro!!! You can do something right!!!
The signs at King Street last week were also indicating the wrong trains. Signs read "yellow" when blue was boarding and the other way around.
Something's been going on with PIDS for sure...For one, in recent weeks, some sort of adjustment seems to have been made at Metro Center. The blinky lights for the Orange Line to Vienna now come on earlier than they used to. Previously, they lit up just before the train entered the platform; now they come on when PIDS says 2 minutes. Same kind of thing happening at Federal Triangle, too. Also, in a couple of locations, I've recenty seen the PIDS display counting UP...say, for example, showing 2 minutes, but then going back up to 3, before settling back down.
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
GlenmontGirl's avatar

GlenmontGirl · 756 weeks ago

I always thought the PID readings were linked to some circuit on the tracks, i.e., when the train goes over said circuit it sends a message back to the PID indicating how close the train is to the station. I've seen the boards counting up recently as well, and if my thinking is correct on how they connect to the trains, it may be an indicator of more track circuit problems :-/
Ever Anon's avatar

Ever Anon · 757 weeks ago

Why don't they just hire a bunch of teenagers or tweenagers to do it for them? It appears to be a bit of inability to handle software and "short speak." The youth of today are experts. (Just need to watch that they don't slip in a few "extra" words for the fun of it. ;)
I had a fun time last Saturday either due to a FUBAR PID or a major operational screwup. I was coming home from Franconia-Springfield last Saturday around 11:30 PM. The PID on the mezzanine told me I had four minutes before the train arrived. My SmarTrip was almost out, so I thought I'd stop and put some money on it so I wouldn't get caught in the system at my home station with insufficient funds and no cash on hand for the Exitfare machine since negative balances with SmarTrip are now verboten. I ran my credit card through the machine, and hit my SmarTrip again to finalize the transaction. This detour took 30 seconds at most. No sooner than that, I hear the train brakes release, and it heads off towards Largo.

"Wha-- What the-- SONOFABITCH," I said, now perplexed and quite pissed. I stood around for a second, and watched the bored stationmaster walk around the mezzanine aimlessly for a few minutes until he finally came back towards his booth and the faregates.

"Excuse me," I said to get his attention., "the board said that train wasn't supposed to leave for another four minutes. ...Why did it just leave?".
3 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Just out of curiosity, couldn't it be possible that the 4 minute train didn't arrive yet and the train that you saw depart already dropped off the PID? I've seen that before, after the PID shows 1 minute on the mezzanine PIDs, they drop off instead of switching to BRD or ARR. Sounds like you just caught the tail of the last train and the 4 minute train didn't arrive yet.

Secondly, I may be wrong, but I don't believe they removed the negative balance ability on the SmarTrip yet. I was under the impression that this was going away when the discount was implemented (which is on hold).
Kara got it. As I said, I was at Franconia-Springfield which is the Blue Line terminal station in Virginia. At the terminals, the trains usually sit open on the platform towards until departure time…which is listed with the usual countdown on the PID in between the usual long-winded elevator outage announcements. There was “a train” that showed up about five minutes later, but it was a train from Largo that quickly went out of service and turned back. It was a twenty minute wait for the next train.
And, with WMATA's first-class professionalism he responds, "I dunno. I don't control the trains. File a complaint."

"Uh...Thanks." I walk away, left to enjoy "See it; say it," "Is that your bag?" and "Hi! First time riding Metro?♥" every 90 seconds of the twenty-minute wait for the next train, now amazed that for the first time ever my travel plans got screwed up because a train left early. Ugh...
5 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Don't forget about Michael Taborn, the WMATA Transit Police chief. Every time his announcement comes on, I think he is giving me tips on how to prevent death (rather than theft). I think to myself, "Instead of all those tips, why doesn't he just say to stay off the red line?"
In order to prevent death on the Metro system....DRIVE!
Ben Schumin's avatar

Ben Schumin · 750 weeks ago

I actually miss Taborn's announcement now that they've replaced his message with Janet Napolitano...
I'M JANET NAPOLITANO. It always feels like she's yelling at me.
Well, damn. I play it safe for once and still end up screwed. Though, I’m glad that WMATA has failed to implement this part of their latest fare-related crap. I’ve been on edge about the plan to kill negative balances and the subsequent possibility that I could get caught in the system without enough cash to get out (and whatever hassle might ensue from such).
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
"PIDS ISSUES" sounds like a medical problem. You should have a doctor look at that.
Ben Schumin's avatar

Ben Schumin · 750 weeks ago

Based on the photo, this is a very old pic... that appears to be Breda 3183 prior to rehab in that photo...
I was going to send an email about this after yesterday, just as a heads-up to riders. This happened to me a few weeks ago at Foggy Bottom, resulting in me winding up at the Pentagon before I realized my mistake.

Yesterday, I ran for my orange line train only to see a blue line train pulling into the station. As blue line trains are never full, and this one was, and everyone on the platform got on, it was pretty obvious they were all going by the overhead signs that said it was orange line to Vienna. When the orange line came a couple minutes later (though the signs said blue) there wasn't anyone on it -- leading me to believe there were a lot of unhappy people in at the Pentagon.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Green/yellow had the same issue on Tuesday. I was at Gallery Pl and the train and PID said Huntington. But when we pulled into L'Enfant, the operator said that it was the last transfer point to the yellow line and the train was headed to Branch Ave, forcing half the passengers to get off. The next train was signed green, but was going to Huntington.
Unsuck is censoring criticism of David Lacosse (The moron in charge of escalators)

They have also failed to do a single story on him.

What the hell is up with that????
4 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
FYI, we've tried to interview him and have been denied. Get your frustration. If you have some insight and would like to write up a post, feel free.
I know he denies interviews. He denies interviews with everyone. Thats the thing. He's an incompetent malcontent who can't even run escalators, tells everyone who has a problem to get bent, AND GETS AWAY WITH IT! He is a microcosm of everything that is wrong with Metro! I wouldn't trust the guy to run a fruit stand! Yet he gets to hide in obscurity, get away with his pathetic performance, tell people to F off, and collect a 100+K Salary per year!

Nobody knows who this guy is, and thats what drives me crazy!
Ever Anon's avatar

Ever Anon · 757 weeks ago

John, why don't you try getting an interview? I am sure Unsuck would be happy to post it, even delighted to do so. (Forgive, I do not mean to speak for Unsuck, it just seems that it would be well received.)
He doesn't do interviews.
The signs have been waaay off at College Park towards Branch Ave for at least a week and a half. The week before last the PIDS said 9 minutes as a train was pulling in. Last week I traveled Thursday around 3:20- same time as the week before- and yet again the sign said 9 minutes when I boarded. There was nothing about a train arriving on the sign either time.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
I've noticed that too @ College Park. The sign will often say 2 MIN while the train is arriving. And they'll often have three Greenbelt arrival times on the sign and none for Branch Ave.
Funny you should post this today. I use the next train function on WMATA's web site, and it must be tied to the PIDs. This morning, my blackberry and the PID at the entrance to the station said the next Greenbelt train was in 3 minutes, but it was sitting on the platform.

I shouldn't complain, though. It at least indicated the right train.
All 4 Lacosse's avatar

All 4 Lacosse · 757 weeks ago

I would, in fact, trust David Lacosse to run a fruit stand.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Skynet must be ARR.
Dan Augusto's avatar

Dan Augusto · 757 weeks ago

Silly commuters. PIDS aren't to convey information. They're just another thing to break down so that Metro can hire more union workers to fix them, as well as commissioning another study from its reams of minority DBE "consultants" to determine how best to "fix" them.

Heheh, "this is the 1 train to Van Cortlandt Street....."
Yea, why look to see when the next train is pulling into the station. Hell, just walk and wait for the next train that may or may not come in the next 10-30 minutes.
I wouldn't say I depend on them, but I think that if Metro has gone through the trouble to install and maintain them, they would also take the trouble to make sure they're accurate. Otherwise, just shut them off, and save the money for something else.
Ever and Anon's avatar

Ever and Anon · 756 weeks ago

Personally I am waiting for new icons to be added, such as "flames outside window on this train."
GlenmontGirl's avatar

GlenmontGirl · 756 weeks ago

So instead of "ARR", the sign would say "FRE"? Instead of "BRD", "BRN"?
I was recently in Shanghai, and the system there counts down arrival time in SECONDS. And it's accurate. I also seem to remember that the Paris Metro does the same thing (but correct me if I'm wrong).
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Yeah, but do your fancy Shanghai counter go UP? 4, 5, 6. ;)
Moscow also counts down in seconds, and the train shows exactly when it says it will. Plus, their stations are beautiful, and they don't bother to ask if I'd pay $100 for a cheeseburger.
michywilly's avatar

michywilly · 756 weeks ago

I NEVER rely on the PIDs - especially on the mezzanine level. Regardless of what they say I haul a$$ to the platform. They're never right.
This was the screen before they listed the two "station's" that were closed. Grammar anyone?
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They were off last night at King Street. I got on what the PID said was yellow, and ended up at Van Dorn. But that was the last train of the night so I had to end up taking a taxi to Huntington.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
That's been happening SO often on that side of the Blue/Yellow lines lately. Not sure what's up but it happened to me a couple of weeks ago too during rush hour.
The information on the PIDs has been erratic for a week or two on the Red Line. This would be just an annoyance except that my little brain asks: "Are the PIDs displaying where WMATA thinks the trains are? If WMATA does not know where the trains are, will the trains crash into eachother again? Am I the only one thinking this way?"

Maybe the PIDs are running on the same Windows 95 personal computer as NextBus and they are displaying information from 2009 instead of 2010. (NextBus is so random and wrong on the J2/J3/J4 line that I have quit using it).
Aside from the picture of the one that's totally BLANK, Eisenhower has to be the reigning champ of sucky PIDs. The Mt. Vernon/Ft. Totten side always only has "Ln Car Dest Min." Good times!

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via @bradthoc
This was taken Friday October 1 at about 3:15pm at Silver Spring.


via @meredithwise

via @Mookiesayswhat

via @makes_lemons

via @ericbradbury

via @jro
You should be at Union Station during rush hour when the PID is advertising an 8 car train and it turns out to be a 6 -- mad rush to the middle of the platform. :)
I've concluded that 33% of the time the boards are displaying elevator outages (who cares - I'm looking at the boards for train info, not the obvious that half the elevators don't work); 33% of the time the board is blank; 33% of the time the time is off by 2-3 minutes (board says BRD but no train in sight, or 2 minutes but the train is closing its doors as you run down the platform towards it); and 1% of the time they are correct and helpful.

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