Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Wrong Kind of Openness


On Aug. 25, shortly before 10:30 a.m. on the Green Line toward Branch Ave., at the Mt Vernon stop, a Metro train operator opened the doors on the wrong side of the train.

We know this because of a tweet, which we later retweeted.

Within a day, the Tri-State Oversight Committee (TOC), the body charged with safety oversight, asked if we could put them in touch with the twitter. We did. The TOC went to Metro with the information and discovered Metro had also seen the tweet on the Unsuck Twitter. Metro confirmed the incident with the TOC.

Opening the doors on the wrong side of a train is a major safety violation, but in this case, there are many questions about the incident that Metro won't answer.

Instead, they will cite policy:
Absent mechanical failure, the penalties are as follows:

Improper Opening
1st occurrence: 12 workday suspension + retraining
2nd occurrence: 18 month disqualification as Train Operator (can work in other L689 jobs for which qualified)
3rd occurrence: permanent disqualification as Train Operator

There is no time limit on the penalties for 2nd & 3rd occurrence. The employee's entire WMATA history is considered.

Failure to Report
1st occurrence: 20 workday suspension
2nd occurrence: discharge

The penalties for improper opening & failure to report can be added together, so if there is an improper and unreported door opening, the employee will receive a 32 workday suspension + retraining.
We asked Metro if the operator reported the incident. They wouldn't say.

"We are not going to comment on the specifics as it is a personnel issue," was the response.

In a later conversation with Metro, we were again rebuffed, even after pointing out that Metro has had no problems announcing the suspensions and 'firings' of other violators in the past.

Still they didn't want to reveal more.

We made the argument that the public has a right to know what goes on, especially when there's a danger of people being dumped onto the third rail. Furthermore, the public has a right to know if the operator simply screwed up or--and this is a far more scary notion--he screwed up and felt like he could simply not report it and walk.

Metro said there's no way the operator could have gotten away with such a violation because there is an automated system that would alert Metro central control if there was an improper door operation.

However, it's unclear at this point, whether such a system actually exists.

On Aug. 30, the TOC requested more information about the incident, including asking if there is an automated door violation reporting system and, if there is, any reports generated by it on Aug. 25. As of press time, the TOC had not gotten a response from Metro.

You'd think the existence of such a system would be something, you know, Metro would sort of know off the tops of their heads, especially considering the number of door incidents. In fact, door issues were recently a focus of safety when Metro pulled all of the 4000-series cars because the doors were opening while the train was moving.

This is a blown opportunity for Metro to just settle with riders about what happened and what they did as a result, but instead it looks like they're hiding something, causing further distrust.

Wasn't it the GM himself who said covering up problems "is the worst thing you can do?"

Original photo: charliepinto

Other items:
Zimmerman's Metro stewardship scrutinized (Gazette)

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anonymous's avatar

anonymous · 758 weeks ago

The real problem is the litigation risk they are taking by covering up. If someone were to be killed a prosecutor or clever civil attorney could make the case for criminal negligence.
This isn't Mt Vernon Sq
The photo is not of the incident. Merely illustrative. Sorry for the confusion.
Dragon of Life's avatar

Dragon of Life · 758 weeks ago

"I don't want to GET CAUGHT hiding problems. That's the worst thing you can do."
New slogan for them: Metro opens doors, on the wrong side.
is anyone, anywhere, surprised that metro's gm would say one thing and then pursue a policy diametrically opposed to his own stated policy?



…and wmata wonders why it's reputation is so piss-poor. they haven't woken up to the fact that this is the internet age, and the mistakes caused by negligence on the part of the operators entrusted with public safety will be noticed and reported.

wake up wmata. do something for us. we're all tired of talk.
If there's an automatic system that tells Metro when the doors are opened on the wrong side... Why not just have that system OPEN THE DOORS.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Anonymous's avatar

Anonymous · 758 weeks ago

It was taken out of service due to problems a couple years ago. It was supposed to be back in service by now if my memory serves me but of course WMATA is silent on this issue,
Corresponding Toads's avatar

Corresponding Toads · 758 weeks ago

Why would operators have to report an improper door opening, if there's a system that automatically detects it??? OH W8 THERE IS NO SYSTEM NICE LIE THOUGH LOLL
Anon Metro rider's avatar

Anon Metro rider · 758 weeks ago

Come now Mark, what do you think there is some 'magical' technology that could make these trains stop at a certain spot where the doors are lined up with some indicator on the platform and then have the doors open automatically?! Please, if that were the case we'd see these 'magical' trains at every airport taking people from terminal to terminal without incident (and without operators). Oh, wait...
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Metro does have ATO (automatic train operation), but they disabled it after the Red Line crash and it probably won't be enabled until they complete all of the NTSB safety upgrades.
has anyone considered that this bag was stuck in the doors at a previous stop, a center platform station... and since this picture was taken in a side platform station that the doors WOULD NOT be opened to allow this knucklehead to retrieve his bag from the door which he obviously squeezed through at the last possible second... Not a sermon...
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
uh.. the train is now allowed to move if the doors do not completely shut, attested by one here who is regularly dumped due to "door problems." Thus, if the bag was stuck, the door still open, the train actually moved - Houston, we have an even bigger problem!

i blame the fries. The ones the passenger was eating and did not share with the conductor. ;D
Eh, George, Mr. Unsuck noted a few hours back that the image in this post is not a photo of the incident, that it was merely illustrative. In fact, I don't believe it has anything to do with the post at all except as a sight gag. Subject of post? "Metro doors just opened on wrong side, southbound Green line at Mt Vernon." Just sayin'.
Unsuck, thank you for posting this. Even if there is a system that detects open doors, I would want to know what its failure rate was. Maybe that's what Metro is covering up. Because if they admit they have such a system, the question they will be asked is "How effective is this system?" and then we'll probably find out it only works 40% of the time.
metroopensdoors's avatar

metroopensdoors · 758 weeks ago

In response to your query, we confirmed that a door opening had taken place, and we also explained what the disciplinary policy would be if the investigation determined that the opening was due to an operator error. We advised you that you should make a request under our Public Access to Records Policy to get information on the exact disposition of any disciplinary action taken in the case. We have been open and responsive in sharing operational details directly with you, and have advised you that for additional information on personnel actions you should use the PARP process.
10 replies · active 758 weeks ago
Wary Rider's avatar

Wary Rider · 758 weeks ago

Hey you at metroopensdoors -- UnsuckDCMetro has tried other requests under your so-called "Public Access to Records Policy" and gets thwarted at every turn. WMATA is so NOT open and above-board about almost everything. So stop posting your stupid replies to this blog. You truly suck.
Corresponding Toads's avatar

Corresponding Toads · 758 weeks ago

who would want to impersonate WMATA?? this is outrageous!
With all due respect, the PARP process for even the simplest of requests is excruciating. Furthermore, we weren't seeking anything that could be considered personal information, merely if the operator was punished and for what.

As stated in the piece, you have been forthcoming with "firings" and suspensions in the past.

on a more cogent note i'd like to know if there's any way to verify the identity of "metroopensdoors" - there are a lot of trolls out there. unsuck deserves a pat on the back if it really IS wmata - if.
It is likely Metro Opens Doors. They have commented on the blog many times before and should be commended for engaging.
Couple questions:
1) Have you guys ever made a firing permanent? Usually if incompetence hits the news, you "fire" the employee, then once the commotion dies down, you re-hire them with backpay. What does it take to fire someone once and for all?
2) Why is that incompetent moron David Lacosse still employed? He doesn't even know how to keep escalators in operation, and when he does come out of his reclusive shell, he acts like escalators are equivalent to NASA equipment. But then again, I guess he would have to murder someone in order to get fired from you softees.
Other Transit properties have the same issue. Binding arbitration makes it impossible to guarentee a firing. Arbitrators have the final word.
What will his discipline be? A PAID SUSPENSION? Thats the equivalent of a vacation and shows just exactly how pathetic your system is. I wish I had a job where I got a vacation for screwing up. Maybe I should join metro?

You guys only screw over people who do their jobs, like that metro cop.
Ever and Anon's avatar

Ever and Anon · 758 weeks ago

You do not share said action taken nor records. See note at top left of this blog page as well as unsuckdcmetro reply.

(Please do not claim I am supporting slavery with this comment. The only slavery I know of in existence is the discrimination of Metro forcing me to pay special extra fares for travel times I have no control over, any more than a visually impaired person can control their line of sight.)

Care to try again?
As time goes on I become more and more grateful that I bought a car last year (for the first time in five years). So long metro, I don't miss you at all!
So happy when I don't have to rely on WMATA anymore. This mass transportation system is a joke. Hiked fees, poor performance, etc.

The SmartTrip bus scanner on the 86 bus didn't work again this morning. Sure, it was great that I didn't pay that $1.50, but at the same it gives Metro that extra incentive to raise the prices once more.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
It shouldn't be possible to open the doors on the wrong side. How hard would it be to design a track sensor that would prevent the doors from opening on the wrong side? Or maybe there are such sensors and they're not working?
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
why not? beacuse that would make sense. and this is wmata.

maybe they could install peak of the peak sensors that would at least ensure that all of those precious +.20 cent riders stay packed in there like sardines. god knows what would have happened if the doors opened on the wrong side during the morning or afternoon commute on a packed train. panic in the metro as dozens of well-heeled women and sharp-dressed men spill onto the tracks!
I had no idea that such a thing occured. Frightning considering how packed the trains get when your litterally up against the door.
Godsend Conspirator's avatar

Godsend Conspirator · 758 weeks ago

Metro will not care about "improper openings" until someone falls on the third-rail, at which point Metro will claim there was NOTHING WE COULD HAVE DONE TO PREVENT THIS TRAGEDY; IT'S JUST FAULTY ELECTRONICS, PEOPLE!!
GlenmontGirl's avatar

GlenmontGirl · 758 weeks ago

I've always wondered if this ever happened on Metro. Now I know. And now I will stop standing so close to the opposite-side doors when the train pulls into a station. Wouldn't want to fall off the train...
I was on the train that day at Mt Vernon Sq, when the doors opend on the wrong side. There was no anouncement from the train operator, the doors just opened a second later on the correct side like nothing had ever happened.

I was wondering if there was an official response, and I can see that there was, sweep under the rug and cover it up. Nice work Metro! Keep it up.

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