From an anonymous reader:
The other evening, I received a phone call at home from a marketing company. I was about to tell the caller to take me off her list, but my attitude changed when she said she wanted to ask me some questions about Metro.We forwarded the questions and got answers. Here they are:
"Really? Sure, I'll share my opinions!" I said.
And so it began.
The survey lasted about 20 minutes.
She started with some basic questions, asking me how long I've been using Metro, how many times a week, etc. Then, I was asked to rate almost everything from the escalators to the employees' level of customer service to the cleanliness of the Metro cars on a scale of one to seven.
Finally, I was asked if I would be willing to be contacted again to share my views. I said yes, but frankly how much more complaining do they need to hear from the riders until they get it?
At the end of the call, I asked her some questions of my own, but unfortunately she couldn't provide any answers.
So, I decided to email my questions directly to WMATA.
1) Who at WMATA authorized WB&A to do this survey?
Contract was awarded in FY 07, three year base with two option years. Contract was approved by the Board of Directors.
2) How much is WMATA paying this company?
FY11 budget is $148,000.00
3) Why would WMATA pay a private company to conduct this survey when riders already share their concerns and complaints with WMATA by email and phone?
The survey consists of on-going tracking of customer satisfaction among a representative sample of Metro’s ridership. The survey is sampled by mode to include riders from all signatory jurisdictions. The survey consists of 200 interviews per month, rolled up to 600 interviews per quarter, rolled up to 2400 interviews per year; this sample allows for reliable measurement across all three time periods.
4)Why a scale of 1-7?
Because research has demonstrated that the 7 point Lickert scale allows enough gradation for respondents to provide accurate measurement of their impressions, without too much subjective variance within the ranges. In other words, there’s more consistency in three different people rating an attribute at “5,” than can be achieved with a 10 point scale.
Remember the "mystery riders" program?
So, by all means, leave your feedback for WMATA so they don't keep spending your money on surveys!
Other items:
The mysterious anti-loitering device at Gallery Place (NBC4)
That this is "news" is a major reason our public transport sucks (WaPo)
Ever and Anon · 760 weeks ago
anonymous · 760 weeks ago
Quit wasting my F'n money. Quit taking 4 months to fix a short escalator at federal Triangle. Quit with the 20 minute headways between trains at night. Quit SUCKING.
A dependent rider.
anon · 759 weeks ago
anonymous · 758 weeks ago
anon · 756 weeks ago
Matthew · 760 weeks ago
unsuckdcmetro 92p · 760 weeks ago
Seems to me the issues are pretty well documented, but I'm happy to hear your thoughts.
Ever and Anon · 760 weeks ago
Kay · 760 weeks ago
So yeah, I don't begrudge them doing proper surveying, if they're doing it right. It's a valuable tool for most organizations. And frankly, I've worked for smaller orgs than WMATA who pay more than that for survey contracts.
Matthew · 760 weeks ago
unsuckdcmetro 92p · 760 weeks ago
Randy · 760 weeks ago
Randy · 760 weeks ago
yatesc · 760 weeks ago
@nevermindtheend · 760 weeks ago
Not sure why you're complaining about this.
Steve Richards · 760 weeks ago
Take today for example. For $150,000 WMATA probably could have hired a decently talented tech person so that Smartbenefits worked on a crucial day. Or perhaps someone that would have realized the GAPING security hole in their e-alerts systems.
Badly spent money here, plain and simple.
Dubious · 760 weeks ago
I mean, 148K is a lot to an individual, but that works out to just over 12K a month. That means Metro has contracted for maybe 3 dedicated survey takers to try to sample their regular ridership and probably more like 2 plus the costs of equipment. If anything, it would be nice if they DOUBLED that amount at a minimum. Just sayin'. Tag Metro for their benefits-shanking of that man with cancer, not for a normal cost of doing business that shows that everyone wants good customer service but have no idea what that entails.
Guest · 760 weeks ago
A rider · 760 weeks ago
Run your trains and buses on a schedule.
Do you really need to be told that?
The end
A rider
Anon · 760 weeks ago
Metro is spending a $750,000 on this lunacy. Is that enough for you to consider it waste?
Matthew · 760 weeks ago
anon · 760 weeks ago
Ever and Anon · 760 weeks ago
Godsend Conspirator · 760 weeks ago
Ever and Anon · 760 weeks ago
Metro User · 760 weeks ago
But, sitting around saying "they should" or "they shouldn't" isn't going to help at all. If you or I don't like the way the system is then send in the e-mails, respond to survey questions, or find alternative transportation and stop financially supporting something that doesn't meet your needs. And you can always write your government representation to let them know your concerns about public transportation difficulties.
anonnononononny · 760 weeks ago
That is insanely stupid. Can you imagine if Metro took the polling data from OTHER cities and used it to shape its policy? DC is not like other cities, and certainly what works in one area isn't necessarily going to work everywhere else. That's why you need to get data in the same area in which the transit system exists.
I mean, with these phone surveys at least Metro gets some actionable data; even if they don't use it properly, it's still legit data from their own customers. Why on earth would they use data from someone else's customers? If they did that, not only would they have wasted time and a lot of money they'd wind up with a whole lot of useless data.
Metro User · 760 weeks ago
Daniel · 760 weeks ago
Ever and Anon · 760 weeks ago
Marie · 760 weeks ago
"Where do you feel Metro needs the greatest improvement?"
"In fares of course. We absolutely are not paying enough. I want to see them raise fares and decrease service."
LoxyBrown · 760 weeks ago
@make_lemons · 760 weeks ago
anonymous · 760 weeks ago
Out of touch Board, dumb spending.
Rusty · 760 weeks ago
horseydeucey · 760 weeks ago
"Sir, please respond with a numerical value between one and five."
That's how the whole frustrating survey went for me.
NoVARider · 758 weeks ago
PStone · 750 weeks ago