From CS:
The scene: Orange Line, approaching Vienna.
With people in car standing, a man wearing large (6-inch long, by the looks of it), silver cross around neck has his feet stretched out across his seat (an Unsuck Riders-We-Hate no-no).
Lounging up a storm, he's reading newspaper, casually dropping read sections on the floor.
The train pulls into the station, and we get up to leave.
A rough transcript of what ensued:
Me (pointing at pile on floor): I think you forgot your newspaper.
Him: (Shaking head knowingly) It's alright.
Me: No, it's not alright. You're not supposed to leave trash on the train.
Him: Don't be so petty.
Me: Me, petty? You're the one who left the trash on the train.
Him: This country is falling apart.
Me: I agree with you there, but that doesn't change the fact that you left your trash on the train.
Him: Don't be so petty.
Me: You're the one who left the trash. Where do you get off doing that?
Him: You should go to church more. Don't be so petty.
Whereupon we parted on the platform.
Made me wonder: Where would Jesus litter?
Also by CS:
- Blue-to-Orange switcheroo
- Metro hosts blogger round table
- Catoe: Show us you get it
- Rules don't apply
- Vienna's creepy tower
- Doors Closing
- Moving ... Backwards
- One week of Metro: 40 percent suck rate
- Pique of the Pique
- Does anyone really buy this?
- Go with Mr. OK!
- Opening up at Metro?
- Been there, done that
Metro doesn't want to pay MoCo energy tax (Examiner)
Corresponding Toads · 758 weeks ago
Ever and Anon · 758 weeks ago
We need a new Unsuck category: Riders-We-At-Unsuck-Regret-Actually-Are-Allowed-Independent-Thought.
Dragon of Life · 758 weeks ago
Joe · 758 weeks ago
I hope it's not the same thing, but I used to work in a place where people would deliberately litter and make messes so that the company would have to maintain a large cleaning staff. When I was new I would complain to the litterbugs and that was the explanation that I got.
Autumn · 758 weeks ago
He should realize that small actions make a difference. You think this country is falling apart? So littering makes it better? What an ignorant fool.
Godsend Conspirator · 758 weeks ago
I don't read newspapers on the metro, but throwing pages on the ground as you read them sounds pretty convenient to me. ;)
More is More · 758 weeks ago
I'm a firm believer that no woman should have to deal with harrassment, and as a single woman in DC I've dealt with my fair share, but I believe there's a fine line between harmless flirtation and/or a compliment and harrassment.
Since when did a stranger simply saying "hello" or telling you that you have a pretty smile, or stating that you have on a nice dress (and I mean simply commenting on the dress, not on how the dress fits you) become harrassment? I mean, one story simply mentioned a man saying hello to a woman while she walked through a restaurant!! Since when did that constitute harrassement?
I've seen egregious acts of harrassment and have even been a victim to some of them, but I don't think any of us should simply jump to the conclusion that when a stranger has something to say to you, it's time to holler harrassment. I'm sure we've all heard of the boy who cried wolf right???
Godsend Conspirator · 758 weeks ago
And there are a few posts that make me think the story is made up... really, anyone can submit a story, and it's not like you can check the facts most of the time.
BUT, there are a good amount of horror stories on Holla Back DC, and it's definitely made me realize how common it is.
Godsend Conspirator · 758 weeks ago
A common theme among the stories I've read is that harassment happens in a public place, and nobody does anything about it. If you start small talk with the harasser and take his attention off the victim, he'll forget the victim entirely and focus on how much he hates you for ruining his game. Alternatively, start a conversation with the victim to make her feel more comfortable, and the harasser will back-off (or start threatening you!).
There are a lot of ways to help victims while they're being harassed. I missed my opportunity (aka wussed out) when I witnessed it first-hand during rush hour a few weeks ago, and I felt awful afterwards for doing nothing. I'm determined to do something next time.
anoinn · 758 weeks ago
Bitter Aftertaste · 758 weeks ago
anon · 758 weeks ago
GlenmontGirl · 758 weeks ago
I agree that he was clearly in the wrong to litter on the train, and I don't like litterbugs myself. But please don't think he is representative of all Christians. There are plenty of us who don't believe in littering :-)
Mike · 758 weeks ago
Ron Richmond · 758 weeks ago
Christ Quoter · 758 weeks ago
Stephen Kosciesza · 707 weeks ago