We asked the Magic 8 Ball if the operator would keep his job. "It is decidedly so" was the answer.
Original photo courtesy @sknightschultz
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Comments by IntenseDebate
John · 758 weeks ago
Metro User · 758 weeks ago
F'n JD · 758 weeks ago
And the cursing is and has been fucking common vernacular for decades. I think no credibility or specificity is lost through its invocation.
John · 758 weeks ago
ownermental · 758 weeks ago
Metro User · 758 weeks ago
is how that should have been written. Mine was a typo, for which I apologize. If you'd like to play grammer police, please practice what you preach.
And thanks, John, that actually made me laugh. :)
I'm not advocating for the sensoring of free speech. I'm trying to get Metro to continue to take this blog seriously. If they think the readers are anything but mature riders with real concerns, they won't pay attention. John's sentiment and frustration are shared by all.
F'n JD · 758 weeks ago
But I am the morality police-police. We round up the holier then thou's and bring them down off their soapbox.
That said...Fire F'n Sarles already!
Metro User · 758 weeks ago
And yes, someone really needs to fire Sarles.
Timmy O'Toole · 758 weeks ago
I like this blog because it's entertaining, not because I think it really it's going to improve anything.
Ever and Anon · 758 weeks ago
Corresponding Toads · 758 weeks ago
Well not justice, exactly... at least it's a slap on the wrist. Hopefully he learns not to text WHILE OPERATING A TRAIN.
Ever and Anon · 758 weeks ago
While I do not applaud vulgarity, I do agree with John's comments and the emotional impact of his words. I'd rather read it here than hear it on the trains all the times from those "I think I is hip 'n' kewl" teenagers. I see no loss of credibility although I do see a loss of.. ahmm.. personal dignity which, by default, give more power to those causing the problems in the first place.
More is More · 758 weeks ago
At my place of employment, people who excel at their jobs are given paid time-off awards (please note, I said EXCEL at their jobs). Since when is it okay to award someone for f-ing up on the job???
Metro is creating a culture of unaccountability. Want to go out of town but have no vacation time saved up?? Talk or text on your phone while operating a massive piece of machinery, ensure that a patron takes notice and a picture and reports it, and voila, paid vacation!!! What lesson has one truly learned when one messes up and is then paid NOT to come into work???
Such policy only exacerbates Metro's budget issues; is this where the fare increase are going???
Ever and Anon · 758 weeks ago
"Is the culture of unaccountability present at Metro? Yes. But not to the degree that it needs to be."
Corresponding Toads · 758 weeks ago
Operator - *reaches inside left pocket*
Trainer - "Ah! Keep your hands out of your pants and at the controls."
Operator - "Oh, right, sorry about that. I'm a little rusty after that 3-month paid leave."
Trainer - "That's quite alright. I was in the same boat after the whole Scruff McGruff fiasco."
Operator - "That was you? Wow, I'm sure glad they found you a new position." *reaches inside left pocket and takes out cell phone*
Trainer - "Man, what did I JUST say!"
Operator - "It's cool, it's cool, just letting my girlfriend know I'm back at work."
Trainer - *looks around* "Okay well hurry up... I'm supposed to be training you."
dan · 758 weeks ago
The title of the article Unsuck posted about the operator texting called this outcome well before it ever happened.
Furthremore, while I appreciate Metro User's desire for a clean forum, I too, like F'n JD, am an advocate of free, unfiltered speech.
John · 758 weeks ago
Corresponding Toads · 758 weeks ago
I'm with you, John. Let the protest begin... right now. I am SO THEREEE!!!!!!
SoBar · 758 weeks ago
I feel lucky if I catch a working 6-car one.
Corresponding Toads · 758 weeks ago
F'n JD · 758 weeks ago
Ever and Anon · 758 weeks ago
guest#1 · 758 weeks ago
Anon · 758 weeks ago
anon · 758 weeks ago
F'n JD · 758 weeks ago
Anony · 758 weeks ago
It would be clearer if it was written as either
Operator Allegedly Texting Is Put on Paid Leave
Operator Put on Paid Leave for Allegedly Texting
unsuckdcmetro 92p · 758 weeks ago
Ever and Anon · 758 weeks ago
unsuckdcmetro 92p · 758 weeks ago
Catoe · 757 weeks ago
Money solves every problem, just jam those escalators full of bill, I mean what harm can come from it? It's not like they're moving anyway.
As long as the board is afraid of the union and the voting public nothing good will every come of metro, it will slowly die out until it's forced into sale to the public and then real changes will occur. The alternative is that the feds get involved and fund larger and larger portions.