According to Metro, "MTPD took a report for simple assault Oct. 7. A man reported being assaulted by a group while waiting for a train."
From Nicole:
I was at the L'Enfant Plaza a little before 6 p.m. on Oct. 7 when a fight broke out.Nicole wasn't the only one to witness the event, and the next day, she noticed Metro had at least four employees on the L'Enfant Plaza platform. She wondered if it was a result of the previous night's fisticuffs.
It was on the Yellow/Green line platform in the direction of Branch Ave./Huntington. It was rather quick because other riders stopped it before it got out of hand. I would say the whole thing lasted 5 minutes at most. No one was seriously hurt, but there was the potential had riders not stepped up to stop it.
Unfortunately, I didn't have the clearest view to provide good details. It was a group of 10 to 12 teenagers, and it appeared they were waiting for the kid they attacked. It was at least five minutes after things were broken up before anyone from Metro appeared.
I also witnessed a man get hit at L'Enfant in August.
I wish Metro would provide more security at L'Enfant because I'm fearful the next time won't be punches but a shooting.
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Corresponding Toads · 754 weeks ago
If you want to protection from violence, lock yourself in a house and never leave.
Kara Harkins · 754 weeks ago
Kara Harkins · 754 weeks ago
@VeggieTart · 754 weeks ago
admiror · 754 weeks ago
Guest · 754 weeks ago
SoBar · 754 weeks ago
Couldn't Metro use the money they're paying the "greeters" and instead put a few dedicated transit cops to consistently patrol the most troublesome stations/lines?
mitchellT · 752 weeks ago
Mike · 754 weeks ago
Sick of the Animals · 754 weeks ago
Not White/Not Racist · 745 weeks ago