Thursday, October 14, 2010

Can we Get a Clean Sweep?

The shelter at the East Falls Church Kiss and Ride has been this way for well over a month, ostensibly because the right side pane of glass was shattered.

Granted, one pathetic shelter is far from the biggest problem in the Metro system, but apparently, the reason it has been roped, gated and coned off is that there is glass on the ground.

In our litigious society, it's easy to understand how someone wouldn't want to expose riders to potentially dangerous shards of glass, but here's the thing:

The amount of glass that's still on the ground does not remotely equal what was in the pane, so someone made a cursory sweep of the area when the glass was first broken.

But a few pieces remain, and one can surmise that they are the reason the entire shelter is STILL out of service and has been for weeks.

No consultants needed, no studies, no public comment, no pilot programs, hell, don't even replace the glass if you don't have the money, but how about this:

Get a broom!

Finish the job. Get this embarrassing eyesore tidied up!

In the time it took to string the crime scene tape around the shelter, pull the little accordion gate thingy out and then strategically place the cones, the area could have been swept clean, leaving at least a partially usable shelter. (Any of you East Falls Church riders know the shelters on the platforms are as leaky as sieves, but they're better than standing in the driving rain.)

A few days ago, when it was pouring, there were more than a few people waiting for rides who would have gladly taken a gimpy shelter to no shelter at all.

C'mon! There are some major issues facing mass transit in the DC area, but little things count, and this is an easy, no cost one to "fix."

PS. Maybe the guy who seems to like to mop the platforms DURING evening rush hour could be enlisted to help out. Just a thought.

Other items:
Triennial report by the Tri-State Oversight Committee (PDF) Examiner take/Post take

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Corresponding Toads's avatar

Corresponding Toads · 754 weeks ago

Unsuck - you are grasping at straws. If you want a shelter from the rain, stay home.
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Great idea! If WE stay home or drive cars to work instead, YOU might get laid off from your barely functioning incompetence. AWESOME. Thanks for the suggestion. God forbid someone actually work hard in their job---right, metro employees????
You expect a Metro employee to bend down and pick up that glass? It's dangerous!
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Well Safety is the #1 priority, what did you expect?
Anonymous's avatar

Anonymous · 754 weeks ago

I walk by this every day and have wondered the same thing. This is symptomatic of the dysfunction that is Metro. Unsuck is right. Metro can't use money as an exduse in this on. Don't even fix the glass--just finish cleaning up the mess!
But isn't it just easier to stand around doing nothing but greeting customers than to actually work? I mean, come on! I'm sure there are a few union reps out there that would have a feild day if you made a mop-pusher push a broom as well.
UnSuck Fan's avatar

UnSuck Fan · 754 weeks ago

Perhaps the biggest reason for not getting this accomplished is because most, of “the little accordion gate thingies” are being used to block off non-working escalators. Nice thought, though! ;-)
3 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
MetroRider's avatar

MetroRider · 754 weeks ago

You must believe in slavery. Seriously, though, who goes around smashing bus shelter windows? The bus shelter I stand in every day (not Metro) gets smashed at fairly regular intervals. Get a life.
UnSuck Fan's avatar

UnSuck Fan · 753 weeks ago

And how does this relate to my post? All I mention are the accordion gate thingies" and non-working escalators. I make no mention of broken glass at bus shelters.
MetroRider's avatar

MetroRider · 753 weeks ago

Sorry, it was supposed to be a reply to the OP.
I once saw broken glass in the College Park parking garage. I told the manager and she (angrily) replied that the problem had already been reported. The glass was still there that night. I filled out the form on Metro's website, asking how hard it was to send someone with a broom and dustpan up to where the glass was. I think the glass was gone in a day or two.
@ Corresponding Toads

I still can't decide whether or not you're trying to have us all on in some kind of unfunny version of a pro-Metro employee parody. You know, like a Jon Stewart no one laughs at? But increasingly it seems that you may be serious. If you can't see the corrosive ineptitude that blankets all of WMATA, you are either blind, stupid, or you never actually ride it in the first place.

If you’re a Metro employee, and therefore get subsidized (or is it free?) rides on WMATA, I could understand your defense of your inept employer. After all, you’re the only one getting any value for the cost of your ride – a worthless system ought to be free.

So which is it – are you an unfunny Jon Stewart or an actual WMATA enthusiast?
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
MetroRider's avatar

MetroRider · 753 weeks ago

I vote that s/he is a Metro employee.
@Dan, he/she is obviously a troll. It's really best to just ignore the posts and hopefully (s)he will go away.

OT: This is not surprising but seriously it takes such little effort to fix.
Corresponding Toads's avatar

Corresponding Toads · 753 weeks ago

I take Metro every day from Vienna (~5:45am) to Union Station and back (~3:15pm).

I do not work for Metro.

I'm at a low point in my life.

I hate Metro almost as much as I hate the people who ride Metro.

Metro will never be what you dream it to be.

Complain all you want about Metro, but the only solution is to quit riding. You can't change Metro, so you better change yourself, foo.
Do Something's avatar

Do Something · 753 weeks ago

This kind of problem calls for "customer" action.

If it's raining and you need shelter, take down the tape, move the gate, throw the cones in the trees. It's not hard, sheeple.
3 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
And risk the wrath of a Metro Cop? Ha!
Do Something's avatar

Do Something · 753 weeks ago

In the rain? Ha!
If I got assurance that Metro wouldn't have me arrested or something, I would volunteer and go sweep it up if they are really that lazy. Sheesh.
Metro needs competition. Write your Congressman/woman and tell them you want competition or recruit managers, employees from VA and fire the incompetents.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Kara Harkins's avatar

Kara Harkins · 753 weeks ago

Maybe someone needs to tell the VA governor that metro is a jobs program and encourage him to try co-opting it again? Hey, he could hardly send people up here that would do worse.

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