I was circling the parking lot of the Falls Plaza shopping center in Falls Church Oct. 1 at around noon and noticed this MetroAccess driver parallel parked across three parking spaces.Other items:
Now, I know it may be a tight fit, but a standard cargo van will indeed fit into a regular parking space, and this was hardly done for the van's occupants because--clearly--the passengers' doors are on the other side facing the bushes.
And besides, I'm pretty sure either the handicapped spaces or the curb in front of the store would've been better choices to drop someone off than a wood chip-filled parking island 50 meters from the nearest storefront.
I saw the driver walk from the shopping plaza and get in the van (which appeared to be empty), so I'm a bit skeptical that he was dropping off a passenger.
It was van #4080.
Exercise on the Metro? (WaPo)
Apped out (City Paper)
Have you taken the Metro survey? (WMATA) SURVEY CLOSED