Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Proactive Rider Steps in where Metro Worker Won't

From an anonymous reader:
When leaving the platform from a Huntington-bound Blue Line train at Crystal City, several customers noticed that a woman was sprawled out on the platform floor unconscious.

Some of these customers, myself included, went to tell the station manager of this medical emergency.

Upon hearing the news, the person in the booth--an elderly black male with peppered hair and a mustache--simply stayed in the booth and did nothing. He even went on to take another customer's question unrelated to the medical emergency below.

After waiting around for 20 seconds and not seeing him do anything, I called 911 myself and had an ambulance dispatched as a precautionary measure.

I know Metro pretends to care about safety in a precautionary way; but this woman was obviously ill, and the station employee didn't seem to care and/or know what to do. For shame!
Here's Metro's response to an email this rider sent them:
Your email was received by Metro's Rail Transportation Customer Service. Please excuse this delinquent response due to workflow back-log. Contrary to your experience with the station manager when reporting a women laying on the platform in need of medical attention, our employees are trained on emergencies. The station manager on duty should have accessed the problem and immediately called our Operations Central Control who in turn would have dispatched a supervisor and called for medical assistance.

We appreciate you being proactive and calling 911. I forwarded a copy of your email to the supervisor of station managers at Huntington Metro to investigate and take appropriate action such as remedial training. Thank you for bringing this incident to our attention.

Marjorie Strother
Rail Transportation
Customer Service Representative
Case number 576746

"Safety is our number one priority"
Other items:
Man found shot at Va. Metro station (WaPo)
Pickup collides with Metrobus (Arlnow)

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What!?! A workflow back-log? Are they kidding? I'm so glad that standing around and doing nothing takes priority over someone in need of medical attention. The station manager should be held criminally responsible for this.
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Anonymous's avatar

Anonymous · 755 weeks ago

I think the "workflow back-log" is in reference to Metro taking their sweet time to e-mail him back. Not an excuse for the station managers deplorable behavior though!
Opps! I was attributing the "delinquent response" to be that of the station manager. I suppose both responses wouldn't be considered "delinquent" if the station manager never actually responded.
More is More's avatar

More is More · 755 weeks ago

I really need to go work for Metro! This is the only job that I know of where you can utterly fail at work performance and the only repercussions are more training or paid vacations!!! I've never seen an employer continuously go to bat for their employee's incompetence!

OT: I gave up on Metro a long time ago (even though I live right across the street from a station) but this morning, decided to take the Metro to work. I arrived at PG Plaza about 5:30am, on my way to Pentagon City, and the next train to pull up was a yellow line train. It was early and my brain wasn't functioning at full capacity just yet, so I didn't realize until I got to work that the yellow line train isn't suppose to run through PG Plaza. I checked WMATA's website and all it stated was that only the first yellow line train, which departs at 4:58am, leaves from Greenbelt. Can someone clarify this for me? Do yellow line trains run from Greenbelt in the AM?
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Red LIne Rider's avatar

Red LIne Rider · 755 weeks ago

Access, assess. Same thing.
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Incredible LOL!
If Marjorie had to consult a dictionary to figure out the difference, the response may have taken another month.
Should Metro hire CSRs that know the difference between the words "accessed" and "assessed?"

Who am I kidding, we're talking about a system where the established procedure requires at least two phone calls before contact is made with actual medical professionals in an emergency. Carry on.
"Covering our a** is our number one priority"
thruhike98's avatar

thruhike98 · 755 weeks ago

She "forwarded a copy of your email to the supervisor of station managers at Huntington Metro..." The first line of the email says "at Crystal City." That's what I love about Metro, their attention to detail.
Accessed or assessed? - Second to last paragraph
Read the first paragraph closely...is basic competency in the language too much to ask??
Ever and Anon's avatar

Ever and Anon · 755 weeks ago

If that person dies from lack of prompt medical attention the lawsuit will be a slam dunk. An attention who doesn't care that another person is in medical distress and an email reply that shows the same. And here I thought Metro could not sink to a lower level than it already had.
Nothing to see here,
keep on walking.
I don't know if the indifference of the kiosk operator or the arrogance of the email response is worse. Too bad Metro doesn't do what some of the law firms do. They fire the bottom 10% each year. But in this case, I would fire the bottom 99% of the Metro A-holes.
king friday 13's avatar

king friday 13 · 755 weeks ago

Christ, they are INHUMAN.
Why did a post saying "paid vacation, coming right up" get censored? I think thats pretty relevant....
The incident happened on Aug. 28; the email response was dated Sept. 29.
I ride Metro every day and I've upped my life insurance policy, which also happens to include a double indemnity clause. "Double indemnity" means that the insurance payout is double if my death is ruled an "accident." I figure that if I'm going to die in the near future, it will probably be at the hands of Metro. My family will then be well taken care of after my death. My only question is whether Metro incompetence would be considered an accident? For instance, a Metro bus driver is texting and slams into a tanker truck, causing my death. There is a high likelihood that my life will end this way whenever I put my life in the hands of Metro. When you expect that something will happen, is it really an accident? Any thoughts out there?
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Yes. An accident isn't something that is predictable or unpredictable. It is something that does not happen on purpose.
Clarendon Cruiser's avatar

Clarendon Cruiser · 755 weeks ago

In some defense to the metro workers at the Pentagon.

About three weeks ago a young lady fainted on the upper platform. Myself and two Metro workers assisted her and they inivted her to sit down in the kiosk until medical help arrived. I think it was just dehydration.

No, I'm not a metro worker, but I did sleep at a Holiday Inn last night ... :)
"The station manager on duty should have accessed the problem and immediately called our Operations Central Control who in turn would have dispatched a supervisor and called for medical assistance."

An unconscious person on the floor of a Metro platform should be an automatic 911 call !
I think anyone could figure this out without having 'accessed' the problem
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
why was WMATA management recently "patting itself on the back" about a drop in customer complaints if there is a backlog of them?

*scratches head.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
GlenmontGirl's avatar

GlenmontGirl · 755 weeks ago

I get that safety should be their number one priority, but is it really too much to ask that spelling be their number two priority?
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
The Metro response wasn't the only email with a detail fail. The anonymous reader said "Huntington-bound Blue Line train." The blue line doesn't go to Huntington.
Golden Silence's avatar

Golden Silence · 754 weeks ago

If they can't be bothered to know the difference between woman and women ("a women [sic]"?!), they can't be bothered to care about said woman. Damn shame.

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