- In what seemed like a huge backslapping fest (audio of meeting), the Metro Board celebrated a decline in rider complaints. Perhaps, Metro, the explanation is that people are tired of sending their complaints into what seems like a black hole.
- But to be fair, things may, in fact, be getting better at Metro. In 2009, they were rear ending trains, while in 2010, they're just rear ending buses, injuring many, but thankfully, none seriously.
- A Metro Board member slipped and injured his leg BOARDING A METRO TRAIN WHILE ON THE WAY to a Metro Board meeting. (While ironic, it's good to know that at least some Board members actually take Metro. We hope Mr. Euille will continue taking Metro after his experience with the slippery-when-wet tiles. Here's to a speedy recovery.)
- And finally, who knew you could pay for the bus with chicken from Popeye's? Soon, you'll be able to fill your SmarTrip card with Popeye's, KFC or Bojangles', and rumor is that deals with McD's and BK are in the works. What else have you seen used as currency on Metrobuses?
Only on Metro, the best ride in the nation.
Other items:
Metro workers not reporting safety concerns (WaPo)
Will this help safety? (WMATA)
Metro to conduct rail repairs near Cheverly (WMATA)
Metro to introduce fewer-stop bus service (WMATA)
Weekend delays (WMATA)
guest · 755 weeks ago
*shrugged shoulders with "i ain't got none"
*waving your wallet over the smartrip reader and then complaining "it don't work" (note:wallet does not contain smartrip card)
*threats to overwhelm bus driver with stench
*climbing in the back door
*half a fifth
Ever and Anon · 755 weeks ago
Corresponding Toads · 755 weeks ago
Anon · 755 weeks ago
Corresponding Toads · 755 weeks ago
Guest · 755 weeks ago
anonymous · 755 weeks ago
At another point, he told Democrats upset at a perceived lack of progress to think of the patience of onetime slaves. "You know, the slaves sitting around a fire singing freedom songs, they weren't sure when slavery would end, but they understood it was going to end," he said.
anon · 755 weeks ago
Ever and Anon · 755 weeks ago
We also have confirmation of an oddball item. Some sarcastic posters that visit this worthy blog apparently can dish it out but cannot take it.
Meanwhile, this unworthy blog poster to this most worthy Unsuck blog still wants to know - Can I trade 4 fries for the peak of the peak fee? If I give up the wee ketchup packet too, would that help?
Corresponding Toads · 755 weeks ago
jkuchen · 755 weeks ago
GlenmontGirl · 755 weeks ago
That's very true. After the first few times I reported cars for broken air conditioning via the online comment system this summer and got no response, I stopped trying. I did eventually get responses...about a month later.
It's also possible that they've changed their official definition of the term "complaint". Did they count my submissions as "complaints"? I think they should have, but I didn't rail (pun intended) against the system or anything; I just reported the problems. Maybe it only counts as a complaint if you curse them out or tell them you're going to start driving to work.
Deege · 755 weeks ago
I don't take Metro. I say the best way to win your complaint is drive!
Dave · 755 weeks ago
I'm sure nobody will take metro to the game.
Guest · 755 weeks ago
Deege · 755 weeks ago
But you know the husband and wife team (THE JETERS) run the union /Wonder how much they make a year/
It is sad though because the public suffers then the GM says middle managers are "positive". Ha! there the ones I believe instigating! Ha!! or i mean intimidating