Saturday, October 30, 2010

Metro Represents at Rally

Thanks Andrea.

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The Red Line truly sucked today! Who decided to do track work the day of the rally?
3 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
No faith in Metro's avatar

No faith in Metro · 751 weeks ago

Prices increase but proper service is yet to be found. It appears that cleanliness is more important than reliable transportation. What a lost opportunity for Metro to successfully manage an amazing transportation challenge. Instead, they left many feeling ripped off and a loss in what faith remained when considering this as alternative transportation. I would have rather chosen to bike down if it weren't for my little ones, who by the way, were looking forward to the train ride.
Dr. Sano (get it?)'s avatar

Dr. Sano (get it?) · 751 weeks ago

ONE HOUR AND THIRTY-FOUR MINUTES TO GET FROM FORT TOTTEN TO SHADY GROVE. All because of a holdup at Twinbrook... I swear, we must've been stuck there for at least twenty-five minutes. Yeah, the work at Rhode Island Avenue gave me no trouble; it was Rockville that was a mess. My return trip began at Gallery Place. The Shady Grove platform was loaded, so I opted to take the Green Line to Fort Totten and transfer there. As if the trip from F.T. wasn't bad enough, it was almost as bad on the Green Line; I waited almost thirty minutes to find a Green train that wasn't totally stuffed.

On top of that, the morning journey was awful. I am so glad Shady Grove is my closest station, so I'm right at the beginning of the Red Line. But the platform was so packed, the train was already experiencing a crush load by the time we left. The rest of the way down the Red Line, from Rockville to Dupont Circle, we had to leave most of the people waiting on the platform behind. I feel bad for those guys. Fortunately (according to the operator), there was a train right behind ours at... Medical Center, I believe. Speaking of our operator, by the time we got to D.C., I could tell he was in a bad mood. Every time we arrived at a station, he'd say: "This is the Red Line train to Glenmont. Customers on the platform, we are experiencing a crush load. It is possible that you may mot be able to board this train. If that is the case, stand back, because the doors are closing and this train is moving; there is a train behind me ready to pick you up." Whenever he'd say this, he'd say it with an irritated tone in his voice. At every other station, he'd threaten to offload us if we did not heed his words. It was especially bad at Dupont Circle, when the doors kept opening and closing repeatedly, about eight times, I think. The guy sounded like he just wanted to go home, away from the madness, and fix himself a heavy drink.

It was similar on the too-long trip home. Since this was a return load, it wasn't so bad on the operator, but I think something was wrong with her mic; it kept getting static. I was thinking we might hear music played backwards or something. When we FINALLY got to Shady Grove, she loudly stated: "ATTENTION: THIS TRAIN IS GOING OUT OF SERVICE; CUSTOMERS ON THE PLATFORM, DO NOT BOARD THIS TRAIN, IT IS GOING OUT OF SERVICE; STAND BACK AND LET PASSENGERS GET OFF, AND DO NOT BOARD THIS TRAIN; THIS TRAIN IS GOING OUT OF SERVICE..." While she was doing this, we also heard some static, plus, she had the mic on high, so this made for the LOUDEST part of the rally. What's even crazier is that as we were all lurching toward the escalators, another train pulled up as ours left, and while THAT train was offloading (except that one WAS returning to Glenmont), ANOTHER TRAIN PULLS UP. This has been by far, my worst experience on Metro.

But in the end, was it worth it? My answer is an emphatic "Hell to the yeah." I had such fun at the rally. It's like beating a really hard video game; you go through hell and back to get there, but the reward is oh so sweet. By the by, isn't it ironic how after attending the "Rally to Restore Sanity," the return trip almost drove us back to insanity?
Contradiction: Brought to you by Metro.
Oh my god, metro sucked entirely today. Literally the worst Metro experience I've ever had while trying to get from the rally back to Silver Spring on the Red Line. TWO broken trains at NY. Avenue and an angry crowd and cranky Metro employees made it nearly unbearable.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Oh yes - they kept unloading passengers from packed trains onto the tiny patform at New Yor Ave. For every1packed 6 car train heading to SS, 3 packed 6 car trains unloaded at New York Avenue. We gav up and headed back in the other direction to Grovsner and took a cab to the Wheaton station - what a debacle!
No faith in Metro's avatar

No faith in Metro · 751 weeks ago

As a fellow northern virginian, I am extremely disappointed with Metro. We tried to get downtown for the Rally yesterday from East Falls Church and committed ourselves to stand in line for 45 minutes to buy our tickets only to find out on the platform that there was no way in hell we'd get on the train. Every train going inbound from Vienna was a sardine can. People on every train were squeezed against the doors and windows.
(By the way: Metro personnel told us that the high people traffic had been steady all morning.) We tried to go west bound on the orange line (as many others thought to do) and remain on the train as it turned around to head east bound. However, while on the train, the announcement came on stating that the train was going out of commission at the subsequent stop due to the people volume at the Vienna station. Come on! We wasted our time, money and faith in the system. Not sure where managment was. Not sure why there was no proper forecasting and planning of the anticipated volume.
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
My boyfriend and I had similar problems getting TO Vienna (the entire reason 66 was backed up) - when we saw Dunn Loring was the same way, we gave up and drove to Alexandria to get on at Braddock Road. A MUCH better experience by far....although that could have been because it was about an hour later that we finally got on a train! Coming home we wandered around D.C. for a while, took the Red Line from Judiciary to Fort Totten, and then took the Yellow home. Had a seat the whole way home, and survived the day :)
No faith in Metro's avatar

No faith in Metro · 751 weeks ago

Prices increase but proper service is yet to be found. It appears that cleanliness is more important than reliable transportation. What a lost opportunity for Metro to successfully manage an amazing transportation challenge. Instead, they left many feeling ripped off and a loss in what faith remained when considering this as alternative transportation. I would have rather chosen to bike down if it weren't for my little ones, who by the way, were looking forward to the train ride.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
G Farabutto's avatar

G Farabutto · 751 weeks ago

You are talking about the same transit agency that fails to plan for the hordes that descend on DC for Roe v. Wade protests and those happen on the same day every year.
The track work was scheduled before the rally was announced.
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
When WMATA found out about the rally and expected crowds, the trackwork should've been cancelled. I'm retired from Metro, and that's what we used to do. Unless, of course, it was emergency repairs that couldn't wait. This was not.
The expected crowd, per the application filed with the Park Service, was 60K. I believe there were other events downtown this summer with around the same estimate and track work was not called off.
Do any of you have any common sense about METRO. Yes it sucks some times but look at it rationally. Track work is scheduled months ahead of time. Really cant blame METRO for the problem. You knew there would be LOTS of people riding this weekend. You should have left early to arrive early. I was at Gallery Place standing outside for an HR at the Verizon center entrance waiting to get inside. My only bad expierience was coming home not going. I gave myselt plenty of time. Maybe you should have to. I think they should shut METRO down for an entire day and let all you complaining children drive to work and see how terrible your morning and afternoon commute would be. Its your choice to ride, if you dont like it ride. Thats one less person i have to worry about.
8 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
NotaWMATASympathizer's avatar

NotaWMATASympathizer · 751 weeks ago

Track maintenance was mostly on the PG County end of the blue/orange on Saturday. WMATA could have easily run more trains (including 8-car trains) from Vienna end (and started some in West Falls) and then turned back around at Stadium-Armory. But that would require a few minutes of actual thought and planning.

Your excuse isn't good and very WMATA-esq. Come up with a better one.
They were single tracking between Stadium Armory and Cheverly, meaning the pocket track outside of Stadium Armory was actively in service to get those Orange line trains onto/from the right track. I'd be willing to bet that's why trains didn't/couldn't be turned around at Stadium Armory.
Who was going to pay for those extra 8 car trains? Note: Marine Corps Marathon paid for extra service on Sunday. Comedy Central paid $0 for extra service on Saturday. Not Metro's fault.
Always Anon's avatar

Always Anon · 751 weeks ago

Complaining children. How interesting this use of insult by one who is doing nothing but.. complaining! must be a child if you think i was complaining. i was defending metro. still want to see them shut the hole system down for a day and see how all you haters act. thats would be a dream come true.
WMATA needs help!!!'s avatar

WMATA needs help!!! · 751 weeks ago

" I think they should shut METRO down for an entire day and let all you complaining children drive to work and see how terrible your morning and afternoon commute would be."

Guess what? I have done both, and metro loses every time. Even on the bad days, driving is quicker and more reliable, and at this point costs about the same when you factor in parking at metro stations.
you have never driven to work when the hole system has been shut down. thats never happened. nice try.
I heard really awful things about Metro, and I have to concur that there should have been more done to fix it, but I'm not sure what people were expecting. Unlike many large events, like previous rallies or the many marathons/walks we have in DC, Comedy Central did not pay for Metro to open early or run more trains. Significantly more people showed up than were expected, so even if they HAD paid for extra service, it's unlikely it would have solved all the problems. And with so many out-of-town individuals, the end-of-the-line stations were going to be the most crowded.

It sounds like there were significant issues with how Metro was handled on Saturday, from the escalator issues at L'Enfant to overcrowding. But we all know that trains only run every 15 minutes on the weekends and that Metro has shortened hours, unless the organizers pay for additional service. Comedy Central hadn't even planned on renting port-a-potties and tried to beg the MCM to use the ones they had rented. I don't ever want to let Metro off the hook, and I'm not trying to do that here, but I think that the lack of organization on Comedy Central's part was a huge contributor to the issues people faced in getting to the rally. No extra service and misjudged attendance is going to cause Metro issues and Comedy Central could have helped alleviate some of those.

Full disclosure: I was at work in Foggy Bottom on Saturday, so I did not go to the rally. But I had to decide whether to Metro or drive and I chose to drive, fearing issues like these. I'm glad I did and I'm glad everyone got home safe.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
My only question: I can understand single tracking, but why dump everyone going to the Glenmont end of the Red line off at the NY Ave station? As others have said, 3-4 cars would end there, only to have one packed train come through to Glenmont that took maybe a dozen people off the NY Ave platform. I talked to the station manager about this and he said he had not idea why they were doing it this way as it is not the standard operating procedure. It took two plus hours to get from Metro Center to Silver Spring. It is only 7.1 miles!!!!
I'm amazed at the UNcoverage of the escalator accident at L'Enfant. I was outside headed in when the crowds surging came out; one witness reported seeing it run away. I saw one article [Examiner maybe] mention the 4 injured, one seriously.

But the WashPost seems to be downplaying it, saying it stopped suddenly.
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
GlenmontGirl's avatar

GlenmontGirl · 751 weeks ago

So what exactly did happen with the escalator? Was it just a crowd surge, or did something actually go wrong with the escalator itself?
You should check out WTOP. They've been following it pretty closely and have eyewitness accounts, including the guy who said that Metro didn't want to take his statement.
a. If the track work had been planned for months, it clearly wasn't emergency maintenance and should've been moved to a different weekend, given the crowds that were expected for the rally.

b. Their inability to handle the crowds was borderline scary. I had two trains break down at New York Ave. The platform was FILLED literally filled to capacity, as THREE trainloads of people were trying to get on. There should have been Metro employees up on the platform directing the crowd and instructing them. There was no one. Not a single employee. When the second relief train came, it was mob rule. People flipped trying to get on that train - we waited about 45 minutes with NO trains at NY Ave. so by the time that second relief train came, people were really sick of waiting. The rush to get on the train was scary, and I think if they had had some employees out there to yell at the panicking tourists shoving children and old ladies out of the way to get on the train, it would have been much less of a dangerous situation.

I'm not blaming the crowds on Metro, just their inability to handle them.
Lacosse Rocks's avatar

Lacosse Rocks · 751 weeks ago

Good thing this hack blog refuses to cover the escalator problems because they are huge fans of Lacosse! 4 people were injured and we get a picture of someone in a metro hat. pathetic.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
G Farabutto's avatar

G Farabutto · 751 weeks ago

Refuses to cover escalator problems? Have you read this blog, or this blog's twitter stream?

Just because there's no entry about an incident that no one can agree on doesn't make this a "hack blog." If you've got photos or an eyewitness account, send it in and find out what happens.
Always Anon's avatar

Always Anon · 751 weeks ago

Saw it on the main news this morning (Mon.). NBC gave it a lot of coverage. LIke that line in the song, "she can tell you about the plane crash with a twinkle in her eye.."
king friday 13's avatar

king friday 13 · 751 weeks ago

They were proably trying to set a record for how many people they could kill in one day.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
you are seriously going to post something like this after all the people that have been killed on metro in the past year. you do nothing but disrespect those that have died excluding suicides.
I am told I have to break this into multiple comments. OK.

part 1

metro really outdid itself Saturday. I got to Bethesda about 10:45 or so, and the signage said that there would be a train in 12 minutes. One showed up in maybe 15 minutes, a 6-car train, and it was so packed, literally nobody could get on, at least in the several doors I could see. Trains were showing up and going in the other direction, so at some point, I hopped on one of those and went to Grosvenor, figuring 1) getting on out there would be easier, and 2) it was outside and I could call my friend that I was planning on meeting and tell him I was running late. When I got there, there was obviously the same sort of crowd that there was at Bethesda. ____
part 2

I saw a metro employee walking on the platform, so I approached him, stood in his path, and asked him if a train was coming any time soon. He immediately said "You attacked me!". As I say, I stood in his path, but at no time did I touch him or attempt to do so. Apparently, asking a question of an uniformed metro employee is an "attack". I repeatedly said that I was not attacking him, I was asking him a very simple question. He kept insisting that I had "attacked" him. After a few rounds of this, I was pointing with my finger, either in the air or at him, I frankly don't remember. This creep obviously had a major attitude, and said "You're pointing! I don't think I like you pointing!" He finally told me he didn't have any information about when trains were running and could not get any. I suggested he use the walkie-talkie in his hand and at least try to do so, but he refused.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Dr. Sano (get it?)'s avatar

Dr. Sano (get it?) · 751 weeks ago

...I think he might've been off his meds.

I forgot to mention: That morning, when we entered Shady Grove, there was a line leading into the station as far back as the garage.
part 3

A couple trains showed up and were taken out of service, but they did not turn around and show up empty to head downtown - "out of service" meant out of service, apparently. Eventually, a train showed up, maybe another one as well, and it was (or they were) as packed as the one at Bethesda. I finally took another train on out to White Flint, and finally managed to get on the end car of a train. (It looked like the first few cars were stuffed to the max.) Heading downtown, I noted at noon that I was at Bethesda, where my long strange trip began an hour and a quarter earlier.

I ride metro to and from work every work day, and I am pretty much stuck with that situation. But I will never, ever, ever (ever, ever.....ever) count on metro to get me to any sort of large event downtown or anywhere else. We avoid the 4th of July downtown for that reason and skipped the inaugaration last year for the same reason. The system is lousy on a daily basis and a disaster for a major event.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
dont ride then since its so terrible.
We left at 10:45ish to catch a train from pentagon city. The line was to the street level escalators for fare cards, but was moving. Having a loaded smartrip, we didn't have to wait in line. There were employees directing people and recommending that people head south to ease platform crowding and for people to be able to hop a train.

My friend and I went to braddock and while we did have to wait a few trains, we did get on an BL to Largo (we decided to "play it safe" instead of waiting for the YL that was directly behind and we didn't know how crowded it would be. Our BL train was crowded, but no worse than rush hour. We had to fuss to get people to move to the center area between doors to fit a few more people, but it worked. Everyone around is was nice, both the locals and out of towners. We eventually got off at Federal Triangle and walked b/c the train kept stopping in the tunnels and figured walking would be quicker.

To get home, we hopped the YL at Gallery Place. Easy enough. At L'enfant, there was a surge of people and we were squished. My sunglasses got knocked off my head and both lenses fell out. We were at the end of the car so the guys on the bench right behind me picked them up and put them back together for me. The worst part of that ride was having nothing to hold on to and bracing against the momentum of the crowd/train.

Also, trains were definitely on a "regular", not reduced fair or weekend schedule (at least in South Arlington) which really helped. yeah, metro was crowded, but in my experience, people were nice and that made all the difference.
Another reason why peak of the peak fares are rubbish relative to the weekend and late night fares it subsidizes. Want to get track work and bus/rail car maintenance done? Cool, charge weekend/off-peak fares that are HIGHER than the peak fares. Let folks do the math on the relative efficiency splitting fare on a drunken cab ride home at 1 am vs. Metro. Let WMATA use the ridership disincentive to take rolling stock out of service. Encourage folks to ride with everyone else at the peak and consider alternatives in the off peak.
Well for what its worth, the broken trains were probably because of people trying to block and/or hold open doors, which I saw a lot of en route to the rally. But yes Metro was doing a poor job of keeping up. Why didn't they extend hours, service, and personnel like they did for all the other stupid rallies and marches that have happened this year?!?!?
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
because commedy central refused to pay for extra service and manpower. all the other majore events pay for extra trains and staff. even UMD pays for the stations to stay open late when they have a late night game. you cant tell me that commedy central couldnt afford it.

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