From Gina:
As you probably know, Springfield parking garage is under construction, so it's missing a lot of spaces.
The other morning, it was packed solid--not a space to be found at 8:45 a.m.
Lots of cars were wandering around, so a lot of us gave up and parked at the end of the rows, NOT in a handicapped space and NOT blocking traffic, just not in a marked space.
The end of every row on the 6th deck had already been filled with overflow cars, so I parked on the 5th deck in the same way.
I got back that night to find a $50 parking ticket. When I looked around, I saw every other car parked the way mine was also had a ticket.
It just seems ridiculous that I paid to park there, AND I paid to ride Metro AND then I got a parking ticket.
I'm not really sure what we are expected to do if there are no legit spaces left in the garage during rush hour (It's not like there is a larger garage around.)
I recognize I wasn't in a real spot, but during construction there should be some leniency.It's like someone thought, hey here's a way to make some extra money. It's like biting the hand that feeds you. They just don't get it.
What do you gain by punishing your regular customers?
Other items:
SmarTrip debacle (Examiner/Post/WTOP)
Overhaul of Orange and Blue lines moves forward (WMATA)
SmarTrip debacle (Examiner/Post/WTOP)
Overhaul of Orange and Blue lines moves forward (WMATA)
Anonymous · 753 weeks ago
@nevermindtheend · 753 weeks ago
unsuckdcmetro 92p · 753 weeks ago
anon · 753 weeks ago
Sam · 753 weeks ago
steph · 753 weeks ago
Sizzle · 753 weeks ago
When I used to park at New Carrolton, I'd have to get there before 6 every morning or the parking lot and garage would fill up.
@perkinsms · 753 weeks ago
F'n JD · 753 weeks ago
Sizzle · 753 weeks ago
anon · 753 weeks ago
Incredulous · 753 weeks ago
You should definitely fight this ticket. You probably have an excellent shot at getting out of it because – I mean, after all – you paid to park in the lot, didn’t you? Plus, there’s the Metro fare you had to pay. What do they expect from us?
Actually, instead of fighting the ticket you should just hop the faregates until you’ve recovered the $50.
Just another example of how Metro sucks.
Anon · 753 weeks ago
@chrispulaski · 753 weeks ago
Anon · 753 weeks ago
anonymous · 753 weeks ago
Guest · 753 weeks ago
Wait. What?
Sam · 753 weeks ago
And entering the garage, there is no gate and no card swiping. So, you're suggesting that they delay the flow of traffic?
Guest · 753 weeks ago
Sam · 753 weeks ago
It's not about being unwilling to try; it's about it being a stupid idea that would do nothing to help the situation. I'm not saying that there isn't a solution, I'm merely saying that your "little bit of programming" won't do jack to help.
Corresponding Toads · 753 weeks ago
Max · 753 weeks ago
iDrive · 753 weeks ago
Fifty bucks.
Marie · 753 weeks ago
@telecomic · 753 weeks ago
HRl · 753 weeks ago
Your move.
a bit incredulous · 753 weeks ago
Over the River · 753 weeks ago
Brian · 753 weeks ago
@VeggieTart · 753 weeks ago
Stories like this make me glad I don't have a car and live in the city.
Shakedown Street · 753 weeks ago
Love it.
GlenmontGirl · 753 weeks ago
Here's another idea - provide a 30-minute grace period. No one is going to be able to park, walk down into the station, get on a train, go somewhere, do what they need to do and come back in 30 minutes so that they can avoid paying for parking. So you tap your SmarTrip on the way into the garage, and if you can't find any parking you turn around and tap your SmarTrip to go out, and the computer sees that you've been there less than 30 minutes and doesn't charge you to leave.
MetroRider · 753 weeks ago
I agree that the OP parked illegally and should have at least suspected she would get a ticket. But how fair is it to charge someone for not being able to park? Even parking garages downtown will not charge you for less than a set number of minutes if you can't find a space.
Anonymous · 752 weeks ago
The fact is that there is no easy solution to the issue. Either have an inaccurate count, higher cost, or leave it the same and just park legally to avoid the fine.
DRE · 753 weeks ago
Well Metro'ed
DCMuse · 753 weeks ago
Felicia · 753 weeks ago
An annoyed rider · 753 weeks ago
On that note, you that park at the ends of rows, in reserved spaces and other illegal areas- YOU CONTRIBUTE to crime on Metro. When people have to call in to Transit Police because of illegally parked cars, the police have to come take time to ticket countless illegally parked cars. Maybe we don't see more officers in the stations dealing with juveniles and other problems because YOU decided that you are SPECIAL and can park wherever you like. Think it through.
dunker · 753 weeks ago
skillet · 753 weeks ago
You were selfish and irresponsible. Pay the $50 and learn from it. I'm tired of the whining when people are simply upset they got caught. I go into the office later and my work hours are later too (10-6:30). I know this means certain concessions about metro and parking and traffic. Use this as a "teaching moment" and get over yourself.
Adam · 753 weeks ago
dunker · 753 weeks ago
Anonymous · 753 weeks ago
Oh yes, and the Springfield garage has free exiting until some late time in the morning, so if you don't find a spot, you can leave without paying.
@ChrisHowdy · 753 weeks ago
Either get there earlier, take your chances with the ticket, or have a backup plan. I keep a roll of quarters in the car for the meters at Vienna, on the rare occasion I get there late.
Springfield (along with, IMO, Pentagon City or Ballston -- common theme here?) is probably the best example in the Metro system of somewhere with a very workable parking alternative nearby.
annonymous · 753 weeks ago