Friday, October 15, 2010

To Ticket of Not to Ticket?

Curious what others think of this. Or, share your Metro parking stories.

From Gina:
As you probably know, Springfield parking garage is under construction, so it's missing a lot of spaces.

The other morning, it was packed solid--not a space to be found at 8:45 a.m.

Lots of cars were wandering around, so a lot of us gave up and parked at the end of the rows, NOT in a handicapped space and NOT blocking traffic, just not in a marked space.

The end of every row on the 6th deck had already been filled with overflow cars, so I parked on the 5th deck in the same way.

I got back that night to find a $50 parking ticket. When I looked around, I saw every other car parked the way mine was also had a ticket.

It just seems ridiculous that I paid to park there, AND I paid to ride Metro AND then I got a parking ticket.

I'm not really sure what we are expected to do if there are no legit spaces left in the garage during rush hour (It's not like there is a larger garage around.)

I recognize I wasn't in a real spot, but during construction there should be some leniency.

It's like someone thought, hey here's a way to make some extra money. It's like biting the hand that feeds you. They just don't get it.

What do you gain by punishing your regular customers?

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Anonymous's avatar

Anonymous · 753 weeks ago

For one thing, if Metro had those signs, and I've never seen one, it wouldn't say "sorry."
This is exactly right.
I think they raised TAGS to $1.00 this past July, but it's still a great deal. Just make sure to park on the correct level at Macy's. I think it is 6. They will ticket commuters that park on other levels and there are signs directing commuters to the appropriate level.
Don't bother with the bus (unless you are disable or otherwise unable to walk). It takes maybe 7 minutes. Last time I parked there, I believe it was level 1, 3, and 6, but there is a sign when you enter the garage that says which ones are okay.
Plus, I doubt the money from the ticket goes to Metro - wouldn't it go to the local PD? Or is the ticket specifically from the Metro Transit PD?

When I used to park at New Carrolton, I'd have to get there before 6 every morning or the parking lot and garage would fill up.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
You didn't park in a marked spot. You knew the risk, what are you complaining about?
6 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Yeah I have to agree. As much as I hate Metro - this would happen to you anywhere, not just in a Metro parking lot.
... you didn't park in a real spot and you got a parking ticket. When you get parking tickets for letting a meter run out, do you complain "how dare i have to pay for this meter, and pay taxes and get a ticket?"
Incredulous's avatar

Incredulous · 753 weeks ago

Oh my god - you got a ticket for parking illegally?! And everyone else who also parked illegally did, too?! I can't believe it!
You should definitely fight this ticket. You probably have an excellent shot at getting out of it because – I mean, after all – you paid to park in the lot, didn’t you? Plus, there’s the Metro fare you had to pay. What do they expect from us?
Actually, instead of fighting the ticket you should just hop the faregates until you’ve recovered the $50.
Just another example of how Metro sucks.
I agree. You knew you weren't parking in a legal spot and you did it anyway. Also, you were just getting to the parking lot at 8:45am? No wonder it was full. Sounds like entitled white privilege to me. I'm getting a little sick of that in this area.
Never said it was. However, the numbers aren't with you on this one Rivers Cuomo. Nice try though.
anonymous's avatar

anonymous · 753 weeks ago

They really should have some notification that the lot is full, but then again, this is Metro so what do they care about your convenience or your getting good information.
Gosh, if only Metro had some type of electronic device at the entrances and exits. One that would accept payments from some sort of smart card, or something. If they had something like that, and one of their people had just a little bit of programming skill, they could keep a running count of cars in the lot. You know - gate goes up, +1, someone swipes to exit, -1, gate goes up again, +1. I bet, if they had all that stuff, and didn't accept cash as payment, they'd be able to keep a running count, and tell you if the lot was full.

Wait. What?
3 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
How do you account for people that take up two spaces? How do you account for people that will be using a handicapped spot?

And entering the garage, there is no gate and no card swiping. So, you're suggesting that they delay the flow of traffic?
Most Metro lots already have automatic gates with magnetic sensors on the way in. The sensor could record a "hit" without slowing anyone down. To inject a little bit of human judgement into the system, the station manager could periodically check the count by looking for the edge cases you mention. Of course, if you're not willing to try, it will never work.
You want the station manager to exit the station and walk around the parking garage? Some of these garages on the outer stations have 6-7 levels and hundreds upon hundreds of spaces. Do you really think the station manager should periodically go out there, traverse the garage looking for violators?

It's not about being unwilling to try; it's about it being a stupid idea that would do nothing to help the situation. I'm not saying that there isn't a solution, I'm merely saying that your "little bit of programming" won't do jack to help.
Corresponding Toads's avatar

Corresponding Toads · 753 weeks ago

Take the bus. You'd be hard-pressed to find no parking near a bus stop.
Fina somewhere else to park, get inventive. Or, get to work earlier. Waiting till 8:45, most people are already on the way to work.
"What do you gain by punishing your regular customers?"

Fifty bucks.
I have to get to Glenmont a half hour before I need to board the train in order to get parking.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Is anyone really surprised by this? It's the same business model Metro uses for everything. Less service, higher prices.

Your move.
a bit incredulous's avatar

a bit incredulous · 753 weeks ago

Yeah, I really have no sympathy here. I can't believe, honestly, that you were surprised the lot was full. The lot at my metro station is typically full by 7:30am, at the latest. Which is why I take the bus or walk to the metro. Is that the most convenient thing to do? No, I'd love to drive and park. But if I do that - and the lot is full, I turn around, go home, park the car and take the bus back. After doing that twice, I decided it just wasn't worth the risk. Plan ahead or suffer the consequences.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Over the River's avatar

Over the River · 753 weeks ago

I agree. There are thousands of free parking spaces at Springfield Mall and a 10 minute walk or 25 cent bus gets you to Metro.
Imagine- all those people south of the mixing bowl park at Franconia!!! And Metro is not the only people writing tickets- at Largo I see PG County Parking Authority all the time. I am glad to see anybody driving through and scaring car theives away, because I park in a legal space.
Shakedown Street's avatar

Shakedown Street · 753 weeks ago

So, basically, it's a shakedown. Metro doesn't advertise that the lot is full, they know people will park there because of the limited number and lack of clearly advertised alternatives, and then the allow FFX co to come in and have a field day.

Love it.
GlenmontGirl's avatar

GlenmontGirl · 753 weeks ago

I've seen this type of thing happen at the Glemont garage before, though interestingly enough I never saw anyone get ticketed for it. I agree with the people above that it shouldn't be that difficult for Metro to make people swipe their SmarTrips when they enter and leave and track how many cars were in the lot so a sign could come on when the lot was full.

Here's another idea - provide a 30-minute grace period. No one is going to be able to park, walk down into the station, get on a train, go somewhere, do what they need to do and come back in 30 minutes so that they can avoid paying for parking. So you tap your SmarTrip on the way into the garage, and if you can't find any parking you turn around and tap your SmarTrip to go out, and the computer sees that you've been there less than 30 minutes and doesn't charge you to leave.
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
MetroRider's avatar

MetroRider · 753 weeks ago

Well, that would be lovely, but they can't even do that for metrorail. If you get on at, say, Metro Center and then have to get off the train due to, hypothetically, a fire on the tracks, you will be charged for entering and exiting the same station. This happened to me, and I was in the station less than 30 min. I didn't notice what they charged me, I was shocked I was charged at all. I wonder what the fare is from Metro Center to Metro Center. Peak fare? Peak of the peak?

I agree that the OP parked illegally and should have at least suspected she would get a ticket. But how fair is it to charge someone for not being able to park? Even parking garages downtown will not charge you for less than a set number of minutes if you can't find a space.
The idea of allowing people to scan their smartrip to get in and out of the garage would be great if everyone had a smartrip to start with. However, not everyone rides the system everyday and has a smartrip before they get to the metro. As for a pressure sensor in the ground to open the gate when you approach, it would be great if everyone came in 30 seconds apart, but people would be back to back and the system wouldn't be able to get an accurate count of the vehicles coming in. The only true way to know how many cars there are in the garage would to have parking attendents working all day. For that to work, the costs would go up and everyone would be complaining about that.

The fact is that there is no easy solution to the issue. Either have an inaccurate count, higher cost, or leave it the same and just park legally to avoid the fine.
I don't get that the poster feels entitled. In fact, I agree that Metro should have been more accomodating given the reduction in parking spaces. Whether it was turning a blind eye to "illegal" parkers or letting people know, as the commenter above did, of alternatives.

Well Metro'ed
I can't say I feel too bad for the poster. Finding parking at Metro can be frustrating but most of us realize that Metro parking lots fill up early. Either get to the garage earlier or take alternative transport. Buses aren't horrible.
I HATE all of you who park at the end of rows, especially at Shady Grove. I have called the Metro police many, many times when I have seen illegally parked cars. You DO block traffic. You DO block people trying to back out of their spaces. I helped an old man once at Shady Grove back his car out of his space. It took about 20 minutes and we got his car out by about an inch. I know other people that have just gone home by cab or friend because they couldn't get their cars out because of one of you jerks. I LOVE it when you people get tickets. In fact, I keep the Metro police number programmed on my cell so I can call them as soon as I see one of you people parked at the end of one of the rows. Sometimes, Metro has already ticketed the cars and I get a giddy sensation of joy when I see thirty or forty cars ticketed as I try to weave my car down the parking garage levels at night without hitting all of your illegally parked cars. Metro has made a ton of money from my calls about your illegally parked cars. So, keep doing it at Shady Grove and I'll keep a calling. Gina, STOP YOUR WHINING!!!!
An annoyed rider's avatar

An annoyed rider · 753 weeks ago

I feel sorry for you people that think you can do whatever you like without consequence. METRO lots and garages are like any other parking area: you park legally or you risk ticket or worse, tow. Those that receive tickets should be glad that they don't have their vehicle towed as well and have to pay a couple hundred dollars in impound fees on top of the $50+ ticket. METRO would be making lots of money if they actually received money from tickets written by officers..

On that note, you that park at the ends of rows, in reserved spaces and other illegal areas- YOU CONTRIBUTE to crime on Metro. When people have to call in to Transit Police because of illegally parked cars, the police have to come take time to ticket countless illegally parked cars. Maybe we don't see more officers in the stations dealing with juveniles and other problems because YOU decided that you are SPECIAL and can park wherever you like. Think it through.
You really want to complain when you admit that you parked illegaly. You block traffic when you do that. You cause traffic accidents in the garages because drivers cannot see. It is a fire hazard that you park there when the fire department hase to come and cannot get any of their largers vehicles in because you block the ramps. Get over it and stop you complaining. Glad you got a ticket. Its sad that metro doesnt get the money for these tickets since its their property. Maybe we wouldnt have higher fares it they received the money from these violations. Hope you get towed next time.
You parked illegally. You need to take responsibility for this. It sets a big wheel in motion -- I can park at the end of the row -- and now I can park in unused handicap spots -- I can park in the middle of aisle because there's enough room to get around. Where does it stop? You take valuable FCPD time when they need to be doing something else (look at recent articles about speeding on Franconia/Fairfax Parkway or crime in this area.

You were selfish and irresponsible. Pay the $50 and learn from it. I'm tired of the whining when people are simply upset they got caught. I go into the office later and my work hours are later too (10-6:30). I know this means certain concessions about metro and parking and traffic. Use this as a "teaching moment" and get over yourself.
Just to confirm, tickets are written by local parking enforcement and the local jurisdiction gets the revenue from the fine.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Tickets are written by local police departments and Metros police but even though its metros property, the county or city get the revenue from the fines. Pretty stupid if you ask me. Metro police have jurisdiction in MD, DC and VA. Metro should get the revenue from all these tickets.
Anonymous's avatar

Anonymous · 753 weeks ago

Park at Macy's, floors 2, 4, 6. Pay $0.50 (new fare) on the S80 or S91 bus, or walk 10 minutes. With the $0.50 in each direction bus-metro discount, the bus fare is free. I'm almost certain I have seen signs and other advertisements about this system at Franconia-Springfield.
Oh yes, and the Springfield garage has free exiting until some late time in the morning, so if you don't find a spot, you can leave without paying.
annonymous's avatar

annonymous · 753 weeks ago

Sorry kid, the extra "space" at the end of the rows are needed not only for two way traffic, but for larger emergency vehicles. Better be thankful that you just have to pay a ticket rather then pay for the damage to your car and the damage to an emergency vehicle that was trying to navigate to an emergency inside the garage.

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