"This video appears to show a Metro Transit Police officer forcefully arresting a woman at the Gallery Place Metrorail station. I can tell you that the incident occurred at approximately 11:30 p.m., Sept. 16. However, the video did not provide a complete story of the events that occurred.
The officer initially observed the woman acting disorderly near the fare card machines. He asked her to leave the station. She exited the station and returned a short time later. The video begins when the officer approached her for the second time. She was continuing her disorderly behavior and was asked to leave by the officer. The woman refused to leave and began to argue with the officer. The officer decided to place the woman under arrest. While attempting to place handcuffs on her, she pulled her arm away, and when the officer reached for her other arm, she tripped over the officer’s foot, and they both fell to the ground. The officer dropped his handcuffs during the fall and attempted to restrain the woman as he reached for the handcuffs. He eventually handcuffed the woman and placed her under arrest. The woman was charged with disorderly conduct and unlawful entry. The case is scheduled to go to trial.
As soon as the video was brought to the attention of the Metro Transit Police on Sept. 20, the department launched an internal investigation. The investigation has been completed and it was determined that the officer acted lawfully and complied with departmental policies and procedures."
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
COPS comes to Metro
Original Youtube
Update from Metro:
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COPS comes to Metro
Unsuck DC Metro
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Apa · 754 weeks ago
Ala'a · 754 weeks ago
Ada · 754 weeks ago
WelcomeThrillho 91p · 754 weeks ago
@nevermindtheend · 754 weeks ago
Corresponding Toads · 754 weeks ago
She deserved to get tackled, if she was indeed getting in the cop's face. Bad idea to walk away from an officer when he's trying to get your attention. Another lesson learned. THANKS DC METRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@chrispulaski · 754 weeks ago
Nancy · 754 weeks ago
Corresponding Toads · 754 weeks ago
... she had gotten into the cop's face multiple times before storming off.
Also, the youtube account is something to laugh at:
Amy · 754 weeks ago
JOEB · 754 weeks ago
D-issle · 754 weeks ago
If you really want to do something about Metro, vote out Chris Zimmerman, Jim Graham, and Walter Tejada from their local offices. This will take them off the metro board too and hopefully open up seats to people who give a damn about those of us that rely on Metro for daily transportation.
Bottom line, don't mouth off to cops or plan on carrying really good dental insurance.
seancrates · 754 weeks ago
anonymous · 754 weeks ago
I will say she seems drunk and obnoxious, but I can't think of any reason a cop would have needed to use this much force given the woman was walking away.
He flipped.
Anon · 754 weeks ago
Link · 754 weeks ago
Guest · 754 weeks ago
Link2 · 754 weeks ago
joe · 754 weeks ago
Was this a MPD cop or a Metro cop?
Anon · 754 weeks ago
Steve Footman · 754 weeks ago
Marmot · 754 weeks ago
JBB! · 754 weeks ago
She was told to leave, she left and came back and started in with the officer. Too bad for her, she asked for it.
Former Metro Rider · 754 weeks ago
jmm · 754 weeks ago
More is More · 754 weeks ago
Was the girl being stupid? Yes. If she really wanted to ride the Metro, she could have walked around the corner to the other entrance to enter or walked a block over and got on at Metro Center.
Does stupidity warrant being treated the way she was? Not at all. She was walking away. The officer should have simply let her leave. To tackle her, (oh right, she tripped according to MTPD) and then leave her exposed to the word is absolutely absurd.
Numerous times I have rode on Metro and seen people expose themselves, hang like monkeys from the overhead poles on the trains, preach their religious beliefs to all those in earshot, or be so drunk they can barely stand. None of them get arrested. None of them get tackled.
Near riot-like fights have broken out at Metro stations, people have been assulted, or have had their belongings stolen from them and MTPD is NOWHERE to be found. But get a little mouthy, and you're going down!! It's stupid, it's ridiculous and it only proves how poorly run every aspect of Metro is.
okayavenue · 754 weeks ago
And because I couldn't see what the subject's interactions with the officer looked like before the video began, I can't comment on whether or not the officer's arrest was justified.
But his approach lacked finesse, to say the least. And anyone skilled in negotiations understands that if you can't get the result you're looking for one way, you try phrasing your demand differently.
I will say, however, that the subject lost my sympathy the instant she started laughing and gesturing to her friends. That tells me, no matter what *we* project on what we see here, that *she* did not feel as threatened as we feel for her.
Lincoln · 754 weeks ago
I don't get why MTPD keeps going after things like eating on the subway or drunks on the subway and not gangbangers on the subway getting into fights and whatnot.
hmmm · 754 weeks ago
the Police have gotten out of hand. A badge is not a license to be a complete prick and to violate laws. A study was conducted recently -- i will find and post the link -- that said something like 95% of disorderly conduct charges in DC are not prosecuted because the police use it as a kind of "catch-all" charge when they want to arrest someone but haven't actually witnessed a crime.
Guest · 754 weeks ago
JJ W · 754 weeks ago
I also don't see any sort of sexual connotation in this video. It doesn't look like the cop is getting off, so I'm inclined not to think she was "violated." Roughed up? Maybe, but violated has a strong sexual tone, and I frankly don't see it.
Dr. Law · 754 weeks ago
Dr. Law · 754 weeks ago
Stating the Obvious · 754 weeks ago
Jim · 754 weeks ago
kiel · 754 weeks ago
Tres · 754 weeks ago
Why do I say no reason? She was posing no threat, and he did not tackle her to arrest her. If you watch the video, you see that she was complying with his request to leave -- only after she complied did he assault her. What did she do in her act of compliance that justified his action immediately following her compliance? Her lawyers could argue he didn't intend to arrest her at all, that only after his violent, emotionally-driven outburst did he attempt to cover his actions by claiming it was an arrest.
Keep in mind an arrest could have been made with NO TACKLE. He could have used words, for instance. Therefore, the tackle is excessive use of force, possibly sexual assault if she gets a enough good lawyer.
sara · 754 weeks ago
Frank Barnes Sr. · 754 weeks ago
Ronster · 754 weeks ago
Bearcat · 754 weeks ago
It's scary to watch these uneducated retards take up for one another like they do. The only difference between a cop and a crook is a badge.
Stevo · 754 weeks ago
Doyle005 · 754 weeks ago
She was tackled, they did not trip over her feet. I know it would be better for the Metro Police force if they did trip, but they did not.
@kara_h · 754 weeks ago
Quite simply, a 21 YO (as she kept on saying) inebriated (assumedly) female is no match for a trained police officer. Especially when the latter is on top of the former and she has her hands behind her back. I will let someone else address his not handling handcuffs correctly (trapping her hair) and having her skirt be raised during the arrest.
The video also shows him threatening a bystander. The video was dark at that point so it was unclear if the person was interfering with the arrest but if not it would not have been call to do that. Either way, it goes to the judgement defence.
Yes, police often put their lives on the line and should be commended for doing so. But the tools used to do that can be misused as well.
Corresponding Toads · 754 weeks ago
Jmk · 754 weeks ago
Linda Silver Spring · 754 weeks ago
JOEB · 754 weeks ago
king friday 13 · 754 weeks ago
Max · 754 weeks ago
What's next, a post saying that the money spent on security would be better spent on greeters?
Burn Baby Burn · 754 weeks ago
todd · 754 weeks ago
Most pigs are failures protected by public unions, they baby sit that is all..
The DC cops certainly are failures - mostly overweight people standing around laughing and screwing around on their phones.
Anon · 753 weeks ago
@JGritty · 753 weeks ago
Buddy Hinton · 753 weeks ago
However, the worse part was when he said "stop resisting" when she wasn't resisting. That is dishonesty in the line of duty, and if that is not a fire-able offense it needs to be.
Guest · 753 weeks ago
"This is my station." Power trip much?
dunker · 753 weeks ago
William · 753 weeks ago
Canemaker · 750 weeks ago
mark · 750 weeks ago
snachodog · 741 weeks ago
coyote · 741 weeks ago
Why? Because we live in a country where supposedly deference to authority is actually not required by law. We must obey the law, but we don;t have to kiss the but's of the lawmakers or the cops. There is no law in any state that says that a cop is dictator of the 100 yards or so he or she is able to survey. There is not crime of contempt of cop. But that is why this lady was taken to the ground and to jail. She showed contempt of cop. You see exactly this in the comments above of people supporting the cop. They don't argue she committed any felony, they argue that she committed contempt of cop and deserved a good beating. This is a very scary attitude.
Metrorider · 741 weeks ago
guest · 741 weeks ago
(Fat F*** Pig should have been fired! And every one who thinks this is OK should move to Cuba or China!)
barbaraebj 74p · 722 weeks ago
Horrible and there is no way to defend this; the officers should be fired and charged with the crime of assaulting this woman. Drinking alcohol is not illegal if the person is above the legal age of the place where she is at that time.
E.R. · 672 weeks ago