Tuesday, October 12, 2010

COPS comes to Metro

Original Youtube

Update from Metro:

"This video appears to show a Metro Transit Police officer forcefully arresting a woman at the Gallery Place Metrorail station. I can tell you that the incident occurred at approximately 11:30 p.m., Sept. 16. However, the video did not provide a complete story of the events that occurred.

The officer initially observed the woman acting disorderly near the fare card machines. He asked her to leave the station. She exited the station and returned a short time later. The video begins when the officer approached her for the second time. She was continuing her disorderly behavior and was asked to leave by the officer. The woman refused to leave and began to argue with the officer. The officer decided to place the woman under arrest. While attempting to place handcuffs on her, she pulled her arm away, and when the officer reached for her other arm, she tripped over the officer’s foot, and they both fell to the ground. The officer dropped his handcuffs during the fall and attempted to restrain the woman as he reached for the handcuffs. He eventually handcuffed the woman and placed her under arrest. The woman was charged with disorderly conduct and unlawful entry. The case is scheduled to go to trial.

As soon as the video was brought to the attention of the Metro Transit Police on Sept. 20, the department launched an internal investigation. The investigation has been completed and it was determined that the officer acted lawfully and complied with departmental policies and procedures."

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This is horrifying. I don't care what she did, tackling her like that was uncalled for.
She is hardly the most obnoxious person I've seen on metro. And if she was leaving, why did she need to be taken down? I don't get it.
That was horrible, they disrespected her and she should file a report to the police department about the treatment that she received. it looked like the officer took it to the extreme. they are not around when fights break out on the metro but one drunk girl they are all about protecting everyone...the police at the metro are acting like metro...they SUCK!
This is sick. She may be a drunk asshole, but she was a drunk asshole who was leaving. This cop needs to grow a thicker skin instead of flipping out when his delicate ego is bruised.
Corresponding Toads's avatar

Corresponding Toads · 754 weeks ago

This video will be removed from Youtube momentarily (looks like she's being raped, you can see her underwear, etc). Surprised it hasn't been removed already, but it will now that Unsuck has posted it.

She deserved to get tackled, if she was indeed getting in the cop's face. Bad idea to walk away from an officer when he's trying to get your attention. Another lesson learned. THANKS DC METRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just what Metro needs: another lawsuit. I guess it's more fun to tackle and humiliate one drunk than to handle fights and the daily onslaught of rowdy kids.
Corresponding Toads's avatar

Corresponding Toads · 754 weeks ago

If you read the description on youtube...

... she had gotten into the cop's face multiple times before storming off.

Also, the youtube account is something to laugh at:

I do not understand what prompted the violent response of the officer. Unless the girl made a threat of some kind, the reaction of the officer seems completely out of line. There does not appear to be a need to tackle her, lay on top of her, and leave her backside exposed to the public for several minutes. I also do not understand the officer's repeated command to "Stop resisting." The girl does not appear to be resisting at all. In fact, how can she possibly resist when she's flat on her stomach with a man laying on top of her? This is an awful video.
"stop resisting" Typical cop behavior...
she mouthed off to a cop. not a good idea. The video is a bit hard to see when she's on the ground but it doesn't look like he was out of bounds in subduing her. For the 3 of you who commented above, I hope you never really need the cops.. You have no idea "what's called for" as you have no law enforcement training (watching "police academy" doesn't count). the Metro police go out there and do their job as best they can. The fact that there aren't enough of them to cover all the crime is not their fault but rather that of the Metro Board of Directors.

If you really want to do something about Metro, vote out Chris Zimmerman, Jim Graham, and Walter Tejada from their local offices. This will take them off the metro board too and hopefully open up seats to people who give a damn about those of us that rely on Metro for daily transportation.

Bottom line, don't mouth off to cops or plan on carrying really good dental insurance.
3 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
seancrates's avatar

seancrates · 754 weeks ago

does anyone have any idea what happened before the camera started filming?
anonymous's avatar

anonymous · 754 weeks ago

Tend to agree with the folks who think the cop should have just let the girl leave. Of course, we don't know what happened before the camera started rolling, but it appears the situation was winding down.

I will say she seems drunk and obnoxious, but I can't think of any reason a cop would have needed to use this much force given the woman was walking away.

He flipped.
I'm all for law and order, but...c'mon!
Mouthing off to the cops isn't a crime. No matter how much someone angers an officer, they can't abuse their power in retaliation. Freedom of speech includes being obnoxious. And if someone wants to call this disorderly conduct, I'd say BS because clearly the antagonizing goes both ways.
4 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
I don't know what everyone expects. She's getting arrested for disorderly conduct. Further, she was running away from the officer. I know that most of you believe that it's illegal to arrest white people in the District, but yes, you can be arrested too. I really hate the white privilege attitude in the city.
20 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Cops should be allowed to tazer more people for being stupid.
On many levels this video proves that cops don't get paid enough money.

Was this a MPD cop or a Metro cop?
Metro cop, Joe.
Steve Footman's avatar

Steve Footman · 754 weeks ago

What kind of home schooling did she have? Why is she acting like this? I can't have any pity for her. She needs to take her uncivilized behavior somewhere else. Show some respect please. It appears she has no respect for authority or right or wrong. I feel for her parents if they should see this. Shameful, just shameful. The cop seems to just be doing his job. All she had to do was shut her sailor mouth and act like an adult.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Sorry, dude was being a perv
A lot of you are posting like you were there and know what happened. She was drunk and disorderly, I don't care if it is a young women or thug, it is illegal no matter what. I bet if this was a 6 foot tall black man you all would have said way to go to the police. Drunk girls can be dangerous too, to herself and others.

She was told to leave, she left and came back and started in with the officer. Too bad for her, she asked for it.
6 replies · active 693 weeks ago
Former Metro Rider's avatar

Former Metro Rider · 754 weeks ago

That a take down, that was not "tripping"
I'm really glad to see Metro chime in, but I'm not sure I buy the story they present. I realize that this video is only a small part of the story, but it sounds as though they are equating the officer's declaration of "come here" with placing her under arrest, and his obvious attempt to detain her as an accident ("tripped") that was her fault, when that really does not appear to be the case.. Someone, please, tell me I'm off my rocker?
More is More's avatar

More is More · 754 weeks ago

I have to agree that the actions of the cop was highly inappropriate.

Was the girl being stupid? Yes. If she really wanted to ride the Metro, she could have walked around the corner to the other entrance to enter or walked a block over and got on at Metro Center.

Does stupidity warrant being treated the way she was? Not at all. She was walking away. The officer should have simply let her leave. To tackle her, (oh right, she tripped according to MTPD) and then leave her exposed to the word is absolutely absurd.

Numerous times I have rode on Metro and seen people expose themselves, hang like monkeys from the overhead poles on the trains, preach their religious beliefs to all those in earshot, or be so drunk they can barely stand. None of them get arrested. None of them get tackled.

Near riot-like fights have broken out at Metro stations, people have been assulted, or have had their belongings stolen from them and MTPD is NOWHERE to be found. But get a little mouthy, and you're going down!! It's stupid, it's ridiculous and it only proves how poorly run every aspect of Metro is.
okayavenue's avatar

okayavenue · 754 weeks ago

As a woman, this video was incredibly difficult for me to watch. Yes, it looks like sexual assault.

And because I couldn't see what the subject's interactions with the officer looked like before the video began, I can't comment on whether or not the officer's arrest was justified.

But his approach lacked finesse, to say the least. And anyone skilled in negotiations understands that if you can't get the result you're looking for one way, you try phrasing your demand differently.

I will say, however, that the subject lost my sympathy the instant she started laughing and gesturing to her friends. That tells me, no matter what *we* project on what we see here, that *she* did not feel as threatened as we feel for her.
6 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Sounds like the girl was being a moron, but the cop probably didn't need to be so rough with her.

I don't get why MTPD keeps going after things like eating on the subway or drunks on the subway and not gangbangers on the subway getting into fights and whatnot.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
I expect a law suit shortly, and from the video I expect that the city will settle shortly.

the Police have gotten out of hand. A badge is not a license to be a complete prick and to violate laws. A study was conducted recently -- i will find and post the link -- that said something like 95% of disorderly conduct charges in DC are not prosecuted because the police use it as a kind of "catch-all" charge when they want to arrest someone but haven't actually witnessed a crime.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Tripped? Laughable.
The takedown was something that should have been reserved for a dangerous offender. At the worst, she was an annoying drunk.

I also don't see any sort of sexual connotation in this video. It doesn't look like the cop is getting off, so I'm inclined not to think she was "violated." Roughed up? Maybe, but violated has a strong sexual tone, and I frankly don't see it.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
For those who say force wasn't needed, I invite you to restrain a combative child, let alone an adult the doesn't want to be cuffed. Then come back and tell me what you think. When a person is cuffed and controled they are less likely to hurt themselves or the officer. Most of you that criticize the work of law enforcement have never walked in their shoes. If you think you can do better then by all means apply. If not, you should show a little respect to the men and women that you're gonna call when you get into trouble.
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Mouthing off to the cops is not a crime. But once the cop starts to make an arrest, to pull away or resist is a crime.
Stating the Obvious's avatar

Stating the Obvious · 754 weeks ago

All you goddamn winers need to realize that white people can get locked up too for disorderly conduct. Nothing in the video is out of the ordinary- takedowns of people resisting a lawful order, orders of 'Stop Resisting' to someone refusing to put their hands behind their back, lockups of drunks who don't know how to listen, and white hangers on trying to talk cops out of arresting their friend when the decision has already been made. There's not going to be a lawsuit and she'll get a deferred prosecution (i.e. no charges as long as she stays out of trouble for a year). Pretty much a non-story except that in involves yuppies or students.
Fail by the cop. He seems very inexperienced.
who ever thinks she was tackled is stupid and obviously never played a contact sport. they fell... she wasn't tackled. she was arrested for 2 reasons disorderly and trespassing. i'm a police officer and for those of you who don't know the law, you can be arrested for disorderly the second your behavior disrupts even one person in the presence of a police officer... on head turning because your yelling is all it takes. and this was her second time back after being told to leave. he could have arrested her on sight when she came back but she got mouthy and was disrespected him so he arrested her, all with in his rights. if you feel you shouldn't be arrest the best thing you can do is just except it and go to court cause if the commissioner finds that there is no probable cause they will release you and feel free to sue to you hearts content.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
As she was leaving, he escalated the situation without any regard for the safety of other metro-ers, including her. It got personal. He wasn't arresting her, he cried out something that a hurt schoolboy might say ("Take it back!"), and then pride all a-fluster, decided to tackle her for no reason.

Why do I say no reason? She was posing no threat, and he did not tackle her to arrest her. If you watch the video, you see that she was complying with his request to leave -- only after she complied did he assault her. What did she do in her act of compliance that justified his action immediately following her compliance? Her lawyers could argue he didn't intend to arrest her at all, that only after his violent, emotionally-driven outburst did he attempt to cover his actions by claiming it was an arrest.

Keep in mind an arrest could have been made with NO TACKLE. He could have used words, for instance. Therefore, the tackle is excessive use of force, possibly sexual assault if she gets a enough good lawyer.
3 replies · active 704 weeks ago
As a female, I am embarassed by this (excuse me, I almost called her a lady) ignorant, spoiled brat's behavior. After watching this video she got what she deserved. I'm tired of reading all the whining going on in here about this poor little drunk girl. Watch the video and look at her behavior. She is the one out of line. For all those who think that was a hard take down - please! If she would have cooperated she would never have hit the floor. Again, it was her behavior and actions that caused this. Good on the cop for taking her away. As for all the snivelers complaining that too much force was used, again she was the one resisting. Unbelieveable. We have too many cowards hiding behind their keyboards Monday morning quarterbacking. Give me a break.
Frank Barnes Sr.'s avatar

Frank Barnes Sr. · 754 weeks ago

Finally Metro does something right. I ride the Metro regularly and I am sick and tired of this type of behavior. As a senior citizen I get fed up by the unruly behavior of today's youth. Where do they learn this stuff. Where is their respect. If this young lady acts this way to a unifomed police officer just think of the way she would have behaved toward a regular citizen. Honey, as you have learned, there are consequences to your actions. Have some self respect and dignity the next time you go out in public. As for the cop, thank you. I appreciate you being out there and doing what you do. However, be forewarned; there are many out there that have never been to a police academy, never served their country, never done anything. Yet, these same individuals will critique your actions. Hell, they know the law better than you or any other cop out there. And yes, they will post their sorry ignorant opinions on this site.
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
I am speechless after watching this video. But, I am more incredulous after reading some of these comments. We now know she was removed from the station prior to this video. Yet, she returns and gets in a cop's face. She is cursing up a storm and making a complete ass out of herself. Many on this site excuse her behavior because she is just "drunk". She disobeys the officer numerous times and she is finally rightfully arrested. But yet, brace yourself for this one, she is the victim. Wow! Who cares if she was walking away. She walked away prior to this video and returned. She has obviously been raised to show no respect to others. Perhaps this was her first lesson in life regarding public conduct and civility since she didn't get it at home.
3 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
go to www.officer.com

It's scary to watch these uneducated retards take up for one another like they do. The only difference between a cop and a crook is a badge.
I feel so bad for that sweet young poor innocent girl. There she was minding her own business doing nothing. Probably just returning from volunteer work at Bethesda Naval Hospital consoling some wounded warrriors, or just returning from working the food line at some D.C. homeless shelter. Then that police officer tackled her and locked her up. It is so sad. I could see if she had been carousing at some local watering hole and was creating a disturbance of the peace in the Metro with the mouth of a trucker. But this little flower was doing nothing. The strongest thing to touch her lips was lemonade. Anyone can watch the video and see for themselves. Poor thing.
Why do companies, cities, whatever...comment on things that have been video taped when the video clearly contradicts their statements?

She was tackled, they did not trip over her feet. I know it would be better for the Metro Police force if they did trip, but they did not.
Corresponding Toads's avatar

Corresponding Toads · 754 weeks ago

I'm sure none of these comments are affiliated with Metro police...
Completely outrageous. I hope that poor girl sues the hell out of this guy.
Linda Silver Spring's avatar

Linda Silver Spring · 754 weeks ago

Well, I am not a cop like everyone else who has chimed in on this site. I say that because everyone keeps saying "excessive force" and quoting laws like they know what they are talking about. I don't see excessive force at all. I see someone acting stupid with no regard to her fellow citizens. Furthermore, she has no respect for public transportation or law and order. She caused this whole debacle plain and simple. Good on the cop. I am glad he was out there to pick up this piece of trash.
If that were one of the mouthy teens that are so feared in gallery place would the outrage be the same?
king friday 13's avatar

king friday 13 · 754 weeks ago

Great, now can they go arrest the WMATA board, please?
Wow, what a surprise. One day Unsuck is critical of the lack of law enforcement and security in the Metro, the next day it's criticizing the enforcement of laws and security.

What's next, a post saying that the money spent on security would be better spent on greeters?
1 reply · active 753 weeks ago
Burn Baby Burn's avatar

Burn Baby Burn · 754 weeks ago

Metro is lucky she was white. If she wasn't, DC would be on fire by now.
wow, when did rape become part of arresting procedure?

Most pigs are failures protected by public unions, they baby sit that is all..

The DC cops certainly are failures - mostly overweight people standing around laughing and screwing around on their phones.
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
12-13 thugs fight in the metro - cops not seen or heard of for hours. 1 pretty white girl mouthing off - hammer gets laid. Who says racism is only white on black?
Buddy Hinton's avatar

Buddy Hinton · 753 weeks ago

The "leave / c'mere" command was incompetent for being unclear. "Freeze." or "Stop you are under arrest" would have been clear. It seems pretty undertsandable / excusable that the woman didn't follow the "c'mere" command given the manner in which it was being given. Frankly, once the officer said "leave" and she complied, he should have let her go, because anything else after that will just seem like the officer is jerking a person around for funsies. If he didn't want her to leave, then he shouldn't have said "leave."

However, the worse part was when he said "stop resisting" when she wasn't resisting. That is dishonesty in the line of duty, and if that is not a fire-able offense it needs to be.
Certainly wouldn't hold this girl out as a role model to my children, but bottom line, the police officer had a duty to be the bigger man. In this situation, that means not getting into a pissing match with a drunk and sassy but quite obviously harmless young woman.

"This is my station." Power trip much?
Look up the disorderly statute in DC. You cannot be disorderly to a police officer but when other people are standing around your actions cause a crowd to gather or flee( in this case they gather) you are violation of the law. What you dont know is that the officer threw her out previously for being too intoxicated to ride for her safety and she was disorderly then but he let her leave the station. She came back for more and was even more loud and boisterous when she came back. Good job to the officer for taking her crap the first time and not putting up with it the second time. You people that have no formal police or military training have no idea what they go through on a daily basis. She broke the law. Time to pay for it.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Where are these cops to tackle people on Metro that need tackling? (phone snatchers, kids that jump other kids, etc).
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
My perspective is that his is really about alcohol abuse not police abuse; it looks bad, but if the policeman dropped his handcuffs and was trying to reach for them, his safety takes precedance over the woman's modesty. I wonder if because she appears to be a pretty white woman we are more inclined to sympathize with her by projecting ourselves onto her. I've seen pleanty of people arrested whose pants fall down in the chase (just watch a few episodes of Cops) and don't hear outrage about that. Alcohol abuse is considered a sacred right in our culture; unfortunately sometimes there are consequences. Was the policeman perfect? Probably not,but police put up with crap all the time, and it seems he dealt with it with out backup as best he could. I would actually prefer the city to order her to AA treatment.
Disgusting and outrageous. None of us know what happened prior...but that does not matter ...it is illegal to molest a woman in that fashion and leave her buttock exposed to the public like that (that in itself is illegal). That is not in cop training...the cops I know would see this as an injustice...as it clearly is. Stop victim blaming...no one should ever be treated like that no matter what they do...the courts decide not the cops and he was clearly getting off...gross. I am sorry for the woman. I hope this video only serves to educate and i hope this woman gets justice. If that guys can't arrest a drunk person without sexually assaulting them he clearly cannot do his job.
Note to self: Never ride the Metro...
Wow, the clarity of thought on this site is pathetic. No one is saying that this woman is demonstrating human behavior we all should emulate. She was entirely in the wrong for being a pain in the rear, and was by no means the victim ... right up to the point she was thrown to the ground and arrested (while she was in the process of leaving, per the cops orders). Then she was indeed the victim.

Why? Because we live in a country where supposedly deference to authority is actually not required by law. We must obey the law, but we don;t have to kiss the but's of the lawmakers or the cops. There is no law in any state that says that a cop is dictator of the 100 yards or so he or she is able to survey. There is not crime of contempt of cop. But that is why this lady was taken to the ground and to jail. She showed contempt of cop. You see exactly this in the comments above of people supporting the cop. They don't argue she committed any felony, they argue that she committed contempt of cop and deserved a good beating. This is a very scary attitude.
Metrorider's avatar

Metrorider · 741 weeks ago

that officer should be fired and charged with assault.
That should teach her! No freedom of speech allowed on this Metro! Those cops are tough too! You see how he slammed that girl to the ground! What technique! Probably a Kung-Fu master. I hope that cop is on duty when the big crazy guy is acting up. Like to see his moves on that guy. Yeah right!
(Fat F*** Pig should have been fired! And every one who thinks this is OK should move to Cuba or China!)
This whole thing was totally uncalled for,in the first place, then it takes him way too long to cuff and arrest her which would be the reason to do this -- he is merely torturing her when she isn't even resisting -- then, it is horrible that this is posted on here in total embarrassment of her. All in all, the metro police officers involved in this ASSAULTED this woman and stayed on top of her in a sexually assaultive manner, pulling her hair and slapping her -- I kept hearing slaps -- and the whole time until the half-way point when I finally couldn't watch or listen anymore, her arm is loose and free and neither does she try to use that arm to do anything nor does he attempt to cuff it. He was a brute using his authority to sexually and physically assault someone while using the excuse that she had been drinking. She neither sounded drunk or looked drunk and was walking away when they went after her.

Horrible and there is no way to defend this; the officers should be fired and charged with the crime of assaulting this woman. Drinking alcohol is not illegal if the person is above the legal age of the place where she is at that time.
Looks like the victim filed a law suit. http://www.wjla.com/articles/2012/05/catholic-stu...

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