According to Metro, "The expectation is that all station managers greet and communicate with customers during their shifts."
From Colin:
What is this Walmart? Yesterday morning at the Farragut West station, a Metro employee was standing on the other side of the turnstiles wishing everyone a "good morning" or a "happy Tuesday" in much the same way that the greeter at a big box store might welcome you.Matt had a different take:
As nice as this is, my first reaction was to say, as I passed by, "Good morning, make the trains run on time."
A fellow Metro prisoner in front of me heartily agreed in a heavy German accent, expressing his outrage with the system which stranded us between Arlington Cemetery and Rosslyn for about 10 minutes this morning.
"The system sucks and what do they do?," he asked. "They make the effort not to fix anything but to have someone wish us good morning."
The question posed to us in the Express yesterday was "What can Metro do to make the system better without spending additional money?" I've got a few suggestions and putting greeters in the stations is not one of them.
I realize that putting the trains back on automatic control may be too much to ask, but it would be nice if they tried to figure out where the trains are in relation to one another. That would make my mornings much more enjoyable.
Yesterday morning, at Farragut West, the manager was greeting every customer at the faregates saying good morning. It was really nice to see.JW was mixed:
1) around 7:10pm last Wednesday I arrived at Clarendon. Of course, when I tried to leave, my Smartrip card had the "see station manager" error. After not being able to find a station manager or any other Metro employee for several minutes, I just went through the exit gate.Other items:
2) There was a Metro employee at Farragut West yesterday morning greeting all the passengers almost like a Walmart greeter. "Good morning everyone," "smile," etc. It may be a nice thought, but it seems like there are plenty of other things that the station employees should be doing. See 1 above.
Va. bid for more Metro board seats appears likely to be defeated (WaPo) Examiner
Metro ridership declining fast (TBD Video)
anon · 755 weeks ago
I guess what I'm saying is that after having to run that gauntlet I was then cheerily greeted by a should-be-doing-something-helpful-for-someone station manager, I wouldn't exactly be happy.
Ever and Anon · 755 weeks ago
Sizzle · 755 weeks ago
I'm set to receive Metro's automatic "something's f-d up" emails when there's a delay on the Red or Green lines. It used to work fine but within the last 3 weeks or so, I haven't been getting the emails until way after the delay has been resolved.
Example: yesterday morning around 6:45 or so, I was on the GL from Ft. Totten to Navy Yard. Our train was stopped and held at Shaw / Howard Univ. for almost 20 minutes because of a broken train at L'Enfant. I didn't get an alert on my Blackberry until 8:30 - almost two hours after the incident had been resolved!
What the hell, Metro? Even your system for telling riders how much you suck sucks!
@kara_h · 755 weeks ago
Corresponding Toads · 755 weeks ago
1. You always complain about Metro's lack of communication and...
2. You now complain when they sincerely open up to passengers via hearty good morning hello's
Negative thinkers always have negative things to say about openly positive people. The only thing these people (99.9% of metro riders) hate more than themselves is seeing other people happy.
I am of the self-loathing type, and every time that Express guy tries to hand me a newspaper with a hearty "GOOD MORNING", my soul pukes all over itself.
P.S. I'm looking for a vocalist for a music project I'm working on. just throwing that out there along with my soul barf
Andrew · 755 weeks ago
@FixWMATA · 755 weeks ago
Anon · 755 weeks ago
Sam · 755 weeks ago
Think of the busiest stations and how they get at rush hour. I commute from Franconia-Springfield and there are a LOT of non-locals who don't know how to use the Metro. Having someone (with people skills, unlike station managers) in the station to be able to help load farecards, assist customers in how to use the turnstiles, etc. is a good improvement.
Some people will always find something to complain about. Metro can give everyone a free ride and someone will complain that it wasn't fast enough. But I support this idea 100%.
Anon · 755 weeks ago
@VeggieTart · 755 weeks ago
No, by opening lines of communication, they mean informing people of delays in a TIMELY manner so people can try to find alternate transportation (yeah,right) or keeping people apprised of any issues, such as elevator/escalator outages, etc.
And one more thing: If only one escalator is operational and the other is frozen to be stairs, doesn't it make more sense to have the operational escalator going UP? My boyfriend and I were coming home from a concert last night, and we took a train to Gallery Place so we could walk to 11th Street to catch our bus. From the Red Line platform to the mezzanine, there was a frozen escalator and another one going down. Yeah, that makes a whole lot of sense.
keekerdc 1p · 755 weeks ago
It'd be another thing if station managers were spontaneously spending extra time they had in this manner, with said extra time existing because things were running so smoothly. Since this is obviously not the case and this is some brilliant directive coming down from a PR department...I think the eyebrow bowing at this is pretty valid, even if it's a bit cynical.
Sam · 755 weeks ago
mom5150 · 755 weeks ago
Meredith · 755 weeks ago
That being said, to the people who don't want to be told "Good morning..." Seriously? Yeah, maybe they're being told to stand there and talk, or maybe he just felt like being friendly. I know Metro sucks and I know the mornings are irritable for most people, but come on! Say "good morning" back and stop being an asshole. It's approximately .5 seconds of your life to be friendly, pleasant, and polite to another human being. No, Metro is rarely polite and accomodating to us and they're supposed to be providing the service, but do unto others.
Corresponding Toads · 755 weeks ago
I am an asshole who is incapable of caring about anyone but myself. I just want to get to my terrible job in the morning and get to my terrible house at the end of the day. I don't want to read the Express. I don't want a guy saying "G'MORNING!!" and shoving a copy of the express in my direct path every morning.
If a Metro employee ever said "Hello" to me, I would cry.
Ever and Anon · 755 weeks ago
Andrew · 755 weeks ago
anon · 755 weeks ago
Yes, seriously. My mommy told me not to talk to strangers.
Besides. They're being forced to do it. It's insincere and therefore insulting. On the long, long, long list of Crap They Fuck Up All The Time, "not greeting people" does not appear.
If someone at work says good morning to me, they're doing it because they are genuinely wishing me a good morning, hence they get one back. Not giving them one back does make me an asshole (or inattentive). Someone a METRO saying good morning to me is not doing so for that reason and hence doesn't deserve one in return. Not giving one back does not make me an asshole. Do you see the distinction?
TAllen · 755 weeks ago
@Rizzz · 755 weeks ago
Oh hell no.
Ever and Anon · 755 weeks ago
@FixWMATA · 755 weeks ago
Ever and Anon · 755 weeks ago
Aaron · 755 weeks ago
And then, of course, they not only weren't running on time but they were not matching up to the PID AT ALL. Blue Line, 1 minute actually meant Orange Line right now.
So yeah. Nice gesture, but just as clumsy as the rest of the organization.
Joanna · 755 weeks ago
Good morning, now stand the hell aside. Impeding the flow of traffic is unacceptable.
Matthew · 755 weeks ago
@Rizzz · 755 weeks ago
Fix the systemic issue, then feel free to waste your time greeting people.
Meredith · 755 weeks ago
@Rizzz · 755 weeks ago
Ever and Anon · 755 weeks ago
Matthew · 755 weeks ago
Ever and Anon · 755 weeks ago
I do not yell at cashiers. I do not yell at Metro employees either. (Why, do you?) But should I really be expected to pay a salary for someone who has no serious benefit to improving a dangerous and pitiful transportation system? If so, will they hire my dog? I could use the extra cash since I am spending so much more now on bad trains, dead escalators, closed elevators and nonresponsive card machines.
Anon · 755 weeks ago
"Our members go to work every day cognizant of their responsibility to perform a job on behalf of our customers – the riding public.”
@kara_h · 755 weeks ago
@kara_h · 755 weeks ago
anon · 755 weeks ago
KWM · 755 weeks ago
Meredith · 755 weeks ago
@VeggieTart · 755 weeks ago
@kara_h · 755 weeks ago
@ChrisHowdy · 755 weeks ago
Corresponding Toads · 755 weeks ago
See? How do you like it? Metro doesn't appreciate your snide comments.
@deafinthecity · 755 weeks ago
gooner71 · 755 weeks ago
This is not a solution to any problem other than the one of making METRO employees more able to assist patrons.
anon · 755 weeks ago
Colin · 754 weeks ago
krikket · 755 weeks ago
This was after I had to wait for the third elevator to go up to the station level. I walk with a cane so non-function escalators are of little use to me. It amazes me how many young people will knock me down just to get in the elevator. I know you can't tell a handicapped person by looks alone, but I think probably some of the 30 or so people who pushed me back were healthy enough to walk up the 25 steps from the platform to the station. Oh well, I made it to work on time, and God willing, will leave on time too..lol.
Happy Wednesday y'all.
Joe · 755 weeks ago
Anyway, WMATA/MoCo seem disinclined to add another escalator (or stairs) to the existing mezzanine so we will be dependent on the two we have for now. Great patience will lead one to the eventual construction of the new south entrance for the Bethesda station, which will ease the burden of the existing entrance/escalators and will provide a link to the Purple Line. 2018? Maybe.
Having greeters is not the worst idea that WMATA has come up with but it doesn't move the needle. Please tell me that this is not costing WMATA any money. Today's PID at McPherson Square: 6 car orange line in 6 minutes, 6 car blue line in 6 minutes, 6 car orange line in 6 minutes. Sixess wild!
@kara_h · 754 weeks ago
Anon · 755 weeks ago
New Carrollton is seeing a regular occurance now of a dead escalator and a dead (tiny) elevator at the same time. Only option - walk up the stairs. No announcements made ahead of time. Emails and calls result in "thanks for letting us know."
anon · 755 weeks ago
@kara_h · 754 weeks ago
I just think they are plain lazy and inconsiderate. Priority should go to seniors and the handicapped. Second tier to people with luggage and things like groceries. Everyone else can hoof it.
Guest · 755 weeks ago
Damned if they don't
Andrew · 754 weeks ago
@Rizzz · 754 weeks ago
Oh yeah, we're totally just a bunch of malcontents. *insert eye roll here*
Bill · 754 weeks ago
The bad managers act put out by reasonable requests. They especially like to reflexively blame customers for cards that don't read or some other accusation like not entering/exiting the gates properly (ie customer fault). For the good managers, it's redundant to tell them to get out from behind the desk because they do not sequester themselves to begin with.
J83 · 701 weeks ago
I've run into a TON of the group falls in category 2 as of late. As a matter of fact after 7 years of riding Metro, I had my first encounter with one that was pestering me so badly I asked "What?" and then shouted back irritated.
First time in over 2,000 trips I've expressed anger at a greeter and that is really saying something. Especially for the stressful ride known as Metro.
Get over yourselves. You give out FREE newspapers. No one's making a buck over it and it only hurts the environment using paper anyway.