Thursday, November 3, 2011

Is Mum the New Word on Red Line Delays?

Update: A Metro worker informs me that the delays may have been caused by a cable hanging from the tunnel ceiling.

From anonymous:
I was one of the many folks on the Red Line Tuesday afternoon who was stuck on a train, without moving and without any information, for more than 25 minutes.

When I contacted Metro via email after the incident, they replied "Per the Operations Control Center there is no evidence of any trains going in the direction of Glenmont or Shady Grove that held for longer than a couple of minutes ... We certainly hope to continue to be your choice for transportation services."

If that's the case, then their operations control center is worthless - hundreds of people waited on platforms or trains for a very long time during rush hour, and Metro seems to have no record of the situation.


There was absolutely no announcement, except for the normal (muffled) statement: "We will be moving momentarily" (which apparently means 25 minutes).

I was monitoring WMATA's website and Twitter account via my phone the entire time, and there was never any indication there was an issue.

The only accounts were people tweeting #wmata and @unsuckdcmetro. Riders were trying to get the word out, Metro was oblivious to the situation.
Other items:
"We must ensure that the Dulles extension is built to the same safety and reliability standard as the rest of the Metrorail system," wrote Metro spokesperson Dan Stessel in an email. "The residents of Fairfax and Loudoun Counties deserve no less."

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What Red Line delay? There was a few extra pauses with trains lining up at Silver Spring, but I noticed no significant delays at the 5:00 rush...
3 replies · active 698 weeks ago
The delay was towards Shady Grove - I was waiting on a platform. No train for 25-30 mins
what time? the OP doesn't say...

and thumbs down on a clarification comment? what a crowd of loyal regulars...
it was approximately between 5:05pm-5:35pm
That Stessel quote is priceless. He must have a pretty big grudge against Fairfax and Loudoun....
3 replies · active 698 weeks ago
I'm amazed at how quickly he became a jerk. Isn't he supposed to be the public face of metro? He doesn't couch his comments very carefully, and has offended me a number of times. Lisa Farbstein never ticked me off the way he does.
As one Metro employee said to me, "he's Metro's Vanna White."
sarles lapdog. so just imagine sarles is saying it. its like john catoe...but worse.
UnSuck Fan's avatar

UnSuck Fan · 698 weeks ago

Are we still discussing this? I gave up trying to get information from WMATA's web site and Twitter feed LONG AGO! The ONLY reliable sources are people tweeting about Metro and UnSuck DC Metro!

I'm sure Metro's not oblivious to any of their problems; they just choose not to mention anything. All they seem to care about it mentioning upcoming track work every weekend and the stupid unnecessary, time wasting chore of renaming every single station. Why don't we just see how many names we can legally cram onto a station sign or whatever the determining factor is and be done with it? If it can hold up to 100+ names, do it and get it over with already!
DC Denizen's avatar

DC Denizen · 698 weeks ago

That Times article is simply unimaginable. 70 articles of Metro property at the employee's home, including a generator he'd had there for 6 years, and they decline to prosecute due to lack of evidence? Wow. At least the article said that other Metro employees heard about this and started bringing stuff they "borrowed" back to work.
4 replies · active 698 weeks ago
This is Jackie Jeter's dream: You can steal stuff and not get fired.
She is a piece of shit.
Must be a dream job. Try taking home anything bigger than a pen from most businesses without express authority to do so.
former employee's avatar

former employee · 698 weeks ago

Metro does not try to theft proof their expensive equipment. One example is their parts vehicles. Have regular keys that can be duplicated. Funny strory, An employee had a key made while out making a legit part run. The following weekend he went to BW yard and "borrowed" the vechile for the weekend to move furniture. He got fired though. Another employee-20 years service. stole 4 gallons of bleach and was told not to it again.
I heard a rail wfc manager bought 3 refrigerators in 3 years and never gotaone fixed. this was on metro credit card to. Somebody need to monitor all the freeloaders.
The only updates on what were going on were tweets to unsuck, which were re-tweeted. Its sad when the watchdog is the only one updating us on this situation. This isn't unsuck's full time job for crying out loud.

Also, the person covering transportation for the largest newspaper in the Washington region (Dr. Gridlock) needs to get his due as well. NOTHING from him either. Time to start calling this guy out for his limp-wristed coverage of metro. Whether its sending him e-mails, comments in his blog posts, or invading his lunchtime chat by openly questioning his integrity, this is something that needs to happen. Enough is enough!
It's almost as if Metro is not even tweeting delays any more. None today abotu the offloads
Metro Ryder's avatar

Metro Ryder · 698 weeks ago

As usual the best way to find out about delays is by monitoring Twitter. I check it before I leave the office to see how much my commute will suck. Metro is useless at communicating with their customers.

Thank you Unsuck, FixWmata, and all the riders who keep the rest of us informed!
7 replies · active 698 weeks ago
It appears FixWmata's twitter has disappeared? WTF?
On hiatus, maybe permanently.
Any reason as to why? I enjoyed his work.
A few people seemed to have personal issues with him. Instead of just appreciating the service he provided to the rest of us, they argued with him every chance they got. I read one forum where they seemed to take joy in running him off. Now a valuable resource is gone. Selfish fools.
Were these like, metro trolls or something? I dont understand why someone like us would do that...
Two things. Did you know that if you go to . . it takes you, Interesting. I had a computer upgrade and lost my bookmarks.

Secondly, maybe FixWmata is waiting for next summer and will bring back Hot Cars? Hopefully he will pick it up this winter, with Cold Cars?
Metro Ryder's avatar

Metro Ryder · 698 weeks ago

Darn. I thought I saw a tweet from them the other day. Must have been someone else with a similar handle.

Regardless, thanks to the riders for getting the info out!
I was on a Red Line train this morning (heading into DC) and we were stopped in the tunnel just short of Judiciary Square for about 10 - 15 minutes. Some kind of announcement was being made over the loudspeaker, but no one could understand what the operator was saying. When we finally reached the platform at Judiciary Square, another announcement was made, but again it was not understood. Finally the operator's door opens and started motioning for people to exit the train. I'm still not sure what all happend, but we had to squeeze onto the tight contstuction filled platform at Judiciary Square. At this point and my experience with Metro, I opted to exit the station and walk the remaining 1.5 miles to work. I figured there would be enough of a train backup by now that I probably get to work quicker by walking anyway. I never did get an email from the Alerts stating the problem...go figure!
Wolfpackwx's avatar

Wolfpackwx · 698 weeks ago

I was stuck between Union Station and Judiciary Square for probably 15 min experiencing the same thing that the OP was talking about...nothing on Twitter...
If you don't tweet or send out an ealert, it never happened. at least that's how metro seems to view things. what a joke. how much does stessel make?
On Tuesday night, I arrived at the CUA-Brookland stop at around 8:15-8:20 and had to wait 40 minutes for a train toward Shady Grove. The worst it has ever been at that time is 9 minutes.

There was no announcement made during the entire 40 minute period, and the arrival screen was blank the entire time. I spoke with the station manager who had no idea that people had been waiting that long and that no train had come through. He was clueless. No explanation or apology ever given.
For Dan's quote:

Tom you made me laugh!

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