Srsly? how'd you like to sit in that seat next after those filthy shoes been there? nasty. i don't care how full the train is. it's wrong. no manners. where's his mama?
Yeah, but if they got their stank-ass filthy shoes up on the seat where my dry-clean-only dress-pantsed arse is going to be later, I am not a happy camper. I should start carrying one of those toilet seat cover dispensers around with me to cover the Metro seats before I sit ...
Except for the shoes, I would agree with you. If someone is on a train with a lot of empty seats, I have no problem with that person putting his/her bags on the seat next to him/her. I do have an issue with someoone putting his/her shoes on the seat.
These people disgust me! Who the F*CK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!? Just when I think humanity may be OK I take a look around me on Metro and remember we're all doomed.
Most of us agree that these guys are rude. However, on packed rush hour trains we don't see this that much, and if we do we can ask them to move their stuff.
What bothers me more is the d-bags who lean on the little glass walls right by the doors so they can read, and won't move to let people on or off. They have staked out that area, and what should be a two-person entry gets reduced to one, slowing down everything on already crowded trains. Move to the center, a-hole!
I hear ya. I once made a snarky remark to some little brat as I was changing trains, and he literally pushed me onto the platform (no, I didn't fall). Unless you're gettig off at the next stop, move away from the freaking doors.
The people on the glass are not just there because they're reading, usually they're there staking out our territory. That's fine if YOU STEP OFF THE TRAIN AT A STOP AND LET PEOPLE IN AND OFF *THEN* go back to "your spot". I'm a very patient person, and i don't care about a few rowdy kids being kids, or escalators not working, but this standing up on the glass really gets my blood boiling.
Totally agree. I used to get off at Court House, which was just awful. The exits were always blocked by some turd who couldn't be bothered to step off the train for five seconds to let people out. The worst was when people on BOTH sides of the exit would refuse to move, making it a one-at-a-time exit *and* a cramped one at that.
After a while I just said screw it and started stepping on their feet on the way out. If they can't be bothered to move to let people off the train, I can't be bothered not to step on their feet.
Yep, I step on their feet. If I can get a good angle on it, I hit them with my stiletto heel right on the toes. I get that you might get stuck in the doorway if the train is crowded, but step off the train to let people off! Don't just stand there like a human speed bump, or I'll treat you like one.
well, that's fine if the new riders *let you back on.* (yes i have stepped off the train only to have a bunch of assholes shove on, and not be able to get back on myself.)
I have had that happen just standing to let someone out of a seat. I got up to let someone off and two people rushed in and sat, leaving me standing there. I said, "You've got to be kidding! I only stood to let him out!" but they pretended to not hear me.
Which is why I don't move to the back of the line when I step off. I just push my way into a spot next to the door. It works, try it! Also, protip, if you're waiting by the door and people need to get off to let others off, back up a step.
Happened to me yesterday. Two people standing right in the doorway with 6 people trying to get on. Then one of them had the nerve to yell at me for brushing him with my bag as I squeezed past. Geez, sir, I know a really easy way to solve your problem- MOVE IN!
You actually think those seats are clean without anyone putting their shoes on them? You are dreaming! Should be more worried about the poles and hand holds that thousands of filthy hands have touched. Amazes me how many sick people get on trains, blowing/wiping their noses, coughing,sneezing etc and then go right ahead and grab those poles and hand holds. How many people put their handbags in the front seat of grocery carts where who know how many leaky diapered backsides have sat or worse set, set their handbags on the floor of wherever they are sitting, including Metro, restaurants and bathrooms? Personally - I will wash or dryclean everything I am wearing after riding Metro
When I'm actually sick, I try to avoid holding on to the poles/holds. However, I have really bad allergies and am really sensitive to cold, so I'm often sniffling/sneezing/coughing on the train because of someone's crazy perfume/cologne or because I had to wait 5+ minutes in the cold for a train. I get some seriously dirty looks, but (a) it's not like you're going to catch my allergies and sensitivities, and (b) I wouldn't be coughing/sneezing/sniffling so much if people could lay off the smelly stuff. I cough/sneeze into my elbow and carry tissues, but I can't help it!
Sanitation is one thing (and I agree, I don't want to sit on a seat that someone else has essentially walked on) but wear and tear is another. One reason we don't put our feet up is that it accelerates the deterioration of the seat and the need to replace it. It's one of the reasons you're not allowed to eat or drink on board (although that one is more-than-routinely ignored). Spills and dirt from shoes and tears that result mean the seat has to be replaced before it otherwise would.
I don't know about you but I don't want to give Metro any more work than they already have.
There is an Asian woman every morning on the 5:35 Orange Line out of Vienna, the first metro car, that has her Red Bag in the seat next to her, EVERY MORNING, GURANTEED!. One morning one rider tried to pick up her bag to sit down, and her face was epic. It looked like the rider moved her child from the seat or something.
Personally I couldn't care less if someone puts their shoes on another seat. Those seats are bound to be germ-ridden anyways. No matter what we do, we are NEVER safe from germs!
If it bothers you so much, bring some sanitizing wipes with you and wipe the seat before you sit down. Or maybe metro should start installing wipes at stations like they do at grocery stores.
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June 9, 2010 "Apparently, you believe in slavery." Feb. 23, 2010 "Our members go to work every day cognizant of their responsibility to perform a job on behalf of our customers – the riding public.”
@carlosdelvaca · 696 weeks ago
anon · 696 weeks ago
DC Denizen · 696 weeks ago
@chrisunwired · 696 weeks ago
Also, in some cultures showing the bottoms of your feet/shoes is an insult - this is a multicultural city.
Jamie · 696 weeks ago
I should start carrying one of those toilet seat cover dispensers around with me to cover the Metro seats before I sit ...
joa · 696 weeks ago
@VeggieTart · 696 weeks ago
Klopsi · 696 weeks ago
@chrisunwired · 696 weeks ago
John · 696 weeks ago
Matt G · 696 weeks ago
DC Denizen · 696 weeks ago
MadAsHeck · 696 weeks ago
What bothers me more is the d-bags who lean on the little glass walls right by the doors so they can read, and won't move to let people on or off. They have staked out that area, and what should be a two-person entry gets reduced to one, slowing down everything on already crowded trains. Move to the center, a-hole!
@chrisunwired · 696 weeks ago
John · 696 weeks ago
@VeggieTart · 696 weeks ago
superseiyan -99p · 696 weeks ago
Abel Magwitch · 696 weeks ago
After a while I just said screw it and started stepping on their feet on the way out. If they can't be bothered to move to let people off the train, I can't be bothered not to step on their feet.
Curious George · 696 weeks ago
dddddda · 696 weeks ago
guest · 696 weeks ago
jimlcunningham 80p · 696 weeks ago
dddddda · 696 weeks ago
DC Denizen · 696 weeks ago
Red Line Rider · 696 weeks ago
wouldratherdrive · 696 weeks ago
dddddda · 696 weeks ago
Metro Ryder · 696 weeks ago
Alvin · 696 weeks ago
I don't know about you but I don't want to give Metro any more work than they already have.
Kathryn · 696 weeks ago
JWalk · 696 weeks ago
jimlcunningham 80p · 696 weeks ago
jimlcunningham 80p · 696 weeks ago
jennifer · 696 weeks ago
If it bothers you so much, bring some sanitizing wipes with you and wipe the seat before you sit down. Or maybe metro should start installing wipes at stations like they do at grocery stores.
Steve · 696 weeks ago